Ashtar ~ Ascension Preparation with Freedom, Peace and Love

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 05/10/2012 - 14:50
Ashtar ~ Ascension Preparation with Freedom, Peace and Love
Ashtar on the Road Teleconference ~ May 8, 2012


"Well, Good Evening, Family! We are so delighted to be here! We are absolutely bursting with Joy at the wondrous news.* Yes, you heard the grand headline, did you not? And there’s a lot more going on. And now if you have any little concerns or thoughts that perhaps it’s never going to happen, we hope that you are in a much higher state by now. And you know it is all unfolding.


"Details are coming about in such rapidity, and such quantities, that it is almost impossible to keep up with the events. But that is why we are here – so that we can be partners in creating these various, wondrous events. And yes, we know there are some places where there is still some violence going on. We shall be addressing that with Mother Sekhmet’s Exercise when we join together in Communion, in order to add yet more high level, High Dimensional healing to the process that is going on now, because, of course, all of these are happening and it’s time to dance, it’s time to celebrate!!!


"And yet, of course, there is a lot of disinformation going around, and this disinformation is designed to keep everybody down and afraid. Now, we know that you are not in that group, but you know yourselves, Beloved Ones, and we’re with you all the time, and we can assure you that there are many, many wondrous beings in human bodies who are afraid. They may be family members, they may be neighbors, friends, co-workers, even strangers. You’re starting to get so high with all of these energies coming in that you are more easily able to discern the energies in the marketplace around you!


"We know that it is very, very much a sticking-out kind of a thing when somebody is afraid. You’re starting to read that. And so it is, again that we remind you to be the compassionate observer, the beamer of light, with compassionate Love. In other words, and this is a true statement: It is not that the dark has so much empowerment to be contagious to you, Beloved Ones - it is that the Light that you beam has the empowerment to help others who are not quite as high on life and all that is happening as you are!!!


"And so we bring this observation to you so that you can be assured that you have only more Light upon your paths, because you, yourselves, are welcoming it. You’re bringing it in and you are helping to share it with the entirety of Planet Earth and beyond. And thus it is that you are literally dispelling the fears that are in the minds, and yes, sometimes the Hearts, of those around you. Fear can travel, you know, throughout the energy fields of a person. Extreme fear or stress can even create disharmonies and imbalances so severe that they even are contagious to the human body.


"We want to assure you, each and everyone of you, that you are all equipped, that you have all opened your Hearts sufficiently, and indeed, the entirety of your energy fields, that you have your Guides with you, that you have this wondrous Family, this Ohana, Family, with you, and that you are all on the path of Light. Of course, we are speaking of that Light frequency, if you want to get a little bit scientific, called Love. It’s what you are made from and it’s what is the highest, most powerful energy on the Planet!


"More and more Love is speaking forth, and there are more and more examples of Love-empowered courage coming to light - that beloved man, for instance, who opened himself up, opened up his DNA just enough to get the inspirations to build the technologically advanced machine to help the children walk; the man who said 'STOP' to an entire government of a very large, large place in this world called China and said, 'You cannot, you must not, be treating women and children as you have been doing!'**


"You know, there is plenty of land in China that is not occupied, and even though it might seem barren, or desert, or whatever, and there are neighbors to China who are different countries – well, they are pretty well influenced by China - but they have a lot of land, and there is land in other parts of the world, and it is that this land shall bloom, and everyone shall thrive with abundance. And when we have, shall we say, the full and open Announcements of our presence among you, just watch how fast we bring our technologies to all for the healing that the Planet, and every member of Mother Gaia’s kingdoms!!!


"But first things must come first, and so with all of these events that are happening, there are the unleashings of some of the last remnants, shall we say, of programs -programs devised by, let us just say, the ancestors of one such as Hillary, designed to spread the fear, perpetuate the lies, and keep it all going. Because this is a Planet of free will, these ones have been enjoying a lot of Freedom, and even as we are rounding them up, so to speak, we are curtailing their Freedoms, and yes, retrieving all the monies which they have stolen – not just in this lifetime, Beloveds, but in many others. They go way back, these ones, who wanted to have all of the gold and all of the riches for themselves, they have been enjoying Freedom to run their programs.


"Now, these energies coming in are supporting the Freedoms of everyone to live their passions and to express whatever it is that they choose to express, so long as it follows the Great Rule as spoken by Sananda in our last gathering, which is called the Golden Rule. In other words, the way we can say it also is: 'Do whatever it is you choose to do, so long as you do not intentionally or unintentionally harm anyone else.' In other words, do so – express yourselves with discernment and a certain amount of attention to what you are creating with your thoughts words and deeds - preferably, before you express them! That is always the best way to go.


"We are very happy to say - and this is a little bit of a Family report here - we’re very happy to say that you are all doing so well with your clearings and cleansings, and yes, your acceptance. Actually, more than acceptance, you’re welcoming with open arms and open Hearts all of the energies which are coming to help so much with upliftment. When you are uplifted, you really don’t have a lot of room for programs, you know, the 3D programs that have been running so long.


"So it is to enjoy this Freedom in a joyful manner, and to be in celebration mode. As always, we stand on what we said about dates: 'No dates!' However, we can tell you things are coming real close. So even if you are not feeling in celebration, yes, like that Beloved One we spoke with who is temporarily out of a J-O-B, and our advice was, 'Start thinking about what you have passion to do and creating your visions as though you are living in it at this moment, because the moment is at hand!


“Nevertheless, we do have to acknowledge that there are some Freedoms which are like unleashed energies of low vibration – fear-based, that is, which are being exposed and emphasized. And we are speaking primarily of violence, we are speaking about war, and we are speaking about the kinds of wars that take place even within an individual. In very young ones they are often called temper tantrums; they are expressions or outbursts of anger. As young ones reach into teenage and young adulthood they are sometimes called rebellious. As people get even older they are considered to be criminally dangerous, and those kinds of labels are put on them, which only serves to emphasize all the more, the behavior.


"What we are here to do is to bring Peace to the very Hearts of those who are, in some manner or other, engaged in fear-based programs which in turn motivate them to express fearful ways. Because all war is over! It is scheduled, it is ordained, that’s it! It’s over. As often happens, all that is left is what is taking place in the physical world, the environment. This idea that somebody is going to pick somebody out and say, ‘That one is to blame for all of your problems’ – that’s over. The concept that it is some kind of righteous thing to go to war, to cause even nations to go to war – excuse us, In the name of God? – how preposterous is that?


"Mother/Father God loves all who have been created, and that includes you, Beloved Ones, and it includes I, Ashtar, and all dwellers of all dimensionalities. And that Love is what was the material of creation and that Love is who everyone is! It’s just that there are some that have turned so far away from it in their zeal to create the opposite of Love, that we still have these programs showing themselves. And of course, it is the 'last hurrah' for those who would control the news media because you cannot turn on your computers, or pick up a newspaper, or turn on your television sets without some new violence greeting you. Of course, this is a part of a plan.


"As we have said, it is the Light which is contagious, not the dark. It is the Light which will literally flood the dark, and it is the Love that is carried in that Light, and is carried within each and everyone of you, Beloved Family, and beyond in each and every being who has ever been created by Father/Mother God! Everyone has a choice, and the choice is that the consensus of consciousness of Planet Earth is even stronger now, even more the majority, and it says 'Peace everywhere, within every being and between beings, and countries, and so on - there shall be Peace on Earth now!!!


"When there is Peace, there is Joy, and when there is Peace, the 3D programs get turned off because their credibility is gone. When there is Peace there is Love, and all of the expressions of Love - there is no room for the fear-based expressions. And this, Beloved Ones, is a major, major, major part of Ascension preparation. So you see, we remain true to our mission as Ashtar family, which is to prepare for Ascension in all of our teachings!


"Yes, you have heard, we have been celebrating a bit. We have an anniversary*** coming up - but every day is an anniversary for the Joy that was yesterday, to be brought forward into the new day, as you measure time, and we join you in that. It is the Light of Love which is the highest energy of the Universe and which is prevailing to such an extent that even though, yes we know, you are tired of hearing, 'no dates,' but we can tell you – 'Alrighty, no dates, but fasten your seatbelts or strap on your parachutes, or whatever you want to do, because we’re about to take off into a higher realm of dimensionality!'


"In other words, whereas Planet Earth was seen to be in the loooooow portions of 3D, until your harmonic convergence - and that’s a fairly recent date if you want to look it up - now, Planet Earth is aiming higher, higher, higher! And all of these energies that are coming in, which are so beautifully received and paid forward by you, Beloved Family, the whole energy of Planet Earth is evolving rapidly - after all, it must. We’re talking about Ascension preparation, and you don’t go from the very lowest divisions or portions of 3D and just go zooming right on up into 5D, you’ve got to have some preparation! And that’s what we are here for.


"That’s why we ask you to join with us, that’s why we do these Exercises, and most of all, that’s why we come to you with such Love, and such appreciation, because you are with us, Beloved Ones, and yes indeed, One We Are! We ask that you feel this Love, this great Love that brings us together. And by all means enjoy the events which are tumbling fast and with great intensity, rolling out all over the Planet to bring the Planet to Ascension readiness. You do not need to have any fears about whether you are going to make it – of course you’re going to make it - as long as you have passion, as long as you have intention, you are already committed to Ascension!


"You are committed to being here in this Ashtar on the Road family to further assist all the kingdoms of Mother Gaia to prepare for Ascension. And yes, we know, there is always something to do, something more to do, something to clear out, something to heal, or whatever, but we can assure you that you are doing it. We can assure you that we have even more closeness with you now than we did – let’s pick a random date – on the last year of our anniversary!


"Just look at how far we have come together, Beloved Ones, look into the mirror and greet the Divine Being You Are and say, ‘I Am. I Am ascending, I Am evolving, I Am becoming more and more my light body, I Am and always have been Divine!' How’s that? Think about that – 'always have been' – no matter what kind of hat you’ve worn, no matter whether the majority of you has been in the vibrations of fear or Love, you’ve always been Divine, you’ve always had Freedom of choice, you’ve always had Divine Will. And even those of you who may have worn a dark hat, a violent hat, once or more times in your lifetimes, you are honored for living the experience in order to know what it was, so that you could come into this lifetime and discern.


"Make your choices, because you’ve always had the Freedom to do so. Even if you’ve worn a dark hat in this lifetime ­– we’ve spent hours and days of your time, and it is a mission of Joy to show up at these meetings of the dark hats, and to assure them that they, too, are loved, but they are so into their programs, in advertising lingo you would say, 'It’s a real hard sell!' And they are not all in belief of us, but we are happy to report that even some of the darkest hats are listening and they are acknowledging the Light, and this is huge, Beloved Ones, this is huge!!!


"We welcome all to the Light. We have only Love and honor for all experiences lived; experience teaches wisdom. Some people still don’t have required wisdom, or you might say, they have not learned their lessons fully. They are not ready to graduate into Ascension, or Ascendee status. Love them. Show them the Light, give them your compassionate - not sympathetic, not ‘Hey, I’ll get down in the dumpies with you, because I’m sure that will make you better’ - kind of Love, compassionate Love.


"Allow them their Freedom to choose, counsel them if you will, and communicate to them that the World is coming to Peace and that Peace is for them as well, because it is the kind of Peace that is created out of Love. It’s not enslavement, as in – 'don’t you dare open your mouth or I’ll step on you' – kind of Peace, it is the Peace that goes with Freedom, it is the Peace of Love and it is for each and every being to feel that Peace and to follow their passions for whatever it is they are here to do.


"You have your Guides and you have the overviews that we give, the reports, if you will. And so it is that you are well-equipped to make your decisions in the Joy of the Freedom and in the High Integrity that we invite you to live in – the Ascension Lifestyle, but a little bit early!


"So that is what we are here to focus on because, as you know, there is a lot of turmoil in the world right now - we have said that there would be. There is a lot of chaos yet to come, we have said that as well. Is it something to fear? No! It’s time to rejoice and celebrate and to help others along the way, and that is what we mean when we say we have mission together. We are finally able to participate one hundred percent with the white knights, the Lightworkers, and with you, Beloved Family. This is reason for celebration, is it not?


"We are able to participate in the preparations which are centering primarily on the financial aspects of life on Planet Earth, so that complete Freedom can be enjoyed by all, along with abundance. Of course, the next step is going to be our presence among you, openly acknowledged. Call us forth, invite us to fill up your television screens or to broadcast on the airwaves. These will be happening every time that you give permission, which is a way of saying, issue an invitation or roll out your red carpets! It simply empowers us to do more.


"That’s not so simple, really, if you take into consideration all of the various areas that we are actively engaging in at this time. However, as we have said, the main news, that is, the news of the changes and of the Ascension preparation have to do with financial matters. And this is as it must be because, as the Beloved news reporters* have said, when they don’t have their money they become disempowered - they don’t have the money to pay the hired soldiers to go and wage war; they don’t have the money to pay the drug companies to wage war on the people with their legal and illegal drugs - there’s really not much difference in most of them; they don’t have the money to poison the air with their chemtrails, and poison the waters, and poison the very soils of Mother Earth; they do not have the money to drill into Mother Earth and suck out her life’s blood, and so on.


"We’re working on that real hard. We’ve got a lot of great helpers among the white knights and the support of all of you. Lightworkers all over the world are sending out visions of how the World is to be when the changes are made. All we ask that you do, as far as directing any kind of focus toward those who have been wearing the dark hats, is just send them your Compassionate Love, Forgiveness, and yes, Gratitude, for showing the difference. You can see so clearly the difference between dark and Light, and it is for every human on the planet to be able to see the difference as clearly as you!


"Light also provides clarity, yes? So send them the Light of Love, send it all over the Planet and invite people to really open their Hearts and see and understand, and to be forgiving, and to be thankful for the Freedom with which they can now live their lives!


"Beloved Ones, there is such Joy in the Universe, such attention upon Planet Earth, and such uplifting celebrations going on even now, because this mission is accomplished. Ascension is for real, it’s a 'happening thing,' as you like to say. So just get in the highest vibrations of celebration and welcome the Peace that passeth all understanding into your own Hearts. And then we’ll be sharing it everywhere so that everyone can enjoy the new Freedoms from the Highest Dimensional Perspective, Attitude, and Lifestyle, so that these changes which we are telling you about - which we are celebrating even now - become everyone’s reality as we move, literally, move into the Higher Dimensional, shall we say, permanent residence for all of those who are ascending!!!


"I, Ashtar, shall be there, even as I am here with you, to welcome you, along with my brothers Sananda, Saint Germain, and all of the Company that is so excited and so joyful, and so much in Love with each and every one of you, Beloved Ones! Our hearts overflow. We invite you to be in celebration of this great Freedom and the great Peace that it shall bring to each and every one of all of the kingdoms of Mother Gaia, on Planet Earth and beyond!


"It’s party time! And thank you for joining with us in celebration and service. And so it is! Salut."

* Referring to Tara and Rama's report.
** The Chinese government has been forcing women to be sterilized, and taking children away from families who have more than one child.
***Our first official Ashtar On The Road gathering was on May 23, 2004.
Ashtar's talk was followed by Simple Song Of Freedom sung by Bobby Darin
Transcription by Brian Coe
Given through Susan Leland, May 8, 2012.  © Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2012.All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted. 

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