Golden Age Messages from the Masters ~ and Sheldan Nidle's Webinar

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 05/04/2012 - 12:39

Golden Age Messages from the Masters


Photo By Dawn Christine



through the founders of the Unveiled Mystery School of Maui

Co-Creating 2012 and Beyond

Part 1

Thank You to Colleen and Sheldan

The peace of my Presence is the peace that naturally resides within your Presence, and my wisdom is within your heart as surely as is the wisdom of the Christ. In fact, nothing has ever been exemplified within the spiritual leaders of your world, including their unlimitedness and joy, that is beyond your reach and no one is ultimately more or less than you are. Each of you has unique gifts to share no matter how simplistic they may appear to your mind. Your greatest gift is being fully present with whatever arises, as it is from there that your life and your creations can become lasting and effective. As Siddhartha, I spent my final years paddling a barge back and forth across a river. I invite you to step on board so we can cross the river together into your new Golden Age.

~~ Buddha and the Councils of the Golden Light

Your world is in a wonderful state of crisis, which we would define as a cross over point between the old and the new – between the 3rd, the 4th and the 5th dimensions into Unity Consciousness. The 5th dimension is truly not new to any of you; it has simply been housed within the ancient sectors of your memory grid. In Atlantis many of you worked in Councils to try to sustain the 5th dimensional grid that was established there when Atlantis was in its Golden Age. The higher dimensional grids of both Lemuria and Atlantis are now being re-activated so you can access them in your own memories and crystalline DNA.

All memories that are important to your full awakening are now being energetically brought into the light of your consciousness because it is time for you to remember that you are part of a vast family of souls who came to Earth to co-create a new Golden Age. 2012 is a pivotal year to take a deep look at your part in that creation. Your Divine Crystalline Blueprint contains what you created with your Presence before you came to Earth so you would have a plan to follow after you arrived. Because of Earth’s density, the astral veils around your planet have often kept people from seeing their purpose, yet those veils are now lifting.

What is taking place within the majority of you at this time is the rebalancing and regenerating of your emotional and physical bodies so they are prepared to move into the 5th dimension. This is really what the ascension is all about. The greatest step you can take to assist yourself and others in this ascension process is to embody more of your Presence and then create from that level of your consciousness. Ask your Presence to let you feel what it was like to live in Unity or Christ Consciousness so you can get a taste of what you want to create in the new Golden Age.

In the past there have been many individuals, like Buddha and Jeshua or Jesus, who came to assist in helping human beings remember who they are and why they are on Earth, yet now there are thousands of you who volunteered to assist in this great awakening. What is fundamentally required of you is your great love and compassion for all of life and your willingness to live as your Presence or God Self, and then reach out to others so you can assist them in realizing who they are and why they are here specifically during your Great Shift of the Ages.

During this year many will be reaching out to become more aware of why they are here and what they have come to create that is already encoded within their soul agreement for these times. Many of you are already being called to uncover what you feel passionate about creating in the new Golden Age and to focus on how you can assist others to do the same.

On May 4, 5, 6 we are offering Wesak Initiations as part of the Course to Consciously Create 2012 & Beyond in Unlimitedness & Joy Part II to create the life you came to live. And in June we will be offering a Teachers Training to Consciously Create a Golden Age. There is truly nothing more satisfying that playing an active role in assisting others in becoming enthusiastic about their part in co-creating your next cycle of life on planet Earth.

The new Golden Age is not a fantasy ~ it is what is already seeded in the Divine Crystalline Blueprint for humanity and the Earth. That is why you are living in such a vital time and why many of you are feeling the passion and strength that comes from living as spiritual warriors who are willing to stand in their truth and to create new ways of living that will be good for everyone!

Consciously Create 2012 in Unlimitedness & Joy Part 2 will be presented Live in Maui by Telecast/Skype/Webcast May 4, 5 & 6 and Consciously Create the Golden Age Teachers Certification Training will be held in Maui June 2-5 ~ the only time this year!

To learn more about the Golden Age Courses and Golden Age Teachers Training created by the Masters,

Through the Founders of the Unveiled Mystery School of Maui
~~Kamala Everett and Sharon Rose

Copyright © 2012 Diamond Light Foundation. Copy freely and share. However, we ask that you share this newsletter in its entirety, including the copyright.



May Webinar with Sheldan

Welcome to Webinar 27

An in-depth look at the timelines that
are moving us closer to the announcements.

Sheldan explains the timeline for:

• Changing Our Legal Systems
• Changing Our Financial Systems
• Changing Our Governmental Systems

What’s the Payoff?
Prosperity – Freedom – Personal Sovereignty

And Ultimately Learning About…
Our True Origins – Disclosure – Full Consciousness


Sunday,May 20, 12 to 1:30 p.m. PDT (Pacific Daylight Time~California Time)
Thursday, May 24, 6 to 7:30 p.m. PDT (Pacific Daylight time~California Time)

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