Saint Germain ~~The smell of rejoicement is on your way~~ 11/05/2012

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 05/12/2012 - 10:17

Dear Ones,

We are occupied with the removal of the Cabal, therefore we have derived much of your Visualizations as you all know. The removal is progressing smoothly which is Splendid. More arrests are being made known to you and all of the negativity is of a short dwell. These arrests are made a long time ago in our NOW moment and this is Manifesting itself, so you will be able to see or hear it on your Mediasources on the Internet now and then. Know that this is of Thruth and that you all will be able to see the Effects of this, piece by piece. We have worked hard to get to this point and so did you, which are resulting in mass arrests around the World. Gratitude for this my Dear Ones, for you have been of a great Assistance to us on Visualization Day.


Can you smell the Freedom yet, which is standing at your frontdoor? It is so close upon us now that no returning is possible. Shed yourselves from the last control of your World because this is the last stage we are moving in now and that is the "making public" of these arrests through Mainstream Media. If they are about to be known than Freedom will be yours, the Media will be free to speak and will share you everything what is about to be known. Disclosure will be made through the Media also, but for that we need you to Visualize this as an Assistance to us and your world. Freedom is almost upon you, My Dear Friends and you may have Joy for this.


We know that all of you had to await this for a very long time now, and "soon" is a timeframe you all heard a lot but you may know that this is really not "soon" anymore but rather the Now. So to make it clear it will be in a snap of a moment. That is how close you all are. Much is appearing in your skies and on your lands, the Energies are very high and the vortex portals are opening. Everything is getting set for Asscension. We see you all awakening on fast levels and we are on the right track but still a lot more is to come your way. Keep the faith my Dear Ones for you already have come this far. It is a tremendous Way Up that you have Achieved and we are proud of you all, you are about to be rewarded for this by gaining your Own Freedom back. You did this ! All by yourselves My Dear friends !


For Ascension we wish to tell you a few things which are of Importance.. The time has come to brace yourselves for many Opportunities and Releasings are about to come to the surface of your lovely Planet Mother Earth. Brace yourselves in a way that you are able to be calm and in serenity, this is the most Important Advice we can give you. For there can be much chaos appearing in your world in these times when the Energetic Portals are opening and increasing the highly Energies of Love. The chaos will be amongst the unawakened souls who will not know what is happening around them and this chaos will exist due to Fear. Do not let Fear get in the way, for it is an Illusion My Dear Friends ! It is attracking unawakened souls for they do not know it is an Illusion. It can happen to you if YOU let it in, so be calm and think of Love for you are Unconditional Love. Fear does not exist. We see that it is attracked by you even if you are awakened. Just to make clear that you have to keep on working on releasing these false feelings. They are non existance so why do you want to make them exist? Do not feed them by Believing they are real for they will be very strong then. Be Love and Be Light My Dear Friends, you have come too far to be tricked by the last fools.


Now, we are on a Path to Ascension and this is a Gift to you all, which is a Divine one. Oh yes we are all awaiting you with so much Joy, for families will finally be reunited after a very long time. Stay strong and focused for we are not far from it now and the Big Finale is already within reach. You can see it, so start to Run towards it and overcome the Final obstacles whom are getting smaller and smaller near the finish.

"We will get the champagne cold", in a way of speaking, for rejoicement is nearby.
I AM Saint Germain.

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