Natural Remedies: How Attached Are You To Illness? (Part 1)

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 05/10/2012 - 08:27

In yesterday's Council meeting there was a lot of talk and questions about healing.

My "Natural Remedies" section is designed to help bridge the current gap between 3D medicine and Galactic / Universal / Source healing (which is where we are headed).

The plants and techniques in natural medicine are just tools. They do not work the same way a traditional shot or pill might work (disharmoniously with your body).

As a tool, they have properties or inentions that work with your intentions to correct an ailment in your physical body while engaging your spiritual body at the same time.

This is the essence of the bridge between what we've been told is illness and medicinal cures, and what everyone will soon be able to experience - total health.

But since we're living and working in the bridge area, it's time to talk about illness.

Specifically, How attached are you to your illness?
Most people would immediately say, "if I could get rid of this ___ (insert illness / disharmony) I would in a split second!"
But there's an underlying illusion that you have to break through.

And in order to do that, you have to see it.

Culturally we have been conditioned to  believe that everyone gets sick and eventually dies. Most people are afraid of death. Illness or injury reminds us of our fragile human shells and makes us fearful -looking in the shadows for the Grim Reaper.

Many religions taut the "divinity" of suffering and pain (after all it was good enough for Jesus, what the hell are you complaining about?)

I'm always encouraging people to ask "why" until there is nothing left. So here's my speech again:
Why would a religion encourage it's parishoners to suffer?
Why would our culture want to spend so much of it's resources on pharmaceutical companies, medical equipment, hosptitals, insurance companies, lawyers, etc?
Why do we have illness and injury in the first place?

These are all external questions that have to do with the illusion that you are weak, powerless, sickly and helpless.
Why would someone want us to think this way?

I'll give you a moment to ponder that one...

With external questions you have to seek the answers that resonate best with your soul. The answers will be uncomfortable and may produce feelings of anger that you thought you'd dealt with by now.

But with your efforts will come the peaceful calm that Love brings; you will understand the past of humanity and the true reasons why we were forced to even forget that we can heal ourselves.

Internal questions are harder to work through. This is the stage that many people give up on. They don't like the questions, they really don't like the answers and they invent all kinds of doubt and negative self-talk to keep them from asking any more questions.

I'm asking you to be brave. Ask the "why" questions until there is nothing left.
When you are completely empty -you have arrived.

As children, when we were sick or hurt, our mothers would comfort us. This is natural. Your mother felt helpless to heal you and in her Divine love for you,
she did the only thing she knew how to do - she gave you comfort. Whether it was in the form of a caress, a kiss, a gentle song, a popsicle, or a new toy, she found ways to comfort you. Seeing you feel better reinforced her notion that even though she was scared and didn't know what to do, her comforting helped ease the situation for you both.

As an adult, we are conditioned to seek comfort when we don't feel well. Not understanding our power to self-soothe, we find comfort in the doctors office, the drug store, even from our friends and neighbors.

There are a lot of rewards built into our culture for being sick or injured.
People act so concerned about you, giving you their sympathy and attention. (Do you realize how disempowering sympathy is?)
Your boss excuses you from work.
Family members help with your chores and reward you by expecting less from you ("it's ok, you're sick").
If you're in the hospital, people visit you in hushed voices and tell you they love you like they've never done before. People you least expect send you flowers.
There are entire legal systems built around "you the victim". You took a drug and suffered harmful side effects, now you're like Howard Hughes with an
entire team of lawyers working for you. Soon you'll be rich!
Health insurance companies "authorize" ('cause they're so nice) visits to see specialists and therapists. The catch is that you have to play by their rules. If you seek alternative medicine or deviate from their program you are labeled "non-compliant" and dropped. (So why not just give in and play their game? This way you get to reap the rewards.)

You may even be getting financial compensation from the government in the form of disability payment. Talk about letting someone lead you around by the short hairs! This system is designed to make is so hard and arduous to get into that you'll never want to compromise yourself and get kicked out of it.
Where will your meds come from? How will you pay your bills? Oh we've got you now! There's no reward in getting better... stay sick (you're easier to control that way.) I'm not asking you to disengage from this system, unless you feel moved to do so. It's a broken system and with the new model of abundance on our horizon, it will be allowed to die out in time. But I'm asking you to see the current disability system for what it is: more people benefit from your un-wellness than your wellness. You just need to ask "why" and "who really benefits here?"

Hopefully, by now you are feeling a rush of emotion towards things I've been saying.
"But Boo, what about that poor war veteran with PTSD and only one leg?"
"I'd get rid of this cancer in a heart beat if I could, I hate being sick!!"
"It wasn't my fault, I didn't ask for this."

Congratulations, you are now ready to ask yourself the all important question, "What are my attachments to illness?"
What will you lose if you are no longer sick or injured?
If you are completely healthy in your mind, body and spirit will certain relationships fade away?
Will you even like what is left when all the illness is taken away? If all you talk about to your friends is your illness, how bad you feel, what new treatment you are starting next -what on earth will you talk about? Will they even still like you? What if you're boring?

Be honest with yourself, keep asking these questions and finding the deepest, darkest, most raw answer you can.

This is the "Master Within", this is communicating with your Higher Self.
This is where true healing begins.

If you can be brave enough to do this very hard task, you will find yourself on the other side of the bridge -having crossed the gap between 3D illusory medicine and our Divine future with endless possibilities.

You can completely heal yourself.

People are doing it now!

Tomorrow I'll continue with part 2 discussing doubt, belief, and self-worth.


Be well, ~All my Love, Boo

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