~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 05-01-2012 – Wind's blowing

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Tue, 05/01/2012 - 14:12

~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 05-01-2012 

Wind's blowing~




Wind is today’s topic!

With all that it might bring with it.

Rain, hail, tornadoes (in the most unexpected places-we said cleaning IS Global), floodings and lightenings, which actually had a very High impact in India.



The Sun had some C flaires Wind is at 443Km/s

Updated 5/1/2012 @ 17:10 UTC

Solar Update

Solar activity is currently at very low to low levels. A new sunspot is forming towards the southwest of Sunspot 1469 in the southern hemisphere. There will continue to be a chance for C-Class flares.

The Sun Sends A Distress Message | - Solar Flare




India Ferry Capsizes Due to Heavy Rain and Winds; 103 Dead, 100 Missing

Anupam Nath

The Associated Press

Tue, 01 May 2012 00:00 CDT




Tornado filmed coming in off the Irish Sea in Bray, Ireland

Irish Times
Sat, 14 Apr 2012 17:00 CDT

© East Coast Kayaks
A screen shot from footage of the over water tornado reported off the Wicklow coast this morning.

An over water tornado has been reported off the coast of Bray,Co Wicklow, this morning.

The weather phenomena, also known as a seaspout, occurs over a body of water and is connected to a cumuliform cloud formation.

They do not suck up water and the funnel cloud is water droplets formed by condensation.

Seaspout are often associated with active weather fronts and can appear at during thunder, lightening or strong winds.

Met Éireann said while it had no record of a tornado, the right conditions existed for one.





Violent tornado near Toulouse, France



  • May 1, 2012Posted in: Tornadoes
  • Last week we were reporting about tornado seen in Netherlands. Now a tornado touched down in the countryside of southern France on Sunday. Only minor damage was reported. According to a French website, Meteorologic, the tornado was rated as an F-1, implying highest winds about 115 to 180 km/h (73-112 mph).
  • The tornado was first sighted 15 to 20 kilometers (9 to 13 miles) south of Toulouse around 7:10 p.m. local time. The tornado then moved towards in a northeasterly direction toward the southern part of the city of Toulouse, France. Only minor damage was reported including collapsed walls, uprooted trees and cars moved out-of-place in Toulouse. The dust-laden funnel played beneath a thunderstorm and this was confirmed by numerous videos online. Here are some:




Flooding on the Arabian Peninsula



April 30, 2012Posted in: Floods


Torrential rains caused flooding in parts of Saudi Arabia and Oman in mid- to late April 2012. News reports blamed the floods for damaged buildings, washed out roads, 18 deaths, and about 12 people missing. As of April 21, police and air force personnel were engaged in search-and-rescue operations.

The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Terra satellite observed evidence of flooding along the borders between Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and Oman in April 2012.




Mass Bird Deaths: Peru examines deaths of more than 500 pelicans

Mon, 30 Apr 2012 12:19 CDT

The government of Peru is investigating the deaths of more than 500 pelicans along a 70km (40-mile) stretch of the country's northern coast. Officials say most appeared to have died on shore over the past few days.

Scientists have also found the carcasses of 54 boobies, several sea lions and a turtle. They were found in the same region where some 800 dolphins washed ashore earlier this year. The cause of their death is still being investigated.

The Peruvian government said it was "deeply worried". A preliminary report said that there was no evidence to show the pelicans had died at sea, but rather on the beach where they were found.

But it said further tests would be needed to establish the cause of death. The Peruvian Maritime Institute (Imarpe) said so far 538 dead pelicans and 54 boobies had been found in various stages of decomposition, although most appeared to have died recently.

In addition, five badly decomposed sea lions and a turtle carcass had been found on shore, Imarpe said. Local media reports suggest more than 1,200 dead pelicans have been found in the Piura and Lambayeque regions.



Slight increase in tremors and ash emissions at Ecuador’s Tungurahua volcano

Posted on May 1, 2012

May 1, 2012 – ECUADOR - The Geophysical Institute of the National Polytechnic School today reported a slight increase in seismic activity and ash from the volcano Tungurahua. According to the Geophysical, from about 13:00 the seismic activity is characterized by the generation of a constant tremor signal, high frequency energy that remains. Also he could see a column of about 3 km emission with moderately high ash load and direction of movement to the west and south-west.  Also reported minor ash falls in the sectors of El Manzano, Choglontús and Cahuají, south-west of the volcano, with almost constant roar of varying intensity. –La Hora (translated)



Indonesia’s Mount Lokon volcano erupts again

Posted on May 1, 2012

May 1, 2012 – INDONESIA – Mount Lokon volcano in North Sulawesi erupted again at 11:55 a.m. local time on Tuesday. The latest eruption was larger in magnitude compared to the eruption last Wednesday but local residents were more prepared. The eruption was preceded by a number of mild earthquakes over a span of two minutes. National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) spokesman Sutopo Purwo Nugroho said smoke plumes reached 2,500 meters in height when Mount Lokon erupted. According to geologists with the Volcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation Center (PVMBG), it is not time for residents to evacuate yet, but evacuation sites are being prepared just in case. The BNPB has deployed a team to keep the situation in Mount Lokon under control. The agency has also prepared transport, Rp 400 million (US$43,600) in cash and other equipment.  –Jakarta Post


Lightning kills 26 people in India



  • May 1, 2012Posted in: Severe Storms
  • Twenty six people were killed and 16 others injured Sunday after being struck by lightning in Howrah in West Bengal and various districts of Andhra Pradesh state.
  • Sixteen people were killed Sunday in multiple lightning incidents in the southeastern state of Andhra Pradesh, the IOL News website said on Monday. Victims were said to be farmers or the homeless, caught outdoors in the storms. The storms also uprooted trees and damaged thatched buildings.


Latest Earthquakes Report - May 1, 2012




If you missed our last Energy Update:



All my Love, ANdReA

~And MotherFatherGod, The Galactic Free Press Staff, Earth Allies, GroundCrew Staff ans Earth’s Transitory Government~


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