~Join Hands for Planet Wide Liberation~

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 05/05/2012 - 11:01


Greetings Love Beings!! Please Join US Right Here at The Galactic Free Press at 7:30pm Pacific. We will Post a Link to A Family Room in which we can gather our Light together for The Greatest Event of Focused Love which has never occurred before on behalf of the Good of All of Humanity. We will See you There! Love The Earth Allies

InLight Radio - Cosmic Vision News


Listen to internet radio with InLight Radio on Blog Talk Radio


Show beings at 4PM PDT.


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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 5/4/12



You can count on disclosure of our presence in your world, as this is a very important step towards all the changes for you that we have discussed. Without disclosure taking place, many of these changes could not occur, as our presence is necessary to assist you to facilitate these many changes that in some cases will require greatly advanced technologies than what you currently possess here in your world.

What we can offer you is an entirely new beginning with an entirely new set of rules that will allow everyone of your planet to reap the benefits of a truly modern Galactic society. What you have here today in your world are technologies and a set of rules that are set up to only allow a select few to benefit greatly while so many others toil their lives away working to make all that is possible a reality for these select few. Our plans are to change all of this and implement a new structure that will allow all of you to benefit greatly as you enjoy much more freedom and personal time, away from the drudgery of daily servitude.

The models that we are basing your new system upon have already been implemented in many parts of this universe, and have demonstrated that they are systems that do work and that can allow the members of these societies to prosper greatly in many different ways. Allow us to implement this new structure here in your world, and you will quickly see the benefits manifest for each and every one of you.


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Unit E - Something Better


Here's some wonderful music from Unit E for tomorrow's Planetary Liberation Day!


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World Liberation Day! Dream a New Earth Together









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We are BORN into SLAVERY. The World if RUN by INSANE PEOPLE! NO MORE...


We are all slaves to the system that we live in today.
You get up in the morning, goto work, get home, have dinner, watch tv, goto sleept. over and over again same thing. We are slaves.

we have to change the world we live in. We the people need to take charge!


What does it take?

BE it.

Every day,

every second,

every breath...


You Are The Change



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FREEDOM PROJECT: 2012-05-02 Keith Scott Re Keenan Trillion Dollar Lawsuit on Project Camelot Radio


http://kauilapele.wordpress.com/2012/04/30/keith-scott-re-keenan-lawsuit-this... Neil Keenan and Keith Scott are principals in the trillion dollar lawsuit described in several articles at David Wilcock's (website links provided in above's page). 

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Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~3~12 The Solar Code's for The New Reality have Been Grounded


Greetings Love Beings, On May 1st The Solar Light Energy Blasted across the Planet. These were the Solar Code's for Humanity's release from the Programmed illusion. Yesterday, during the Transitionary Council Meeting, We grounded these into The Planet. We had a total of 76 People in the Meeting with us at once. WOW! Each Week we continue growing and this Keeps bringing in the Highest Focused Light into the Planet. We are growing brighter by the Moment and this Will Continue getting Brighter




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~ Brilliant Rehearter's~ Quotes for Living Now and Being Present


It is important to do our living in the present moment, not the past or future. Most of us on the spiritual path know this, but still fall into old patterns of thinking. These quotes may be helpful. They are combined with various images from our animal friends and Native American music by Peter Kater and R. Carlos Nakai. Most of the quotes were obtained from Quotegarden.com.


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COMEDY CIRCLE: The Colbert Report: 04/02/12 Recap


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COMEDY CIRCLE: Political Correctness gone mad...


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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~4~12 The Upcoming Event's will Secure The Light's Presence Here~


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~4~12


~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~ The Upcoming Event's will Secure The Light's Presence Here~


Photo By Earth Allie Will Harader Our Scout Craft Hanging Out Waiting On Humanity!


Greetings Love Beings, We have Entered even more Intense energies, which are here to assist us in Tomorrow's Event of a Focused Collective Meditation. As a Collective of Light, With All Your Earth Allies, All the Ships, and All the Planet's, we will be able to break through the last of the illusionary veil.



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Unemployed tried to rob a postal office, clients make a collection



Crisis Consequences


A man enters the post office of Empedocle (Agrigento, Italy) and says it's a robbery.

Thus, the 51 years old man does not scare anyone.. and those in the post office start making a collection and talking to him,  they calm him down and help him and his two sons get some money.
Before the arrival of the police, a few hundred euros had been collected. The police, as the man did not harm anyone and after listening to what happened, did not arrest him but only denounced him for private violence.





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In numerology, the language of numbers and their symbolic meaning, numbers and dates are added together to obtain the true meaning or essence. For example the year of 2012 is 2+1+2 = 5 showing the overall essence of 2012 is the five energy. May being the fifth month and 2012 being a five year, the triple portal date of 5-5-5 IS significant. Take just a moment to reflect upon the number 5, which in numerology represents major change at the most primal meaning and translation.


Of course 2012 would be a 5 year! It makes perfect sense as we move into the next grand cycle under the Galactic Mayan Calendar. This entire year is about grand transformation.



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Sybra of Sirius. A Plea For Compassion, From The Galactic Federation Of Light. By, AuroRa Le. May 4, 2012.



Sybra of Sirius. A Plea For Compassion, From The Galactic Federation Of Light. By, AuroRa Le. May 4, 2012.

Posted on


May 4, 2012

by theangeldiaries

Greetings, Beloveds, I am Sybra of Sirius; Elder of The Council of the Venus Ray and Messenger of Light, in service to our Divine Mother.  Today, however, I step away from the ladies of the Council and speak with you in yet another of my roles – as an officer and representative of the Galactic Federation of Light.  The message I bring at the behest of my Brethren will be direct and to the point, as such is the preferred manner of those under whom I serve. 



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Golden Age Messages from the Masters ~ and Sheldan Nidle's Webinar


Golden Age Messages from the Masters


Photo By Dawn Christine




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Cobra~World Liberation Day ~ Lastest Update


Cobra~World Liberation Day ~ Lastest Update

Our moment of breakthrough has arrived. We will gather and create a resonance field for our freedom.



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Feathering the nest


Photo By Earth Allie Dawn Christine


It’s like riding a mammoth ocean wave while feathering my nest.  Instead of concentrating on how to adjust and steady my body, I am tucked inside, unable to focus on much except my emotional and spiritual state, my home and family.  Consequently, there are plenty of wipe outs and this blog is half a day late in coming.  It has been written more than once, both internally and online. Unsure as to exactly what is “up”, I can only describe these last 72 hours. 



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~Grid Transmissions~ Decree to the Blue Lightening and Violet Fire~




Whenever Blue Lightning is invoked, Elohim Arcturus has pledged to follow it with the Violet Flame and whenever the Violet Flame is invoked, Elohim Hercules has pledged to follow it with Blue Lightning Fire. As so, a braiding action of the first and seventh ray of Alpha and Omega shall take place until the hour of final Victory!

In the name of the beloved mighty victorious presence of God, I AM that I AM, my beloved Holy Christ Self, Holy Christ Selves of all Humanity... we call to the consciousness fields of the Elohim, Ascended Masters and Angels of the Blue and Violet Ray including Mighty Hercules and Lady Amazonia, Elohim Arcturus and Victoria, beloved El Morya, Saint Germain, Archangels Michael and Faith, Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst and the legions of angels of the Blue Fire of Divine Will and Violet Consuming Flames of Love's Mercy and Compassion...

BLAZE, BLAZE, BLAZE the combined penetrating action of the Cosmic Christ Blue Lightning Fire and the Violet Transmuting Flames into my consciousness, body, life and world... the consciousness body vehicles of all Planetary Light Servers... and the consciousness of all people on Earth.


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Multi-Dimensional Dreams, Image Maps and Past Life Echoes: Spring’s Energetic Shifts Stoke the Fires of Transformation


Multi-Dimensional Dreams, Image Maps and Past Life Echoes: Spring’s Energetic Shifts Stoke the Fires of Transformation

 4 May 2012 :
DL Zeta
The fires of transformation burn hot and bright as we enter a time of energetic shifts that will hasten sudden change, clearings, openings, reversals and much more.

This gateway is rife with the kind of opportunities that can only be forged by peeling away the ill-fitting veneers of the past, and cleansing, healing and loving ourselves at deepening levels. This combined with a willingness to face the dawning of a new time with unflinching honesty, clarity of vision and a detachment in outcomes that allows us to trust in the divine wisdom of the universe, will carry us seamlessly into the stratosphere of expanded consciousness.

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~May 5th~ Gateway~The Fifth Initiatory Gateway of Light by Anrita Melchizedek



The Fifth Initiatory Gateway of Light by Anrita Melchizedek


Earth Allie Dawn Christine


On May 5th 2012, we enter into the fifth initiatory Gateway of Light through the First Ray of Will and Power, and the Initiation of Revelation Overlighted by Chohan El Morya, Archangels Michael and Faith, and Elohim Hercules and Amazonia. This first ray is primarily concerned with owning our personal power, and aligning our will with the Divine Will of God. Through this initiation, we detach ourselves from control and domination issues, and become the empowered "warrior" of Divine Will. In so doing, we will truly understand what it is to wield power, rather than submit to it.



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PAO Webinar 27 Preview Understanding Our Timelines


~Thank You for Getting this Information to as many as Possible~


~Thank You for Helping to Spread the Good News~


Humanity's Freedom


Love The Earth Allies


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Be Patient


Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Be Patient

 4 May 2012  Sharon Taphorn
Keep your focus and be patient

Change is often a challenge, so focus on the gifts of the process, and the joy you will feel in the end. Many of you are going through great changes and spiritual growth. Sometimes this shedding of the old you seems scary and painful. You aren't sure where you are going next and that perhaps you feel your entire purpose is changing. Rejoice and celebrate for these are your opportunities to trust in what you want to create and making room for the new.

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Maybe there is HOPE, The Sheeple are WAKING UP! - Meaning of Life, NWO, Freedom (EMOTIONAL!)


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~Incoming Code's~ The Happy Ending Of Love~


~ We are Here~ This Intense Love of Truth will Be washing over Humanity~ Wave upon Wave~


Love The Earth Allies


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~Incoming Code's~ The Moment to Declare Our Freedom Has come~


~Planet Wide Liberation Focus~ Its Love's Turn To Fly! Bringing All of Humanity With Her~Him!~


~We Are One~




Love The Earth Allies


555 ~ Buckle your seatbelts. A major life change is upon you. This change should not be viewed as being "positive" or "negative," since all change is but a natural part of life's flow. Perhaps this change is an answer to your prayers, so continue seeing and feeling yourself being at peace.


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Wes Annac – The Pleiadian High Council : Melding Away The Energies Of Separation


Wes Annac – The Pleiadian High Council : Melding Away The Energies Of Separation

 – 5 May 2012

by GLR  Wes Annac-

So very many of you dear souls on Gaia’s surface have been discovering the energies of the higher realms that are leading you ever closer to your beautiful and marvelous ascension into higher states of knowledge, perception and consciousness.

The Light that has been held but remained unrecognized in much of humanity is being shown to you all as the darkness and egotistical blocks employed during your daily perception and consciousness have been themselves unraveling and becoming exposed, and as your own egotistical shells become exposed you are also exposed to the Light you have carried within that has gone unnoticed by so very many on your world for so very long.

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The Original Gratitude Dance! (www.TheGratiDudes.com)


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Are we living in the endtimes?


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May 2012 Energy Forecast with Lee Harris


The energy of May began with a bang. January 1st 2012 was the last time we opened a month with such strong energy of new potentials. This May 1st Birth Energy lasted a few days, and has now quietened again as I finish writing this forecast on May 5th.


Many of you will have deeply felt it, been catalysed by it and felt a resulting surge of energy in you that was clearly new life emerging. Throughout May this birth energy will continually resurface, and so the experience of May will be of (faster than ever) expansion and contractions.


These are the labour movements/pains for us as a changing planet and people, as the baby is getting closer to its birth now. The baby being our new world. This means the contractions will be felt more deeply by those who were unaware they were birthing. So challenges for everyone in various areas of life are an ongoing theme, but if you are used to this theme and learning to stabilise it, you will easier breathe through the contractions and harness the heights available in the expansions.


In the expansion lies the energies of excitement and anticipation – an ever closer sense of the baby’s arrival. This can also lead to the feeling of wanting to prepare and organise areas of your life. May will see many of you organising, tidying, and de-cluttering, to get your space fresh and ready for the new. This practise will lead to stronger manifestation so de-clutter with love and intention, for the highest effects.



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Find peace and love in your hearts. – Michael by GLR Ron Head


Find peace and love in your hearts. – Michael  by GLR Ron Head

May 5, 2012 in


And now the day is come upon you.  The time of your awakening is here.  Please do not expect a eureka moment, dear ones.  Although some may experience that, it is no less an opening for you if you do not.

Today your efforts in oneness will open for this planet doorways and possibilities that will take many, many years to explore.  It will not be so very long before the change you create today will be evident to all who care to look.

Do all of this with unconditional love and forgiveness.  Do not harbor ill will against any.  Do not enter this time with the intent to destroy, but to create.  Keep the energy of this night the highest you have ever experienced.

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Madre Terra 5-5-5


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The Oracle Report May 5


The Oracle Report


Saturday, May 5, 2012 - Sunday, May 6, 2012


Full Moon Phase

Saturday brings us the super-conjunction of the Sun, the Black Moon, and Jupiter along with the super Full Moon (biggest and brightest of the year).  For the past three days, we've been in a free fall just like the mythical phoenix, burning off whatever needs to be released from our lives.  We've come to the limit of what we can carry that no longer serves us on our journey with Gaia.

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Quotes for Living Now and Being Present


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The Electricity of the Super Moon Charges the Ascended Light Field & You!


The Electricity of the Super Moon Charges the Ascended Light Field & You!

I find every day there is something so amazing to marvel over.  To have been so incredibly blessed to bear witness to humanities changes, from the inside out, over the last decade.

When I first started reading, the physical body was nowhere near in the light field it is today.  The emotional body was often heavy with issues and worries.  The redirects from a person’s spiritual team came often and daily.

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~Incoming Code's ~ and So Love Begin's and So Be This~


~Love is All there is~






~Love The Earth Allies~


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~Incoming Code's~ The Moment of Awakening is Upon Humanity~


~ We are All Here Present and Ready to Embark on a New Journey and Adventure Called Freedom. Welcome Home, As this Is where Everyone IS! The Moment of Awakening is Upon Humanity~


WE Are Here~

Love The Earth Allies


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~Incoming Code's~ Incoming Starship Energy~


~The Master's Have Arrived~ The Eye's of Love~ Thank You For Being In joy, and joining us~ We as One Family of Love are the Solution~ The Light, the Heat is ON! It's in the Eye's~


~Welcome Home Into Love~




~New Earth=Heart~




~The Earth Allies~


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~Incoming Code's~ Per Mother Earth=Heart's Request~ Now


~Love The Earth Allies~


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Increased Volcanic Activity at Mt. Baekdu


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~Incoming Code's Ready For Love~!


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Heavenletter #4180 A Whole New World


Heavenletter #4180 A Whole New World, May 5, 2012

God said:
From My heart to yours emanates My love in full splendor. What else could I possibly give to you but what I AM? I say that even as I realize that sometimes, in times of woe, you can only think I give you what you perceive as heartache and loss. I do not take anything away from you. I do not plot or plan ways to make your heart ache.

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~ 5-5-2012 ~

Colleen and Sheldan


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~Space Weather Update~ Big SunSpot emerging~


BIG NEW SUNSPOT: A large sunspot group is rotating into view over the sun's northeastern limb. The emergence of this apparently significant active region could herald an increase in solar activity. Solar flare alerts: text, phone.


"SUPER MOON" TONIGHT: Tonight's full Moon is a perigee moon, as much as 14% bigger and 30% brighter than other full moons of 2012. This is a harmless but beautiful astronomical phenomenon. Enjoy the moonlight! [video] [full story] [Moonshots: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5]


Multicolored UFOs + Best UFO Orb PROOF, Disclosure 2012


This is the most awesome UFO film I've seen..Enjoy this one!


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Giant UFO- Holy Poop! Part Two


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Giant UFO- Holy Poop! Part One


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The Heart Sends More Information to the Brain Than the Brain Sends to the Heart


The Heart Sends More Information to the Brain Than the Brain Sends to the Heart

3rd May 2012

By heartmath.org

An Appreciative Heart is Good Medicine

Psychologists once maintained that emotions were purely mental expressions generated by the brain alone. We now know this is not true. Emotions have as much to do with the heart and body as they do with the brain. Of all your body’s organs, it is the heart, a growing number of scientists theorize, that plays perhaps the most important role in our emotional experience. What we experience as an emotion is the result of the brain, heart, and body acting in concert.

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Feeling Good 5-5-5


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A New Day Has Come 5-5-5


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Forgiveness - BE IT - 5-5-5


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Poems by God 5-5-5


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