~ Big Love Party Today Join US~

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 05/12/2012 - 10:42

David Wilcock - Coast To Coast AM with George Noory 05-09-12 - Divine Intervention




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COSMIC VISION RADIO: Cosmic Vision News by InLight Radio in Spirituality Sat, May 12, 2012 ~ with Geoffrey West...

Listen to internet radio with InLight Radio on Blog Talk Radio


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AAUriel ~ Connections



Today we would like to speak to you of connections – in all forms.  Many of you may have noticed that you have come across or been introduced to new people.  Or, maybe you have seen someone you know in a new light – have begun to see them as they truly are.  By the same token, you may have found that others who have been in your life are falling away.  Do not despair for this is as it should be.  The new people that are coming in or are being noticed anew are important connections and you should pay attention to them for they will be important to you in your linear future in one way or another.  They are important pieces of your puzzle in one way or another.  Some will be small and some will be large so do not discount anything at this time for it is too soon for many of you to see the relative importance of these connections

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This Simple and very open statement and description of  War Criminals that usurped our major governments for last 70 or so years, brings end to political and diplomatic immunities [where this word 'diplomat' completely lost its true meaning... as these so called 'diplomats' were at least spies, or drug traffickers, or simply greedy war and profit hungry creatures..]


Where Now it is completely Legal and legitimate to call these beings George Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and all aided lawyers, commanders, CIA officials [who acted in concert to perpetrate War against Afghanistan, Iraq and others...] War Criminals... and to call them publicly to answer for their Crimes against Humanity...


Soon, don't be too surprised when you start leaning from MSMedia that many other Countries who suffered from direct attack and occupations from US, GB, Germany and Nato leaders, to raise their legal cases and prosecutions of Clintons, Regan's, Bush'es, and all the way back to WW1... Countries like Yugoslavia, Poland, Vietnam, Nigeria... and many others... 



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Thank You.


at the absolute core of being, the experience is that which can only
be pointed at, the ineffable, the indescribable, the unfathomable
that infact is fathomed, but only through being present within.
it is that which is experienced by every cell, it is that which gives
birth to all experience. when you are told that its joy,bliss,peace,
love, even truth, again thats the game. even saying its the truth
is just another pointer, as lao tzu said, the true tao is the tao
that cannot be spoken. yet even he went on to write a book about it
as has a lot of other beings done the same.

we write or dont write and so on, because it heals, and the point
of all experience, is to heal. im writing this, because i remembered
that in one message , i wrote about the inner experience of being
and i said " its joy, peace, bliss, and so on" wehre as the so on
part points at all this that ive just typed up. but i desired to
make it clear what exactly the contradictions and "so on" were
pointing at. im doing this because i love myself and you all.
this also backs up others whom have spoken about the experience
as well. it also contradicts previous messages about the experience
of being, so as to you not to follow at all. but to be brave
and walk your path WITH everyone.

this isnt to say that you cant walk behind someone, or follow their
lead through the woods, but eventually you will notice that you
dont desire to walk the same path as them because youve found a higher
path to take. beings like myself, and by like i mean those who are
also enlightened, are attractive to those who are on the path of
seeking enlightenment/liberation, because weve been given the gift
of becoming enlightened before them, we have let ourselves go
to the core, and we turn around, and go against the old ways
with all that we are. this is attractive because you yourself

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Kauilapele Notes from, and MP3s of, David Wilcock on Coast to Coast 5-9-12 Video



 From Kauilapele's Blog:

Notes from, and MP3s of, David Wilcock on Coast to Coast 5-9-12 Video

As I was listening to the David Wilcock Coast to Coast radio show, I made a few notes, which are below, along with MP3s created. The times in the notes match with the video and the MP3s just below the notes.


Below the video (included here for reference) are a set of MP3s with all of the music and commercials removed (the times of those will not match with the notes).


KP Notes from the Video (hr:min (approx.))


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FREEDOM PROJECT: Obama: Dollar just an Illusion ...



Thank you Jane... 



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James Gilliland ~ Drudgery Of The System ~ 12 May 2012


James Gilliland ~ Drudgery Of The System ~ 12 May 2012

For those who are wondering what is happening at ECETI . . .


To make a long story short it seems the county has a real issue with people awakening and healing, living in peace and harmony as well as watching UFOs. When someone is living outside the box and doing a much better job of it than they are this seems to be a threat.


If we were Baptists we would not be having these problems. I watched people being paraded about in chains [in the courthouse]. Huge fines being levied. Many people obviously could not pay them and due to their already challenged life were challenged even more by the system. Where is the healing? Yet they have the audacity to tell us how we should live?


How This Intrusion Began

It all started with a member of the City Council spreading vicious gossip about us stealing a girl from her father and bragging how he was going to take us down. The girl was in her forties. When he was challenged concerning his actions and bias he had to recuse himself yet not without a grudge.



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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~11~12 ~Influx of Light Incoming~


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~11~12



~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~Influx of Light Incoming~


~Focused Light Energy Arriving to The Planet~


 Thanks to "The Art Of Bill Brouard" Email bill_brouard@yahoo.co.uk All Art by Bill Brouard from Visual Alchemy Copyright 2010 ©


Greetings Love Beings, The Energies continue to Move calmly about, aligning for events to Unfold as Per our Divine Timeline.  We are In Very Auspicious Moments.The Love Energy is Increasing, people are awakening at an even faster rate, then has ever occurred on this Planet. Right Now, We are Preparing the Planet, for a Huge Influx of Light which will enter the Planet tomorrow.



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༺♥ Liberation Day Uniting "every saturday" ♥༻



Art by Bill Brouard from Visual Alchemy Copyright 2010 ©

Hello Star-Lights…  We have chosen to make World Liberation day a weekly Saturday event.  Now, we can bathe in the magnificence of sharing our collective love and light on a regular basis to illuminate Earth=Heart.  Last week the slogan was “Love is already viral, let’s make it contagious” … we are now going to continue on this path “together” as… Brilliant Manifestations of Infinite Love. 

• We will open the Live Event tomorrow, Saturday, May 12th, 2012 at Noon – (12:00 pm PST)
• Meet us on our site with tiny-chat open to view and join…

Anybody can believe in the possible – yet to have “faith” in the impossible, this is the True Test of Love and being within its full expression. Together we are neither a belief system nor an illusion … “We Are” the impossible shining Love’s possibilities of The Highest Outcome for All of Humanity;  standing Together in the New Paradigm of True Equality and True Family.

ღ We are the Earth Allies ღ Thank You for Joining US and Standing Up for Your True Freedom and Liberation ღ

༺♥ Much gratitude for sharing this with as “many” groups as “possible” , as the “more” People Gather In the Light, the “more” Light Comes into the Planet ♥༻Looking forward to dancing Love's Song with you, Maia xo:)



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Wake Up... (Spiritual Poem) By SKULL BABYLON


Wake up, Wake up.
You've forgotten who you are.

You've traveled far from home,
You come from the stars.

But stars aren't just above you,
There's the ones in your eyes

That echo your golden self,
The you who sees through the lies

Because you came here to learn
To see beyond the illusion

A truth about what this is
Hyperdimensional Transfusion

Each day is a new experience
To unlock an old memory 

That this body is a vehicle
An extension, an accessory

Each one of us is light
Vibrating to create this form

So we can act and do our part
To be a spark in this storm

Because ripples create waves
So be the change you wish to see

Act from the heart
Love is the key


But don't stop there
There's so much you can learn

About this realm and those beyond it
The key is waiting to be turned

Open your eye to whats around you
It's hidden in plain sight

Sacred G and Fibonacci
Infinity; unfolding light

Manifest your intention
With the power of your mind

Meditate your way to freedom
And freedom you will find 

This isn't new age jargon,
This is something that is real

It's something that is lived
Something you can feel

But this is just my art,
So don't believe it from me

Go journey on your own
And share what you see

As a collective conscious being
Together we will grow

You can create our own reality
As above, so below.

By Brendon Culliton / SKULL BABYLON


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Balance - Healing on the Press - 3, The Analyzer




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Wingmakers – Toward Divine Wisdom And Understanding – Shifting Paradigms



Wingmakers – Toward Divine Wisdom And Understanding – Shifting Paradigms -11 May 2012

(A two page summary of the 10 page essay)

Shifting Paradigms

The wisdom and understanding of our own divine essence is like a beacon that invites us inward toward ever deeper connection with all around us. Yet rather than look within, most in this world prefer to look outward for divine wisdom, thus sustaining a dependence upon a vast hierarchy that stretches between the individual and the Divine. In all our wanderings away from the Divine, humankind has obscured its most compelling features through a persistent belief in limitations arising out of the controlling mechanisms of this hierarchy.


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FREEDOM PROJECT: Rebekah Brooks quizzed over political ties at UK hacking hearing ... OBSERVE WORD 'QUIZZED"... IN MY BOOK THIS IS CALLED 'INVESTIGATION & QUESTIONING'...



Rebekah Brooks quizzed over political ties at UK hacking hearing

By Laura Smith-Spark, CNN
updated 1:50 PM EDT, Fri May 11, 2012

Click to play
Brooks quizzed over political ties



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Vatican: Owner of world's biggest banks and top companies [Catholic Church Exposed]


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Family



We are one Family

All humanity is family. Each one has an important role to play on this most beautiful planet. Each of you has chosen a unique task to assist in humanities evolution and no one else can do it quite the way you can. You are a very precious child of the Creator and let no one diminish you. No one tribe has all the answers, it is when you begin to work together as family that you will experience rapid shifts and peace on Earth.

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MAY 2012 IS A VERY POWERFUL MONTH by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles



MAY 2012 IS A VERY POWERFUL MONTH by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles




by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
May 2012 is an exceptionally powerful month, and with all of the challenges going on in people’s lives, it is a real opportunity for us to make a positive difference for people everywhere. Individually and collectively we can utilize this amazing influx of Light for the benefit of ourselves, our families, and all Humanity. At this time Humanity is receiving the maximum assistance from On High that Cosmic Law will allow. That means that you and I now have the ability to increase the Light we are adding to the world in unprecedented ways.


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FREEDOM PROJECT: The $592trillion Ponzi scheme is a time bomb ticking under your house...



The $592trillion Ponzi scheme is a time bomb ticking under your house







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Probing the secrets of the Antikythera Mechanism




The secrets of one of the most remarkable technological finds from Ancient Greece have been probed for the first time using powerful X-ray imaging equipment, specially shipped to Athens.

The Antikythera Mechanism as it is known, is regarded as the world's oldest "computer" and is thought to have been used to predict solar and lunar eclipses and record dates of the ancient Olympiad. Its remains were recovered from a Roman shipwreck off the southern coast of Greece in 1901.


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~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 05-11-2012 – Our Planet is changing, and is changing Now~



~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 05-11-2012 – Our Planet is changing, and is changing Now~




Greetings Loved Beings,

EQs have again increased, but only as far as >4.0 Mag are concerned, as if it seemed not necessary at the moment to bother with small ones, as they decreased drastically.

Volcanos are getting active as well while the Sun seems to be preparing for a Big one as it released some C flairs all the time and the chance for X Flairs increased to 25%.

Solar wind is still at 550 km/s and energy's flowing towards our Beloved Planet at high rate.

We're watching closely Thailand as it seems to have an issue with ground sinking all over the place, without any EQ or flooding that could explain it, thus MSM is so far ignoring the News. The only one I found is in italian so I post the pics that go with it.


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Invasion of the Butterflies: 'They're Everywhere!'



'Love is like a butterfly: It goes where it pleases and it pleases wherever it goes'. ~Author Unknown

Never has there been such a flutter over butterflies as that which is delighting folks all over Ontario, where millions of Admirals and other rare species are appearing in the droves. I noticed a pair dancing their spiral dance around me afew weeks ago, and was surprised to see that this rare breed was not alone, in fact I observed several more that day.

After a rainy colder week nothing much else seemed to appear, and I'd almost forgotten about the rare sightings that day, when suddenly last weekend on a sunny warm day these same brown and orange super fast flyers were zooming across in front of my car as I drove along the beautiful countryside...lots and lots of them!

According to The Windsor Star:

"The "butterfly highway" is seeing plenty of congestion this year, thanks in part to unusually warm spring weather south of the border.


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FREEDOM PROJECT: SEC Opens Review of J.P. Morgan... IT STARTED... YEPEE...


HIP... HIP... HURRAY... 

SEC Opens Review of J.P. Morgan

The Securities and Exchange Commission has begun reviewing J.P. Morgan ChaseJPM -9.50% & Co.'s disclosures related to the $2 billion trading loss announced by the company Thursday, according to a person familiar with the matter.

The review is at an early stage and hasn't progressed to the status of a formal investigation, this person said. Such reviews are routine after public companies report unexpected losses that send their stock prices sharply lower.

As a regulator, the SEC oversees J.P. Morgan's disclosures to investors and the New York company's broker-dealer operations. The Federal Reserve regulates the bank holding company of J.P. Morgan, while the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency oversees its main banking unit.

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FREEDOM PROJECT: Lawsuit in India to get their Gold back from The Bank of England and the Bank for International Settlements ...





THURSDAY, MAY 10, 2012

This Simple and very open statement and description of  War Criminals that usurped our major governments for last 70 or so years, brings end to political and diplomatic immunities [where this word 'diplomat' completely lost its true meaning... as these so called 'diplomats' were at least spies, or drug traffickers, or simply greedy war and profit hungry creatures..]


Where Now it is completely Legal and legitimate to call these beings George Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and all aided lawyers, commanders, CIA officials [who acted in concert to perpetrate War against Afghanistan, Iraq and others...] War Criminals... and to call them publicly to answer for their Crimes against Humanity...



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Duality is broken and cannot be fixed.



The only role of duality is to keep a Being asleep while its only redeeming factor is that it allows the experience of Re-Awakening into what's Real. Is it good? Yes. Is it bad? Yes. It's really only a limited way of looking at things, it's neither complicated nor frightening. When you really understand duality, there's no reason to hold on to it anymore. Duality exists only within the mind, the physical realm isn't even dualistic. What people call darkness is really just a frequency of Light outside the range of human perception. Duality is an attempt to conform a Multi-Dimensional Experience into a system of beliefs. It's inherently broken and cannot be fixed. It has to be thrown away entirely.

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~Incoming Code's~ The Awakening of the Light Field On Planet Earth=Heart~


~The Grand Movement of Love is Arriving in All Her Glory~




The Moment of Love to Shine Across this Planet Has Come~


~Love The Earth Allies~


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Saint Germain ~~The smell of rejoicement is on your way~~ 11/05/2012 by Méline Lafont




Dear Ones,

We are occupied with the removal of the Cabal, therefore we have derived much of your Visualizations as you all know. The removal is progressing smoothly which is Splendid. More arrests are being made known to you and all of the negativity is of a short dwell. These arrests are made a long time ago in our NOW moment and this is Manifesting itself, so you will be able to see or hear it on your Mediasources on the Internet now and then. Know that this is of Thruth and that you all will be able to see the Effects of this, piece by piece. We have worked hard to get to this point and so did you, which are resulting in mass arrests around the World. Gratitude for this my Dear Ones, for you have been of a great Assistance to us on Visualization Day.


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Have fun! That is what your life is supposed to be for. – Michael by GLR Ron Head



Natural Remedies: Honey


(editor's note: The word "honey" comes from ancient Hebrew meaning "enchant." The medicinal powers are so vast that there is even a special name for this honey therapy called apitherapy. Whether taken internally or used externally, honey is one sweet deal!

In time, the science of light and sound will advance so that we can update our medical centers, similar to those used on our Healing Ships.
Awakening within us all is the ability to completely heal ourselves.
As our bodies evolve from carbon-based to a crystalline-based structure, we must all learn how to properly nourish and treat our physical body.
Through this "Natural Remedies" segment I hope to introduce you to methods of healing you may not have tried, as well as building your knowledge base so you can help others.
I have now archived my articles on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NaturalRemediesCollection?skip_nax_wizard=true#

~Be well, all my Love, Boo)





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Health and Wholeness will Return in the Year Ahead


Health and Wholeness will Return in the Year Ahead (Repost)

2012 May 12
Posted by Steve Beckow

Many people appear to be most concerned about whether health and wholeness will return in the coming New Year. I therefore repost an article from December 2011 on the subject.


The End Times and the Golden Age associated with our climb to the Fifth Dimension will see a great number of changes in our experience of our life, our health, and our bodies.

These changes will happen gradually as move through the Fourth to the Fifth Dimensions and will continue past Ascension on our endless journey back to God. Let’s review some of them.


Bodies Less Physical


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Stretching Science: Sustainable Energy & Nanotechnology Meets Sanskrit Scrolls


(editor's note: More research results are coming forth exploring the sustainable energy future of hydrogen gas.
And in a surprising link- by using nanotechnology, scientists have discovered  a missing piece to a mathematical formula that dates back to ancient Sanskrit scrolls.

I'm so excited as each month passes to see the tremendous advances in our world. Soon, all of this information will be public knowledge, no more secrets, no more hiding and I will be moving on to yet another project :)
~All my Love, Boo)



Low-Cost Nanosheet Catalyst Discovered to Split Hydrogen from Water


Hydrogen gas offers one of the most promising sustainable energy alternatives to limited fossil fuels. But traditional methods of producing pure hydrogen face significant challenges in unlocking its full potential, either by releasing harmful carbon dioxide into the atmosphere or requiring rare and expensive chemical elements such as platinum.



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Healing Earth News: Satellites Help Create Protection For The Great Manta Ray


(editor's note: A difficult challenge for oceanic conservation efforts is the inability to "see" how species habitat and living systems have changed. Recently, satellites helped visualize the Manta Ray for a study that is leading to increased protection for these amazing ocean giants.

Rather than become disheartened by the negative news of mainstream media, I challenge you to look deeper -to find healing earth heroes in your own community. There are people all over this beautiful jewel we call Gaia working every day to correct the damage we have done. They are doing the physical clean up work, or putting the intellectual thought into solving these problems. Please join me in sending them all energies of love and support.
~All my Love, Boo)



First Satellite Tag Study for Manta Rays Reveals Habits and Hidden Journeys of Ocean Giants



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The Oracle Report May 12



Saturday, May 12 - Sunday, May 13, 2012


Third Quarter Moon Phase

The Sun continues to unleash M-class solar flares that border on X-class.  On Saturday, the Sun and Jupiter are located at the same place in the sky.  Jupiter expands everything and takes it to the greatest proportions.  So whatever is happening is magnified exponentially.  Saturday's energy centers on what brings us joy, comfort, and a sense of home.  Like the butterfly in this picture, we are drawn toward beauty and want to take in every drop of what can be beautiful in life.  The effects of Jupiter enhance this, giving us the opportunity for a truly wonderful day.


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The Great Pleiadian Eclipse Alignment - May 20, 2012



The Great Pleiadian Eclipse Alignment - May 20, 2012

On May 20, 2012, for the first time in 26,000 years, the Sun and Moon, and the constellation responsible for our spiritual evolution and ascension, the mystic Pleiades, will align in a spectacular, full Annular Solar Eclipse and a rare solar eclipse alignment will happen between the Earth, the Sun and, our central Sun, Alcyone in the Pleiades Constellation



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The manuscript of survival – part 135 •



The manuscript of survival – part 135



Thanks to "The Art Of Bill Brouard" Email bill_brouard@yahoo.co.uk All Art by Bill Brouard from Visual Alchemy Copyright 2010 ©




May 12, 2012 • 



Todays missive will be a short one, but an important one. Now the second round of energy updates is in full swing, and many of you have felt the brunt of this already. Your body may have a hard time adjusting to these new levels of energy, but it will not take long before it is ready for the next one. That is fortuitous, as this next round will be even more intense than the first two, so you see, there is a pattern here with steadily increasing levels of magnitude. You will have a short period of adjustment between them, but they willl not last long, so you best use them for all they’re worth as you will soon be laid low with another of these very important upgradings.

We are so proud of your accomplishments, and we do applaud you all for volunteering to go through this ordeal. It is not an easy one, and it is about to be even that little bit more challenging. This is mayhaps not the message you hankered for at the moment, but again, remember that all of these upheavals, both internally and externally, must be seen as positive signs of evolving. So keep up the good work sweet souls, you are indeed the bravest of the brave, soon to becom the strongest of them all. That is all for today, we leave.


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~Incoming Code's~ We Are Now Coming Together As One~


~As Decreed By Love, The Moments Have Come~


~Love The Earth Allies~


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“Love: the religion of new, a convincing worldview.”


A personal perception rooted only in evidence, logic and existential repugnance.  Love and working through the worldviews of today demand a strong faith in truth and its priority to discover it.  Love is often a fluctuating, overflowing emotion constricted by the walls of its own flesh. No matter the challenge; God, the quest to achieve and maintain the ultimate reality, and a strategic and pure discovery and application in ethics will always be available and viable as an optional and objective resource when seeking the truth of the Sole. 

      Since we as humans are wired with an intense set of emotional energy and intelligence, we are forced to address that and take a 360 degree review from inside and outside perspectives, in our journeys to the “Big Picture”.  Love, is the one, Global commonality that nobody can deny, unless the Nile is the only venue our boat chooses to sail.  This was an imperative component to consider when discovering my or anyone’s vibrational frequency to which they resonate.  Love is also the only tangible artifact that has been a constant throughout all of history and global existence of all things.  Yes, we all may have our own eyeballs for viewing but regardless of language, the interpretation of the “feeling” is all translated to the same conclusion.  Thus, perfect evidence to value when forming a flawless worldview. 


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Ann Albers – Message From The Angels And Ann – 21 April 2012



Ann Albers – Message From The Angels And Ann – 12 May 2012

Message from the Angels

My dear friends, we love you so very much.

Sing with celebration dear ones for you earth is growing and evolving and you are too. You are becoming clearer about what it is you want in your life. You are becoming more convinced that you too are deserving of God’s love. You are starting to realize that you are powerful creators and so many of you upon the earth are coming together in love and prayer, trying to create a more kind reality. You see otherwise on your news, but in the heavens we see inside human hearts. We see the kindness that is rising up within so many. We see both the frustrations and pains, but also the deep desire for greater cooperation and greater love.


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Robert D. Steele – Former CIA Spy Tells The Truth – Video Recommended – 12 May 2012


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Fairy Card reading for a Sun-Filled Saturday: Peace of Mind, Magic of Nature, and Making New Friends!



Fairy Card Reading for a sun-filled Saturday,

The light of the sun has a beautiful ethereal quality to it this morning as it sparkles on the surface of the lake like so many brilliant diamonds....a perfect day for millions of people to meditate on peace and love around the planet together.



Today's reading for our beloved planet Gaia:


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Hope


What do you desire right now



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Laura Tyco ~ Message from my Higher Self: I AM presence ~ 12 May 2012



People are beginning to wake up to the fact that love has absolute power. Conscious love is the key in all that you struggle with in your lives. At this time, it is important not to make hash decisions. We ask you to take your time and connect to your feelings when you are at peace, and when things would settle in what feels like clouded thoughts and high emotions, the answer will just present itself naturally.


Know that we love you dearly in all and always, such unconditional love can be anchored within our Earth physical vessels through you from time to time. We can inhabit your bodies and your consciousness even for a few short moments. When this union takes place between what is above and what is below your feel enlightened and all makes sense in a few blissful moments.


Until you will have a more permanent I AM presence, you will experience a rather strange phenomenon. When your Higher Self inhabits you, you will feel bliss and health. However this experience will have a huge contrast with your ordinary experience of yourself. When you are subject to all various Earth influences, and when all your personalities from past lives emerge alternatively.



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Daily Blue Star UFOs Report~ YES! ARE WE REALLY HERE~ 05-12-12



‪ Daily Blue Star UFOs  Report~ YES! ARE WE REALLY HERE~




Greetings Love Beings,

It seems that someone at NASA is tired with all this cover ups as each day we can find more and more images coming out on the net of satelites showing crafts floating around in space and into our athmosphere.

Don’t know if they’re still trying to frighten someone by saying “hey, look, they’re there!” or if it comes from somone truly interested in the Truth... all is happening in accordance to the Divine Plan, and we know Who they are so... enjoy the show!


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Your Daily Giggle: How Mainstream Media Works


(editor's note: Laughter and joy are so very important to our well-being. So to kick off our first Liberation Day party http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/%E0%BC%BA%E2%99%A5-liberation-day-uniting-every-saturday-%E2%99%A5%E0%BC%BB

I thought I'd tickle your funny bone with this thought-provoking gem...)





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Saint Germain ~~The smell of rejoicement is on your way~~ 11/05/2012


Dear Ones,

We are occupied with the removal of the Cabal, therefore we have derived much of your Visualizations as you all know. The removal is progressing smoothly which is Splendid. More arrests are being made known to you and all of the negativity is of a short dwell. These arrests are made a long time ago in our NOW moment and this is Manifesting itself, so you will be able to see or hear it on your Mediasources on the Internet now and then. Know that this is of Thruth and that you all will be able to see the Effects of this, piece by piece. We have worked hard to get to this point and so did you, which are resulting in mass arrests around the World. Gratitude for this my Dear Ones, for you have been of a great Assistance to us on Visualization Day.



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~Space Weather Update~ INCOMING CME To Arrive May 14th


INCOMING CME (UPDATED): On May 11th at 23:54 UT, a coronal mass ejection raced away from the sun faster than 1000 km/s. The fast-moving cloud will deliver a glancing blow to Earth's magnetic field on May 14th around 14:30 UT, according to a revised forecast track prepared by analysts at the Goddard Space Weather Lab. Mars is also in the line of fire. Magnetic storm alerts: text, phone.


SUNSET OVER PARIS: Huge sunspot AR1476 poses a threat for strong solar flares, but for the past two days the so-called "active region" has been mostly quiet. What the sunspot lacks in drama, however, it more than makes up for in beauty. Consider this photo of last night's sunset over Paris:



"Shooting from the Bridge of Concorde, I captured the sunspot setting behind the Eiffel Tower," says photographer VegaStar Carpentier. The light of the low-hanging sun was perfectly dimmed for a 1/1000s exposure @ ISO 400. "I used a Canon EOS 1000D."


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ALL is Connected Ascended Master, Serapis Bey’s Weekly Message




by GLR Julie Miller

ALL is Connected

Ascended Master, Serapis Bey’s Weekly Message ~ May 11 – 18, 20112
I AM the task master that is commonly known as ‘The Disciplinarian’. When you call for my presence into your lives, understand that I AM a direct and stern master. There is no cushioning of any truths with me. My path is of purity and when we get to work together, Purity is what will also be found and mastered into your everyday life.

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Imagine a self-image that needs no validation...


You can create the world you want to live in.
It starts with imagination, dreaming, or visualizing what you want to see. 
You are an AMAZING creator!
Imagine a self-image that needs no validation...
(taken from my FB page "Imagine Your Passion" where the power of thought becomes the power of creation)
<span style="font-family:georgia,seri</p><p><a data-cke-saved-href=" galacticfreepress="" content="" imagine-self-image-needs-no-validation"="" href="/galacticfreepress/content/imagine-self-image-needs-no-validation">Read more


Time Travel


(editor's note: even though this article first appeared back in September, 2011 -I wanted to repost it. The data is simply amazing... perhaps one of YOU left a footprint behind in your travels???

~All my Love, Boo)


Imprint of a shoe sole embedded in one billion year old solid granite


Time Travelers Footprints Found



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The View From Down Here: Planetary Alignments Bring Positive Financial Changes & The Intrigue of Vesta


(editor's note: Sunday  afternoon (tomorrow 13 May) the Taurus Sun joins Jupiter (the sign of finance). Be on the look out for some positive signs of the beginning of our new worldwide financial stability.
While we're up in the sky, the asteroid Vesta continues to intrigue astonomers with it's many "earth-like" qualities.

I'm so happy to report that news of activities happening outside and around our planet continue to intrigue more and more people!
Just a few years ago, "space geeks" were the only ones interested in all the wonderous events of our neighboring planets, stars, and galaxies. Now it seems everyone has their eyes to the skies!
The view from down here is a special vantage point, so I hope you enjoy this report and get a better understanding of how important YOU are to the beautiful Cosmos we all call home.  
~All my Love, Boo)


Asteroid Vesta Looks Like a Little Planet, Complete With Craters, Mountains and Landslides



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