~Energies Intensify~

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 05/13/2012 - 10:11


Hello i am 16 years old so be amazed on how much i express to you in this message - Ascension is occuring on Earth=Heart. A couple of minutes ago, i experienced a big wave of joy while i was meditating. Yesterday i gained the ability to see energy in the air. And love has overcome me twice as much. It feels really good. Now i am learning how to levitate objects with my conciusness. People all around are experiencing changes in theyreselves. I can also now radiate love to another person. Just last week i made friends by just saying hi to them. Im even friends with Andrea from the Galactic Free Press. I even met someone who has the same last name as me which is also from this site. How wonderful, People are Connecting!

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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 5/12/12




Continue to persevere. Continue to strive for what it is you believe in and what it is that you desire. There are many things that are possible for you within this universe. Many of these things are only possible for you once you reach a certain level of your advancement. This is how this universe has been designed, and there are many reasons it has been designed in such a way. Some of these reasons have to do with safety and security, and some of these reasons are to give you something to strive for and to create certain goals for yourselves that would motivate you to overcome certain obstacles that would be placed in your way in order to bring out the best in you and to further your spiritual and academic growth.


Not all the obstacles that you have come across have been purposely designed and placed in your way by intelligent sources. Instead, some of these obstacles that you have faced have been created by natural means or by situations that have developed through your choices. Your path has been a gentle mix of these two forces that have acted to oppose your advancement, and they have successfully worked to strengthen your will, your determination and your stamina to withstand everything that this universe can possibly place in your way as you continue on throughout your journey.



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YouTube user says he has proof of NASA covering up evidence of aliens after he found a 'UFO hovering near the Sun'



YouTube user says he has proof of NASA covering up evidence of aliens after he found a 'UFO hovering near the Sun'


NASA spaceship



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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~11~12 ~Influx of Light Incoming~


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Lee-Anne Peters – Love Has No Rules – It Simply Is!



Lee-Anne Peters – Love Has No Rules – It Simply Is! – 13 May 2012
Posted on May 12, 2012 by GLR lucas2012infos 
I receive emails almost daily asking personal and general questions about Twin Flame LOVE, and as much as I would LOVE to have time to read and respond to them all – I just don’t. So from time to time I will share my thoughts in these blogs to help answer some general questions I receive.
One thing I LOVE about the Twin Flame connection is that there are absolutely no rules!


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EARTH ALLIES 12.5.12... COBRA ~ Open Letter to Drake, David Wilcock, Benjamin Fulford, Bill Brockbrader and Kerry Cassidy



Saturday, May 12, 2012




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The Passageway of May ~ Message from Archangel Gabriel


The Passageway of May ~ Channeled May 7, 2012

Greetings, Dear Ones! How pleased and honored we are to be sharing our transmission at this new location. We honour you for making the time to be here and we also honour the new ones to the group for being open to having such an experience. And of course when we say group we mean not only those who are in the room with us today but also those who will enjoy the transmission on your internet at a later time.


We are pleased with the timing of the get together today. As you know, we normally offer one teaching channel per month but the times are unique, Dear Ones, and we wish to speak on that today.


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Breathe into your heart



Never have the thoughts

of the world

been yours.

They are illusion.


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Solar Activity UPDATE ~ May 12, 2012


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Auspicious "13" of Divine Mother


13 May 2012 is our earthly celebration honoring our mothers. 13 also being the number of the Great Goddess and the chosen number of our ascension. When Mother Mary appeared to the 3 children in Portugal, she first appeared on May13th and told them she would reappear on the 13th of the following months with the last being on the 13th of October of that year. (October 13th was also the anniversary of my parents wedding) 


March 13th was the date in 1997 of the Phoenix Lights.


It was on Friday, Oct. 13, 1307, that France's King Philip IV had the Knights Templar rounded up for torture and execution. The Knights Templar were an order of warriors within the Roman Catholic Church who banded together to protect Christian travellers visiting Jerusalem in the centuries after the Crusades. 


Jesus had 12 disciples... including him was the number 13.  Drunvalo Melchizedek taught in his original video tapes that one way of ascending is to have 12 assistants.


We are familiar with the 12 zodiacal signs and recently there has been much controversy over the 13th, Ophiuchius, the snake holder.




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FREEDOM PROJECT: Fox News Admits "Ron Paul Is A Major Threat" ...









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FREEDOM PROJECT: Greece in last bid to avoid fresh elections



A final attempt to form a coalition government in Greece now lies with the President Karolas Papoulias, who is scheduled to meet party leaders on Sunday to cobble together an emergency administration. If he fails, Greeks will be going back to the polls for the second time in weeks. Al Jazeera's Tim Friend reports from Athens.


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The Dolphin Collective ~~The Importance of the Vortex Portals and Dolphins~~


We are the Dolphin Collective and we wish to speak with you today about Ascension. We are a pod from the Southern Ocean near Africa. With hundreds of us are amongst us Whales and other Dolphin families.


Like you all know we are working together as a family to cleanse the Oceans of pollution. We are excited about what is about to come your way. We wish to know you all when Ascension took place, for we will all live together in Harmony. These times are almost upon us now and the days of Illusion are shortening. We are awaiting you with much Joy for we will finally be able to communicate with each other in a Free way.



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FREEDOM PROJECT: JP Morgan trader ‘London Whale’ blows $13bn hole in bank’s value | Business | The Guardian



JP Morgan trader ‘London Whale’ blows $13bn hole in bank’s value | Business | The Guardian



JP Morgan trader ‘London Whale’ blows $13bn hole in bank’s value

Shockwaves spread across markets after $2bn trading loss at US bank, which had campaigned to water down regulations

JP Morgan



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Are we entering the Age of Pisces or the Age of Aquarius?




Is it the Age of Aquarius or the Age of Pisces arriving?

This essay gives strong support to the latter...


Magenta. The Gateway to the Divine. The color inbetween red and violet. Well, in our versions of color, we don’t like to associate red with violet or apparently just don’t see color as a wheel which regenerates. So, we say screw magenta you are too pretty for our pallets and that’s that.


Well, if you ask me, there is enough reason to believe, that we are entering the Age of Pisces. We are not entering the Age of Aquarius, although with all the technology it may look that way. Or, i’m merely citing a small astrological miscalculation, and you should ignore me. Perhaps an Age of Aquarius is happening, and what i’m describing is actually just another reality altogether. You may ignore me if this does not fit into your reality.


Age of Aries was about War – Battle – Masculinity – Independence, the One Person. It seems obvious to me that we were in that age. Especially when it’s balance was Libra – The Female, True Love, Justice, Liberty, Truth. All those were highlighted in the background of the most recent era. Or so it seems to me.



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FREEDOM PROJECT: Keiser Report: Central Bank Monarchs (E287) ...


In this episode, Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert discuss the alleged meritocracy of old Etonians running the world (into the ground) while the rest of us remain wards of the state - from the President of France to PhDs on foodstamps. In the second half of the show Max talks to John Titus, producer of the new documentary, Bailout.

Follow Max Keiser on Twitter: http://twitter.com/maxkeiser

Watch all Keiser Report shows here:

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Today and for always we celebrate as ONE HEART - ALL HEART mothers, daughters, fathers sons!


For all heart Mothers, Daughers, Fathers, Sons!

Today, we are free to create new languages that imbue beautiful intentions of the light. No longer do we need to say step-child or step-mother if we wish not to. Today we celebrate all heart-daughters, heart-sons, heart-fathers and heart-mothers. Thank you friends Darlene and Alexi for this amazing new way of being family! We are all ONE! We are here to love and cherish one another every moment - every animal - every being no matter what country, sky, galaxy, inner earth they come from. Today we rejoice for all of the children who are here now to help us herald in the greatest love and light show on earth. 


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FREEDOM PROJECT: JPM Crashing After It Convenes Emergency Call To Advise Of "Significant Mark-To-Market" Losses In Bruno Iksil/CIO Group




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Saint Germain ~~The visualization effects are coming through~~



Saint Germain ~~The visualization effects are coming through~~
07/05/2012 by Méline Lafont
12 May 2012 - 10:01am |  Meline
Dear Ones,
We have been receiving beautiful Energies from the Super Full Moon yesterday and we derived advantage from this. Even the Visualisation day on the 5th of May caused tremendous changes which we could use to our advantage also. Big things are happening partly thanks to this and we thank you for that. We are full of Joy for this and we see the effects that are Manifesting right now. The Energetic Veils are lifting more and more each day and the time between thought and Manifestations are shortening fast, which is why it is important to know what you are wishing for and thinking of. Keep having Faith my dear ones and stay focused right now because all you wish for, will be manifesting shortly after thinking it. So be Positive and erase every negative thought you might have.


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Melchizedek ~~The visualization of Disclosure~~ 09/05/2012 by Méline Lafont


Dear Ones,


We, the Pleiadians, have a very Important message for you. It is of highly Importance to visualize Disclosure to make our landings possible. We have seen that the Effects of Visualization Day were Fenomenal and for that we want to achieve the same for Disclosure.
Without the knowledge and acceptance of our Existence, Disclosure and landings on your Planet Earth are not possible. For this is why we ask you to Assist us by Visualizing Disclosure. It will Assist us also by Increasing the Energies on Earth, whom will be preparing the Unawaken souls by simply being send to you all. With this Visualization of Disclosure, these Energies will be faster and stronger than when we would send them from our behalf only.



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A 1 notch downgrade means JP Morgan will have to post in the range of $1-$2 billion in new collateral…on top of the $2-3 billion already reported lost on Bruno Iksil’s hedging trade gone bad.


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~Incoming Codes~ The Great Movement of Love Unfolding Now~


~Love The Earth Allies~


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Cosmic Awareness May~June 2012 Forecast


DNA Activation Banner

Cosmic Awareness May~June 2012 Forecast

Cosmic Awareness May/June 2012 Forecast

Posted by admin on May 12, 2012 in 2012,
Cosmic Awareness via Will Berlinghoff, Questions by Callista Summerfield


Awareness: That this Awareness, this Cosmic Awareness, is now available for the purpose of doing this red-hot alert for the membership of CAC and all those who
will read or hear this information. This Awareness acknowledges that Callista Summerfield is assisting today and is energizing this reading for the Interpreter. Please proceed with your question or questions.

Callista: Thank you Awareness and we greet you and we come to you today because we’re just wondering if there’s anything that you would like to say to us regarding the events coming up in the month of June. There is considerable interest in various quarters concerning this timeframe and we would just like to hear your comments on that.

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Zingdad – Video 6 In The Series Adamu Speaks Series – The Benefits Of Unity Consciousness – 12 May 2012


Thanks to Lucas2012


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Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – 13 May 2012



Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – 13 May 2012

Beloved Ones,

The times that are upon you require that you allow yourselves to just BE instead of doing. It is a period of inner contemplation and adjusting. Many changes are occurring within yourselves and your physical bodies are continuing in their transformations. Remember to drink plenty of pure clean water and be out in nature as much as possible. Your connection to the Earth is very important right now and it will help you in your transition as you go through your changes.


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Millions of People in Germany Are No Longer Willing to Be Treated as Fools!


Millions of People in Germany Are No Longer Willing to Be Treated as Fools!

Promote health and peace instead of the business with disease and war!

Chancellor Merkel, I address you as a doctor and scientist whose scientific discoveries have contributed to the natural control of heart diseases, cancer, AIDS and other endemic diseases. As a physicist you have also undergone scientific training, and should therefore subscribe to principles of objective scientific analysis - specifically in your political responsibility for the people of our country. Unfortunately, this is not the case - to the contrary!


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Father/Mother, It bothers me that currently there are many who are doing good works..., many who are lightworkers, and yet there are some that ridicule each other..., some that can not work with the others, some even that outright attack others..., can you tell me why? Hmmm, you'd like to put your answer into the form of a story? Go ahead..., I'm all ears! I'll just write what you say. People can only see and understand things from the level they are standing at. It is like this. Say there was a man who was standing next to a great forest, right at it's edge and on one side he could see a great meadow, and on the other side were immediately the great tall trees. His TRUTH would be (as far as he could see..., and in his experience) that the world consisted of large trees on one side and a great meadow on the other. There was however a second man standing a few miles away on a high hillside just behind the great forest. From his vantage point, (the level he was at) he could see not only the hill he was standing on..., the forest at the base of it, but also the great meadow beyond it, and beyond the meadow a beautiful lake! To him, the world consisted of the hill he was standing on, the forest, the meadow, and the lake. Both men so far are correct, neither one is wrong..., only the man who is standing HIGHER can see MORE. There was a third man standing 30 miles or so away on the side of a mountain! From his vantage point, he could see the high hills, the forest, the meadow and the lake far in the distance, but he could also see towns and villages between the mountains and the high hills, he could see roads and fields full of crops. He could see animals playing and jumping in a stream that ran between the mountains and high hills, and far beyond the lake, he could see yet again another forest and beyond that he could see an ocean!

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More incoming Love Codes, May 12 Crop Circles


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Jesus ~ It Is A Vision Of Immense Power That You Are Bringing Into Being



Jesus ~ It Is A Vision Of Immense Power That You Are Bringing Into Being

by John Smallman | May 13, 2012

The awakening of humanity is proceeding apace.  All is exactly as it should be, as more and more of you start to become aware that enormous changes in the way you live and experience life are shortly to come into effect.  The first signs of this are already visible and being reported, mainly in the alternate and independent media, but there are also brief snippets occurring in the mainstream news.  Watch out for them there because reports from that area give you what you might call more tangible evidence that great changes are underway – at last the mainstream media are starting to tell some of the truth, and that is in itself inspiring.


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Melchizedek ~~Ascension and her proces is evolving fast~~ 13/05/2012 by GLR Méline Lafont



Melchizedek ~~Ascension and her proces is evolving fast~~ 13/05/2012 by GLR Méline Lafont


Dear Ones,

We are approaching you today with much Joy for we have seen Tremendous changes happening at this time.  First of all, the removal of  the Cabal, which is going according to plan, and then the public announcements of these Arrests which are Manifesting themselves here and there on the Internet.  This is what you all have been Visualizing not so long ago.  Since the "thinking of it" and "the Manifestation of it" are not so far from each other, the results will be forthcoming very soon.  It is finally taking place my Dear Brothers and Sisters, and for this we are in Bliss.


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~Our Next Galactic Free Press Update~



~Our Next Update will be On Mother's Day Sunday May 13th 2012~


WE Successfully Brought in the Amount of increased Light required for the Auspicious Moments We are in.


~We Will Share more About this In Our Upcoming Update~




In The No Matter what All Events are Inevitable.. We do not care about the doubters, naysayers, or those who would not like to see these events come into Fruition. We Feel Today's Light Party Shared this clearly~


All Our Love Mother and Father God and The Earth Allies


WE are In the Great Human Potential Movement [video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3FK62EyFw4]





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Blossom Goodchild 5-9-12…”It is NOW… all you have prepared to face shall be IN YOUR FACE!”…


Blossom Goodchild 5-9-12…”It is NOW… all you have prepared to face shall be IN YOUR FACE!”… “ALL THINGS THAT YOU KNOW TO DO THAT RAISE THE ENERGETIC VIBRATION OF YOUR PLANET …. DO THEM! DO THEM! DO THEM!” Commentary from


This is the most important Blossom I have ever read. I say that with all earnestness. I’ve read a lot of Blossom’s, and a lot of others. But for various reasons, within myself, I realized that this is the most important Blossom I have ever read. It has to do with “fear”; that is, the releasing of it.



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Stepping out of the box, written by Father God



Stepping out of the box, written by Father God

This is a Message Father God wrote To Humanity, Our Children back in February of 08. We are Reposting this one, as it was in our series about the ego. Unfortunatly the ego is still a confusing aspect for all of you. We have to Reheart you for those still confused, ego is just like edging god out, ego is isolation and seperation. It is a lie. Love is not a Lie, Love is Real, and is the Truth of who you are. We Love you, Love Mother and Father God, Your Family of Light, and the Ground Crew for First Contact.


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Heavenletter #4188 The Key to Relationships


Heavenletter #4188 The Key to Relationships , May 13, 2012 

God said: 


Hasten your heart to speak its language. Your heart's language is love. Languages are to be spoken. That is what they are for. Words are not the only language. Without words, love can be spoken very well.

You may be rusty in speaking the language of love. If your giving love has been squeaky, oil your love with practice. Practice the giving of love, and you will be a natural speaker. You will not know how to stop expressing love. It is natural to express love. Love is meant to be expressed. A cow gives milk. A heart gives love. Pump that heart of yours, and love will express itself.


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Saul - With the preparations complete, a most wonderful experience is about to envelop you




With the preparations complete, a most wonderful experience is about to envelop you

The awakening of humanity into full awareness of its true identity will be an event of enormous importance for all of God’s divine creation, and that importance cannot be overemphasized.  Many eons have been spent preparing for this extraordinary event, and now, with the preparations complete, a most wonderful experience is about to envelop you.


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Intense Light Infusion Underway!!


Intense Light Infusion Underway!!



These last two days have been quite interesting and in their own way, progressive within the field of Light.  For us humans living in Light’s progress, it may feel less than progressive.


The day before yesterday there was a very prominent element to every reading… rainbow energy.  One lady’s higher self was cloaked in rainbow energy and at the same time, very fairy/angel like.  I could see her flying a few feet above her “human” working some sort of energy between her human, herSelf and the field of Light that houses the higher frequencies of life.  The only information that was given to us in this relationship was that she was being “readied” to live fully in the field and once there (in the field) the contents of Her West field will be released to her.  Of course… all depending on her immediate choices, but god forbid we they tell anyone what those choices are!!


Even with that line typed out, I hear spirit giving us clarity about our choices.  So, lets expand on that for a moment!!




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EARTH ALLIES 13.5.12... OPEN INVITATION TO ALL NEY-SAYERS... Time to Stop, Drop, and Stand Up… War Crimes Tribunal – Bush – Cheney – and more!!!!!



What about these ney-sayers, who always hide behind 'look, nothing is happening', or 'no crimes has been punished', or 'look at Obamas birth certificate, and do not look at this War Crimes Tribunal', or 'look at CNN and avoid Internet and Facebook, as CIA is looking in your accounts!?'... 


I [Predrag Saint Germain...] personally invite all the naysayers, all the negative prophecies doomsday sayers, all the religious non-spiritualists, all the confused ones, all the afraid ones, to send me a questions, to ask me how I would describe certain situation or event that is happening or it 'happened' in our human history... But only if you Dare?...


I dare you to be courageous enough, to post your 'confusions' here on my posts, and know you will not be judged if you are confused, afraid or angry... It is quite an opposite: I will be honored to answer every single question, and I will keep it humoristic, fun and joyful... I promise...



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Kauilapele ~ KP Message…For All Galactic Travelers: “Time To Stop, Drop, And Stand Up… STOP Stirring The Fear Pot, DROP The Fear, And STAND UP With The Light” ~ 13 May 2012


Kauilapele ~ KP Message…For All Galactic Travelers: “Time To Stop, Drop, And Stand Up… STOP Stirring The Fear Pot, DROP The Fear, And STAND UP With The Light” ~ 13 May 2012

I’ve read some things lately, and had to stop reading them, because they were all saying exactly the same thing: “Be afraid. Be very afraid.”


You know what those “things” are, what those articles are, and what those sites are. Just go to your internet search engine and type in any of the following words, and you’ll find some of them: doom, Obama, Bush, Clinton, 2012, NWO, cabal, USA, government, conspiracy, popcorn, macadamia nuts (okay, maybe the last two don’t fit here; but I would not be surprised if someone wrote articles about how the “cabal” has rigged microwave popcorn and macadamia nut packages to explode all at once, everywhere around the world, on December 21, 2012, blinding everyone on the planet, and allowing the dark ones to take over a very shocked (although much tastier and nuttier) planet).



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~Space Weather Update~ Active Region Has Been Calm~


INCOMING CME: On May 11th, a coronal mass ejection raced away from the sun traveling ~1000 km/s. The fast-moving cloud will deliver a glancing blow to Earth's magnetic field on May 14th around 14:30 UT, according to a forecast track prepared by analysts at the Goddard Space Weather Lab. Mars is also in the line of fire.


UNSET OVER PARIS: Huge sunspot AR1476 poses a threat for strong solar flares, but for the past two days the so-called "active region" has been mostly quiet. What the sunspot lacks in drama, however, it more than makes up for in beauty. Consider this photo of Friday night's sunset over Paris:



"Shooting from the Bridge of Concorde, I captured the sunspot setting behind the Eiffel Tower," says photographer VegaStar Carpentier. The light of the low-hanging sun was perfectly dimmed for a 1/1000s exposure @ ISO 400. "I used a Canon EOS 1000D."


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The Light of Sion



                                         LOVE YOUR MOTHER!





What would you do if you weren't afraid? This is the message of Sion...To overcome our fear..connect with our higher self..operate from that finer, higher place...NOW is the time for us to do this. To put away our fear, overcome our limitations and become the true Divine humans we know we can become..


Much Peace, Joy, Light and Love to ALL! NOW! :) <3


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Ron Van Dyke: Honoring Mother Goddess




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FREEDOM PROJECT: Court rules that Google-NSA spy ties can remain secret...




I read this court' ruling this way: There are big secrets, too big to be disclosed in open, between Google and NSA, who are both spying on private citizens without our permission... 
So, all parties involved are breaking Natural Privacy Law [Google, CIA, NSA, FAU... and including this Court officials too!?... right?...]  yet not for long, as this is coming all on surface, even courts who make these rulings will be brought to justice... 

Love and No more secrets, PSG





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My Father/Mother..., hear me as I go for this little walk on Mother's Day. Thank-you..., I Love you too. Yes..., I know..., Be at Peace..., you tell me that every day, and every day I try to implement your advice. Yes, I know we are close to getting results..., you've told me that as well, but indulge me as I have a few things to say. My Father/Mother..., you tell me to use kindness, you tell me to use compassion, and I do these things and have been since the day when I was a young lad. I do have some concerns about my brothers and sisters in the Media I'd like to discuss with you. How is it that they can lie so easily? Why are they so complicit with those who choose to be dark, and run the world in a very dark way? Today on the local morning news I watched the news anchor go through nine stories..., all of which had something to do with killing, murder, kidnapping, accidents or other violence. Not one thing was happy or loving. Do they not know of the damage they are doing? Why do they say these horrible things over the air waves and broadcast such horror into the minds of their brothers and sisters? Yes..., I know they are being told to do so..., but I would never TAKE such a job if my paycheck depended up doing damage that others said I had to do. Why do they? Are they simply COWARDS? The DARK ONES could NEVER have drawn this out so long if those who were serving them had simply refused to co-operate. I refuse to co-operate in so many things and on so many levels..., it is not that hard to do. Complicity, complicity..., everywhere I look, it seems. What drives these people to do such things? Hmmm, Money is the root of all of their insanity and their crimes you say.... Sounds like you are saying that money is the root of all evil..., Yes..., I heard that before, but there are some light workers who say that having lots of money is not bad and is something that should be striven for so that one can do good with it. Hmmm..

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Dragon Energy (bringing in the light codes)


This is very exciting..From the collective consciousness of 9...

Much Peace, Joy, Light and Love to ALL! NOW! :) <3


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5/12/2012 -- Sakurajima volcano Japan -- Eruption with static discharge lightning


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