~ We are IN Some Interesting Energies~

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 05/10/2012 - 10:19

9 May, 2012: A Message From Barack Obama


Friend --

Today, I was asked a direct question and gave a direct answer:

I believe that same-sex couples should be allowed to marry.

I hope you'll take a moment to watch the conversation, consider it, and weigh in yourself on behalf of marriage equality:


I've always believed that gay and lesbian Americans should be treated fairly and equally. I was reluctant to use the term marriage because of the very powerful traditions it evokes. And I thought civil union laws that conferred legal rights upon gay and lesbian couples were a solution.

But over the course of several years I've talked to friends and family about this. I've thought about members of my staff in long-term, committed, same-sex relationships who are raising kids together. Through our efforts to end the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy, I've gotten to know some of the gay and lesbian troops who are serving our country with honor and distinction.

What I've come to realize is that for loving, same-sex couples, the denial of marriage equality means that, in their eyes and the eyes of their children, they are still considered less than full citizens.

Even at my own dinner table, when I look at Sasha and Malia, who have friends whose parents are same-sex couples, I know it wouldn't dawn on them that their friends' parents should be treated differently.

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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~9~12 We Have Broke Another Record Of Focused Light~


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~9~12




~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~ We Have Broke Another Record Of Focused Light~


Fractal Art by Earth Allie Will Harader The Light Coming Forth



Greetings Love Beings, Today we had our Transitionary Council Meeting, with an Enormous amount of focused Light in the room with us, at 81 Light Beings. Whether anyone in the Meeting knew this or not, All 81 Higherselves of Pure Light Gathered today in One Space, as One, On Planet Earth=Heart. We Have Broke Another Record of The Highest Light Being Gathered On this Planet in One Moment.






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Venus Transit 6Th of June 2012


Venus Transit 6Th of June 2012


Posted By dcdaveclarke



This is a message of great importance to all those who hold the Light on earth. The crystalline grid is fully operational and vibrating on its highest level. This is counterbalanced by the influx of light that is now reaching earth and flooding the planet with PURE LIGHT.



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5/9/2012 -- Weather overview = clear over 3/4 of USA -- Severe over 1/4


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Balance - Healing on the Press - 2



Healing on the Press - 2- What is Balance?


Balance is a term of a system of qualifying behaviors which keeps things “in check” - a design that dislikes extreme actions of an individual or group which would tend toward separation rather than unity. The need for balance shows up in every area of our lives from family relationships, labor relations, customer relations, sports activities, etc., anywhere there are people. At a higher level of understanding and consciousness, there is balance of all that is in nature and how everything relates.  There also is the balance within all parts of a human “unit” -  the body, mind, spirit, emotions, and etheric self. The following looks at balance between and among people.


Although seldom taught, the specifics of balance are necessary to the enlightened soul in order to create beautiful harmony. Awareness of one’s own abilities - being conscious that (s)he makes a difference is foundational as this individual understands the 4 directions of balance. (S)he then can choose to choose which direction is desirable both from  an appreciation of one’s own decision and a gratification that (s)he has contributed in a positive way. 



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geniune inquires lead to geniune discoveries.


so the use of an anti gay image, and the banning of gay marriage
is an outrage to those who "are gay". Yet its okay for their to
be adoption agencies for these "gay couples" so that they can
raise a child of their own right? Meanwhile theyre failing to
see that it takes 2 straight couples who arent truly in love
to even have a child in the first place, for the manifestation
of an adoption agency to even be in place on the planet.

i know im not the only one who sees the point being missed here
by those who feed their ego, in turn actually believe that theyre
gay in the first place, and the fact that theyre truly devoid
of living a truly loving life in the first place, yet meanwhile
they tot around how theyre in love and thats its okay to be gay
because hey look around man, theres a lot of gay's on this planet
and we all support each other woo woo! go gay pride all the way!

what ive noticed is that when you even speak against someone who
lives that lifestyle, they show their intolerance towards you
in return for you showing your intolerance, yet meanwhile if you
tell them that theyre actually acting out a conditioned reactive
unconscious response from identifying with their ego, that from
where they sit with you saying this, they get completely irate
with you, and ask how dare you ? who are you to judge? and so on.
its from their selective awareness, that they fail to even see
what exactly you just pointed out.

what they also tend to lean on, as a means of defending their behavior
is the fact that even the misunderstanding straights, and bisexuals
also support this behavior, heck even beings who are in the know,
like joe biden and obama for example, support gay rights, yet
simuleantously, they also support the ruling of admiralty law
amongst the population that bans gay marriage here, and supports
it there. whats also being not seen is their support for the

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Transcript of the Divine Mother on An Hour with an Angel, May 7, 2011


Transcript of the Divine Mother on An Hour with an Angel, May 7, 2011


 by GLR~ Steve Beckow

How quickly Ellen has made a transcript of the Mother’s talk with us yesterday.  Thank you for that, Ellen. In appreciation of Mother’s Day coming up, here is the Universal Mother speaking through Linda Dillon.


The Mother has a great deal to say about the Transition here, which is happening in the Mother’s month of May, and she discusses her nature, how she can be known, and how best we, as Starseeds, can serve her at this time.


An Hour with an Angel, with the Divine Mother through Linda Dillon, May 7, 2012


Graham Dewyea: Hello! Welcome to An Hour with an Angel, with Linda Dillon, the channel for the Council of Love, and Steve Beckow, editor of the 2012 Scenario. I’m Graham Dewyea.



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David Wilcock ~ NEW~ DIVINE INTERVENTION: ETs Defeating Old World Order ~ 9 May 2012


David Wilcock ~ NEW~ DIVINE INTERVENTION: ETs Defeating Old World Order ~ 9 May 2012



ETs are performing blatantly physical interventions to stop the “Powers that Were” from throwing Earth into war and chaos. Every aspect of the war machine is being systematically blocked — with a minimum of casualties.


[PLEASE NOTE: This investigation is undergoing dynamic updates, including new sections that will be uploaded as time permits. For this reason, please LINK to it and pull excerpts, but do not COPY and REPOST it, as it will be constantly changing. Thanks!]




Divine Intervention is now taking place on a dramatic, unprecedented basis — worldwide.

This is causing a complete, systematic failure of the war machine on every level.



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My Tribe ?


Have you ever had the feeling you were in the wrong tribe? I certainly know plenty of inteligent, succesful, interesting and beautiful people. Then I open up and start  to share my truth..the lifetime full of other dimensional realities, " dreams " that are truly vivid training sessions on large craft larger than many cities. Training in how to travel, move speak and partake in humanitarian issues on other vibrational planes. The detailed instructions in new technolgies and the major changes in the future of human existance. Have you seen it ? That slow glaze that starts to cover the eyes of the person you are talking with, then maybe the anger..beneath the surface..real anger for discussing somthing so naturally that it disturbs every fiber of their being? Facebook posts without a single comment..are that many people still sleeping?? Yes, that many still are. Our work here as Lightworkers, Starseeds, Indigos and so on can be a very isolating experience and most of us are born in to the tribe to bring the message, the news. It is important to remember that as a Light Bringer that we do have a tribe , a tribe that we may not have even met in this present focused reality, but we are one. We are working with our other members here in 3D and more. Soon our message will truly be shared far and wide and we will be leading the way, bringing the comfort, the peace the information and Lighting the path ! Stay strong all of you and remember the rest of us feel and appreciate your work !


Douglas Cole D.C.


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Unknown Light Arist



You have accepted yourself as who and what you are. 

You have humbly accepted your assignments within your journey with no strings attached. 

No what ifs and no looking to the past. You embody the living Truth with no drama, no trauma, in every moment that you are.

You embody personal integrity. This doesn’t mean how honest you are in the world, but how honest you are with yourself. 

Self-deception is one of the greatest causes of fear.

You can tell if you are in personal integrity, if how you feel on the inside matches what you experience on the outside. 


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YouTuber alleges NASA cover up of spaceship spotted near Sun


YouTuber alleges NASA cover up of spaceship spotted near Sun

By Peter Farquhar

Published May 09, 2012


  • 083183-spaceship-sun.jpg

    rob19791's "spaceship" (left) is almost identical to the one spotted last month (right). (YouTube user rob19791)

Either we aren't alone, or it's nigh time NASA fixed its dodgy cameras.

For the third time this year, the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) has returned an image of a giant UFO hovering near, or feeding off the Sun. Maybe.


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Message from the Ashtar Command 5/9/12




Expand each day into something new and something creative, as each morning is another opportunity for you and another gift to make a reality what you have come here to experience. Unfolding before you is the roadmap you have drawn up for yourself, and it is this map that will take you to the places and the people that you wish to experience while you are here in this 3rd dimensional world.


To leave here without experiencing all that you came here to taste would be a lost opportunity that you may not get the chance to experience again in this type of setting, as many of you will not be coming back this way as your forays into the physical are over for you if this is what you wish for yourself. This is one of the choices you will be asked to make in the days ahead, as presenting themselves to you will be opportunities for you to travel ahead or to come back behind and perhaps do things a little differently.


There are no penalties for you if you choose to come back again and do things over. Not everyone is ready to leave the physical realm behind and continue their journey on into the spiritual realms of existence. There is a great deal to learn and to experience here in the physical, and there will always be plenty of opportunities for you to ascend into the higher realms. It is a wise soul who understands when the time has come to begin a new journey and when it is time to retrace the steps they have taken and use this blessed opportunity to make different choices that will allow them to experience things that they may have missed and may wish to experience before they move on.



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Gemini Solar Eclipse Part 1 with Kelley Rosano


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Jeshua ~ You Are the Beacon, You Are the Light


Dearest One and All, there are things you must endure in preparation for all things to come. It is important that you do not judge anyone or anything from this point forward. Give yourself to all and to those that need you most. You are the beacon, you are the light. All has the light but cannot switch it on so readily. Give what you have and do what you must. No matter the earth is in the third or the fifth dimension, you must continue to give of your mind your heart and your soul being.



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Laura Bruno ~ Exploring “Both/And”



Laura Bruno ~ Exploring “Both/And”

Laura Bruno’s blog | May 9 2012

Fantastic post! Thanks, Laura!

As this world continues to polarize more and more, and we continue to receive seemingly conflicting reports about pretty much everything that matters to a world of freedom, love, joy, and light, I felt called to talk about hypercubes, collapsing timelines, and human evolution. One likely side effect of 2012 energies will be a complete reworking of human perceptions about reality, layers of potentialities, parallel lifetimes and life beyond the veil.


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Marilyne Raffaelle – The Arcturian Group – 9 May 2012


Marilyne Raffaelle – The Arcturian Group – 9 May 2012

Posted on May 9, 2012 by GLR lucas2012infos 

Dear ones, we are here to greet  and welcome you all in this new era of energy.  You are now feeling  change within.  Many are feeling disoriented and wonder if there are physical issues.  No, what you are experiencing is simply the adjusting necessary  as the body integrates the higher frequencies.  Much is changing within the physical body as  cells release that which is old, and integrate the new and higher. 


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From Jennifer Farley – 5/9/2012



From Jennifer Farley – 5/9/2012

May 9, 2012  by Oracles and Healers



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Galactic Federation of Light Message - May 10th 2012.


We see a lot of you still very firmly enmeshed in your third dimensional lives, either unable or unwilling to move beyond the restraints that are holding you back and not allowing you to move beyond, into the higher realms.

Releasing 3rd dimensional restraints is an essential part of ascension, so if you are struggling with any aspect of this, you need to ask yourselves a few questions.

What is is that is holding me back?

Why am I unwilling/unable to move beyond this restraint?

What am I willing to do about it?

Know that we are always here to offer you guidance and assistance with any concern or any situation that you are unable to cope with on your own. Indeed, many situations will not be resolved until you admit that you do need assistance.

W have been here for millenia. As have you. The only advantage that we hold over you at this time is that we remember. Everything. Whereas you do not - due to the veil of forgetfulness which befell you upon your arrival on Earth.

Is it pride preventing you from seeking help? Confusion? Fear? Whatever 3rd dimensional emotion you are struggling to deal with at the moment, know that all you have to do is ask, and we will gladly assist you in any way we can.


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This is where we are my brothers and sisters..., we are in the day just before the day after the era of gold. For thousands of years..., unbeknowst to us..., the Earth has been subjected to tyranny over it's supply of gold! Whether 4th-Dimensional Reptillian controllers, or so called Annunaki God "pretenders", or Cabalistic and elitist secret society sociopaths..., the Earth has been a battle ground for it's RESOURSES..., both Natural and HUMAN. The natural resource of most concern is and always was GOLD! Today we are standing at the cross-roads and what we do with-in the next 30 to 45 days will tell the story about who we are as a people and as a race. Religions were created to direct peoples attention away from the facts and from the truth. Social conventions and social norms were established in order to divert people's awareness away from what the agenda really was. Fear mongering and end of the world psycho-paths are gearing up and getting ready to play their last card and we have to be ready. When the dust finally settles, we will all see that in truth..., we were duped..., fooled, and bamboozled beyond our own ability to almost comprehend it. It has been about planetary ownership..., resources, and control for thousands of years..., and sadly there have always been those who were human among us who KNEW the score and participated with those who would seek to enslave us. Today is the day just before the day after the era of gold..., and when the dust settles..., the wars and control over the "resources" of this planet will have ended, and a new era will have arisen being called the GOLDEN AGE OF LIGHT! Between now and then is the moment of our personal CHOICE, and our personal DECISION. It is really just ONE NIGHT between the two days and it is the dark night of the soul. For it is your soul which will have to decide what it wants to see and what it wants to BE!

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Galactic Federation of Light Message - May 10th 2012.



Galactic Federation of Light Message - May 10th 2012.

We see a lot of you still very firmly enmeshed in your third dimensional lives, either unable or unwilling to move beyond the restraints that are holding you back and not allowing you to move beyond, into the higher realms.

Releasing 3rd dimensional restraints is an essential part of ascension, so if you are struggling with any aspect of this, you need to ask yourselves a few questions.

What is is that is holding me back?


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Michael Tellinger – CNBC Africa Interview On Constitutional Court Case South-Africa – 8 May 2012



Michael Tellinger – CNBC Africa Interview On Constitutional Court Case South-Africa – 8 May 2012

Thanks to GLR lucas2012infos 

5 UFO Sighting over Hawaii Military base


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Jesus ~ The Way Forward


Jesus ~ The Way Forward

 9 May 2012  | Shazi


Hello Son,
The Way Forward

I am Jesus and greet again and all you readers.

There is impatience in some of you as you all expect so much in such a small space of time. But we remind you that until you all reach a collective consciousness that is positive, the stages of Ascension can only take place then.


But many are going through this phase yet some are still accepting the coming of the event. No matter not, we do accept it is an incredible year with so much happening from all fronts.


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~ Picture of The Transitionary Gov. Council Meeting~




We are Your Earth Allies and We Love You.  Council Meetings are held every Wednesday at 10:30 am Pacific and are announced that morning Here at the Press. Also, Every Saturday we are having a Love Party Day, which when we begin this will also be announced on the Press with The Link~ All Our Love~


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Awakening Truth World Wide Blogtakradio – Guiding Lite Show – Michael Tellinger On His Constitutional Court Case And TOLEC Gives Updates On The Andromeda Council



Awakening Truth World Wide Blogtakradio – Guiding Lite Show – Michael Tellinger On His Constitutional Court Case And TOLEC Gives Updates On The Andromeda Council – 8 May 2012

Posted on May 8, 2012 by GLR lucas2012infos 


You have to skip the first 7 minutes and 58 secondes due to technical difficulities then starts the interview with Michael and then get an human kind history lesson and lesson about the existance of money till about 53 minutes the talk is going to head towards the Constitutional Court Case. The second hour is for Tolec’s updates.

link to A Guiding Lite radioshow 7 May 2012

1st hour -  Michael Tellinger vs. Standard Bank

Everyone seems to feel a change in the air.  Will this change come soon?  Who is on the front lines of this change?  Is there any evidence that real people are working for this change?  Tune in as we discuss the possibility…


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When it's Time to Say Goodbye



When it's Time to Say Goodbye

a message from Kuthumi channeled by Lynette Leckie-Clark

29 April, 2012 


When it's Time to Say Goodbye


It was time to say goodbye to our beautiful, gentle Labrador. The decision to euthanase her, thus ending her life, was one we had wrangled with over two months. During this time we had decided yes, as we watched her struggling up and down the stairs in our home, limping toward us, her large shoulder joints riddled with arthritis. The once strong shoulders she had used to pull herself up as the strength had ebbed from her hips and thighs. But, after limping toward you, she would slowly sit sideways and give you the most gorgeous wide grin, full of love.


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Today, the Olympic Torch is being lit in Greece


There have been rumors, accusations and innuendos, and many are suspicious that unscrupulous agendas and corrupt and harmful intentions may cause pain and damage during this huge event.


But we can change that . . .


For those of you who are familiar with TONGO – the easiest Healing Project in the world, you know that all it takes is a nano second of your time


For those who aren’t – go pay them a visit!



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Veronica ~ Listen



Veronica ~ Listen


Posted on May 10, 2012 by Gillian

April Crawford | Inner Whispers | May 10  2012

Being physical can be challenging. The denseness of the reality does offer great progress when attempting to expand energy. It is important though to maintain a relationship with the self energetically.




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The manuscript of survival – part 133



The manuscript of survival – part 133




 •May 10, 2012 • 


Tension will be running high as the incoming energies starts to work their magic on you all. Or rather, magic will seem to be a somewhat ill-fitting word, as you will in so many ways feel less than magic as these waves take their toll on you. Already, some of you will have been hit hard by these emissions, and the physical and mental bodies are both struggling to keep up with the pace. This will only be intensifying as the day goes by and more and more of these emissaries from outer space hits your shores. But do not be frightened dear souls.


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~Space Weather Update~ Sun Intensifies~ Harboring X Class Flares


SOLAR ACTIVITY INTENSIFIES: Huge sunspot AR1476 is crackling with M-class solar flares and appears to be on the verge of producing something even stronger. The sunspot's 'beta-gamma-delta' magnetic field harbors energy for X-class flares, the most powerful kind. Earth is entering the line of fire as the sunspot rotates across the face of the sun.


This morning, May 10th around 0418 UT, sunspot 1476 unleashed an impulsive M5-class solar flare. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the extreme ultraviolet flash:



Apparently, the almost-X class explosion did not hurl a significant CME toward Earth. NOAA forecasters estimate a 65% chance of more M-class flares and a 10% chance of X-flares during the next 24 hours. X-flare alerts: text, phone.



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Nancy Detweiler: It is Time to Listen and to Learn What is Happening in Our World



Nancy Detweiler: It is Time to Listen and to Learn What is Happening in Our World

2012 MAY 10
Posted by Stephen Cook

Nancy Detweiler: It is Time to Listen and to Learn What is Happening in Our World

By Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div. – May 9, 2012


How much easier it would be to prepare myself and allow all others to care for themselves, come what may. But, it is not my nature to do so. So I speak, hoping you will listen. Thousands of us are speaking, hoping you will listen.

Humanity now faces a period of turmoil for which little to no public preparation is being made. Why? Because our major media is very tightly controlled by the dark cabal. Americans, in particular, could listen to the news on TV 24/7 and still have no idea what is really happening on our planet.


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Healing Earth News: Healthy Changes To Childrens' Education


(editor's note: In a recent "Imagine" post of mine we looked at new ways of educating our children. Tucked in the halls of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, there appears to be a group of people pondering those very same things! The USDA has announced their "Farm To School" program educating children on the origins of food, healthy eating and promoting local green jobs.

Rather than become disheartened by the negative news of mainstream media, I challenge you to look deeper -to find healing earth heroes in your own community. There are people all over this beautiful jewel we call Gaia working every day to correct the damage we have done. They are doing the physical clean up work, or putting the intellectual thought into solving these problems. Please join me in sending them all energies of love and support.
~All my Love, Boo)




Calling All Schools and Farmers: Farm to School Funds Available



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Natural Remedies: How Attached Are You To Illness? (Part 1)


In yesterday's Council meeting there was a lot of talk and questions about healing.

My "Natural Remedies" section is designed to help bridge the current gap between 3D medicine and Galactic / Universal / Source healing (which is where we are headed).

The plants and techniques in natural medicine are just tools. They do not work the same way a traditional shot or pill might work (disharmoniously with your body).

As a tool, they have properties or inentions that work with your intentions to correct an ailment in your physical body while engaging your spiritual body at the same time.

This is the essence of the bridge between what we've been told is illness and medicinal cures, and what everyone will soon be able to experience - total health.

But since we're living and working in the bridge area, it's time to talk about illness.


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FREEDOM PROJECT: Russia President Putin will miss G8 Camp David summit...



Very Nice news of yesterdays 'surprising' decision from Obama's Brother in Arms Vladimir Putin not to attend G8 Summon in Camp David on 18.5.12...


Instead he is sending Dmitry Medvedev, counterpart of Hilary Clinton in USA... So, if you allow me small addition to the politicians to be closely observed [and escorted to closest FEMA...] during G8 are Medvedev and Clinton Hillary too...


Her hubby will be waiting there already, so they can have cells next to each other... among their war buddies Bush, Kissinger, Cheney... and many many more... 


Please, enjoy the show, as it will be the most enlightening last meeting of G8 and politicians as we know it...


Love and Freedom is Here, PSG




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How Can I Not Say Yes? by Steve Becow



How Can I Not Say Yes?

2012 MAY 10
by GLR Steve Beckow

By now, I’m well into my meditation retreat. I wonder how that will aid the Transition?

The mere suggestion of a Transition, which the Boss first made on April 25, was a surprise to me. The fact that  the Mother, as well as Archangel Michael, discussed it was a further surprise.

Saul is discussing it. Even SaLuSa appears to be.


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Heavenletter #4185 The Prime of Life,


Heavenletter #4185 The Prime of Life, May 10, 2012 

God said: 


What wonderful words will I speak today? From where within your heart shall I approach? Ah, yes, it is you who must come to Me because I am already here. Drag yourself over to Me. Or leap over to Me. I am here. I am never away. I am right here, eager to have you notice Me. See Me now. Feel Me now. I am right here with you.

Your senses don't tell you everything. Your senses leave a lot out. They are not utterly reliable. I AM.

You may say, "How can You call Yourself reliable, God? You have set up the loss of human life. Do You have any idea how that tears at our hearts? Do you know what it is to lose a loved one?"


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Wes Annac – The Golden Council Of Acclipthys : An Invitation To Take Part In Our Meditative Rituals



Wes Annac – The Golden Council Of Acclipthys : An Invitation To Take Part In Our Meditative Rituals – 9 May 2012

Posted on May 10, 2012 by lucas2012infos 

by GLR Wes Annac-

We are the Golden Council of Acclipthys, and we come to humanity with Love in our hearts and with an admiration for the densities and struggles that mankind has been ‘forced’ to sludge through as you all made your way through your difficult Life paths.


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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~8~12 ~ Huge Wave's of Love Hitting The Planet


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Oracle Report ~ Monday May 10 2012



Thursday, May 10, 2012


Disseminating Moon Phase

Right now we are undergoing growing pains resulting from the weekend's super-conjunction of the Sun, the Black Moon, and Jupiter, and the super Full Moon that was the biggest and brightest of the year.  Our energetic fields were re-calibrated in a blazing interface with the planet, and the upgrade was a big one.  However, if we didn't have that upgrade, the things that the Sun is doing now would be blowing us away psychologically and physically (as it is going to do to most people over the next few days).  The biggest sunspot in years is extremely active with intense radio bursts and M-class flares, and it continues to amp up.  It is getting stronger.  This photograph was taken of the Tuesday night sky over Alberta, Canada by Z. Kenwell (on www.spaceweather.com).  It shows the effects of the Sun on the Earth and the energy that is permeating us.


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False Prophets Stand Forth into the LIGHT!


Inner Beauty by my brother D.W. Olsen

Driving home from Vancouver Island to Alberta, rage poured through me in ways I have not felt in a long time. You see, we went to a place where institutions and departments control what people eat, how much money they spend and even what beliefs they should have. There are homes being run by governments through public trustees who take people's houses and pension funds and in return they starve them through impure water and foods. And do know what they do sometimes when these people get real sick, they send them to the hospital with a "permanent" plan. Do you know that after one month at Nanaimo Regional General Hospital, my father came out of colon surgery completely cleared of his tumors - so his surgeon said to me over the phone. But then suddenly everyone got jittery, phone calls came from his ex-wife "E". Fiery words about shame and God's punishment entered the building when she became involved. You see, "E"-vangelists' words and actions are everything about what love and light IS NOT! E = church abhors love, shuns the light of a pure daughter giving to her father in the deepest of love, despite the trespasses of the past!



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COMEDY CIRCLE: Keiser Report: I Steal, Therefore I Am (E286)...


Follow Max Keiser on Twitter: http://twitter.com/maxkeiser

In this episode, Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert discuss MF Global's fraud playbook, Jamie Dimon's give and take, take, take and the fact that nine out of ten tapeworms bear an uncanny resemblance to the JP Morgan CEO. In the second half of the show Max talks to Chris Whalen, senior managing partner of Tangent Capital, about fascism, too big to fail and Jamie Dimon's problem.


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It’s Time to Leap From the Cliff of “I Can’t” to the Ocean of “I Will”




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Propaganda Techniques Used By The Mainstream Media


1. Panic Mongering. This goes one step beyond simple fear mongering. With panic mongering, there is never a break from the fear. The idea is to terrify and terrorize the audience during every waking moment. From Muslims to swine flu to recession to homosexuals to immigrants to the rapture itself, the belief over at Fox seems to be that if your fight-or-flight reflexes aren't activated, you aren't alive. This of course raises the question: why terrorize your own audience? Because it is the fastest way to bypasses the rational brain. In other words, when people are afraid, they don't think rationally. And when they can't think rationally, they'll believe anything.

2. Character Assassination/Ad Hominem. Fox does not like to waste time debating the idea. Instead, they prefer a quicker route to dispensing with their opponents: go after the person's credibility, motives, intelligence, character, or, if necessary, sanity. No category of character assassination is off the table and no offense is beneath them. Fox and like-minded media figures also use ad hominem attacks not just against individuals, but entire categories of people in an effort to discredit the ideas of every person who is seen to fall into that category, e.g. "liberals," "hippies," "progressives" etc. This form of argument - if it can be called that - leaves no room for genuine debate over ideas, so by definition, it is undemocratic. Not to mention just plain crass.


Full Story (alternet.org)...


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FREEDOM PROJECT: Spain nationalises Bankia as euro crisis escalates.. YET ANOTHER GREAT NEWS...




Yet another great move of  'We the People'... This time Spanish 'We the People' took charge by simple decree of Nationalizing one of the biggest Spanish banks... 
Viva La Espanol People's Liberte... [excuse my french... but I know that I am in Pure Joy...]
Love and Liberte, PSG

[If you notice, noting is happening' in the world of ignorance, yet it is blooming in the World of Truth... Bravo, Spaniards...]



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FREEDOM PROJECT: Barack Obama on Good Morning America: I support gay marriage...


The US president says he thinks same sex couples should be allowed to get married. Report by Jeremy Barnes. Like us on Facebook athttp://www.facebook.com/itn and follow us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/itn


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FREEDOM PROJECT:Backlash against Monti's austerity gains momentum in Italy...


Traditional parties and politicians have recorded a heavy loss at the local elections held in Bologna, Genoa, Palermo, Parma, Verona and hundreds of smaller Italian cities last weekend. 

Press TV's Max Civili reports from Rome.


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Imagine a new perspective on past relationships...


You can create the world you want to live in.
It starts with imagination, dreaming, or visualizing what you want to see. 
You are an AMAZING creator!
Imagine a new perspective on past relationships...
(taken from my FB page "Imagine Your Passion" where the power of thought becomes the power of creation)
<span style="font-family:georgia,s</p><p><a data-cke-saved-href=" galacticfreepress="" content="" imagine-new-perspective-past-relationships"="" href="/galacticfreepress/content/imagine-new-perspective-past-relationships">Read more


The View From Down Here: VISTA Telescope Star Clusters


(editor's note: Unlocking the secrets of the Cosmos is exciting. As early as 1752, astronomers have been trying to gauge the age of planetary bodies. Recently, the VISTA telescope was able to show us clusters of stars. In addition to the Sacred Geometry of their "globular clusters held together in a tight spherical shape by gravity", we also gain a better understanding of this group age in relation to the younger age of our Sun.

I'm so happy to report that news of activities happening outside and around our planet continue to intrigue more and more people!
Just a few years ago, "space geeks" were the only ones interested in all the wonderous events of our neighboring planets, stars, and galaxies. Now it seems everyone has their eyes to the skies!
The view from down here is a special vantage point, so I hope you enjoy this report and get a better understanding of how important YOU are to the beautiful Cosmos we all call home.  
~All my Love, Boo)



VISTA Views a Vast Ball of Stars



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FREEDOM PROJECT: Whistleblower John Cruz: HSBC is a “Criminal Enterprise”. Laundered Billions. Amex and Paypal Involved...




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Head Games


All parts count.  There is not one aspect of life that pales in comparison to any other.  If there was a word that defined this transformation we are participating in, it would be equality – all is One.  Coming from a thought system with comparisons at every turn, this is a challenge.


Do I have enough?  Which is better? How can I get more? Which product will make me look the best? What do I have to do to win? Will I finish first? Did I come in last? These ideas, indeed these words, have no meaning in an atmosphere of oneness.


We have entered the Head Games.  How we think is critical to what we create.  We are beginning to get the idea of oneness; at times we are giddy with joy!  It’s all okay! I love you! You love me! I’m okay just as I am! It’s all going to be great!


Yet we are alive in a field of density, with bills to pay, tests to pass, deadlines to meet and people to please.  This is not a forgiving world and the one who is the hardest on you is you.  In order to manage these internal games, we must forgive ourselves.


As we begin agape, all sorts of ideas spring forth.  Perfection for one becomes not a state to strive for but a statement of fact.  Life is perfection.  Best is not an exclusive rank but an attribute we all enjoy.  In a world of one it all looks like love, differently expressed.


Without the stress of competition or judgment what is left is pleasure.  I have previously imagined it would take miracles and magic to erase the physical signs of aging.  I was wrong.  It will take a cessation of worry and a mind without fear.  The calm of unity is like a fountain of youth.  The truth of us looks like joy and pleasure, love and freedom.  Equality means it’s all good.



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FREEDOM PROJECT: Sarkozy Faces Raft of Investigations When Immunity Ends...



Does Sarkozy coming to G8, or he will find an excuse not to attend?... We simply wait and enjoy the show... His Fema cell is ready, with or without immunity... 


Love, PSG...


[title: After G8 who will remain standing?... Nicolas!... Berlusconi!... Watch in the camera, Please...]


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Stretching Science: How We Were Made To Forget & Keys To Free And Abundant Energy


(editor's note: Two stories today caught my attention. The first one finds the mechanism in our brain that helps us forget. These may be the very same neurotransmitters that were stimulated in humanity to force us to "forget" so much of our own powerful Divinity. Now that we know where the switch is, turning it back on may be very simple...

The second story may be the beginning link to the ever-renewable abundant free energy just on our horizon. Scientists have created the first "practical" artificial leaf. Think it through with me for a moment -photosynthesis, turning water and sunlight into energy... yes! You see it too!!

In my daily treks through the news files of the world I'm amazed at the depth and scope of emerging science technologies! In the bigger picture of our changing world, we understand that these are stepping stones towards joining our Galactic community of scientists.
I'm so excited as each month passes to see the tremendous advances in our world. Soon, all of this information will be public knowledge, no more secrets, no more hiding and I will be moving on to yet another project :)
~All my Love, Boo)


Scientists Identify Neurotranmitters That Lead to Forgetting



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