~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 05-4-2012 – Birds are flying free

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Fri, 05/04/2012 - 09:57

~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 05-4-2012 – Birds are flying free~

Greetings Loved Beings,

Mother Earth=Heart is still increasing her volcano activity thus EQs activity is getting weaker. Western Turkey is however still experiencing a big amount of small shakings.

Animals are again leaving the planet en masse, this time 50'000 fishes, and birds seem to have lost (or re-found) their way.

 The Sun is in its lowest activity since years as experts say... well, who ever said that what appears to be a low activity is in fact a Low activity? Our Sun is helping US ALL in our Transition, if it seems to be resting, I would guess it’s doing something really important!


Use the 5-5-5 date not only to visualize Joy and Love and a smooth transition for all Human Beings but also for Our Beloved Mother Earth=Heart.

Thank You.


Updated 5/3/2012 @ 14:15 UTC

Solar Update

Solar activity is currently at low levels with only minor C-Class activity detected. The visible solar disk on Friday consists of three pairs of sunspot groups (1474-1475, 1470-1471 and 1469-1473). The chances for a moderate solar flare will be low heading into the weekend.

Sunspot 1471 with size reference (Thursday) - By Ron Cottrell



Supermoon this weekend, Eta Aquarid meteor shower and Venus transit this week



May 4, 2012Posted in: Meteors and asteroids, Moon watch, Planets

This weekend will provide the full Moon’s closest approach of the year to Earth. On Saturday, May 5, 2012 the Moon could appear as much as 14% bigger and 30% brighter than other full Moons of 2012, according to some calculations.

Every month, as the Moon circles the Earth in its elongated orbit, its distance from the Earth varies. This weekend, the Moon is reaching what’s known as its perigee, the closest point to Earth in its orbit. It will be about 356,953 kilometers (221,802 miles) from Earth on Saturday. Apogee — when the Moon is farthest away — varies, but is around 405,000 km (252,000 miles) away.

The last supermoon was in March 2011. At the time, it was the biggest and brightest full moon in 18 years.


New Zealand scientists voice concerns over “most unusual event” in 20 years of studies



May 4, 2012Posted in: Featured stories, Wildlife

cientists in New Zealand are voicing concerns after monitoring the muttonbird population as it travels back from spending the northern summer in Japan.  In 2005, scientists attached tracking devices to a portion of the bird population.  The New Zealand “muttonbirders” have been concerned ever since the Fukushima plant started leaking radiation last March.

The birds return to New Zealand every November to mate, but Department of Conservation researcher Graeme Taylor says the birds that did return were in a poor condition.

“We won’t know if they’ve died up there in the north Pacific until another year goes by, because sometimes these birds skip a breeding season- where if they are in a poor condition they don’t attempt to breed, and so they may turn up again and breed.

“But if the birds never turn up again then you have to start to wonder what’s gone on with the population.”

Taylor said the research exhibited such a significant drop in numbers, he admitted it was the “most unusual event” in 20 years of studies of the birds’ numbers, adding the condition of muttonbirds suggested they did not get the food in the north Pacific they usually do.

He said many of the birds which arrived back had old feathers on their tails, wings and body.

“I’ve never seen birds in that poor of a condition come back to New Zealand.”

US researchers have requested samples of dead muttonbirds which were found off the coast of New Zealand, so they can be analyzed, with the expectation that some of them will have absorbed some levels of Cesium.

Source: NZHerald.co.nz


50 000 fish found dead in pond near Shenzhen, China



May 4, 2012Posted in: Mass death

Over 50 thousand fish in a pond near an industrial area in the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen died overnight on Monday, CRI Online reports.

The dead fish are mostly concentrated in the northern corner of the pond, and half of the body of water is now covered with rotting fish.

Located in the Qiangxiaxin Village at the junction of the Guangming New District and Dongguan in Shenzhen, the fish pond is larger than two basketball courts in area.

“We have invested a total of 350 thousand yuan (about 56 thousand USD) in the form of 60 thousand fish; now it’s all over,” said Ms. Liu, the fish pond owner. “These fish have been raised for one year, and could have been sold at market three months later.”

Liu said she will not sell the dead fish at market despite suffering great financial losses as a result. She also suspects that heavy rain may have led to the pond being contaminated by toxic and harmful substances from a nearby building site in the Maike industrial area.

A manager surnamed Wen at the building site said that he is willing to cover any losses but stated that he is unaware of the presence of toxic materials at the site.

The Guangming New District environmental protection office has already begun investigating the case.

Source: english.cri.cn



Popocatepetl Volcano Threatens Millions with Gas and Ash



New volcano eruption in the South Sandwich Islands at Mt Curry, Zavodovski Island



May 4, 2012Posted in: Volcanoes

A new eruption on the remote Zavodovski Island in the South Sandwich island chain was detected by NASA’s Aqua satellite on  April 27, 2012.

The satellite picture shows a plume originating from the island’s active crater known as Mt Curry, or sometimes also referred to as Mt Asphyxia. It is possible that the plume is created by lava flows in contact with sea water, as it appears to be mainly steam.

Not much else is known about the eruption, because the island is uninhabited and extremely remote and has no monitoring on the island. Most of the information about this eruption will rely on remote sensing (satellite observations).

The South Sandwich Islands are a chain of volcanoes caused by the subduction of the Sandwich microplate under the South American Plate. Zavodovski is a largely unknown basaltic stratovolcano. The first eruption at Mt Curry was observed in 1819 and some unconfirmed reports of activity date back to 1908.

The 5-km-wide Zavodovski Island, the northernmost of the South Sandwich Islands, consists of a single 551-m-high basaltic stratovolcano with two parasitic cones on the east side. Mount Curry, the island’s summit, lies west of the center of the island, which is more eroded on that side.

Two fissures extend NE from the summit towards the east-flank craters, and a lava platform is located along the eastern coast. Zavodovski is the most frequently visited of the South Sandwich Islands. It was erupting when first seen in 1819 by the explorer Bellingshausen, and the volcano has been reported to be smoking during subsequent visits.



2MIN News May4: Supermoon, Quakes, Solar Activity




MAP 5.0  2012/05/04 16:23:44   2.009   89.675  14.5  NORTH INDIAN OCEAN

Latest Earthquakes Report - May 4, 2012



Swarm of earthquakes rippling through Western Turkey

Posted on May 4, 2012

May 4, 2012 – TURKEY - A 5.1-magnitude earthquake hit the Kutahya province in western Turkey, the Istanbul-based Kandilli seismology center reported. The quake occurred at 6:20 pm local time with its epicenter in Tokat village of Hiharcik town in Kutahya, according to the seismology center affiliated to Bogazici University. The epicenter, with a depth of 3.1 km, was felt in some towns near Hiharcik and many citizens ran out of their houses in the province with panic. –Ynet News
A massive swarm of earthquakes continue to rattle Western Turkey and today’s 5.1 is merely one stress-break in a mounting series of tension quakes erupting in the western region of the country. –The Extinction Protocol




If you missed our last Energy Update:




All our Love, ANdReA

~And MotherFatherGod, The Galactic Free Press Staff, Earth Allies, GroundCrew Staff ans Earth’s Transitory Government~


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grailheart magi

Fri, 05/04/2012 - 11:55

You wonder why the sun and gaia are quiet?    They have taken their seats in the audience of this grand play,.... and lightworkers.... time to get on the stage and create your life... as one - as a group - enjoy!  Present!  Don't ever worry about mistakes... your heart knows the dance!  Here's the 5 minute CALL!  Don't forget to close the door to the Green Room... get your tools ready... feathers, fans, beads, swords, masks, costumes.... get ready, now!


Fri, 05/04/2012 - 12:44

In reply to by Guest (not verified)

In fact, I was not wondering (lol), simply waiting this brilliant answer!!!






Love you





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