Submitted by Lia on Mon, 05/02/2011 - 16:18




I am Mother God. It is with the greatest love that I am here tonight to deliver this message to all of humanity, to all of my children.

I am here tonight to speak to you of judgment and compassion. Although we have spoken to you many times in the past, I believe it is time now to speak to you again of this. When I speak of judgment I would like for you to relate to be as what you call the devil and hell is where you put yourself when you base your choices on judgment. There is truly no devil or hell, only the perception of this because you have created this on earth. When I speak of hell being the place you put yourself through choices of judgment I simply mean that through your judgments you have chosen to put yourself above another human being and in doing so you have judged yourself.

Judgment truly is the one and only sin. Many human beings on earth today have many different perceptions of what sin is and this has been created through their judgments. In reality judgment is the only true sin. Judgment goes against your own true nature, the nature of who you truly are. You are a being of compassion and love. This is your true nature and always has been your true nature. This is why I say to you to relate judgment to what you refer to as being the devil for this is truly what it is.

In reality judgment is a lower vibrational energy and this is because it is what you have created on earth. When you judge someone or something you actually lower your vibrational energy also. Compassion and love are higher vibrational energies and when you make your choices through compassion and love you raise your vibrational energy. It is through the eyes of comapssion and love that will truly see your Father and I. You will know that I am your Mother and Father God is your Father throughout eternity.

Through forgiveness and mercy you will release yourself from the bondage of judgment. Judgment truly binds you or puts you in prison if you would like to look at it this way because it locks you in that one point in time. You find yourself having a very, very difficult time moving away from that which you have judged. Through forgiveness and mercy for yourself and forgiveness and mercy for others you allow yourself to be set free from this bondage or released from that prison cell. Through forgiveness and mercy you are able to move to a perception of compassion and once again this is your true nature. When you are able to reach the perception of compassion you will certainly find more peace, joy, and happiness in your life and compassion is simply understanding. When you understand you do not judge.

Compassion was the message that Jesus gave to all of you 2000 years ago. Through misinterpretations and through the mind of man many of his teachings have been turned around. Jesus only taught of love. Love for your Father and Mother, love for yourself and love for others. These were his true teachings. When you can truly come to a state of being love in its’ purest form you will not know judgment.

Your Father and I have seen more and more compassion on earth today and this brings us great joy and happiness. It has always been our will for you to know us and to know the love we have for you. It is truly the wish of your Father and I for all human beings to move away from judgment and to move in to a state of being compassionate. We know this will happen. The more human beings who reawaken to their Soul, the more the energy of compassion will flow throughout earth. I mean this literally for earth herself is a flowing energy. As you raise your own vibrational energy you are also helping Mother Earth to raise her vibrational energy. Many of you are already remembering your connection to Gaia or Mother Earth and you are realizing that your consciousness and her consciousness are one and the same. When you raise your own consciousness you are also hepling Gaia to raise her consciousness.



There is a time coming very soon when great changes will come about on earth. We are already beginning to see this happen. More and more of our children are becoming less judgmental and more compassionate and this brings to your Father and I a great feeling of pride. We are so very proud of so many of you. Your whole lifetime on earth is about choices or potentials. It is through these choices or potentials that you have led yourselves to where you are right now. Your consciousness is moving towards the higher vibrational energy of compassion. You are seeing this in the aftermath of what you call tragedies on earth. These tragedies as you call them are in reality showing you your true nature. They are showing you the great compassion that you have within yourself and this is as individuals and as a species.

It is time now for you, our children, to reawaken to your Soul and to remember who you truly are. It is time for you to remember your true nature. It is time now for you to make your choices through compassion and love. When you do this you will see the great creators you truly are.

It is my greatest wish for you tonight to reawaken to your Soul, to have faith and consciousness, and to truly love each other. Your Father and I are so very, very proud of you all of you and we have pure unconditional love for all of you and all of our creations. You know that you are all equal in our love. So I ask you tonight to become less and less judgmental and to become more and more compassionate. This is truly the nature of your being. Love is who you are, love is who you always have been, and love is who you always will be. It is with the greatest of love that I deliver this message to you. It is with the greatest of hope that I have for humanity that I know this message will be heard. You are all my children, you are all deserving, and you are all loved. I am Mother God.


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