~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 05-2-2012 – Mother Earth keeps expressing herself

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Wed, 05/02/2012 - 16:44

~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 05-2-2012 – Something is going on~



Greetings Love Beings,

finding news becomes more and more difficult, as if someone was trying to hide what's going on on Mother Earth=Heart... no way, we'll dig it out!

It's Love Planet and nothing can ever escape for long to Consciousness attention.

We're all One on Her and here to push Love's Energy to the Highest grade! In the no matter what!

Love her, caress her, nurture her, See her, walk on her, smell her... you're all part of Her!


Please, share Love, share information, share Truth.

Thank you Love.



Aquarid meteor shower to coincide with super moon

Posted on May 2, 2012

May 2, 2012 – SPACE – Earth is entering a stream of debris from Halley’s Comet, source of the annual eta Aquarid meteor shower. Because the shower’s radiant is located below the celestial equator, southern hemisphere observers are favored, but even northerners will be able to see at least a few flecks of Halley-dust disintegrating in the atmosphere when the shower peaks this weekend. The best time to look is during the hours before sunrise on Sunday, May 6th. Bright moonlight will cap the meteor rate at about 30 per hour. In recent nights, NASA’s all-sky meteor network has picked up a number of early eta Aquarid fireballs. –Space Weather

There are no coronal holes on the Earthside of the Sun


Dust over West Africa



– May 2, 2012Posted in: Dust Storm

Dust continued blowing over western Africa on April 30, 2012.. An especially thick plume of dust blew over southwestern Mali and Guinea.

At least some of the dust appeared to originate in Mali, the country in the northeast of this image. Senegal lies in the northwest corner of the image, and Guinea is to the south. The large, landlocked nation of Mali receives little rainfall, but because northeastern Mali lies within the Sahara, and southwestern Mali lies within the Sahel, the country has a north-south rainfall gradient, with more precipitation falling in the south. By April 2012, however, southwestern Mali was coping with severe drought.


Mount Lokon volcano in North Sulawesi erupted again on May 1, 2012



– May 2, 2012Posted in: Volcanoes

Mount Lokon, stratovolcano in North Sulawesi (Indonesia) erupted again at 11:55 a.m. local time on Tuesday, May 1, 2012.

The latest eruption was larger in magnitude compared to the eruption last Wednesday but local residents were more prepared.

The eruption was preceded by a number of mild earthquakes over a span of two minutes.

National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) spokesman Sutopo Purwo Nugroho said smoke plumes reached 2,500 meters in height when Mount Lokon erupted.

According to geologists with the Volcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation Center (PVMBG), it is not time for residents to evacuate yet, but evacuation sites are being prepared just in case.

The BNPB has deployed a team to keep the situation in Mount Lokon under control. The agency has also prepared transport, Rp 400 million (US$43,600) in cash and other equipment.

Other emergency teams are on stand-by in Malang’s Abdul Rahman Saleh Airport with Hercules C-130 aircraft ready for evacuation. “Everything is ready,” Sutopo said.

The twin volcanoes Lokon and Empung, rising about 800 m above the plain of Tondano, are among the most active volcanoes of Sulawesi.

Lokon, the higher of the two peaks ( whose summits are only 2.2 km apart), has a flat, craterless top. The morphologically younger Empung volcano has a 400-m-wide, 150-m-deep crater that erupted last in the 18th century, but all subsequent eruptions have originated from Tompaluan, a 150 x 250 m wide double crater situated in the saddle between the two peaks.

Historical eruptions have primarily produced small-to-moderate ash plumes that have occasionally damaged croplands and houses, but lava-dome growth and pyroclastic flows have also occurred.

Source: thejakartapost.comvolcano.si.edu


Number 52: Mount Asphyxia volcano erupts in Sandwich Islands group

Posted on May 2, 2012

May 2, 2012 – SANDWICH ISLANDS – A plume of volcanic smoke is seen rising from the appropriately-named Mount Asphyxia volcano, located on Zavodovski Island in the southern Atlantic. The image was acquired on April 27 by NASA’s Aqua satellite. Zavodovski is part of the South Sandwich Islands, a group of 11 British-owned islands located 217 miles southeast of South Georgia, off the tip of South America. Only 3.1 miles wide, the icy island is dominated by the 1,800-foot-high stratovolcano. Aptly named, the sulphuric fumes from Asphyxia coupled with the stench of penguin droppings — the island is a breeding ground for millions of chinstrap penguins — can be suffocating for human visitors. The plume is seen here snaking into upper-level winds where it takes a turn to the northwest. The other islands exhibit swirling cloud vortices on their lee sides, created by their disturbance of prevailing winds. –Discovery News


Cascadia tension: earthquake swarm continues off the coast of Vancouver

Posted on May 2, 2012

May 2, 2012 – CANADA – Experts say a “swarm” of small earthquakes off the northwest coast of Vancouver Island are part of the normal seismic activity in the area, and they could continue for several more days. 8 small quakes have hit in recent weeks. A 4.0 magnitude earthquake that struck just after midnight on Tuesday morning was the eighth small quake with a magnitude between 3.8 and 4.7 to strike the region since April 22.Pacific Geoscience Centre Seismologist Gary Rogers said the activity is focused along a 20-kilometre stretch along an area called the Raveer Delwood Fault, located about 200 kilometres offshore. “In the very thin crust that we have out there off our west coast of Vancouver Island, it often fractures in a series of small earthquakes, usually about this size being the maximum.” Rogers said more small earthquakes are expected in the area over the next week. “They often go on for days. There’s been a lot of smaller ones, so eventually they’ll wind down, but typically, what we’ve seen in the past is that most of these swarms last a few days to a week or so.” A similar but more powerful swarm that stuck the same area in August 2008 included a magnitude 5.2 quake. Experts have been warning a major earthquake hits B.C. every 500 years, and the last one was in 1700. But they said the swarm of small earthquake activity does not indicate a larger earthquake is more likely in the short term. The last significant quake to rattle the West Coast was a magnitude 6.5 tremor centered that struck about 50 kilometres off the west coast of the island in September of 2011, swaying high-rises as far away as Vancouver, Kelowna and Seattle. –CBC


Forest / Wild Fire in USA on Wednesday, 02 May, 2012 at 06:27 (06:27 AM) UTC.


EDIS Number:


Event type:

Forest / Wild Fire


Wednesday, 02 May, 2012 at 06:27 (06:27 AM) UTC






County / State:

State of Utah





Thunderstorm in Nepal on Wednesday, 02 May, 2012 at 12:02 (12:02 PM) UTC.

Base data

EDIS Number:         EC-20120502-35058-NPL

Event type:      Thunderstorm

Date/Time:      Wednesday, 02 May, 2012 at 12:02 (12:02 PM) UTC

Last update:     ---

Cause of event:       

Damage level: Unknown Damage level

Geographic information

Continent:       Asia

Country: Nepal

County / State:       

Area:        Kishanganj district

City:         Balwatoli

Coordinate:      N 26° 40.794, E 87° 27.624

Number of affected people / Humanities loss

Foreign people:        Affected is unknown.

Dead person(s):        6

Injured person(s):   50



Landslide in China on Wednesday, 02 May, 2012 at 08:46 (08:46 AM) UTC.

EDIS Number:         LS-20120502-35057-CHN

Event type:      Landslide

Date/Time:      Wednesday, 02 May, 2012 at 08:46 (08:46 AM) UTC


Damage level: Unknown Damage level

Geographic information

Continent:       Asia

Country: China

County / State:        Hubei


City:         Shennongjia



Extreme Weather in China on Wednesday, 02 May, 2012 at 20:11 (08:11 PM) UTC.

EDIS Number:         ST-20120502-35059-CHN

Event type:      Extreme Weather

Date/Time:      Wednesday, 02 May, 2012 at 20:11 (08:11 PM) UTC      

Damage level: Minor Damage level

Geographic information

Continent:       Asia

Country: China

County / State:        Jiangxi Province

Coordinate:      N 28° 40.465, E 115° 54.551

Number of affected people / Humanities loss

Foreign people:        Affected is unknown.

Dead person(s):        4



Explosion in Russia [Asia] on Wednesday, 02 May, 2012 at 20:16 (08:16 PM) UTC.

EDIS Number:         EX-20120502-35060-RUS

Event type:      Explosion

Date/Time:      Wednesday, 02 May, 2012 at 20:16 (08:16 PM) UTC

Cause of event:       

Damage level: Unknown Damage level

Geographic information

Continent:       Europe

Country: Russia [Europe]

County / State:       

Area:        Mulino

Coordinate:      N 55° 31.718, E 41° 52.793

Number of affected people / Humanities loss

Foreign people:        Affected is unknown.

Dead person(s):        5

Injured person(s):   3




If you missed our last Energy Update:


All my Love, ANdReA

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