Submitted by Lia on Fri, 05/06/2011 - 11:31



I am Gaia, I am your earth Mother, I am the consciousness of what you refer to as Mother Earth. It is a great honor for me today to deliver this message.

I am here today to explain to you what is going on with Mother Earth. This will help you to clearly see and understand the many things that are going on, on the earth today. Many human beings on earth today are raising their vibration and there is a great change of consciousness coming forth. This change of consciousness is occurring because you have ask for it as individuals and as a species. This change of consciousness is a change of consciousness from that of judgment to one of compassion.

Today there is so much compassion coming forth from human beings on earth. This is one thing that must come about in order to for us to move in to what is referred to as the Golden Age. You are seeing many, what you refer to as natural disasters occurring here on earth today. There is a reason this is occurring. Actually there are two reasons or you could say that what is happening is two-fold.

The first reason is very simple. As human beings raise their vibration and change their consciousness so must I. There is much energy that has been stored on Mother Earth for so many, many years and these energies come from you. These are old energies of fear, anger, hatred, competition, jealousy, and there are so many more. As you as human beings begin to release these old energies so must I. This is what you are seeing today in these natural disasters as you refer to them. I release old energies just as you release old energies. Scientists could better predict where these occurrences are going to be on earth if they looked more at the energy points on earth. Just as you have major energy points so do I. You call these energy points chakras. I am releasing the old energies that no longer serve me or serve humanity.

I am here because I am Mother and Father God’s creation, just as you are. My purpose is to serve the living. When you look at everything you have on earth, including yourselves, you will realize that I have always served you well. I have always supplied you with more than enough of what you need. I am a loving and nurturing Mother. We are all raising our vibration and this is what will help us to move to the next step on the ladder of consciousness or on the ladder of growth. In order for me to better serve you as you step upward on this ladder of growth, I too must release old energies. I’m changing my consciousness.

This change of consciousness is the second reason that there are so many, again, what you refer to as natural disasters occurring on earth today. As you move forward in your consciousness so must I. The reason for this is that I must be able to supply you again with the needs that you may have. This is and always has been my purpose. As you as human beings raise your vibration so must I raise my vibration. Your needs will be changing as you move forward into the Golden Age. Since my purpose is to supply with needs, therefore I must change also and this is what is happening.

Many times human beings will say that Mother Earth is mad at us or angry with us and this is not true at all. I am pure unconditional love just as Mother and Father God are pure unconditional love. This is why I have served you so well. I have my love for Mother and Father God’s creations and out of my love for Mother and Father God this is why I must change as you change. I must bring forth those energies that will help you to live in the New Earth or the New Energy Earth if you wish to say it that way. I am releasing those old energies that no longer serve you and as I release those old energies I am making way for the new energy that is coming to earth today. This new energy is the Divine Energy of Mother and Father God or the All That Is. This is not really a new energy for this energy has always been here on earth but it is a stronger energy today and just as you must learn to accept this energy, so must I. I would like for you to think of yourselves and what is happening around you and this will help you to better understand some of the things that are going on, on earth today. This should help you to better understand that everything is One. Everything on earth today is and always has been a part of the Great One or the All That Is.

Through this understanding that we are all One people will be able to better realize what is happening and they will be able to see the choices they should make. When you really think about it and understand that the choices you make as individuals and as a species truly effect and create the energies here on earth. Many of these energies you are releasing now, therefore so am I. Through understanding this and through knowing your connection we can move forward into the energy of the New Earth. Understanding this you will be able to move forward with more grace and with much less confusion. Accept these energies into your energy fields and do not judge these energies for these are the energies of compassion. When you look at what is happening with Mother Earth today you will clearly see that there is great compassion coming forth throughout the world. This compassion is helping all human beings to raise their vibration and to see their true nature. My true nature and your true nature are one and the same and this is compassion. This compassion will bring forth greater love for one and another and this will help to bring forth the great change that is coming about today. We all need to work together as one to bring this all about and this will happen.

This is the beginning of a new consciousness and the ending of an old consciousness that no longer serves Mother Earth or humanity. You have always known my great love for you. I will always be here to supply with your needs. I am Gaia, your loving Earth Mother, I am the consciousness of Mother Earth and I love you all so dearly.


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