~ The Blasts Of Energy Continue Coming In~

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 05/04/2012 - 10:13


Greetings Love Beings, As We Head towards The  day we will Gather In Focused Light, we are continuing to recieve help from up above with continued Blasts of Light to assist us in the Energy required for our NExt Event. This will be the Largest Lightworker Event in This Planet's History. We will Have More About this In Our Next Update~ Love The Earth Allies

Time to toss the lids by SophiaLove



by GLR SophiaLove
  It’s about loving yourself enough.  It demands self care, self respect and self worth.  Make no mistake.  World Liberation Day is not just another feel good group meditation.  On May 5/6, at the exact time of the full moon, we as ONE declare our sovereignty.  We are creating our New Earth.  As we see it, it shall be.  As we believe it, it is.  This is our moment, the first of many, the beginning of full consciousness as ONE.

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UFO Sighting Huge Ship Michigan 5/3/2012


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5-2-12 Bill Ballard Chakra Activation Lightbody Initiation


5-2-12 Bill Ballard Chakra Activation Lightbody Initiation
Pt 1/7
Pt 2
Pt 3
Pt 4


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Fran Zepeda ~ Yeshua and the Company of Heaven ~ Accept the Light Fully ~ 3 May 2012


Fran Zepeda ~ Yeshua and the Company of Heaven ~ Accept the Light Fully ~ 3 May 2012


Yeshua and the Company of Heaven:


Hello and Greetings, all of the Light. As you take yourselves deeper and deeper into the Light and don the monumental undertaking of your birthright, we remain at your side in eternal service.


Many now have reached a pinnacle of energy. Part of what you are experiencing is indeed a new influx of all-encompassing refined energy, a very purified and concentrated energy that you are now ready for.


A new level has been reached, Dear Ones. Once you see the full manifestation, you will never want to go back. You are going full speed ahead, with ever-increasing help from the Spiritual Realm.



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COSMIC CURRENT: David Icke, David Wilcock, Tolec , James Gilliland -What Resonates With You?


Helane Lipson, Psychic Astrologer and Claudia Helmke Miller (a.k.a. CJ Miller), Certified Hypnotist / Reiki Healer, team up to bring you News, Opinion and Wisdom from the Latest Waves of Information entering our Collective Consciousness at this time. COSMIC CURRENT brings into focus the challenges and rewards we are experiencing in the "here and now" in 2012. Helane Lipson & CJ Miller
explore all arenas of thought and all forms of media, allowing the Listener to swim freely & openly and mindfully "plot their course" in the Cosmic Sea in which we all exist.

 Helane Lipson Website: www.insightsbyhelane.com

 Claudia Helmke Miller Website: www.wholeearthhealing.com


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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~3~12 The Solar Code's for The New Reality have Been Grounded~


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~3~12


~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~ The Solar Code's for The New Reality have Been Grounded~



Greetings Love Beings, On May 1st The Solar Light Energy Blasted across the Planet. These were the Solar Code's for Humanity's release from the Programmed illusion. Yesterday, during the Transitionary Council Meeting, We grounded these into The Planet. We had a total of 76 People in the Meeting with us at once. WOW! Each Week we continue growing and this Keeps bringing in the Highest Focused Light into the Planet. We are growing brighter by the Moment and this Will Continue getting Brighter.




If You have seen or read the Celestine Prophecy, it speak's about the Awakening for Humanity, through releasing the old program, synchronostic events, and raising your Vibrational Frequency through Being Love. Our Upcoming event of 5~5 Liberation day is the 10th and 11th Insight he shares iin his book.This is actually what is Now Unfolding On Planet Earth=Heart.



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Severe Weather UPDATE -- N/S/E/W -- USA be alert = Chicago to Boston now


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Heavenletter #4179 World, You Are Beautiful


Heavenletter #4179 World, You Are Beautiful , May 4, 2012


God said:
Your project today is to enjoy yourself. Have fun. Give joy. Gladden the world. Gladden those near you. Gladden those far away. Gladden, gladden, gladden.

One heart affects another. One heart affects every other. You are the bellows that blows joy into every heart in the world. Yes, you do have a responsibility. The responsibility is yours.

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What is the single greatest environmental pollution event that has ever hit the west coast of North America?:


What is the single greatest environmental pollution event that has ever hit the west coast of North America?:  “A Staggering Mess” as Tsunami Debris Hits Alaska Coast Early


DSCN3736 (Large)


 by Michael van Baker on April 30, 2012

In my opinion, this is the single greatest environmental pollution event that has ever hit the west coast of North America. The slow-motion aspects of it have fooled an unwitting public. It far exceeds the Santa Barbara or Exxon Valdez oil spills in gross tonnage and also geographic scope. (I was in Prince William Sound during the during the Exxon Valdez oil spill and so have a sense of comparison).

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Yeshua and the Company of Heaven ~ Accept the Light Fully ~ As Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~ May 3, 2012


Yeshua and the Company of Heaven:


Hello and Greetings, all of the Light. As you take yourselves deeper and deeper into the Light and don the monumental undertaking of your birthright, we remain at your side in eternal service.


Many now have reached a pinnacle of energy. Part of what you are experiencing is indeed a new influx of all-encompassing refined energy, a very purified and concentrated energy that you are now ready for.


A new level has been reached, Dear Ones. Once you see the full manifestation, you will never want to go back. You are going full speed ahead, with ever-increasing help from the Spiritual Realm.


Please allow for many more ratchets of your frequency levels by paying close attention to your physical bodies and the changes in them. Many of you are experiencing deeper meditations and some disorientation and discomfort, which may make it difficult to continue regular activities that have been the norm for you up until now.


Do not fight it or feel discouraged, for these changes are the very thing that will bring you more solidly into the new energies. Abide by your present heart-based thoughts and feelings in the Now moment and proceed from there. This is the way to open new patterns of thought and ways of being that you would be unable to access if you were to adhere too closely to your old schedules and patterns of thought.



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things to do










take a private airplane ride

go to a park and just play with the kids

draw with fingerpaints

wear a flimsey nightgown and dance to wild music in your backyard

feed each other grapes in the most sexual way you think of

roll down hills


set off fireworks

paint a pair of shoes and wear them

go to the zoo and really talk to a few animals... what are they saying back

if you have never gone fishing, go fishing

get your partner a long hair wig and braid it on them

wildly paint one of your bathroom walls something 

have your child talk about the cosmos and don't say anything, just listen for an hour

make jewelry out of pasta and old zippers

cut up an old dress and wear it anyway and be proud of it

stand on a downtown street corner and give 100 people a penny with a blessing

write a new song with a partner and sing it in the mall

if you are baptist go to a catholic church

if you are catholic write the pope a letter

wear 2 different shoes all day






JUST GET OUT OF THE BOX!!!!~!!!!!!!!


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2MIN News May3: Yellowstone, Climate, Solar/Planetary Update


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FREEDOM PROJECT: 2012-05-01 ETs-EDs Raid Germany Take Dolphin Sub & Nuke by John Kettler



One of the previous many and one of the last attempts to trigger another conflict completely prevented by ET/ED's, with hidden intent to cover the wrongdoing for sake of profits... All will be completely surprised when videos, information, and Submarine and missing planes come to the surface of the truth...

Keep in mind that this message is not here to scare you, yet to inform you to seek deeper understanding  in to the events, and to give you greatest encouragement that war as source of profit will never be allowed on Earth...

These are just final twitches of Cabal, who still did not fully comprehend: You[cabal...] are past of Human existence... and You [cabal...] are not allowed to operate any longer under these oppressive circumstances toward Humanity, where your lies were believed for centuries...

Dear cabal, there is nowhere to hide, there is no place to run... Try different tactic Now: allow your fear of consequences to disappear, and for change start thinking about other souls that your decisions inflicted death, oppression, hunger... Stand Tall and come forward... 

Open your heart and share your truth with US All... This action will free you for being minions [i did not say onions...], and give you true feeling of knowing that YOU can become finally Free... 



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Lee-Anne Peters – Twin Flame Q & A – 3 May 2012


Lee-Anne Peters – Twin Flame Q & A – 3 May 2012

Twin Flames: Lee-Anne & Cory Peters DivineUnion.TempleofBalance.com

I am no stranger to the Twin Flame concept, in fact if you don’t know already my Twin Flame and I found each other a few years ago. We have an expanded purpose to help others in this area – however it’s not something we can focus a lot of time on these days.

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Lucas ~ A Journey To Be One ~ 3 May 2012


Lucas ~ A Journey To Be One ~ 3 May 2012

Maybe you are still thinking the New World Order of the dark ones is going to manifest. Or maybe you see the golden age unfolding with help from our celestial and inner-earth brothers and sisters in light.


There are welcome developments concerning enforcement of the divine decree for Earth that the dark ones have willfully disobeyed. There will be no World War and no major disasters. The few remaining dark ones continue to cause some havoc by attempting to spread fear through unjust laws, attempting to control the citizens, and spread negative rhetoric that speaks of war, seeks polarisation and spreads disinformative news over their owned mainstream media channels.


Some people (a majority) say “I do not believe the alternative. I do not see that happening. It is fake.”  All things told about the new golden age coming and abundance and peace is for them a lie. I have compassion for them. They still live in the dark ones’ well-kept shackels and cages and have not escaped mind control via mainstream media, and especially via television. They have not noticed the build up over the last 25 years of more and more control and restrictions on privacy and rights. They still believe the fairytales of governments and leaders wanting the best for them.



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Scott Mowry: Historic Global Economic Transformations Moving Rapidly Forward


Major debt relief measures begin as prelude to mass arrest scenario while energy waves intensify from galactic center.


By Scott Mowry, Miracles and Inspirations, News – May 2, 2012


The transformation to a revolutionary new economic system for the world’s people has progressed into all-out, full force mode. Moving like a rumbling freight train down the tracks, it has become an unstoppable force and is finally on the verge of full implementation for the benefit of all mankind.

Signs of major historic changes are emerging nearly every day, around every corner, from all points across the globe.


Freeing the world from economic slavery is, at this time, perhaps the single most important objective to be implemented in order for humanity to move headlong into the long-awaited Golden Age. It will be the first of many stages that will totally emancipate humanity forever and allow for a completely peaceful transition onto the new Earth.



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Mona Delfino on A Fireside Chat ~ The Sacred Language of the Human Body ~ April 28th, 2012


My Guest is MONA DELFINO, who delights us with another high energy show! Mona is a medical intuitive, vibrational healer and massage therapist. Her shamanic training brings an "earthy spiritual quality" to round out her numerous "extra sensory" abilities. In this show, we cover a vast amount of territory regarding the present and coming energies. We highlight the salient astrology of May, complements of our friend Mahala Gayle. And, we discuss new directions which are supplanting the old paradigms of the medical and pharmaceutical industries. We also touch upon chemtrails, Morgellon's Disease and how the soul chooses its path prior to incarnation for the highest good. This show starts with a Bang, and the ball goes way out of the ballpark! She goes into her new book, The Sacred Language of the Human Body. In it, she honors our mutual friend and frequent guest, now helping us from the other side, Dr. John Jay Harper. Find out more about client services and her new book here:



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Daily Blue Star UFOs Report~ YES! ARE WE REALLY HERE


‪ Daily Blue Star UFOs  Report~ YES! ARE WE REALLY HERE~




Greetings Love Beings,

Here we are, our daily sightings.

Fasten your seat belts while watching the first video...

and start getting used to it!

And thank you for sharing and informing everyone you can... it’s IMPORTANT! The more we get out at people, the less will they be afraid.

Thanks sharing and Loving as there’s nothing better you can do.


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Valerie Donner ~ A Message From Mira ~ The Pleiadian High Council ~ 3 May 2012


Valerie Donner ~ A Message From Mira ~ The Pleiadian High Council ~ 3 May 2012

Greetings, I am Mira. I am pleased to speak with you today.


These are busy times for all of us. We have received our call to action and you are on notice that you may be called at any time. I have told my listeners that they will be informed about situations on a “need to know basis”. That means that things are constantly changing. I am closer than ever since I am on the Earth Council on leave from the Pleiadian High Council. This when we muster all of the ascension forces together. We have massive parades of ships from other star systems present. There is a lot of orchestration, monitoring and factoring in to consider. What is occurring on the Earth is complex. Our assignment along with the ground crew is important. We cannot leave out any details. We proceed as necessary.



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BLUE LIGHTENING FIRE! (Amazon and Grid Update)



Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation     


The Planetary Grid Transmissions 




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FREEDOM PROJECT: 2012-05-01 David Wilcock ARREST WARRANTS: Liens Filed Against G7 Central Banks



Published on May 2, 2012 by 


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~3 Part's~ Our Earth is Birthing a New Ascended State 0001







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Kauilapele's Blog: Plenty of Releasing Going On…


Plenty of Releasing Going On…

Just like releasing the contact with the rocks and the fear of the cooler water this one is diving into, it feels like I am in a similar place. Maybe you are too.


There have been a couple three things that have just released from my space. I suppose I could say “I released them”, but it was more like I was “strongly encouraged” to stop something. Or things. But when the “strong encouragement” message came through, it was amazingly easy to do the releasing.



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Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 4 May 2012


Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 4 May 2012

Let no one persuade you to change your beliefs, except that you intuitively feel the Light within the words you are given. That which is of the lower vibrations will not resonate with you, and at this time when Ascension is so close there are those who would deliberately misinform you. The dark Ones thought to conquer Man and his world for their own agenda, but now grasp

at any opportunity to stop each souls path of Light that leads to completion. It will be to no avail, but it means you still need to tread carefully and not fooled by those peddling fear.

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Crystaqueous – Consciously Ascended Beings Interacting On The Play-Ground Of Earth – Part 8


Crystaqueous – Consciously Ascended Beings Interacting On The Play-Ground Of Earth – Part 8 – 4 May 2012

Oh what joy We, the only We that actually Is, experience as we observe the re-run of Our Earth Play Divine, or what is generally described as a finished edited edition in the film world of the Dream.   Verily, all of us are Divine spectators laughing and being incredibly amused non-stop by Our Grand production as it plays out on Our Highly Unique Cosmic Screen. Truly:

Divine Beings are only ‘in’ the Cosmic Play in a similar manner to which Julia Roberts is ‘on’ the movie screen when the actual Julia is simply sitting as a joyous spectator in the theatre seat!

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Emerald Isle.

Absence diminishes mediocre passions and increases great ones,just as the wind extinguises candles and fans fires. "Tiocfaidh ar la" = Our day has come. Love and peace from the "Emerald Isle" = Ireland.

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World Liberation Day - Last Update by Cobra


World Liberation Day - Last Update by Cobra

Our moment of breakthrough has arrived. We will gather and create a resonance field for our freedom.


Many groups have designed their own visualizations for this event. This is ok if they are so guided, but it would be better to use the exact visualization I have specified, to create the most effective result. You can find it here:
After the World Liberation Day, our liberation process will continue. It is a global process that will culminate in our actual liberation. Hereby I am issuing a call to all people wanting to be free to actively participate. The process that Drake is speaking about and has started in the US is now spreading worldwide.


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Support Obama by Wes Annac


Support Obama by GLR Wes Annac



I have posted this in the ‘Making First Contact’ section because I believe Obama will be very instrumental in bringing disclosure and ‘First’ Contact to us.

“Every person I know who is on the inside, still in black-ops, reveals that there is great hatred of Obama within their ranks because he is NOT working on their side.”- David Wilcock

 “Regardless of celestial origin and current culture, age, skin color, religion, gender, ethnicity, or nation of residency, prior to birth all peoples now on the planet knew the soul who would incarnate as Barack Obama and joyfully agreed to his becoming president of the United States to lead that country and the world into the Golden Age”- Matthew Ward

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~Space Weather Update~Chance for M Class Flares


PERIGEE "SUPER MOON" ON MAY 5-6: Get ready for moonlight! The full Moon of May 5-6, 2012, is a perigee moon, as much as 14% bigger and 30% brighter than other full moons of 2012. [video] [full story]


VENUS IS NOT ALONE: When the sun sets tonight, go outside and look west. The Evening Star, Venus, is not alone. Second-magnitude star El Nath is less than a degree away. Marek Nikodem photographed the pair on May 2nd from the countryside near Niedźwiady, Poland:



The planet and the star are converging. At closest approach on May 6th, they will be 0.8 degrees apart, a gap so small you can hide it behind the outstreched tip of your index finger.


If you have a telescope, point it at Venus. The planet is at its brightest for all of 2012, and backyard optics easily resolve it into a 27% crescent. Swing over to El Nath for a different experience. The star, which lies 130 light years away, is a pinprick of light unresolved by the most powerful telescopes on Earth.


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Healing Earth News: Watching The Sierra Nevada Mountains Grow


(editor's note: By now, I hope everyone is comfortable with the concept that seismic movements of Gaia's tectonic plates are simply Her way of healing. A group of scientists seem to actually be studying our planet as the living, changing organism She truly is! The Sierra Nevada mountain region is rising in height at a relatively fast rate and those changes can actually be observed from earth and from space.

Rather than become disheartened by the negative news of mainstream media, I challenge you to look deeper -to find healing earth heroes in your own community. There are people all over this beautiful jewel we call Gaia working every day to correct the damage we have done. They are doing the physical clean up work, or putting the intellectual thought into solving these problems. Please join me in sending them all energies of love and support.
~All my Love, Boo)



Rapid Sierra Nevada Uplift Tracked by Scientists


From the highest peak in the continental United States, Mt. Whitney at 14,000 feet in elevation, to the 10,000-foot-peaks near Lake Tahoe, scientific evidence from the University of Nevada, Reno shows the entire Sierra Nevada mountain range is rising at the relatively fast rate of 1 to 2 millimeters every year.



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Natural Health Remedies: Antibiotic Alternatives On The Horizon & When To Plant App



(editor's note: Today's Natural Remedies article is new research from the University of Manchester. It seems they have found a weakness in bacteria that could lead to the development of non-antibiotic alternatives. Something more symbiotic in our bodies? No more drug-resistant bacteria? I'm just delighted to see mainstream Western medicine embracing harmonious health instead of synthetic chemicals!
And I'm also bringing you a handy gardening guide. Knowing when to plant those medicinal herbs just got easier -there's an app for that!

In time, the science of light and sound will advance so that we can update our medical centers, similar to those used on our Healing Ships.
Awakening within us all is the ability to completely heal ourselves.
As our bodies evolve from carbon-based to a crystalline-based structure, we must all learn how to properly nourish and treat our physical body.
Through this "Natural Remedies" segment I hope to introduce you to methods of healing you may not have tried, as well as building your knowledge base so you can help others.
Thanks to a suggestion from "Nails" I have now archived my articles on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NaturalRemediesCollection?skip_nax_wizard=true#

~Be well, all my Love, Boo)




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Arcturian High Council : Cities of Light !!!


Ra explains the affirmation of how to construct Light Cities crystaline photonically charged zement /concrete . Lets see how you feel about changing your physical world now .
Anquering light .


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Oracle Report May 4, 2012


Friday, May 4, 2012

Gibbous Moon Phase

Day 3 of the three-day period before the super-conjunction of the Sun, the Black Moon, and Jupiter:  As we continue our deep descent into a blaze of transformation, bright light accompanies us.  This photo is last night's sky over Poland (by M. Nikodem), capturing Venus at its brightest for all of 2012.  Tomorrow's Full Moon (which also accompanies the super-conjunction) is the biggest and brightest of all the Full Moons this year.  By now you are probably reaching your limit with something.

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SanJAsKa: An Audible Communication of Love


SanJAsKa: An Audible Communication of Love





by GLR Wes Annac-

I am SanJAsKa of the Pleiadian Council of Nine. I am coming through this scribe and many other scribes at this time in very measured ways, but in pure ways that are seeing my energy reach the surface of this Earth in wonderful leaps and bounds. Many have become open to my energies and open to the energies of the Councils I work with, and many have in general come to find a resonation with the Pleiadians and with the Galactic Federation.

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have a nice night/day.


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5/4/2012 -- Severe weather = 30+ states currently or will be under strong storms


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Obama Rejoins ICC, US No Longer “Rogue” State - A step closer to the removal of the enslavers.



Obama Rejoins ICC, US No Longer “Rogue” State

Posted on May 3, 2012

Thursday, May 3rd, 2012 | Posted by GLR

I think this is HUGE. It means that the criminals in our country, all of them, are subject to arrest and trial at The International Court in the Hague! They now have no place to hide. This also gives me hope that Obama may be wearing two hats. I hope so, but we must still wait to see; however, I can’t imagine him easily signing his own death warrant, can you? 


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2MIN News May4: Supermoon, Quakes, Solar Activity




This is a video collaboration between Oribel Divine, Dr. Meg (Meg Blackburn Losey, Ph.D.) and Anders Holte. An idea came to Oribel when she first received her set of The Living Light Cards created by Dr. Meg. One of the cards, The Master's Staff, #38 kept popping up and the meaning behind The Master Staff's symbol absolutely resonated with Oribel and she wanted so much to share them with others as well. And so began the journey of the creation of this video.
Dr. Meg gave her blessings and her permission to use the words for this video and Anders Holte was happy to contribute his wonderful high consciousness music Lemurian Home Coming for this video creation.

And with that I hope you enjoy the final result which to me is a journey for the senses and ask that you just allow for whatever to come up come up.

With passion,


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~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 05-4-2012 – Birds are flying free


~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 05-4-2012 – Birds are flying free~

Greetings Loved Beings,

Mother Earth=Heart is still increasing her volcano activity thus EQs activity is getting weaker. Western Turkey is however still experiencing a big amount of small shakings.

Animals are again leaving the planet en masse, this time 50'000 fishes, and birds seem to have lost (or re-found) their way.

 The Sun is in its lowest activity since years as experts say... well, who ever said that what appears to be a low activity is in fact a Low activity? Our Sun is helping US ALL in our Transition, if it seems to be resting, I would guess it’s doing something really important!


Use the 5-5-5 date not only to visualize Joy and Love and a smooth transition for all Human Beings but also for Our Beloved Mother Earth=Heart.


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‪ Daily Blue Star UFOs Report~ YES! ARE WE REALLY HERE~ 05-04-12



Daily Blue Star UFOs  Report~ YES! ARE WE REALLY HERE~




Greetings Love Beings,

I re-posted the first one as I think it’s so beautiful... it might help many not to feel fear about it... for this is a good example of what cannot be mistaken for something made to conqueer...

Those that mean to conqueer, no matter what, are unable to produce


And this is an example of Harmony in the Sky.


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The Asexual Pollination IS Underway Thru YOU!!


The Asexual Pollination IS Underway Thru YOU!!

Before I get to the incredible details that were released all day long yesterday thru every reading… I want to talk a bit about my own experience in the heart field of community.

As I was scouring different stores on the internet to get prices and comfortably of computer chairs to go to in the afternoon, I suddenly remembered the thrift store I got my couch from.  This is a family owned business, relatively new and the kindest people I have met.  I decided to call and see if they had any comfy chairs to offer.  Of course they did!  I took a journey into Albuquerque to go pick out my “new to me” computer chair with a budget of $100 that was gifted to me the night before.

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As you change yourselves, you change everything. – Michael by GLR Ron Head



Our message for this morning is on the subject of love.  Unconditional love is the essence of the force which powers the universe.  It takes a multitude of forms, yet underlies all life.  It manifests as sound, light, and energies of all types.  If you hear it, its purest essence is love.  If you see it, its purest essence is love.  All is alive.  All is conscious.  All is love.

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FREEDOM PROJECT: Freedom Reigns with Deatra, Drake and Bill Wood...

Listen to internet radio with Free Thinking Radio on Blog Talk Radio


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I Am a voice of Gaia and I Am Ascended and Free


I Am a voice of Gaia and I Am Ascended and Free




by GLR Yojman


Participants of Love, Earth speaking:

 As my Sacred Meridians continue to absorb and obey
the programming of the Intelligence within the Sacred Fire that is supercharging them  and every atom at this moment, it is for you

to know that your Meridians and all systems of your bodies—that

finally out-picture as your / our physical body’s—are obeying the


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Imagine a new peaceful role for our military...


You can create the world you want to live in.
It starts with imagination, dreaming, or visualizing what you want to see. 
You are an AMAZING creator!
Imagine a new peaceful role for our military...
(taken from my FB page "Imagine Your Passion" where the power of thought becomes the power of creation)

The View From Down Here: Full Moon Saturday


(editor's note: Saturday is an important date on so many levels. 5.5.5, Wesak, open portals and the Scorpio full moon.

This moon integrates the opposing Taurus (security) and Scorpio (healing through crisis and transformation).

Tomorrow is the best time of year to wade through the muck of your personal Scorpio swamp in order to reach the peace of your Taurus higher ground.


So today I bring you a Wesak Full Moon video.

As you gaze up at the beauty and power of this moon tomorrow, know that you are joined by millions of us -feel our collective energies!


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Stretching Science: Smart Doorknobs, Life-Size 3D Holograms & An End To Aging?


(editor's note: Smart doorknobs, life-size 3D holograms, and an end to aging? Say it aint' so Boo! I have a feeling that in the months to come, articles from my "Stretching Science" segment will be even more fantastic as higher technologies continue to be released to us from our Star Family.

In my daily treks through the news files of the world I'm amazed at the depth and scope of emerging science technologies! In the bigger picture of our changing world, we understand that these are stepping stones towards joining our Galactic community of scientists.
~All my Love, Boo)



'Smart Doorknobs' and Gesture-Controlled Smartphones: Revolutionary Technology Enables Objects to Know Your Touch



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MAY 04, Meridians Now


Participants of Love, Earth speaking:

 As my Sacred Meridians continue to absorb and obey
the programming of the Intelligence within the Sacred Fire that is supercharging them  and every atom at this moment, it is for you

to know that your Meridians and all systems of your bodies—that

finally out-picture as your / our physical body’s—are obeying the

same unfathomable Intelligence. This reason alone, is enough
for each of you to chose to move into rapid alignment with the

Elemental Kingdom within you and around you. This is what our

beloved Jesus and all other Masters did to support the Resurrection


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