~Lot's of Energy Movement Up Ahead~

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 05/08/2012 - 10:49

Oh, Dear, the End Times are Here! (The End of Fear!) - with Scott Grace, the Spiritual Dr. Seuss


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*We had this same card the last week of March so we are again reminded of the power of our own individuality and the freedom to express ourselves and our spirituality any way we wish!

Uranus 7: 7th Chakra (crown)
Uranus Keyword: 'Individuality'Colour: Violet
Chakra Keyword: Spirituality
Card Keyword: 'FREEDOM'

INTERPRETATION; Explore and expand your innate need for the freedom to express your spiritual nature in whichever way you desire. Give yourself permission to be free to experience your divinity without any expectations or judgments. Let go of any desired outcome. Let go of any outer belief systems which may have shaped and kept certain aspects of your life under their control. Now allow others the freedom to be themselves. Let go of any control or judgments you may have of others spiritual beliefs. To each his own.

ACTION: Affirm: “I now choose to let go of controlling thoughts or behaviours and trust that the outcome will be for my highest good” “I give myself permission to freely explore and expand my spirituality”



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~ The Medicine, Bringing Us ALL Home~


~Together We are The Change~ Joining together is the Medicine, which is Bringing us all Home~


~We Are Here~


Love The Earth Allies


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Galactic Free Press Update 5~6~12 We Have Succesfully broken through the illusionay Matrix


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~Cobra Report~ World Liberation Consciousness Stream ~


World Liberation Consciousness Stream ~
Commentary from The Galactic Free Press: FYI: Yesterday, we announced the Meditation was Successful, and we have broken through the illusionary matrix. We are recieving reports which do validate this has been accomplished. Below, Cobra Mentions we did not reach the 144,000 required. We feel we actually did reach this and even over this. It matters not, the Divine Time Line has been activated. We will All together continue to Move Forward as a Family of Love. Let's Accomplish this and Get Er' Done. This is a Full Participation Month to move the Consciousness of the Entire Planet. Let us together as One Be the Change! You can Join us Saturday May 19th, 2012 at 1pm pacific for another Event. We will be Having For A Focused Love Event. Join US!
Cobra Report:
World Liberation Consciousness Stream 



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They Don’t Have the Power (Listen to Me)


They Don’t Have the Power (Listen to Me)

by on May 7, 2012


They don’t have the power. God has the power. We are God. We are the power.


They don’t have the power. The Power is inside. God is the Power. I am God. You are too.


They don’t have the power. I am the power. I am god. I am the power. You are god. You are the power.


Listen to me. We are the power. They are not the power. They don’t have the authority. They don’t have the jurisdiction. Fictitious law. F*** the paperwork. God has the power. This bullshit is a facade. God is the power. I am god. You are god.



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Dr. Ann Kreilkamp, Ph.D. 5-7-12… “Is the real Obama about to stand up?”


Dr. Ann Kreilkamp, Ph.D. 5-7-12… “Is the real Obama about to stand up?”

This article by Dr. Ann Keilkamp came out today and I was drawn to post it here. It’s a written overview of yesterday’s Bill Wood and Eva Lee YouTube message (see also MP3s post here. I felt this was well put together, and summarizes many of the key points in Bill and Eva’s presentation.

[Just a note, Bill's last name is spelled "Brockbrader"]


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Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


We are truly living in the most auspicious and grand times... All is in the change, from Mother Earth to our paradigm what life is... What lies and deceptions was... What Truth and Freedom Does to the mind, soul and body...



I can simply state for these two wonderful patriots of Humanity and US who stand before US with such a dignity and humbleness thinking always about everyone else... How we will become free souls as they are...

They are Free simply because they choose to stand tall and in front of the cameras, not afraid yet glowing with most beautiful light of Freedom... White Gold is all around their auras, the voices vibrations shows determination and courage and knowing that all is OK...

Eva and Bill are not only a messengers, they are true leaders of New Golden Age... standing in all of their beauty, audacity and velour... The information that we hear in this video are not only true, but totally inspiring for anyone who is just a bit aware what freedom is...



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UFO mainstream media coverage MASS SIGHTINGS taking place



Mass sightings of the increasingly familiar triangle shaped lights and orbs continue to amaze onlookers worldwide, as new videos surface on You Tube daily. In Canada and the USA mainstream news have begun to report on this phenomena, as people ask the question:

What...or who... is here?


Huffpost's Lee Spiegel writes: "Those triangle-shaped UFOs just don't seem to go away. Whether they're conventional planes, experimental stealth technology or truly unexplained vehicles, reports continue to surface about these aircraft."



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Earth Magnetism is Harmonizing.


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Incoming Codes~Kevin Costner's emotional speech in full at Whitney Houston's funeral ~


~Tears Incoming of Joy~


Truth is The Reality


Love The Earth Allies


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The Avengers- Are Superhero Movies the Right Vehicle for Our Intent?


I totally get the use of this particular movie's storyline in support of it's ability to in some way objectify our mission as lightbearers together in overcoming our separation and practicing Unity, with stunning results. I personally have watched almost every superhero movie, because I was weaned on Superman and Batman,etc. comic books as a young child growing up in the 50's and early 60's. By fifth grade, I was done with comics and moving on to other things, like James Bond!:) . But heh! when they came out with my favorite superheroes on the big screen and such incredible special effects, I was enthralled! I haven't seen the Avengers yet, and I may still do so, but I am leaning towards finally boycotting it personally, in order to be truer to my own God-Presence.

Ever since, oh, about the first Batman movie, I have noticed the increasingly dark and very "adult" feel to the superhero genre in general over the years. In "Iron Man", with Tony Stark coming across as a self-aggrandizing megalomaniac, and a gleeful war industrialist, as well as a blantant womanizer, I began to feel that a bright line of Light had been crossed. I felt out of alignment with my inner Being's guidance, though no word was spoken to me. I was simply being observed.

I have watched many movies since then, including superhero movies, that I knew innately were not of ascended consciousness quality, yet watched anyway. I discovered that it is hard not to watch them, when others around us suggest them and we see it as a way to bond with them rather than create disharmony. By refusing to watch them and setting ourselves upon some standard "above" them, we are guaranteed to get their negative attention. The other thing I noticed is that often times, even dark movies have given me some useful and uplifting insight into Life and our predicament.

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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~7~12 The Light is Going Strong and Victory is Indeed Ours!!


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~7~12


~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~ The Light is Going Strong and Victory is Indeed Ours!!


Incoming StarCraft, Yes We Are Real!~ Photo By Earth Allie Will Harader



Greetings Love Beings, Today, We would Like to Congratulate Humanity. We have reached over 2 Million hits to The Galactic Free Press. This should be your validation, The Light is Going Strong and Victory is indeed ours!!


  Through all of Our Connections from our Surface Ground Crew today, All the Frontrunners are now taking their positions, for the next facet of this Part of the Divine Plan. This should provide more Validation, We are Here, WE Are Real and We mean what we share about the upcoming events and celebrations.




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FREEDOM PROJECT: COBRA ~ World Liberation Consciousness Stream...



Monday, May 7, 2012

World Liberation Consciousness Stream 

Our mass visualization event has been very successful. Immediately after our global visualization, Japan shut down its last nuclear reactor:


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Wind of Change


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Abolish All Borders (PLANETARY UNITY NOW)


Abolish All Borders (PLANETARY UNITY NOW)


by on May 7, 2012

ascension earth


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‪ Daily Blue Star UFOs Report~ YES! ARE WE REALLY HERE



‪ Daily Blue Star UFOs  Report~ YES! ARE WE REALLY HERE~




Greetings Love Beings,

today we have some new and nice videos of our Brothers and Sisters of the Stars.

Enjoy these videos as you’ll look back at them onw day and say: “hey, you remember when we looked at those light orbs on youtube and wondered how they might look like in truth” while travelling from A to B on one of those ships!

Thank you for sharing and informing everyone you can... it’s IMPORTANT! The more we get out at people, the less will they be afraid.




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Bill Brockbrader Says the President is Stepping Out Against the Cabal



Bill Brockbrader Says the President is Stepping Out Against the Cabal

2012 MAY 7
Posted by GLR Steve Beckow

Good heavens, the cavalry is finally coming.


commentary from the Glactic Free Press: The NATO meeting will take place on May the 20/21 in Chicago, on these dated and until June 5th we have an auspicious period saying that quezicoatal is coming back and the Gods will land from the skies.


For those of you who have waited for some “insider” to say that President Obama is a white hat, that he’s at last pulling away from the clutches of his advisers, that he’s taking steps to round up the cabal, and that the wave of recrimination against him is a manipulation which we lightworkers have bought into along with so many other people, here comes “Bill Wood” or Bill Brockbrader  (and Eva Moore) with the lowdown on all of that.


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Earths Mightiest Heroes



We have experienced Unity.  With one heart we spoke for the very first time – intentionally.  This is a time to bask in it.  The feelings of excitement, anticipation and joy were palpable from every corner of the planet.  On World Liberation Day, at the moment of the full moon, we felt our oneness.  We thought as one and linked hearts on purpose.  We became for a moment what we are – we are One. Our language is Love; our method, Agape.


There was a movie released simultaneously this weekend; The Avengers – Earths Mightiest Heroes.  There are many reasons for this timing, yet in one of them we are stating truth in a very big way.  This was a blockbuster.  We are Earths Mightiest – our hearts are changing everything.  We have begun to experience the power of Unity.


The moment we joined there was a sort of jolt, and then a very gentle yet definitive force.  Our light encompassed the earth, and could be seen. In that state, the dark moved on.  It was a sort of edging out, a quiet push, no physical force was necessary.  It is a fact that light extinguishes the dark.



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~Crop Circle of Unconditional Love~ Reported May 6th~


Hoeven, Noord-Brabant Reported 6th May.
Map Ref: 
This Page has been accessed
Hit Counter

Updated Monday 7th May 2012



DATE FORMED:  May 6, 2012 

DATE OF PHOTOS:  May 6, 2012

LOCATION:  Hoeven, Holland

CROP:  Grasses

FOUND BY:  Robbert v/d Broeke & friend Stan

PHOTOS BY:  Yvonne Raaijmakers, Roy Boschman


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~We are Not seeing anything Changing ~


~Letters to the Editors~



Sorry to email you but I do get so impatient of when the big change will happen.

For last 3 months, I have been reading GFP blogs and they all said it's coming soon. Lights are green, things change will happen just so quick. Things will shock me, get prepare.

And it will happen soon.

I have been hoping everyday that the big day will be tomorrow for 3 months. And seems like all the information are the same within 3 months.

Meanwhile I have to do my  daily stuffs and in the same time I know that these things are not important once the change happen. So my mind is hoping the change by that date, but it didn't happening. So I have to do all those things that I really don't want to do. And now, should I plan for what I normally do or should I plan for what happen after changes?! I am trying so hard to stay focus on 2 different worlds! This  feels like torture and getting headache to keep thinking about it.


Our Response:



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The World’s 2012 Government Changes Have Begun in Europe


The World’s 2012 Government Changes Have Begun in Europe


Thank You to Stephen Cook

We’ve been told by numerous sources that there will be major government changes in the coming months prior to Ascension and that a new way of governing will be called for by the people.


Earlier today, two of Europe’s historically important countries, France and Greece, went to the polls.


Voters in both countries immediately showed their distaste for and distrust of the way their nations’ – and wider Europe’s – politicians and tough fiscal policies are ruining the lives of many.

Today, France has a new president, socialist Francois Hollande. As predicted, Nicolas Sarkozy is gone.


Mr Hollande says he looks forward to “giving back hope” to the people of France and promised to be the president “for everyone”, adding he would put young people and social justice at the centre of all his decisions for the next five years.



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~Message from Alpha ship: Be Patient~


Greetings from Alpha Spaceship!

During the last weeks, the number of men and women - especially women - who have begun to channel messages has increased, many of which are being published in the Internet, to our joy and blessing.



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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 5/7/12



The Justice Journey #7 is a particular journey a soul will incarnate through once it is decided that it is this lesson the soul wishes and needs to learn to continue advancing as a being of light through this journey we call existence. There are many different themed journeys that a soul can partake in, and the Justice Journey is but one of them.


Each one of you at this time is on a particular themed journey. Each one of you has chosen your journey and all of the lessons that will be presented to you while you are incarnated within the physical. Many of the friends that you meet and many of the antagonists that you meet have been carefully selected by you, in order to help facilitate the learning of the particular lessons tied to the journey of knowledge, wisdom and experience that you are currently on.


When it is time to wrap up the journey you are on and all the lessons you have learned it is then time to come home. Once you are home again you can carefully reflect upon all the lessons that you have learned and perhaps lessons that you have also missed. You have plenty of time to look back over your life and examine just where problems may have arisen due to your yet unsuccessful opportunities to learn particular lessons designed to bring about the entire picture to you and allow you to gain wisdom in a particular area of your choosing.



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Jeleila Starr ~ Shingles : A Message From The Inner Child ~ 7 May 2012


Jeleila Starr ~ Shingles : A Message From The Inner Child ~ 7 May 2012

As each day brings us closer to the end of the year, and the old reality, our lessons increase in number and intensity. I believe it is our guides’ way to ensuring that we clear as much as possible before we move into the new world. Sometimes a lesson requires that we share it with others, not only for their illumination, but as a way to heal from the pain. (Yes, talking helps.) To that end I share this one with you.


Been dealing with a case of the shingles this week. Thought the pain was due to my back/neck being out of alignment, but a visit to the chiropractor (out in 4 places–a record–including skull compression) only provided minor relief. The stabbing, burning unrelenting pain on the left side of my neck and head, that had been there for several days, continued making it nearly impossible to sleep. That same night, unable to rest, I got up and began an online search for the cause. Along with the burning sensation, blisters had formed on the left side of my head behind my ear and also on the back of my ear. My skull had been compressed in that location (felt a rush of energy when it was released). I discovered my symptoms were part of a viral outbreak called Shingles (an adult form of chicken pox).



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EARTH ALLIES 7.5.12... Ultra-nationalists set to enter Greek Parliament... Euro hits new low after France, Greece elections... Radical Left achieves second place in Greece... Greek runner-up rejects top-party coalition... Government officials Voting Fraud



Euro hits new low after France, Greece elections






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Earths Mightiest Heroes by SophiaLove



by GLR SophiaLove

  We have experienced Unity.  With one heart we spoke for the very first time – intentionally.  This is a time to bask in it.  The feelings of excitement, anticipation and joy were palpable from every corner of the planet.  On World Liberation Day, at the moment of the full moon, we felt our oneness.  We thought as one and linked hearts on purpose.  We became for a moment what we are – we are One. Our language is Love; our method, Agape.


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Enchanted Rock: Ascension Portal in Texas



Enchanted Rock: Ascension Portal in Texas


In the southwest 'hillcountry' region of Texas, lies the powerful and sacred dome of Enchanted Rock. Visible for miles around, the impressive dome rises 1850 feet above sea level, some 450 feet vertically above base. Revered by the planes Indians for centuries, it spirals a potent electrical vortex. It is called the Ayers Rock of America. Enchanted Rock is indeed one of the most powerful points in the southwest, and holds a special relationship to Sedona, and indeed, Ayers Rock. The hillcountry region is in itself a very unique area in the 'heart' of south central Texas.


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The Grail and the Alpha-Omega Part I



The Grail and the Alpha-Omega Part I


by Gary Osborn

Copyright © Gary Osborn 2006. All Rights Reserved


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Stretching Science: Where To Find The Nearest 3D Replicator


(editor's note: 3D Printers are gaining a mainstream foothold. What may look like a science fiction "replicator" is becoming a tangible tool for inventors.

In my daily treks through the news files of the world I'm amazed at the depth and scope of emerging science technologies! In the bigger picture of our changing world, we understand that these are stepping stones towards joining our Galactic community of scientists.
~All my Love, Boo)



3D printing gets social: New Cubify printer allows you to create, upload and SELL your own inventions


These objects may look like tacky, plastic souvenirs - the kind you might buy from street stalls on your summer holidays.


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Healing Earth News: Building A Life Around Passion For Our Rain Forests


(editor's note: It started with collecting lunch money from her school friends, now Beth Doane is a passionate rain forest advocate. Not only finding ways to protect the rain forest ecosystems, but also to improve working conditions for the local population. What have you taken on today?

Rather than become disheartened by the negative news of mainstream media, I challenge you to look deeper -to find healing earth heroes in your own community. There are people all over this beautiful jewel we call Gaia working every day to correct the damage we have done. They are doing the physical clean up work, or putting the intellectual thought into solving these problems. Please join me in sending them all energies of love and support.
~All my Love, Boo)



Get inspired: Passionate rain forest activist Beth Doane



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Healing Remedies: Go Play In The Sun!


(editor's note: Sunlight is good for you. Most people agree with this; but there is still a group of people who have been "told" by their ever-trusty government agencies that the sun is bad for you. It gives you skin cancer, slather these chemicals into your skin for protection, don't go near the light!

As with all other areas of our lives, when the curtains of illusion fade away, we see the depth of all the lies we've been fed in an effort to keep us in our place. Today I bring you an article that (finally) reveals the harmful effects of those sunscreen chemicals.

Our place is not trapped inside working a meaningless job, too tired at the end of the day to do much more than grab some non-nutritive food and watch the news until we pass out from fatigue.


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May 2012 Monthly Visions: Truth and Transparency


Monday, 7 May, 2012



 Artwork By Stessa Thompson (stessa@live.com)


There is a saying “I can see right through you” and that has never been more applicable than now. It feels like everyone around us, including us, is becoming more and more transparent, as all of who they/we are – and who they/we are not – is laid bare. This transparency is happening whether we like it or not – it is not as if everyone is suddenly feeling urged to be totally upfront and honest with each other. It is more like a curtain that was once dense is now becoming sheer, and so there is nowhere to hide.


As this process happens, we may not always like what we see. We may have preferred the illusion of what someone or something was, more than we like the reality. Even if we had a fairly good idea of what someone or something was, the in-your-face transparency occurring right now is like someone turning the dimmer light switch up from medium to high. We may have thought we were seeing clearly a year ago or even a month ago, but it’s becoming a whole new ball game now.


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Imagine a new way to educate our children...


You can create the world you want to live in.
It starts with imagination, dreaming, or visualizing what you want to see. 
You are an AMAZING creator!
Imagine a new way to educate our children...
(taken from my FB page "Imagine Your Passion" where the power of thought becomes the power of creation)

The manuscript of survival – part 132



The manuscript of survival – part 132



 •May 8, 2012 • by Aisha North

Today will mark the passage into a new part of this transformational process, as you will all be exposed to a new level of ”radiation” to call it that. Let us explain. As you have probably understood well by now, you are brought up in vibration notch by notch, and although this process has been going on for many years for some of you, now the time has come to really start speeding you along in this evolutionary process.


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Oracle Report ~ Monday May 8 2012



Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Full Moon Phase


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UFO Sighting Say Hello To Big Brother


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The View From Down Here: Fifth Graders Working Hard For SpaceX Dragon Project


(editor's note: Fifth graders have put a lot of hard work towards making sure their experiments earned a place in the upcoming unmanned SpaceX Dragon capsule.

I'm so happy to report that news of activities happening outside and around our planet continue to intrigue more and more people!
Just a few years ago, "space geeks" were the only ones interested in all the wonderous events of our neighboring planets, stars, and galaxies. Now it seems everyone has their eyes to the skies!
The view from down here is a special vantage point, so I hope you enjoy this report and get a better understanding of how important YOU are to the beautiful Cosmos we all call home.  
~All my Love, Boo)


Students set sights high for their experiments destined for the space station



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The White Hats Report #41 – 8 May 2012



The White Hats Report #41 – 8 May 2012

Truth That Dared To Speak Its Name

On the 16th of February, 2012, in the House of Lords, one courageous man, akin to Churchill attempting alone to warn of the Nazis threat to peace, Lord James of Blackheath, showed the vision, integrity, and fortitude to stand up, be counted, and expose to the House of Lords, the stark evidence of Global Fraud, which he so eloquently stated “there may have been a massive piece of money-laundering committed by a major Government who should know better.”   Also, in his words, “a major American department has an agency which has gone rogue.”  This is a scam of major size and a key to the recovery of the money needed to immediately boost America’s economy, stabilize the EU and fund the Global Settlements.


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Lee-Anne Peters – Holding Your Centre During A Drama Storm!



Lee-Anne Peters – Holding Your Centre During A Drama Storm! – 8 May 2012

Being caught in the drama, or in the storm in our lives can be an everyday occurrence for many people.  Either pulled in by others or maybe even creating the drama ourselves (often unknowingly) can have tension strong, stresses high and sometimes communications running extremes – from excessive negative verbal attacks to no words said at all – the silence treatment comes to mind. Usually during the silence treatment our minds are so active with negative thoughts, assumptions and attacks, that it really can affect people around us and ourselves.


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The Grail and the Alpha-Omega Part II




The Grail and the Alpha-Omega



by Gary Osborn

Copyright © Gary Osborn 2006. All Rights Reserved

It's interesting that in the cosmology of Norse mythology, the Void is known as Ginnungagap – meaning ‘Yawning gap’, ‘beginning gap’; ‘gap with magical potential’; ‘mighty gap’ . . . the ‘blackhole’ from which everything has emerged and to which everything will return in the end.

Keeping the above in mind in regard to this gateway or portal being the node point which is crossed over twice every cycle,Ginnungagap, or the Gap Ginnunga – being a ‘gap’ between the worlds – is the ‘seeming emptiness’ – again, the ‘Primordial Void’ or Abyss, separating the opposites known as Niflheim the land of eternal ice and snow (corresponding with the feminine energy or principle) and Muspelheim, the land of eternal heat and flame (corresponding with masculine energy/principle).

There are many names and terms for the Void:


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Benjamin Fulford 5-8-12…”The White Dragon Roars, Europe Rattles. Plus: inside report on secret financial deals”



Benjamin Fulford 5-8-12…”The White Dragon Roars, Europe Rattles. Plus: inside report on secret financial deals”

My only “add-on” to this is that Benjamin has confirmed that “the Drake” is real, more precisely, “Neil Keenan confirms that Drake is a genuine US military person authorized to speak within limited parameters.” That is my “add-on” for today. Read on.


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2MIN News May8: Earth-Directed CMEs


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Jamye Price – The Energies Of May – 8 May 2012



Jamye Price – The Energies Of May – 8 May 2012

May is the energy of relationship.  It is the request, the honoring, the answer.  May I?  Relationship is a constant in life, for humans are give/receive mechanisms, a physical experience of form, movement, interaction and change.  Your vehicle of change is perspective and choice.  Perspective is the taking in of information (how it mingles within) and choice is the giving out of information.  You inform The Field through your vibratory instruction.  What you emit is your choice.


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Setting the energy forward -The Storm Is Over Now


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Heavenletter #4183 God's Highest Creation


Heavenletter #4183 God's Highest Creation, May 8, 2012 

God said: 


From the very foundation of Creation you arose. And what is the foundation of Creation? What can it be but love? What else could create and create so magnificently? Just think of it! I created the Sun, and the Moon, and the Stars, and I created you, My Highest Creation. The beautiful planets are given a route to take. They are set in place and follow their orbits. They are magnificent, no doubt about that.

Yet what was given to you that nothing else on Earth has is free choice. You are not locked in place. You have the freedom to go where you will. You can turn yourself upside-down if you will.


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Aluna Joy ~ Receiving Our New Bodies ~ The Holy Of Holies



Aluna Joy ~ Receiving Our New Bodies ~ The Holy Of Holies

Aluna Joy |   Original post March 13 2012

Thoth the Atlantean, Ascended Master Serapis Bey with Aluna Joy


The following is the second message that we received in Egypt this past March 2012 over Equinox. You can find our other messages on our website at www.alunajoy.com under the “Articles for Personal and Planetary Transformation” link. It might be a good idea to read them in order as each message builds upon the previous one. We are sharing this message here with you just as we received it, in present time, with very little editing. We do this for a very important reason. We know that the messages that we receive are not just for our groups, but are for others as well. The Atlantean/Egyptian Masters and the Star Elders assure me that the message and the corresponding energy will be transmitted to you. So as you read this, you might want to imagine that you are with us. Also, always view the photos on the website that we share, as photos also hold some energy of the sites.



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~Space Weather Update~ Twin CME's M Class Earth Directed!! Chance for X Class


TWO INCOMING CMEs: A pair of solar eruptions on May 7th hurled coronal masss ejections (CMEs) toward Earth. Forecast tracks prepared by analysts at the Goddard Space Weather Lab suggests that clouds with arrive in succession on May 9th at 13:40 UT and May 10th at 07:54 UT (+/- 7 hours). The double impact could spark moderate geomagnetic storms. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras. Magnetic storm alerts: text, phone.


CORONAL HOLE: A dark hole in the sun's atmosphere (a 'coronal hole') is spewing a stream of solar wind toward Earth. The impact of the stream, expected on May 9-11, could add to the effect of the incoming CMEs, boosting the chances of strong geomagnetic activity later this week. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory took this picture of the opening on May 8th:




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Cleaning House


We are one and we have no idea what we look like.  Yet, we are surrounded in mirrors.  This intentional separation has been brilliant.  We will have to invent words to speak of our oneness as we have none.  Unity is what we believe and hope is true, yet do not live.  Once we do, we will love with every breath, heal with each touch and adore with our eyes. This is our natural state.


Does it help to know this division has been intentional and could not have happened without our consent and participation?  We are here on purpose, to experience every false notion of life.  This is so that we would then seek and find the truth.


The truth of unity allows for us to “discover” ourselves as well as each other, label some parts “good” and others “bad” and choose which we will then “become”.  We are all parts.  This is a very convincing dream.


In this shift to love, we will stop hating ourselves.  Complete acceptance is our only tool.  Our thought patterns do not start there so in order to do this we’ll have to start by accepting every part of ourselves as valid and equal.  Every drop of water, clump of clay, grain of sand and bit of life are one.  You don’t get to choose who you are one with.


The criminals, the ones you don’t like, the smelly ones, the ones you ignore – they are all you.  We have learned to hate and been taught to blame and encouraged to compete with ourselves.  This tactic has kept us separate and afraid.  Being one online is a good start, yet the truth must be lived.



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Fairy Card Reading for a Spring evening: 'Make music, Trust your Intuition and save Mother Gaia'



Hello darlings!

Madame Butterfly here with a fairy card reading for this beautiful rainy spring evening...the sound of the raindrops on the roof giving a warm cosy feeling inside the house....the first card is 'Make Music' showing a beautiful girl playing harp in a garden, a reminder to us all to take the time to listen to beautiful music throughout the day.  In fact this is something I have been doing recently, playing classical and even some 'OM' music, very relaxing and rejuvenating to the body, mind and soul.    

The next fairy card is 'Trust Your Intuition.'  The fairy wears a diaphanous flowing white gown and is wandering through the night garden, a huge red planet behind her left shoulder in the night sky.  Never has there been a time when this was more important.  It has been the driving message all along. Trusting your intuition sounds simple, but there are times when it can prove to be difficult too. The planets are exerting their influence upon us also. 


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FREEDOM PROJECT: Keiser Report: Fracking Hell (E285) ...


In this episode, Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert discuss the Linda Evangelista of the natural gas market and the fast and furious bubbles popping like Lawrence Welk on frack. In the second half of the show Max talks to award-winning journalist and author, Leah McGrath Goodman, about why the price of gasoline is so high and what next for the oil market.

Follow Max Keiser on Twitter: http://twitter.com/maxkeiser


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FREEDOM PROJECT: May 6, 2012 -- The White Hats Report #41 (link below) ...




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We know already the outcome. – Michael by Ron Head




It is our wish today to speak to you about the onrush of events which is about to engulf you.  There is time for you to prepare yourselves and enough good advice on that subject already available to you.  What we wish to address is your mental and spiritual state of acceptance and preparedness.


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FREEDOM PROJECT: Julian Assange's The World Tomorrow: Nabeel Rajab & Alaa Abd El-Fattah (E4)


In the fourth episode of The World Tomorrow Julian Assange speaks with two leading Arab revolutionaries in the middle of conflict, Alaa Abd El-Fattah from Egypt and Nabeel Rajab from Bahrain. Alaa Abd El-Fattah is a long time Egyptian blogger, programmer and political activist. His parents were human rights campaigners under Anwar Sadat; his sister Mona Seif became a Twitter star during the 2011 Egyptian revolution, and is a founder of the No Military Trials for Civilians group formed under the post-Mubarak military junta. El-Fattah was imprisoned for 45 days in 2006 for protesting under the Mubarak regime, and released after "Free Alaa" solidarity protests in Egypt and around the world. In 2011, from abroad, El-Fattah helped route around Mubarak's internet blockade. Nabeel Rajab is a lifelong Bahraini activist and critic of the Al Khalifa regime. A member of a staunch pro-regime family, Rajab has agitated for reform in Bahrain since his return from university in 1988. Along with the Bahraini-Danish human rights defender Abdulhadi al-Khawaja, he helped establish the Bahrain Centre for Human Rights in 2002. Rajab is reasonably new to the limelight -- becoming a face for the Bahrain uprising of February 14 2011, after the sit-in at Pearl Roundabout. Since then, he has been a public face for the revolution, waging a social media war on Twitter with PR companies working for the regime. After al-Khawaja was imprisoned, he led protests for his release. He has endured beatings, arrests and legal harrassment for engaging in pro-democracy demonstrations. On Saturday 5th of May, he was arrested at Manama airport , and charged the next day with encouraging and engaging in "illegal protests." Nabeel Rajab remains in detention at the time of broadcast.

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First Crop Circle in Italy



Riesi, Sicilia. Reported 5th May.

..during the night between 4th and 5th of May 2012 (the farmer said that in the day of May 4th the pictogram was not there, while the morning after it was) Riesi is again the first place where the new season of crop circle begins. Here is the first crop circle of 2012 made in Italy.

It is difficult, for the moment, to estimate the crop circle size, which seem still quite relevant. Also difficult to interpret the drawing, but it is clearly geometrical and seems to be really well made. A central circle with five homogeneous compositions ("V" shape) around it. Something similar to a STAR.





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