~Processing Energies~ Stay Centered!!~

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 05/07/2012 - 10:44

FREEDOM PROJECT: “Drake” On Wolf Spirit Radio – 6 May 2012 ...




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FREEDOM PROJECT: France, Greece and Germany election results send austerity shockwaves through Europe ...




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FREEDOM PROJECT: Greek Election Surprise Rejects ‘Barbarism’ of Bailout Austerity ...




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FREEDOM PROJECT: Anonymous: CIA, Interpol websites ‘tango down’ ...




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LightLeaders! From lightworker to lightleader for everyone


After absorbing and assimilating the light energy of the 5th, it is now necessary that each lightworker advance to the position of LightLeader. Below are ideas which can work in most areas affected in our world. The Preparation our Divine Mother was speaking about on the 2nd I am outlining to save you time and also to create a positive visualization of a smooth operation of the transference of power. 


By now, the word "power" should not scare you.  It is the power within to make whatever changes are necessary in a world based on light.  Now, in the process of being of service to families, community, world and universe, watch for all the synchronicities and help YOU will receive in the process. It is within this world of so called "magic" you have been creating by the processes of setting yourself free. 


It will feel so good!  To truly feel your purpose as a LightLeader. Not in the old ego way of "making things happen" by your own separate power for recognition, fame, glory or money. But it will be now that heart-centered acceptance that you truly are of a greater Light than ever before and the the universe will assist you through various methods. 


She reminds in this moment to always accept any help anyone else is offering. Stay away from any concept that you can do this singularly.  It will take  community efforts. 



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Ashtar: We Shall Be Balancing Freedom with Peace!


Ashtar: We Shall Be Balancing Freedom with Peace!


Photo By Earth Allie Dawn Christine



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Hello angels~


Since all of these new energies have been coming in and I have been releasing all of my old habits and fears, I am back to having an abundance of free flowing, creative energy again!


Which is WONDERFUL!! 




Sometimes those who need us may feel left out, when we are busy in our creative modes.


Case in point...


Today I was making some lovely violet flame healing wands:






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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 5/6/12




The Pleiadians are a group of entities that are here at this time assisting your planet and your people in your time of ascension, and have been here assisting your world for many years leading up to this point in your history. There are many different groups of entities here at this time, and all of the groups that are here now are here for the better welfare of your planet and your people. There are no longer any other groups of entities that are here for any other purposes.


It is true that at certain points throughout the period of your history there were other groups that were here and not for your better interest but for their own interests, and the better welfare of your planet and your people did not enter into their politics or their agendas. This is no longer the case, and it is very important for the people of your world who have begun to read articles and messages from certain sources of information about these other beings and of their agendas to understand that what they are reading is either untruths, disinformation, outright lies or fabrications, or pieces of the history of your planet that are no longer contributing factors to your daily proceedings and of your future.



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In Defense of Obama~ He is of The Light


Knowing something of this being and the interest on it I decided to post
this opinion of mine. With what I know of him and with all of this public doubt
and negativity is hard to keep quiet.


I am sure he would not have me post this message at all but from my human
self and to the lightworkers who deserve to know more I will give a brief


First of all it is hard to even call this being Obama as he towers so high
above this one small identity. His track of beingnesses and accomplishments is
unparalleled and I think that I can say he is a unfallen being.



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I was told to send this out.....





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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~6~12 We Have Successfully broken through the illusionay Matrix


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~6~12



~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~


We have broken through the illusionary matrix, Love to Pour in

Fractal Art By Earth Allie Will Harader Golden Center



Greetings Love Beings, A Tremendous Amount of Love Energy is Moving throughout the Planet and all illusion is on the way out, as a result of our Combined Efforts yesterday. We Have Successfully broken through the illusionay Matrix. As a result, Many may be experiencing deep release's right now, as all of the old programs must be dissolved. They will be dissolving more and more in these Energies, until there is no more program. For the ones unaware of what is happening this is going to be a chaotic period.


In the Next 3 days collectively, we will all process and integrate these Higher Energies, as we prepare for more events to come.



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Daily Blue Star UFOs Report~ YES! ARE WE REALLY HERE~ 05-06-12



‪ Daily Blue Star UFOs  Report~ YES! ARE WE REALLY HERE~




Greetings Love Beings,

I’ve seen how fast one can get used to these images...

The first time this update was a “OH...”

Then it became a “Let’s see...”

Now, Light Orbs have become so usual that they almost get unnoticed...

But can you go back in memory an remember the first time you saw a video that REALLY SEEMED to be a UFO?

Now you’re almost all used to it.

UFOs happen!

And if the videos don’t show some “different and new” pics it’s “always the same stuff”.

Interesting how the mind works isn’t it?


Well, I got some good pics for you here again... and some “usual orbs” as well.

Here we are!

Thank you for sharing and informing everyone you can... it’s IMPORTANT! The more we get out at people, the less will they be afraid.


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FREEDOM PROJECT: Poofness – 5-6-12 — MOVE ON...




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What to Do and Not Do When the Arrests Begin


What to Do and Not Do When the Arrests Begin

2012 May 6
 Commentary by Steve Beckow

Drake has published this notice over at Freedom Reigns. Undoubtedly it’s a good reminder.  It’s a bit black-and-white dualistic, but….  Have some cash and food on hand please. Thanks to Jaya.



What to know

1. Bankers/Illuminati/Cabal/ Government have been running the world and doing bad things.

2. White hats including old money, military, veterans, federal marshals, and local law officials are going to arrest them.

3. Media may say it’s martial law and try to spread panic, but the actions are lawful and benefit humanity.

4. International travel will be stopped for 3 days. Some facilities wired to explode will be off limits for safety.

What to do


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I discovered this video today about a new discovery that geologists are scratching their heads over. These amazing rocks are giving life, mulitplying...growing... shortly after rain hits them.


They swell up and grow... they have even discovered that when cut down the middle, they show age rings, similar to a tree. They have discovered the nucleus inside the rock...




check out this video:






There is very little info on these rocks, if anyone has any info, I would love to hear it!


They are often moving from place to place, even when inside people's homes! To me they look like seals, or even dinosaurs?!


hmmmmm... gaia is wonderful (FULL of WONDER)


Many Blessings~





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Laura Wellington – “LIFE” Is Found In Helping Others!



Laura Wellington – “LIFE” Is Found In Helping Others! – 6 May 2012

If I could share 500 words of wisdom to summarize what I’ve learned so far in life, these are the important things I’d want to pass along to others…

It is incredible to me how many fortunate people move through life confused, unhappy, and depressed. The “Woe is me!” attitude seems to run ramped in today’s society. So many people would rather give up the privilege of truly living for the comfort of complacency and dissatisfaction. It takes effort to truly live, little more than the effort it takes to remain depressed. Yet so many choose the latter. I find this to be quite sad.


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~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 05-6-2012 – Sun's sending codes again



~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 05-6-2012 – Sun's sending codes again~



Greetings Loved Beings,

The focused Power of the Super Moon and the world wide meditation have opened new gates... the Earth Kundalini’s now spreading Energy to every atom in and on it.

Trying to hold on to the old energy and to the unconsciousness will become more and more difficult... so make it easy... let it go and Join Love in It’s Ride Home into Heaven on Earth!


Mother Earth=Heart is showing a re-start in activity.

Especially where veather and volcano activity is concerned.

Tornados seem again to be appearing in the most incredible places, this time near Tokyo... maybe someone heard a prayer for cleaning the air more thoroughly than people were doing over there?

The Sun has had 3 M flairs from the new sunspot that’s still growing and will soon be in complete Earth Face direction, which means we’re ready to get some more Energy to assist US ALL in the cleaning process and to let LOVE come in even more... yes! For there’s no limit to how much LOVE can be absorbed, LOVE’s our atom Being...

Breath it, Feel it, Absorb it!

Get High in Love!


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Visionkeeper ~ Still Alive And Breathing ~ 6 May 2012


Visionkeeper ~ Still Alive And Breathing ~ 6 May 2012

(picture by www.favim.com)

Hey Everybody….I just landed on the computer again and found over a hundred emails awaiting me. You guys are just the best and Hannah thanks for the healing meditation. I am finally in the new house. It was the move from hell. Picking the weekend of the super moon and solar flares was not to brilliant. It rained on Friday when we packed the truck but we got it done.


Saturday we unloaded and the movers were in a terrible mood, I am sure due to flares and the full moon. They literally dragged everything off the truck, stuffed everything in every nook and cranny of the house and drove off. Beds were not put back together, furniture for the 3rd floor was on the 1st, no rugs put down and the house was left by the owners in a terrible disarray of trash and junk they didn’t want to deal with. Like I do, it’s not even mine.



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What On Earth May 2 2012 Introduction


Introduction to new What On Earth? 2012 Reports documenting current and upcoming events that are transforming our world in the year 2012 and beyond. Tune and and find out what to expect and what the potentials are. Visit http://www.whatonearth2012.com for associated articles and source information for further investigation and research on your own.


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What On Earth? May 4 2012 ~ Part 2


The most recent behind the scenes news and information on current and upcoming events that are shifting our world in 2012


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FREEDOM PROJECT: PressTV: Hollande wins run-off, Sarkozy admits defeat




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Skull Babylon: The Mystic Ninja Chronicles


http://www.ParadigmShiftLondon.com /http://www.SkullBabylon.blogspot.com 

Within each of us there is the potential for great adventure. Let my actions be but a simple guide. Create your own path. Find your own freedom. Be your own hero. 

User Questions: How do you Meditate? What works for you? Are you going to try the exercise ball technique? Leave your comments below.

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5~5~5 meditation feedback ~


5~5~5 meditation feedback ~ 





~Six hour before the given time for the Liberation Day Focused Meditation we opened the virtual room, and 5’ later tears of Joy were already flowing donw from our eyes, as the first guest came in and uploaded a video and the music entered all our houses from “out of the blue”! What a wonderful start!

In a matter of no time Kimberly offered her 35 years of DJ experteese and lightworker Love to help us keep the music going, so that it soon became a real Love Party!


We did anounce that Changes were ahead, and Chages are here.



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AN URGENT Message to OUR Military, Police, and Officials from 'We The People'


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Laura Tyco ~ Power to People Now~ 6 May 2012



I feel so privileged to be one of the witnesses of the massive world awakening we are all here for. It has been a long journey for us all I feel and if you are anything like me, you must feel just about ready for a long vacation in the warmest, sweetest spot in the Universe, where nothing ever has to be done!

Over the past 4 months I had a very trying time: university, family ill, friends died suddenly, have avoided being blown up, avoided car crashes, various disappointments in friendships, the list goes on…


However, I still feel uplifted by the latest updates coming from people like David Wilcock, Bill Brockbrader, Drake and Benjamin Fulford, and of course I am delighted with the love and support from all light beings.


I am one of the lucky people who recalls her life planning sessions, with Ascended Beings and Angels. I do recall in fact having a pre-knowledge of this life plan, however there was never any guarantee or promise of success for us or for Mother Earth.


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Montague Keen ~ May 6, 2012 ~The Cabal is all but finished~


Montague Keen ~ May 6, 2012  
~The Cabal is all but finished~


My dear, do wish Marcia a Happy Birthday from me. I will be as brief as possible as you need to be with your family.


These are desperate times for many on Earth just now. It is difficult for them to see any light at the end of the tunnel. Please assure them it is just a matter of time. The Cabal is ensuring that people suffer because the energy from the suffering and fear is the oxygen that gives them strength. One only has to look at the extreme poverty in America, where people bought into the American Dream in the Land of the Free; now they find themselves helpless because the bankers have destroyed that dream.



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Unknown Light Artist

Gratitude 感謝

Day 195


When you drink water, remember its source,

If your spiritual understanding is sound, then you will constantly be aware of the subtleties of life. If you fritter away your concentration on minor entertainment and trivial distractions, then you will never attain profound levels of awareness.

It is not grand sweeping religious celebrations and heroic moment in life that are the only important spiritual occasions. Every ordinary moment, every little details should be a celebration of your personal understanding. Your smallest act should permeate with reverence.


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Natalie Glasson – The Flight Of The Faires – By Butterfly Moon



Natalie Glasson – The Flight Of The Faires – By Butterfly Moon – 7 May 2012


The Fairies and souls in human bodies have always worked closely with each other; fairies have been a part of the Earth’s evolution and ascension since its beginning. The fairies are akin to angelic beings, they are messengers of the Creator’s light. The fairies are also care takers of the nature kingdom and animal kingdom as well as acting as spiritual guides to some in human bodies. It is important not to underestimate the key role that the fairies have in the Ascension process not only do they maintain the vibrations of nature as well as energising nature’s manifestations but they also  safeguard the codes of nature to maintain its energy, to activate nature’s energy as well as allowing nature to ascended. The fairies act as bridges of light between nature and humanity, one of their missions is to bring unity between nature and humanity.


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Natural Remedies: Cherry Plum Floral Essence Restores Perspective


(editor's note: I hope everyone was able to pick up whatever Wesak energies you were seeking! I anticipated one day of meditation but was pleasantly surprised when it expanded into two days!

With the new energies that have been released to us, many people may be feeling a bit out of control or anxious as if an internal clock is ticking away without them. The floral essence of Cherry Plum helps restore your peace of mind and leaves you better able to stay separate from any external chaos you may encounter.

In time, the science of light and sound will advance so that we can update our medical centers, similar to those used on our Healing Ships.
Awakening within us all is the ability to completely heal ourselves.
As our bodies evolve from carbon-based to a crystalline-based structure, we must all learn how to properly nourish and treat our physical body.
Through this "Natural Remedies" segment I hope to introduce you to methods of healing you may not have tried, as well as building your knowledge base so you can help others.
I have now archived my articles on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NaturalRemediesCollection?skip_nax_wizard=true#

~Be well, all my Love, Boo)



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The Pleiadian High Council: Melding Away the Energies of Separation


The Pleiadian High Council: Melding Away the Energies of Separation

2012 May 7

May 5, 2012



-through Wes Annac-

So very many of you dear souls on Gaia’s surface have been discovering the energies of the higher realms that are leading you ever closer to your beautiful and marvelous ascension into higher states of knowledge, perception and consciousness.


The Light that has been held but remained unrecognized in much of humanity is being shown to you all as the darkness and egotistical blocks employed during your daily perception and consciousness have been themselves unraveling and becoming exposed, and as your own egotistical shells become exposed you are also exposed to the Light you have carried within that has gone unnoticed by so very many on your world for so very long.



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The View From Down Here: Mojave California Home To The New Space Movement


(editor's note: Who says big things don't come in little packages? It seems the tiny town of Mojave, California welcomes visitors with their sign, "Gateway to Space!" In what is called the New Space movement, innovators, inventors, and entrepreneurs come together at this location to share their dreams of space exploration.

I'm so happy to report that news of activities happening outside and around our planet continue to intrigue more and more people!
Just a few years ago, "space geeks" were the only ones interested in all the wonderous events of our neighboring planets, stars, and galaxies. Now it seems everyone has their eyes to the skies!
The view from down here is a special vantage point, so I hope you enjoy this report and get a better understanding of how important YOU are to the beautiful Cosmos we all call home.  
~All my Love, Boo)




A Desert Town on the Way Up ... to Space



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Stretching Science: Can Minor Vibrations Replace Batteries?


(editor's note: Vibrations of energy have made scientists take note of some new uses for this power- to possibly replace low power batteries!

In my daily treks through the news files of the world I'm amazed at the depth and scope of emerging science technologies! In the bigger picture of our changing world, we understand that these are stepping stones towards joining our Galactic community of scientists.
~All my Love, Boo)




Can Minor Vibrations Replaces Batteries in Power Sensors, Radio Transmitters and GPS Modules?


The freight train races through the landscape at high speed, the train cars clattering along the tracks. The cars are rudely shaken, back and forth. The rougher the tracks, the more severe the shaking. This vibration delivers enough energy to charge small electronic equipment: this is how the sensors that monitor temperatures in refrigerator cars, or GPS receivers, can receive the current they need to run.



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Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 7 May 2012



Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 7 May 2012

Few of you have any real recollection of your previous lives except perhaps for the occasional flashbacks, yet you have had so many lives full of experiences that have brought you to where you are today. It has been a long journey, and now many of you stand at the door of Ascension but you do not fully understand what a great quantum leap forward is going to take place. Be patient Dear Ones, and know that you are one of those chosen to be here at this time, and that is indeed a great privilege and experience never to be forgotten. 


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Healing Earth News: Quick Response To Washington Oil Spill & A Different Spin On Recycling


(editor's note: Near Olympia, Washington, a man working to upgrade his family business discovered a leak in an old oil tank. Knowing how vital is was that he get this cleaned up, he reached out for help. It seems not only the entire town responded, but Gaia Herself helped out with some "synchronistic" events!
I'm also including a letter about recycling that shows how the depths of generosity can have a profound effect on many people.

Rather than become disheartened by the negative news of mainstream media, I challenge you to look deeper -to find healing earth heroes in your own community. There are people all over this beautiful jewel we call Gaia working every day to correct the damage we have done. They are doing the physical clean up work, or putting the intellectual thought into solving these problems. Please join me in sending them all energies of love and support.
~All my Love, Boo)



Company, Ecology work together to clean up Garfield spill


OLYMPIA – Jerry Love planned to get that last, old tank out of the ground.


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Message from My Entire Self



Message from My Entire Self

  7 May 2012 by GLR  jimmy


The 5/5/5 and supermoon last night was extremely powerful. Many of us started feeling the codes being downloaded a couple days before the supermoon. Today I asked my entire self what type of information is in the codes, and what changes we can expect in our lives as a result of the new download. Here is my understanding of what is happening to us. I have to give credit to James Tyberron for much of this information, but I did glean some new and valuable information from other sources, Sarah Gazala, Lisa Gawlas, and others, all of whom are part of my entire self, as are you.


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~Message from Your Higher Self~ Invocation for The Present Moment of Now~





~Together as One Love,  WE ~Humanity will carry the Grand task of Building a new way of living together in Cooperation, Peace, and Unconditional Love...as Gods and Goddesses, a True spiritual life in abundance and True Equality in Perfect Balanced Harmonics is The New Earth=Heart. In Truth, the KIngdom of Heaven On Earth!


~From Now On, All that Supports the Highest good of All...in ALL Moments Of Creation is all That Exists NOW!! and from Now on, it IS ALWAYS THE PRESENT MOMENT OF NOW~




Together as One Love, in the highest and best for all, we will now collectively dissolve all current illusionary systems and Establish A Universal Government which will Transform into a Galactic Starseed Nation~


~Now as all Higher Selves on the Planet Are Present With US, We Stated the Following out loud in Representation for The ALL.~



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5/7/2012 -- Ongoing severe weather = KS MO IL IN OH TX KY TN MS AL PA WV OK LA AR


Published on May 6, 2012 by


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Catholic nuns torture 30,000 women in Ireland's 13 "magdalene laundries" institutions




At the end of this video and on youtube, you may have options to look at very graphic abominations of women's tortured bodies completely disfigured. Use discretion. 


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Supermoon glows around the globe


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~Space Weather Update~ Big Sunspot Producing M Class Flares


BIG SUNSPOT: One of the largest sunspot groups in years rotated over the sun's northeastern limb this weekend. With a least four dark cores larger than Earth, AR1476 sprawls more than 100,000 km from end to end, and makes an easy target for backyard solar telescopes. Amateur astronomer Alan Friedman sends this picture of the behemoth from his backyard in Buffalo, NY:


"AR1476 is firecrackler," says Friedman.


Indeed, the active region is crackling with impulsive M-class solar flares. Based on the sunspot's complex 'beta-gamma' magnetic field, NOAA forecasters estimate a 70% chance of more M-flares during the next 24 hours. There is also a 5% chance of powerful X-flares.


"This one is going to be fun as turns to face us!" predicts Friedman. He might be right. Solar flare alerts: text, phone.


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From Janine Jansma – 5/7/12



From Janine Jansma – 5/7/12

May 7, 2012 in Uncategorized | by 

Seek not a surrogate

For your soul

No one else

Can make you whole

This is an inside job

From the start


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Just watch the signposts as they go by. – Michael GLR by Ron Head



Today we will speak of the notion of the fleeting passage of time.  Time is a construct that you have invented in order to experience changes as if they are not in existence at their inception.  Your concept of linear time has been very useful in allowing you to learn, and in protecting you from the consequences of instant manifestation.  It has allowed you to make changes to the things you have created unconsciously.


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Untangle From Old Concepts and Live in FREEDOM!!




I went and sat down by the river last evening, my heart filled with the wonder of the days readings and my own life emerging.  I looked at the sheer diversity of life in bloom along both sides of the river.  The majesty of the Mesa jutting upwards to the sky.  I remembered the vortexes I watched emerge over the last 4 months, the guardians keeping watch at the top of the Mesa.  I took notice of the plants and tree’s ready to pollinate, all the pollen clusters were yellow.


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Saint Brigit. IntoThe Looking-Glass; ‘Who Will You Be When The Walls Come Down?’



Saint Brigit. IntoThe Looking-Glass; ‘Who Will You Be When The Walls Come Down?’ 

By GLR AuroRa Le. May 7, 2012.


♕  Who will you be when the walls come down?  Brick by brick, they are being dismantled, and you will all soon be free to step over the rubble and live your lives in fine abundance.  Roam the lush lands on the other side of the ancient fortifications – aye, my Hearts, they must come down.  Keep your senses affixed and make ready.  The nuisance of linear time is dissipating rapidly and shall shortly be no more.  This being said, we must let the curtain drop and say the show is over. 


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Oracle Report ~ Monday May 7 2012



Oracle Report ~ Monday May 7 2012

Today’s energy brings fresh air and new light to situations. We are “future-oriented” and anything that you plan or put in place for the future will yield nice results. But there are a couple of things to watch out for today. Expectations may need to be adjusted. We’re coming off the weekend’s super-conjunction and want to fly high. It will take some time to rise to the level that is proportional to the level we “fell.” If you find yourself feeling like you are falling short or are failing in some way, check if you are trying to hang on to something in the past.


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Angela Peregoff – The Week Ahead – 7 May 2012



Angela Peregoff – The Week Ahead – 7 May 2012

Third dimensional life has been quite interesting, rather challenging yet engaging, anddefinitely comprehensive since the full moon. In my own life, and in the lives of those I interact with daily, there has been a vibratory force of Self-realization shaking loose tensions, restrictions, limitations, etc. from the denser (astral, emotional, etheric and physical) levels of being. And there won’t be any relief from this latest cosmic clean-up until the next full moon/lunar eclipse on June 4th.


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Heavenletter #4182 As You Really Are


Heavenletter #4182 As You Really Are, May 7, 2012 

God said: 


What is going to emerge from your heart and soul today? What will occupy your heart and soul? What will your daily life be today? Can your heart and soul and daily life be the same?

Of course, they can.

You can be of equal high standing in your daily life and the deeper life of your heart and soul. Pause a moment, and think what this would mean. You would be at One with yourself. You would not be fragmented. You would not be one way here and another way there. You yourself would be unified. There would be no departing from the wonderfulness that you are.


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Imagine a new way of cohabitation on this planet...


You can create the world you want to live in.
It starts with imagination, dreaming, or visualizing what you want to see. 
You are an AMAZING creator!
Imagine a new way of cohabitation on this planet...
(taken from my FB page "Imagine Your Passion" where the power of thought becomes the power of creation)
<span style="font-</p><p><a data-cke-saved-href=" galacticfreepress="" content="" imagine-new-way-cohabitation-planet"="" href="/galacticfreepress/content/imagine-new-way-cohabitation-planet">Read more


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