Submitted by Lia on Sun, 05/08/2011 - 10:24




I am Kuthumi. It brings me the greatest joy to be here today to deliver this message to all of humanity.

This month of May as you call it on earth is a very important month. So many new energies are being felt on the earth today. These energies are being felt very strongly by all who are sensitive to energies. This will increase tremendously beginning in the next week or so by your earth time. The energy that I am referring to is the Divine Energy, the energy of Mother and Father God, the energy of the All That Is. For those who are sensitive to the energies, you will feel these energies very strongly. Please do not be confused by this energy, accept this energy for what it is and allow this energy to flow through you and outside of you. This is the great vibrational energy that everything is connected to, this is the energy of the All That Is. Many of you will feel your connection to this energy. As you become more in tune with this energy you will more clearly see who you are and you will allow this energy to flow through you and outside of you and in this way you will be able to help many others.

Every thing is energy. Your connection to the energy of Mother and Father God has always been very strong but for a very large majority of you, you have blocked yourself from this energy or this connection. All creation is energy and all of creation is connected to the energy of the All That Is, this is and always has been and always will be. It is through this connection and the realization that you are connected that you will be able to receive and give this Divine Energy. Energy is always flowing it never stops, it never ceases, this is life. This flowing of energy is giving and receiving and receiving and giving.

Those who work with the energies now will be more aware of these energies and the beautiful and wonderful uses that you will have for these energies. You will be the transmitters for these energies. Those who are in tune with these energies will be able to help many other human beings to be more aware and to understand the Divine Energy, the energy of who you are. Many have already reawakened to this energy, to the energy of the All That Is and those who have already reawakened to this energy will be able to help so many more to reawaken to it. If you have not reawakened to this energy at this time you will at times feel confused and will feel a great urge to seek more knowledge and a greater understanding of what you are feeling.

This is also an energy of change and for this many will be afraid for on earth human beings have taught themselves to be afraid of change. Change is wonderful and beautiful. It is rebirth. It is as the seasons that you see on earth. The winds of change will be felt more strongly now and this will bring a greater urge among all human beings to reawaken to who they truly are. The teachers here on earth today will help those who are confused and those who are afraid to understand these energies, to accept these energies, and to allow these energies to flow through them also.

The energy of love, the energy of the All That Is, the energy of Mother and Father God is the greatest energy in the universe. This is the energy that commands creation. It pulls together the particles of creation in a way that none of you on earth can truly imagine. If you can imagine the greatest creation on earth and multiply it times trillions then you would be able to understand your own creative powers. As human beings you have created limitations to your creations. You have put conditions on your creations and in doing so you have limited your imagination. Many of the teachers on earth today already see this and are aware of this and are beginning to understand their true creative powers. As many of these teachers move forward on their path and see their great powers of creation they will be able to teach and help many others to become the creators that they are truly also.

So many human beings have buried their creative powers deep within themselves that they will have difficulty bringing these creative powers to the forefront of their consciousness. The teachers on earth today will help many people to accomplish this, to bring those creative powers into the consciousness of human beings. It is through your faith and consciousness that you grow. Many are being shown this today already. Many more people today are feeling their connectedness. By this I mean, many are feeling a greater connection to each other, many are feeling a greater connection to animals and nature, many are feeling their connection to Mother and Father God and this is what faith and consciousness is all about. Knowing and being aware of your connectedness. You will know this when you reawaken to your Soul. When you reawaken to your Soul, you will trust the energies you are feeling. You will know these are the Divine Energies, the energies of Mother and Father God. Those who are already feeling these energies feel that nurturing, loving energy, mixed with or melded into a great energy of strength. This is the energy of the All That Is and Mother and Father God. Nurturing, loving, and strong. This is the energy of creation. When you become aware of and feel this energy, this will be a very familiar energy to all of you for you feel this energy on the Other Side continuously. You know this is the energy of Mother and Father God and this is the energy of you. This is the energy of who you truly are. When you reawaken to your Soul, you will no longer be confused, you will no longer be afraid. You will feel and know who you truly are.

Re-open yourself to this great energy. You notice I say re-open because the energy has always been there and during the Atlantian Era, and many Souls are on earth from the Atlantian Era today, were aware of these energies. Through the reawakening to your Soul you will bring forth a great remembrance of who you are, who you have been, and who you will always be. This is the Spark of the Divine that you are. This is the identity of you not only here on earth but your true identity, the piece of God that you are.

So I ask you today to re-open yourself to these energies. To feel these energies, to accept these energies, and to allow these energies to be. For these energies are who you truly are. Through accepting and allowing these energies to exist on earth, this is what you truly call or refer to as heaven on earth. This will move all of creation on earth into a higher dimension. This is merely a greater consciousness or a greater awareness and this is also a greater understanding. As you re-open yourself from within to these energies, you will begin to see much more clearly the many paradoxes you have created on earth. Some will even make you laugh.

There truly is only one reality and that is the reality of Mother and Father God. This is a simple truth. So I come to you today with a message about the energies. The energy of the All That Is, the energy of Mother and Father God, the energy of who you truly are, this energy is all connected. It is all one. I am connected to you as you are connected to me as we are all connected to the All That Is. This connection is through our hearts. This connection has always been there and it will always be there for it is who we truly are. As you move forward from this day on look forward to, with great anticipation, feeling and being aware of these energies as they become stronger and stronger on earth in the third dimension or the physical dimension.

I come to you today with a tremendous love for all of you and I come to you today with great honor and respect for all who are incarnate during this period of time one earth. For you truly are the Great Ones. I thank you, I am Kuthumi.


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