~Into the Blue Horizon~

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 05/10/2012 - 10:32


Photo By Earth Allie Dawn Chrsitine

Pleiadian Renegades


The clouds of the past are dissipating, dear people of the planet. You are being very calm about it all, despite the things that are brewing on the host of heaven’s big plan for the future. Yet there are some things that need to be set into motion before the inevitable whatever-it-is happens that’s about to happen. You see, there exists in the timeline ahead that is the most likely one for you to pass along the possibility that there is a grand event that makes the world wake up and pay attention. There is no guarantee that there will be a light show from the spaceships so many are in, but there’s no authority that says there won’t be. It remains to be seen.


What we are here to say today is that there is something about to hit the minds and hearts of many people, and that we are on the horizon to make sure things go well for the whole of the world. You see, we can’t jump in and make it all better, but we can be just on the envelope, for now, and keep order from this side of reality. It won’t be long before that changes, but for now we are watching, waiting, and making things smooth to the extent that you can perceive.
High above the rim of the sky and a little beyond that, we have our perch. We have been waiting for the time to come when we can be within the sphere of Earth’s lifestream again and interaction with you can resume. You have no tangible memory of the time when we were in your world other than vague impressions, recollections in dreams and lost visions, and the stories relegated to books and myth. We assure you that the time has been that you walked with gods and the time will give way to that being so in a short while. The first hints of that are arriving in your minds as shimmers of seeing and knowing that there are among you the men of light and the world of great things to come is at your doorstep. You have known in your hearts and it is coming to the forefront of your minds now, that once we walked the Earth together. So shall we do again, beloveds, in a way that puts everything about the millennia of separation into focus and opens understanding to a greater reality than engendered by the limited interaction you are able to partake in today. It is necessary for us to wait until the time has presented itself unequivocally near to the end of the road for there to be no interference in the best-case scenario available for the planet. There is no way that you can solve the issues of calamity that are streaming forth from the planet without some help, either from outside the sphere of Earth or from within, in the relaxation of control that has gripped everything since the time of the end of Eden until now. The things you need to get the world aright are there, all right, but they are closely guarded and under wraps. Is there a way for you to get them uncovered? You are working hard to wake up. It’s slow going, and the nightmare that looms is nothing that a lot of people want to see. We simply are here in case you need a sound reaction to get the job of awakening done, but we are only able to do so much right now.
Reality has morphed from what it was a tiny bit of time ago, and will continue to change as the minutes and days eke forward. This is the initiation into light that so may have been longing for, but it isn’t what the infernal lords have been wanting to see. You are able to wrest yourselves free from the condition of slavery if you wish it to be so. We are happy to help in the best way for your entire race. We won’t take just the thought for a select few kind of plan. If it’s going to work, it has to work for everyone, even the shadows that have been sucking your blood while you slept. You have a little while to remain at rest, dear family. The time of awakening is soon to be upon you. Be ready to jump out of bed and into the full light of day.
Posted at Renegade Thoughts

grailheart magi

Thu, 05/10/2012 - 12:54

If it feels dangerous to uncover and get free of our own 'secrets' then how about using this blessed press to shed light on the dark corners we know. Just put them here. In a simple sentence. Just get it out. Out of our minds, guilt, fear.... and then, even if we are not comfortable to take "action" on the subject someone else might or have additional information to add. 


We have the light.... let's shed it on everything hidden!  It feels like this is the time and the place.... that's all folks!!!



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