The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~9~12 We Have Broke Another Record Of Focused Light~

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 05/09/2012 - 19:20

The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~9~12




~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~ We Have Broke Another Record Of Focused Light~


Fractal Art by Earth Allie Will Harader The Light Coming Forth



Greetings Love Beings, Today we had our Transitionary Council Meeting, with an Enormous amount of focused Light in the room with us, at 81 Light Beings. Whether anyone in the Meeting knew this or not, All 81 Higherselves of Pure Light Gathered today in One Space, as One, On Planet Earth=Heart. We Have Broke Another Record of The Highest Light Being Gathered On this Planet in One Moment.





Each Time We have these Meetings the Entire Planet Shifts and Lights Up! Together We are Co ~ Creating the New Earth=Heart. Yeehaw~ We are All on the Fast Track Now and the Entire Population on the Planet Will Meet us In the Present Moment of Now.



AS anticipated from Our Current Sun Spot, is Now Capable of Producing The Most Powerful Flare, an X Class. During these Moments, this would be Earth Directed.


Sunspot 1476 poses a threat for X-class solar flares. Also, new sunspots are emerging at the circled location, Credit: SDO/HMI


Via ACTIVITY INTENSIFIES: Huge sunspot AR1476 is crackling with M-class solar flares and appears to be on the verge of producing something even stronger. The sunspot's 'beta-gamma-delta' magnetic field harbors energy for X-class flares, the most powerful kind. Earth is entering the line of fire as the sunspot rotates across the face of the sun~


We have Entered our Solar Wind Stream, right now and we are at Solar wind
speed: 633.6 km/sec.


Over the past several days, we've had tornadoes or funnel clouds in Japan, England, Germany, Venezuela, and Italy, while tornadic activity in the U.S. has ground to a halt, but we had some water spouts.



Waterspouts in Grand Isle, LA today... via WVUE-TV


Daily Blue Star UFOs Report~ YES! ARE WE REALLY HERE:


~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report:


Earth Allie Report:


Boo walker Report:


We are Now also announcing, every Saturday beginning with this Weekend, the Galactic Free Press Will host a Love and Light Party for Us all to connect into the Oneness Energy as a Family of Light. This Will Quickly Move the Energy Into Manifesting the Events which are inevitable. This is Why Everyone is Here on the Planet during these Moments. Your Mission's are to Show Up and Be Present. This is Simple and Joyful. Thank You for Spreading the Truth.





Obama Today Announced His support for gay marriage. What this represents is his Support for True Equality. By looking at Obama with 5d eyes, You Will Be Able to See a Series of events begin to Unfold. His Heart and His HigherSelf are With US, Everyone.

Thank You for Focusing on this Truth. If you look at him with 3d eyes you are going to miss it and you will only see what he had to do in the illusion. Within the 5d Perspective, He is following a series of events showing us The Lights Victory, Trust Us! Love is the Only Law on this Planet and this has been decreed.


 Quote from President Obama today: I respect the beliefs of others, and the right of religious institutions to act in accordance with their own doctrines. But I believe that in the eyes of the law, all Americans should be treated equally.~


 In Position and Alignment~Introducing Your Transitional Council Team to Guide Everyone Into the Golden Age. Which Is The True Reality of Love.


~The Energy for Today's Meeting was Very High.This Combined Energy is assisting Humanity into Complete Awakening. Much Laughter and Joy was Expressed In Our Unity Together, AS One Family of Light. We had reports of Lots of Belly Laughs. The Laughter and Energy was So High, We we were Laughing at the Laughter.We even had carrots spewing out of nose's. An Incredible amount of Joy was Released today. This Energy released is now Spiraling around the Planet.This is How We are Getting Er' Done.


Decreed by Heaven, The Transitionary Government Staff has taken their Positions. We are Prepared for the Next Set of Events. We ask for A Smooth Transition. All pain and suffering must end. This is the Divine Plan Manifesting Now On Planet Earth=Heart.


~Thank You for Spreading the Message to others~and Keeping Your Hearts Open and Staying Tuned IN~


~End Transmission in All Love is Unconditionally, We are So In Love With Humanity~


If You missed our Last 2 Updates here are the Links:


We Love You Unconditionally~ Love The Galactic Free Press Staff~Humanity's Earth Allies, The Company of Heaven and The First Contact Ground Crew Team.


We are 1800$ from Our Goal, Thank You for Sharing


Our Last Update we received 3 Love Share's

Total Love shares for May 794.50$

 Total Funding Needs For May 3000$


Thank You Everyone for Your Continued Love and Support for this Very Divine Mission~


Your gifts will be returned and abundantly because it's given and shared with those Who Serve The Love On This Planet. That's how we all do it together as ONE FAMILY. Thank you !


Every Moment you share with Love,  You are investing in Humanity's Future of 100%  Joy, No Kidden'

Keep us Going and Thank You For sharing


On Saturday May 19th, We will Hold a Love Party one day before the Eclipse. This will begin At 1pm Pacific Time Zone. We will Announce this On the Press with a Link to the Room. Join us on Bringing In More Love to Planet Earth=Heart to assist in a Smooth transition into the New Earth=Heart of Only Love and Joy!


 Every Wednesday we are Now Having our Council Meetings for the Transitionary Government. We will now announce these meetings on the Press at 10:30am Pacific time zone every Wednesday with a link for everyone to listen in.

 We are looking for Artists and Photo's to Donate to the Galactic Free Press. All Artists~Photo's will be recognized, with each post! You can download these in our Image Gallery or send us your Website!

If You would Like to connect with us via an amazing Awakening Session, to answer a question Contact Us Here:




~ We are Stationed In Mt Shasta~


(Yojman Chase), Mt. Shasta is~of all Power Points here in the Northern Hemisphere~what could truly be called “Headquarters”,  Mt. Shasta is many things to this planets protection and service into the Light. She is also known as Ascension Mountain.



 ~WE are Going Home~





~We Are the Real National Treasure. We Are not only The Heart of this Country, the United States, but Also the Very Heart of This Planet, Mother Earth=Heart. We Are The Love of the Planet, as well as the Universe Personified. We chose the United States to reside in, because We prepared this Part of the Planet, with the Constitution and Bill of Rights, for the Protection of The Truth and The Light for the Entire Planet. With this we Ensured Humanity's Complete Freedom from the illuminati minions control ~


 ~We Love You Unconditionally, Love Mother and Father God Amon Ra

 WE are Here~ Its US and Your Stuck With US!! Eternity here we come~


 Today's Angel Numbers with Doreen Virtue~333 ~ The Ascended Masters are near you, desiring you to know that you have their help, love, and companionship. Call upon the Ascended Masters often, especially when you see the number 3 patterns around you. Some of the more famous Ascended Masters include: Jesus, Moses, Mary, Quan Yin, and Yogananda


 Can Anyone can tell me,what those ships are doing? Photo Shared by Boogieman



~Yojman Chase ~


Street~Wise Ascension

From the Joy of Mt. Shasta




Imagine This

I Am at the very center of the Universe.
From the standpoint of fundamental Truth,
You are.
Also, from the place of desiring
to be our full Divine Potential
we would utilize this Reality for efficacy.
But consider this as well,
that Earth and all Her codes, etc.,
just so happen to be the catalyst
for the Ascension of the rest of Creation.
So, every star system of every galaxy
throughout interstellar space that has been evolving
Free Races has dispatched teams of observers and
“Race Helpers” and others to be here now.
Virtually every aspect of Spiritual
and/or scientific development –
neighbors are here by the millions and millions.
The sky’s parking lots are full.
We, HERE, are at the CENTER!

But most important to this one typing is
the Homecoming of fellowship with
the Elemental Beings, Who have conveyed
their indescribable desire to out-picture
the Divine Plan of New Humanity
on New Earth in her New Heavens.
A New Age of “Limitless Physical Perfection.”
The Age of Holy Spirit, on New Earth.
This refers to the Energy of the AM.

Am pouring forth all of my Love, Gratitude,
& Blessing, to every Being of the five elements
for their service to me throughout the centuries.


Stasha beLOVEd

Thu, 05/10/2012 - 08:49

as i wrapped up a joyous conversation with tao this morning

i decided to set my alarm and take a little nap before i joined all of you at the council meeting... TODAY at 10:30... sets alarm...


it is tomorrow?

how does one lose an entire day?

guess LOVE was busy working overtime


Shiloh Jaxen (not verified)

Thu, 05/10/2012 - 09:02

In reply to by visionatdawn

hi THERE, cAN ANyone tell me where to find out about when and how to join the next council meeting? thank you!

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