Submitted by Lia on Sun, 05/13/2012 - 10:43




 Photo By Earth Allie Dawn Christine~heart daughter crystal rainbow indigo~ our children are here to help herald in the greatest love and light show on earth !


The 11:11 'A Mu'a Ceremony on April 20 - 21 in Rapa Nui has deepened and reconfigured us immeasurably. It was a massive Turning Point when all our paths were pushed into completely new directions. It has reconnected us with a precious part of ourself that couldn't come in before, the part of us that is deeply connected with the energies of AN which has been waiting for the new MUA (major cycle) to fully begin.


Since the 'A Mu'a began, it has felt as if a huge bonfire has burned away much of what was there before. We are beginning to see and feel the monumental in-depth changes that are now taking place both within us and within our outer lives. We have now entered a phase when a series of powerful tsunamis will sweep into our lives. These 'A Mu'a Tsunamis are bringing us massive, unprecedented, core level change, transformation, deepened love and forward movement so we can finally live True Lives as True Ones.


When the 'A Mu'a Tsunamis first come in, it's somewhat confusing since nothing moves forward in a linear, logical manner. Instead, it's a wave energy that swirls, curves and spirals while it spreads out. There is a forward movement that doesn't seem to know where forward is. We don't know where our True Home is, but feel it is very close. We feel the new freshness in the air, but don't know what is causing it.


Now our lives are starting to shift in unexpected ways. Old issues and previously stuck situations are being cleared. We are releasing our connections with people who don't have integrity, so that new, True Ones who are deeply aligned with our True Purpose may come in. At the same time, elements from our distant past are now returning so we can find new resolutions.


The 'A Mu'a creates situations where many things click into position. At the same time, other things come to a complete halt. There may be small waves of hopelessness or poignancy as old energies leave us. Major rerouting is taking place, sometimes in strange, funny, unexpected ways. This is happening because the 'A Mu'a is moving us into the energies of AN which are so vastly different.


For months we have been receiving glimpses of a new, heightened reality. Suddenly without any warning, the veils part and we can see WHO WE REALLY ARE and feel a totally new way of being coming in. Our Love deepens into a heightened, deeper, Truer Love than we have never felt before, enabling us to connect with others with new depth and openness. 0ur True Purpose is becoming increasingly clearer.


When we inhabit this new level of awareness, we become the True Core Being that we were at the Beginning. This is when we align with the energy of AN. As AN awakens within us, we develop a vastly expanded understanding of why we are really here. This New Paradigm of AN is where we need to anchor ourselves to live True Lives as True Ones.


This process is like sewing. We take the shining thread of AN and with the waves of 'A Mu'a we sew it back into our old selves and old lives. Then back into pure AN again. This transference is creating a brilliant new tapestry -- the tapestry of our True Lives.

May is a brilliant, fast paced, super active month. Time gets faster and faster until it all becomes a blur of activity. Change, Freedom, Trueness and Deeper Love are all being emphasized. The time we are in right now is such a perfect setup where we are all being given exactly what is most needed. Sometimes it feels like everything is so concentrated, so full, so stacked up and compressed, that we are incapable of dealing with it all. Some of us are still feeling very tired physically; this is because we are finally recovering from a long sickness which we call Duality.


Throughout this time, lots of rerouting is taking place, moving us into our Truest Directions. Well organized plans can change without warning. Flights are cancelled and trips take us to places other than where we thought we were going. Old desires and goals are dropping away as we can suddenly see that we no longer want what we thought we wanted.


As the 'A Mu'a spreads out across the planet, it brings a deeper grounding of the AN energies. The billowing Winds of Change blow a new freshness into our lives. The 'A Mu'a is bringing us new ways of doing things where we combine a Zen, spontaneity with focus and readiness. May brings a continued deepening, helping more and more of us to step into Trueness.


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