A Personal Experience of 5D Earth: Grounding Unity

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 05/03/2012 - 11:19

Namaste All, and great day to YOU!

This is a a personal story... A story about grounding and living in the 5th dimensional Planet Earth TODAY. There are many hows and whys. Grounding Unity Consciousness is a personal process that only YOU can make. These stories are shared for YOUr own personal benefit. It is possible for all because that is where we are. On this day, the gift is YOUrs if YOU are willing to let go of how YOU remember YOU saw things yesterday.


The first question is what does it mean to ground Unity Consciousness? It means that YOU make decisions based purely on knowing that everything around YOU is YOU. All that YOU experience IS YOU. A really great modality of seeing this is psychology 101. Anything YOU say about YOUrself or anyone else is first and foremost a reflection of YOU and who YOU are... and YOUr belief systems. Indeed, having discussed this with some lightworkers, there is some tendency of a third and fourth dimensional consciousness to get caught up in what is termed "The Hall of Mirrors." Did YOU cause it? or did I cause it? or am I expressing the effect of it? Are YOU expressing the effect? Which came first? the cause or the effect? All of which points to taking personal responsibility! Also, allow others to explore themselves as "they" need without pushing. The co-creation of experience is that perfect.


These are valid paradoxes within the dimensional framework of linear time and space. This is not so when vibrating above the condensed space-time framework. All paradoxes are, in a sense "resolved"... when ALL is ground as Unity. The cause is the effect and visa versa.


The True Nature of Time (and Space)

Many have said that time doesn't exist; that there is only RIGHT NOW and RIGHT HERE. What does that mean? Is there a framework for understanding and grounding these concepts? YES! The mathematics of time is a gateway to grounding RIGHT NOW. There are an infinite number of infinite "irrational numbers" between 1pm and 2pm. In order for time to move from 1pm to 2pm, an infinite number of irrational numbers must be traversed. We break time down by the passage of infinity through a sequence of markers... but infinity must be traversed to reach each marker. From a third dimensional perspective, how can there be change without time? There is a much easier perspective that pulls apart the concept of zero time NOW... Twist the number Zero 180 degrees into infinity. We are riding the edge of the ever expanding crest of infinity of all time that every was and will be. Any changes made to NOW echo through the future and the past!


Why is this important? As veils of time thin, thought itself becomes the attractor of experience. Synchronicity accelerates. Time becomes more slippery and loose to provide a more non-linear time/change experience. As such, using present tense vastly increases the amplitude (power) of written and sound complex distortions.


How does One know that they are grounding non-linear time? Synchronicities accelerate. Noticing synchronicities is enhanced by the thought that YOU are creating YOUr reality. At first there may be a few each week. Then a few each day. This momentum proceeds. 10 each day... 25 each day... 50... 100... 500... 1000... I am personally experiencing several per second, every second, of every day. At what point can it be said that One is literally consciously creating their reality? hehehe. These have always been there, we just never noticed them in 3rd dimensional consciousness.

Letting go of the fear vibration is an absolute must to become so affective. Indeed, within Unity, there is no need for fear. All the recurring thoughts are non-sequitor to realizing One's Godhead. Any fear vibration can produce a spin out crash back into the third and fourth dimensional consciousness. Like a toddler learning to walk, we get up again and keep going.


Third Dimensional space is a matrix of condensed light. It is a hologram made up of 4th dimensional horizontal thoughts and feelings and vertical spirit/consciousness essence. Each "particle" of the hologram is the SAME particle interacting with itself. Star people call this one infinite particle the "Prime Radient." Nassim Haramein indicates that this one particle is a black hole. A black hole is a rip in space-time (and time-space). Given that all particles are extra-dimensional, they rip time and space to the same "place" at the same "time" of here/everywhere, and now/all time. Watch Nassim discusses the Unified Field Theory of Consciousness.


The best way to look at space as being only ever RIGHT HERE is that no matter where you go, you are always HOME. Home is where the Heart is... which is always right where you are... here and now.

This leads to a very interesting personal story about having a multi-dimensional time-space experience.


A few weeks before New Years Eve 2011, very religious friend of mine said that he spoke to God. God told him that Source was going to provide a very special experience... possibly even stop time one second before the New Year of 2012 and then start it again. That last night of 2011, I went for a walk around 11:30pm. It was a long meander around a park. Upon arriving at a lake in a nature area between a few housing sub-divisions, I said some blessings for Gaia and threw a clear quartz crystal into the stream. After a long bow, I straightened up and said "Namaste!" At that instant, many, many houses around me burst into cheers and celebration. "HAPPY NEW YEAR!" It was a perfect night. I could feel the drunken kisses, hear Auld Lang Syne, and fireworks bursting in various places in the distance. It was an astounding moment.


I kept walking. About 10 minutes later, within a sub-division, I heard the people in the houses around me count down... again! 3... 2... 1... "HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!" For a second time, I could feel the drunken kisses, hear Auld Lang Syne, and the fireworks bursting in the distance. At first, I was very confused. How could I experience two 2011 New Years Eves?!? It then connected. I had bilocated. Somewhere between the first and the second New Years celebrations, my consciousness went back in time. It moved from 12:05 am back to 11:55pm to re-experience New Years Eve. I was in two places at the same time, yet with a continuous experience. If had yelled my name the second time... I would have heard "someone" yell my name in the first experience.


That night was stunning. It was further grounded the next morning. As I was waking up, before opening my eyes, laying in bed... the thought occurred "Wow! I bilocated!!" In that very instant, a text message rang on my phone... That same religious friend said, "Ditto." It was in response to the text sent the night before... and it couldn't have been better timed. LOL.


Opening Pandora's Box

I could already write a book about my various 5d experiences on Earth. For instance, at a local irish pub, I went to the bathroom and it smelled great, like honey and flowers. To admit, it was strange for a men's bar bathroom. Another guy walked in just after me, his comment was, "Gah! It smells like s**t in here!" Each person is, quite literally, in their own reality.


There is one other example that is common yet confuses many within the third dimensional consciousness. YouTube! There are many comments on Youtube about how the view counter changes. People tend to blame Youtube for manipulating these counters. From a 5D perspective, the view counter is very unstable from a quantum frequency stand point. Watching a video can change the counter in very substantial ways. Once the energy contained in a video is "digested", One is literally in a new reality where the view counter is vastly different. YouTube didn't change the view counter... YOU did! A really excellent example of this is an experience I had with a user whom documents weather, HAARP, earthquakes, and tornados. He did a video where he recorded his Youtube homepage. The total number of views, as recorded in the video, was about 250,000. The next video I watched was from a "debunker" whom very much disliked the weather info being put out. This second video had a recording of the same Youtube homepage of the weather documenter from a few days prior. To the debunker, there were only 75,000 total views. That is to say, we can each see into someone else's unique experience if we are able to allow our own experiences not to distort the view. Our unique perspective may not be the same as what others experience. There is no wrong view (count). [pun intended] There only IS what IS.


To know that we are each in One's own reality also means to acknowledge others in their own reality. This also is the start of taking personal responsibility for all that is in our unique reality bubble.


Taking full responsibility for SELF is not something the EGO "likes" to do. Grounding Unity Consciousness massively changes the perspective of all that One has ever experienced. Everything good and bad was based on YOU and YOUr belief systems at that moment. To become "timeless", means to be able to flash YOUr entire life before YOUr inner eye. It is a re-interpretation within self-less-ness and that is needed to make the leap into Unity Consciousness of 5D. It is to UNCONDITIONALLY LOVE, UNCONDITIONALLY ACCEPT, UNCONDITIONALLY FORGIVE all that YOU are and remember YOUrself to be.


One of the locking mechanisms used by the "Dark Cabal" is a personal horcrux. Horcruxes are dark magical objects that hold a piece of a soul. Many in third dimensional consciousness have no idea that they are willing participants for their own prison of mind, a prison without bars. There are a few of these that are inadvertantly used daily, not knowing the kind of spiritual significance they have on the integration and re-integration of our Soul. Social Security Numbers are actual fictitious corporate statutory persons. Due to corporate personhood, they are a second YOU! Also, a birth certificate is actually a birth bond. On the back is a market traded bond number which represents a third YOU. YOUr passport is a fourth YOU. YOUr state drivers license is a fifth fictitious person that has divided YOU.


Why re-integrate these aspects? The answer is deceptively simple. These remove YOUr own power of sovereignty and self determination. If YOU choose, YOU may believe these externalizations to not be affective in YOUr own journey. However, having removed these horcruxes from my own life, it is much easier to experience freedom and especially from the systems of control. The light within has been able to shine so much more brightly because of removing some of these soul splitting "devices." I didn't understand their spiritual soul significance until experiencing not having them.


How to cancel One's SSN. Print out IRS Form 966: Corporate Dissolution. Under name, put MR./MS./MRS. and YOUR FULL NAME in CAPS. Under EIN, put YOUr SSN. Under Return Type, check Other and write in 1040. the other fields YOU can figure out. Sign the form. Above YOUr signature write, "Without Prejudice UCC 1-308". This UCC code preserves YOUr Common Law right to not perform under any contract that YOU haven't explicitly, knowingly, voluntarily, and intentionally agree to. This makes the cancelation binding and un-abridgable by the fictitious statutory corporate system. Make a copy for YOUr records. Lastly, send it to the IRS with a return certificate of receipt. This nullifies YOUr statutory person. This fictitious person is how the bankers are able to loan money into existence and break the Constitution for what is tender and defined as debt. From this point forward, it would be unlawful to pay taxes to the corporate federal "government" and the corporate state "governments."


To cancel a birth bond, fill in a birth certificate change form for YOUr state. Change the Name (or for Commonwealth States, Subject [yes, Commonwealth States are still owned by the Queen]), to blank. Then change the date of birth to blank. Lastly, change the file ID to blank. Sign the form and place the text "Without Prejudice UCC 1-308" above YOUr signature. Lastly, provide a reason for canceling the bond... My stated reason was that my Soul wasn't born... it existed before vessel birth and will exist after vessel death. Using reincarnation as a reason works perfectly. There are plenty of Zen Buddhist and Daoist quotes around the concept.


These instructions are obsolete with the arrest of the Dark Cabal, the removal of these control systems, new governance, and a new monetary system. However, if YOU wish to take personal responsibility for moving YOUrself forward instead of letting others "do the work for YOU," know that YOU are not alone. There are many that have taken steps to personally enlighten the darkness of personal shadows in this way.


The idea of externalizing energies in this way is a very interesting topic that I've been testing. Some of the greatest movements in releasing fear and integrating more love into my experience have been letting go of various energies that have accumulated over the years... not in creating new but in letting go of the old. For instance, giving away all my black clothes, deleting all my music and movies, and giving away all my books, and throwing away all my negative personal journals increased my internally light significantly. I can't describe the feeling of perpetually soaring, emotionally and spiritually. All of the things there were written, read, watched, worn, etc still exist within me. I can re-read all my journals as they all happened RIGHT NOW... even without having them physically present. I can re-experience all the books, music, and movies, as well, even without them. They were like an anchor in 3D keeping the balloon from rising free into the sky.


A very easy way of looking at this, from within duality, is that YOU are what YOU eat. From a 5th dimensional experiences... YOU are what YOU create (and have created/live with). Everything YOU taste, smell, touch, hear, and see is YOU. YOU are YOUr experience... all of it. Even telempathy, telepathy, and other multi-dimensional senses. That much response-ability can be hard for the third dimensional ego to handle. Even what is termed illness and disease, YOU have created for YOUrself. Disease is a chronic fear, a dis-ease, an un-easiness, in the mental, emotional, astral, etheric, or spirit body that has become so strong that it manifests in the physical body. For instance, in the book The Heart's Code scientific research has been done that shows that the fear of anger, the discomfort of feeling anger, manifests as cancer after some threshold. Bipolar disease is a discomfort of the heart mind wanting something opposite of what the brain mind wants. Modern 21st century medicine is great at dealing with acute physical issues. Within Unity Consciousness, many of these issues can't and won't exist.


The infinite One of All that Is

Being that there is only YOU does not mean that YOU are alone. All that Is is with YOU as we all walk this path together as One... as One interacting with and through ourselves, growing, expanding, remembering, and becoming. This is where all becomes possible and thus is.


Don't let fear keep YOU from YOUr highest excitement! Even if YOU feel a bit "OMG!" about doing something, if it is the most exciting thing to do... do it! NOW is the time to proudly claim our place in 5D. Feel the communion with all that is... the Tree beings, star beings, inner Earth beings, Gaia, atoms, electrons and photons, elementals, dogs and cats, computers, music, ALL Earth beings, even the Dark Cabal deserves all the Love that is, and most importantly, our self. To be selfish is not 5D; to be self-centered and balanced is. The fulcrum is the point of power and balance. Let go of all extremes and duality.


I Love YOU, unconditionally. With all my heart, light, and excitement, we walk this path no matter where we go and have been... we always are. God bless YOU. Our every foot step is in the expansion of all that is. If YOU should ever need anything, we are here... ask. And remember, the light YOU give is the light that comes back many fold. The question was never, when will I receive. The question has always been when will I give. So give all that YOU are to all that YOU experience... and let go of all expectations for BEING as fully as possible in the moment of RIGHT NOW... in YOUr heart.

The only question that needs to be answered is, Are YOU willing to live right here and right now through YOUr heart? Beyond this threshold, there is only IS-ness.


With that, there is a special program that can be run on our mind computer of the brain. It is what we call the perfection and activation program. This vastly increases synchronicities.
First take 4 deep breaths.

then say "I am Perfect! I am Perfect! I am Perfect! I am Perfect!"

Then focus on how everything everywhere is perfect right here and right now. All that YOU feel is exactly what should be felt. All that YOU think is exactly what should be thought. All that YOU experience is exactly what should be experienced.


Saying this phrase four times is like double clicking a computer program to run it... except in the mind, it is a quadruple click.

The second program is the activation program.
Take 4 deep breaths.

Then say, "My words are activating. My words are activating. My words are activating. My words are activating."

Then focus on how everything YOU say and what others say has a deeper meaning now, and that it can be connected, remembered, and experienced.


May this be of the utmost help, guidance, and acceleration. I AM that I AM.

In Lak'ech ala k'in, ~Belisoful

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