~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 05-10-2012 – Love's pouring in~

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Thu, 05/10/2012 - 14:16


~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 05-10-2012 – Love's pouring in~




Greetings Loved Beings,


Just as I decided to write an update only about the sun as it seems to be the only one truly active today we had another M.3 Flaire, what a syncronicity!

Thank you Sun!

Wind speed is still increasing and reached 610Km/s, and with all these Flairs coming in the Energy is just Bursting in every atom!

I know we all say this, and I know we repeat ourselves, thus it is of most importance that all keep centered and focused.

These Love Energy will come in, no matter what you think, believe, know... it’s a fact as Decreed by Divine Plan.

This means that it will kick out a high amount of illusion, wheather you want it or not, and that what is not Real, will leave your life. Be it a believe system, a relationship, friends, money, no matter what, if it’s based on illusion... you’ll face hard times in trying to hold on it if don’t simply let it go.

Don’t be afraid of these changes, they have to happen in order to Grow Truth, as the seeds of truth cannot grow onto a ground that does not exist.

Enjoy whatever happens so that the New can Manifest as soon as the old is gone! For it’s already here Now. The only thing it takes to Live it... is Allow it!


Thank You for sharing Love.




During the meeting yesterday I was asked about a video I posted some weeks ago explaining who the our Universe really moves into Space, so I thought it could be a nice idea to re-post it.



And for those who still wonder about the Sun being a Stargate or not, here’s some info you might like:



SOLAR ACTIVITY INTENSIFIES: Huge sunspot AR1476 is crackling with M-class solar flares and appears to be on the verge of producing something even stronger. The sunspot's 'beta-gamma-delta' magnetic field harbors energy for X-class flares, the most powerful kind. Earth is entering the line of fire as the sunspot rotates across the face of the sun.


This morning, May 10th around 0418 UT, sunspot 1476 unleashed an impulsive M5-class solar flare. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the extreme ultraviolet flash:

Apparently, the almost-X class explosion did not hurl a significant CME toward Earth. NOAA forecasters estimate a 65% chance of more M-class flares and a 10% chance of X-flares during the next 24 hours.


WHAT DOES A SUNSPOT SOUND LIKE? On May 9th, amateur astronomer Thomas Ashcraft of New Mexico detected strong shortwave radio bursts coming from the sunspot. Click to hear the "solar static" that roared out of his loudspeaker:



Updated 5/10/2012 @ 04:40 UTC

Strong M5.7 Solar Flare

A strong solar flare reaching M5.7 was detected around Sunspot 1476 and peaked at 04:18 UTC Thursday morning. This event also generated a 10cm Radio Burst (TenFlare). Most of the flare events thus far have not produced any large Coronal Mass Ejections. When watching the latest STEREO Ahead COR2 movie, it does not appear that a substantial CME was produced. Continue to monitor the Solar X-Ray Flux for further activity.




If you missed our last Energy Update:




All our Love, ANdReA

~And MotherFatherGod, The Galactic Free Press Staff, Earth Allies, GroundCrew Staff ans Earth’s Transitory Government~


~Thank You for Keeping the Press Going and Supporting Your Earth Allies~


We’re actually 2’200$ behind our May goal~

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Way to Go and way to Show Your Love Humanity! We ask you to share if you can for this very divine mission.


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