~ We have Shifted and these Will Continue~

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 05/14/2012 - 10:25

~Incoming codes~ Breathe In the fresh Air of Love~


We are Here


Just Breathe and You Are Home With US


Willow of Love Stationed Here at Mt Shasta with US







 ~WE are Going Home~




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~Incoming Codes~ You Can Count On Us~


~Love is here to break all the records... Truth is Here~




~Love The Earth Allies~


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༺♥ YOU are Divine ♥༻


Gorgeous day beauty-full Star-Light “you” are…

Resistance is futile withIN the link Divine Love “is” within you.  You can run, you can try to hide, yet the purity “you are” as a Divine creation of life will creep into your spirit and engulf your spirit into flight, reminding you, we all have wings and shine as living breathing stars.  Transformation is pain, both physical pain and emotional pain “unattended to” and when you just about feel you have reached the last step in your transformation or you are feeling weakened and about to give up, Divine Love carries you even farther, deeper into Love’s Grace and your heart explodes into abundant Joy and you finally… let go and surrender to the Universe breathing life withIN you, as an infinite place of finite Divine Love “is” within you and you remember, your name… Love!


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Interview with Christopher Doyon of Anonymous


We've had some controvery previously when posting about Anonymous, and I wanted to clear up the position of the GFP upon their organization. We support Anonymous' effort to make the world's secrets known. Love has nothing to hide, while fear tries to hide Everything, but there will be no more darkness when the Truth is there for all to see. While we support Anonymous' vision, we don't necessarily support every action by those identifying themselves as members of Anonymous. Some of their actions are done out of hate, and this is not something we can endorse.


The major corporations, those "too big to fail" monstrosities, are very afraid of Anonymous. It's terrifying to them that even though they can buy off the most powerful governments in the world, these same corporations can be brought to their knees by some 14 year old kid on a $300 computer. That's the power of a Human Being over an illusionary entity like a corporation.


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Fran Zepeda ~ Archangel Michael and Yeshua ~ Be One With Your Higher Self ~ 13 May 2012


Fran Zepeda ~ Archangel Michael and Yeshua ~ Be One With Your Higher Self ~ 13 May 2012

Archangel Michael and Yeshua:

We bring you great tidings from the Spiritual Realm as we watch over you with deep pride and love. Nothing can take away the great progress and development you have accomplished. The light quotient is at an all-time high and we salute you.


Be prepared for massive shifts and changes, as we have been telling you. We would like to speak to you about your heart, which has been undergoing many changes. Massive downloads of energy have caused the hearts of many of you to open up in ways that you may not be totally aware of, dear ones. You may have noticed that you have lost interest in many things, and new interests are popping up. You may feel reluctance at letting go of old relationships and careers and old ways of doing things, because you identified deeply with it. You may feel like it is a betrayal and so you feel bad about letting go of people and things. 



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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~13~12 Big Events Now Unfolding On Planet Earth=Heart~


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~13~12


~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~ Big Events Now Unfolding On Planet Earth=Heart~


Photo By Dawn Christine

 Let's Raise A Little Heaven!




Greetings Love Beings... Wow, the energies today have been Amazing and Beautiful, well Speechless.

We are Getting Lots and we mean LOT"S of reports from from Around the Planet of Increased Smiles, Laughter, Joy and Community. Big Events are Unfolding for Humanity behind the scenes, which will trigger the physical manifestation of our Divine Timeline. We are About to Complete Our Mission.




X-ray Solar Flares


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Heavenletter #4189 The Oneness of Life


Heavenletter #4189 The Oneness of Life, May 14, 2012 

God said: 


Be My love. Be it. Be what I made you. Be the love of your own life. Be an inspiration to yourself. Look not so much for inspiration outside you. It is there, yet assert inspiration within you, within your heart. You who are in Truth dependent on every other Being are, at the same time, the One Self-sufficient, an ennobling One Being. All there is is you, which is the same as to say all there is is I. Oneness alone is. God alone is.


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Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 14 May 2012



Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 14 May 2012

There is evidence of the inevitable collapse of the dark cabal, and you need to be on your guard. They will try every possible ruse and disinformation to make a last attempt to create doubt and fear. Be aware and ignore anything that feels other than the Light, and focus on all that is pure and harmonious. There is nothing to fear any longer, as your future is absolutely assured and nothing is going to prevent Disclosure and the arrival of our Space Friends.


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Mooji – Let Go Of Your Banana Thoughts! – 14 May 2012


Uploaded on 11 May 2012 by .


Thanky to Lucas2012


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From Jennifer Farley – 5/13/2012




You are My diamond, My star, My ruby colored grain of sand in an infinite sea of beige. You are My most precious Love because of who you are. ~ Creator


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Larry Larson – Twelve Spirit – Twelve Insight – Your Future Is Energized By Your Attention Now



Larry Larson – Twelve Spirit – Twelve Insight – Your Future Is Energized By Your Attention Now – 14 May 2012


You are each an aspect of the Great Divine Being. You are each cells in that Great Body. And just as the cells of your body don’t exactly know what you are up to all of the time, so you do not have access to the whole picture while you are immersed in physical form. It’s OK. You are still part of the Whole Being that is God: All That Is: Source.


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Jennifer Hoffman – Message From Archangel Uriel – The Past Is Your Light Map



Jennifer Hoffman – Message From Archangel Uriel – The Past Is Your Light Map – 14 May 2012

The love and the light that is required on your ascension journey is reflected in your reality in each moment. You cannot love in the past for that moment is gone. You cannot love in the future because its details have not yet been created and every aspect of the future depends on what you do in each present moment. If you want the future to be joyful, fulfilling, loving, and abundant you must create that energy in this moment. Do not be distracted by what the moment appears to be, its outcome is calling you to send light, to shift its energy by allowing your desires to be your focus, acknowledging what you have created and raising its frequency by sending love and light to its darkest aspects.


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Natalie Glasson – Archangel Michael – Your Ascension Angel



Natalie Glasson – Archangel Michael – Your Ascension Angel – 14 May 2012

With the deepest of love I extend my energy to you now, I am Archangel Michael and I come forward with an important message that will assist and aid your Ascension process, allowing for certain preparations to take place.

You have a community of guides who walk with you as you exist on the Earth, remaining continuously connected to your energy and consciousness. Within your community of guides you have a number of Angelic beings guiding and supporting you. Each Angelic being holds qualities from the Creator’s soul which they wish and have been guided to share with you, so that you may adopt and activate from within you the same energy. It is often a wonderful process to understand the quality that each Angel connected to you in this lifetime holds, as it offers you a focus to your spiritual growth.


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Go into nature, into the sun – SaLuSa through Isabel Henn May 13, 2012



Go into nature, into the sun –

SaLuSa through Isabel Henn May 13, 2012


Today I will devote myself to the issue of Ascension. Much has been said about it, but I would like to repeat it. At the end of this year will ascend not only a planet with all its population, it will be an Ascension the humanity in their physical body. This is an event that there has never existed in this form before.


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We must join together by Dan



We must join together


by GLR Dan

12 May 2012

I am a 16 year old -Nature is so wonderful. Without it, we wouldnt be here, because nature lifts our spirits. Not just nature but people should too. Spread love, dont just save it for that one girl you love, spread love all around the world. Spread love to a stranger. Even if you dont know the person. Would you rather have a feeling of the person being mysterious? Or him being apart of your family?


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Kauilapele's Blog: Feels Like a Grand “Lifting” has Occurred…


Feels Like a Grand “Lifting” has Occurred…


“Separation” was another word that came to mind. This ship is here now. And when I feel their presence, there they are. Of course, “the Veil” is lifting, but the last two days it has felt as if something very large (whatever that means) has lifted off the planet.


We are still in the process of “de-crappification”, but it has recently felt that a large lid was taken off the world. Now the rapid movement up and away begins.


Personally, I’ve had a couple of my own inner “de-crappifications”, and some of you may have had this as well. Maybe it’s a grand cleansing so we’ll be lightened up (within and without) for the takeoff part of our upcoming flight.


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Denis Kucinich Talks Enlightenment in Dubai



Denis Kucinich Talks Enlightenment in Dubai

2012 MAY 13
Posted by GLR Steve Beckow


Dennis Kucinich who was one of the authors of the NESARA legislation and has seen spacecraft in his life now addresses a commencement ceremony in Dubai and talks to them in the language of enlightenment. What else do we not know about Dennis?  Thanks to Julie.


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Going down the so called rabbit hole... you might as well find Love! by ANdReA


Going down the so called rabbit hole...



 Going down the so called rabbit hole... how much did you discover? And how much is still there to discover? I can tell you... more than you think! And in the end... the real treasure: LOVE.


So here we are... at the edge of the Big Change. At the edge of True Freedom. Not a 3d freedom where you felt kind of free if you were allowed to break some stupid rules, I'm talking about True Freedom of Being who you truly Are. Freedom of finding out your God given Gifts, your unique sides that so wonderfully merge with those of others to Create together The Life all have ever dreamt of. 



So far only a few had the possibility to truly express themselves with those given Gifts, as the rest had to run after rents, bills, worthless jobs... running from wake up to bed time only to find out life is exhausting!


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Thank You Mother Earth!


Thank you Mother Earth for all that you have endured during humanity's generations of life. Thank you for every breath, every bird, flower, coloured orb of love and light!

You oh one of beautiful emerald waters and shores

are the strongest of the strong!

We love you so much!




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After the great success of World Liberation Day, our efforts for planetary liberation continue. This time, we will meet in groups large and small, as individuals and couples, at the exact time of the solar eclipse on May 20th. Masses will gather and visualize the liberation of our planet from the tyranny of all non-physical negative entities so that for the first time in our history we will have the chance to co-create our own spiritual destiny as free beings of Light on Earth and connect with the Source without obstruction. We need to have 144,000 people doing this visualization with focus to achieve the desired effect. 

Montague Keen ~ 13 May 2012 You Will Be Free At Last~


Montague Keen ~ 13 May 2012 You Will Be Free At Last~

Greetings, my dear, and to all who endeavour to wake others up to the Light. As so many more move out of the Third Dimension, they suspend 3-dimensional thinking and see, for the first time, how the control system actually works.


Money was created solely for the purpose of control. It is continually used to keep you trapped. Banks were designed to ensure the maximum is borrowed by countries which should never have gone down that path. Consider the fact that this money is created out of NOTHING. Your world is held to ransom because of it. This is part of the evil you are up against.


All this was carefully planned and executed. It is a crime against humanity. They make a lot of money out of war and they can exist on the energy of the suffering they create. No matter how much you give, they always want more. They ensure that the cost of living continues to rise causing maximum stress in your lives.



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Poofness ~ May 13, 2012 Mass forward movement took place this past week


Greetings and Salutations;

Not all babies are born under the best of circumstances, sometimes they have to go to ICU to increase their viability, in the long term. In this instance, our baby has been in an icu, while outside circumstances were addressed to allow the baby’s best circumstances improved to allow it to live in this world with out getting harmed by they who would love to snuff it out. Some of the old system couldn’t be applied as was thought, so it required some tweaks, some new soft ware, kind of like going from microsoft to apple hardware/software.



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A message from Mother Mary


This message is from 2005, thus it's a good example of how truth has not time. And what a best day to re-post it than Mothers Day!!


A message from Mother Mary

I am come to help you discover the prison door. I am come to give you the keys that will open the prison door, for it truly has more than one lock. And I am come to offer to take your hand and lead you through that door, until you have escaped the prison and are free to bask in the Sun of your true Being. Yet who am I to make such promises?


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THE CALL By Suzan Caroll Ph.D



Stessa Thompson (stessa@live.com)



Dear Ascending Ones,
We are the Arcturians wish to speak with you today about your Mission. We will not directly tell you what your Mission is for it is through the process of finding, remembering and fine-tuning your Mission that you will find the Wisdom, Power and Love to live it. Your Mission is not a job that you go to and leave at the end of the day. Your Mission is the reason why you chose to take embodiment during this auspicious era of Personal and Planetary Ascension.


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County Relocalization






 Relocalization is the exact opposite of globalization.

    It is about restoring representative government in our towns, cities and counties and rebuilding them around the best interests of those that call these places HOME! 
    It is about locating and supporting the local businesses that are owned by our neighbors. 
    It is about buying locally grown fresh food and growing some of your own. Our "just in time" food delivery system was designed to maximize profit for the big corporations, - not provide communities with food security.


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FREEDOM PROJECT: David Icke, Dennis Kucinich, Ron Paul, Gerald Celente, Yonotan Shapira, Ken O'Keefe


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May 14-20 2012 ~ Doreen Virtue’s Weekly Oracle Card Reading


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not to have all your focus on the words themselves...


so there is an aspect of the human potential that isnt widely know by everyone.
our ability to read all that is. im not speaking of the simple task of reading
these words, im talking about reading all that is in a more broader sense.
the ability to track energy residue, or simply tracking energy, or reading
energy, and how higher thought, plays a role in the manifestation of all
that is inevitable, along with how the egos compulsion to repeat thoughts
also plays a role in the discover of how higher thought plays its part.
through the willingness to take it all in, and geniunely investigate that
which we are going through, you will notice that not just humans, but the rest
of life translates higher thought into manifestsation. and how through the geniune
investigation of this experience, you discover the truth of whats going on.

you will also learn how the space between thought, also plays a roll in the
the manifestation of heaven on earth as well. for me it was being willing to
take in all that i was going through, and in turn all that i was experiencing
was focused onto a point, the point being the pituatary gland, our feeling centers.
via the energy system that each of us has to experience. the example i can give you
is that looking at all of ones fears, all of them literally, is that i was smoothly
transformed into a higher vibration state of awareness. where the ability of
reading energy, other beings consciousness' and the ability to go from where i am
to another location simultaneously, was experienced. but again in order to
experience this, you first have to face all the fears that you have, and the ones
that you are unaware of. every single, one of them, no ifs ands or buts about them.

i agreed to undergo this experience for i saw what lay ahead , and that was me
being aware of this ability and what i would have to face in order to get there

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The View From Down Here: Utah's Bryce Canyon


(editor's note: Bryce Canyon in southern Utah is a beautiful national park by daylight. But it is gaining quite a reputation for its night time activities as well. The unique altitude and climate make for one of the best star gazing sites in the world!

I'm so happy to report that news of activities happening outside and around our planet continue to intrigue more and more people!
Just a few years ago, "space geeks" were the only ones interested in all the wonderous events of our neighboring planets, stars, and galaxies. Now it seems everyone has their eyes to the skies!
The view from down here is a special vantage point, so I hope you enjoy this report and get a better understanding of how important YOU are to the beautiful Cosmos we all call home.  
~All my Love, Boo)



What keeps stargazers coming back to Bryce Canyon?


The mysterious wonders of the hoodoos and other Bryce Canyon National Park landforms are rightfully the first focus of attention for visitors to the southern Utah destination.


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Stretching Science: 13-Year Old Girl Develops Cure For Hiccups


(editor's note: Many of us think of "science" as a sterile laboratory filled with noxious odors and sleep-deprived people in white coats hunched over a microscope. Today's story is about a 13 year old girl who developed a cure for hiccups. While this may not affect everyone, what will this bright gem bring us next time? Where will this young imagination wander tomorrow?

I'm so excited as each month passes to see the tremendous advances in our world. Soon, all of this information will be public knowledge, no more secrets, no more hiding and I will be moving on to yet another project :)
~All my Love, Boo)



13-Year-Old Girl Develops Cure For Hiccups


A 13-year-old girl from Manchester, Connecticut—Mallory Kievman—may have found a cure in getting rid of hiccups!

Called ‘Hiccupops’, they are made with apple cider vinegar and sugar—which according to her will ‘over-stimulate’ the hiccup causing nerves in our throat and mouth, and making the hiccups stop!

Her patented Hiccupops have won prizes for innovation and patentability.



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Healing Earth News: Recycling 101 in Today's Electronic World


(editor's note: Today I bring you an article from the Earth Day Network titled, "Recycling 101 in Today's Electronic World." Hopefully as you move about the day, you'll view your electronic devices in a different light; perhaps even come up with some recycling innovations for your own community!

Rather than become disheartened by the negative news of mainstream media, I challenge you to look deeper -to find healing earth heroes in your own community. There are people all over this beautiful jewel we call Gaia working every day to correct the damage we have done. They are doing the physical clean up work, or putting the intellectual thought into solving these problems. Please join me in sending them all energies of love and support.
~All my Love, Boo)



Recycling 101 in Today’s Electronic World



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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Trust your Feelings


Listen to your intuitive feelings

Your body is a perfect barometer for your feelings. Learn to read and trust the messages that your body gives you. As you begin to pay attention, you will quickly learn to tell the difference and what each signal means as your higher self communicates with you in this way. Ask Archangel Uriel to help you connect with this Divine wisdom if you are unsure, he is a wise teacher and is always delighted to help light the way.
Enjoy these moments of learning and expanding, for soon you will be called upon to help guide others and help them to awaken their spiritual gifts. It is part of the Divine mission of all Lightworkers.

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Imagine a global understanding of Oneness...


You can create the world you want to live in.
It starts with imagination, dreaming, or visualizing what you want to see. 
You are an AMAZING creator!


Imagine a global understanding of Oneness...



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~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 05-14-2012 – Your Love Creates the Change~



~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 05-14-2012 – Your Love Creates the Change~




Greetings Loved Beings,

Quite a lot of movement today, as soon as the Sun got quiet our Planet started moving. We’re still on a ride, though not a wild ride so far as the Love All are spreading to our Beloved Mother Earth=Heart is having a HUGE impact on the outcome of the Shift. You may think your “personal” Love might not be so much impacting the whole... Nothing more wrong!!! Every second you adress LOVE to any Being, you Are Changing the whole Consciousness! Because you Are a Creator!


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We will speak this morning on the subject of channeling. – Michael by GLR Ron Head



We will speak this morning on the subject of channeling.  We see many being drawn to attempt to learn this art.  This is a wonderful thing, and it is an urge to connect with spirit and with things with which they are familiar from some lifetime.  Many are receiving results however which they have not expected.  We will give several of the reasons why this may be so, and give a suggestion of how to avoid this in the future.  First, however, let us say that in no way are we saying that any experience should create guilt or self-condemnation.  You very likely are releasing things from lifetimes with which you are not even familiar.  The method we shall give you, and which you have likely already been given but do not give enough attention to, will easily resolve all of these problems.


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Natural Remedies: St. John's Wort - Grow Your Own!


(editor's note: Many of my posts include powerful plants like St. John's Wort. Why not plant your own? Today I'll give you some tips on growing and harvesting this fascinating plant.

In time, the science of light and sound will advance so that we can update our medical centers, similar to those used on our Healing Ships.
Awakening within us all is the ability to completely heal ourselves.
As our bodies evolve from carbon-based to a crystalline-based structure, we must all learn how to properly nourish and treat our physical body.
Through this "Natural Remedies" segment I hope to introduce you to methods of healing you may not have tried, as well as building your knowledge base so you can help others.
I have now archived my articles on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NaturalRemediesCollection?skip_nax_wizard=true#

~Be well, all my Love, Boo)



St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum)



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If a 12 years old can do it... and get it...


12-year old Victoria Grant explains why her homeland, Canada, and most of the world, is in debt. April 27, 2012 at the Public Banking in America Conference, Philadelphia, PA. For more information seehttp://www.publicbankinginstitute.org. Viewing on Mozilla Firefox is a known issue, where YouTube says video is not available. Other browsers work fine.

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2MIN News May14: Gamma Ray Burst, Solar/Planetary Update


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How more difficult it was to break-in their free snapback hats


For those of us who aren't Useless Tyler, we charge to break-in our best snapback hats so we never attending like adaptable engineers. Breaking-in a cap can be a admiring action that takes many years of cutting it day and night until it requires about the contours of your very own head. Properly, some of us never accept many years. A few of us wish our hats to attending acceptable on our active now, in time for your accessible baseball season. I ran into this botheration in May perhaps of endure year, if my wife purchased me a new household blah Jays cap for my birthday.

I was traveling to breach it within the ancient way, by cutting it and cutting it some extra, and angle the border a bit into a good, affable curve, but afterwards consistent two weeks of "New hat, huh?" and "It'll attending greater if it really is torn in" from your authorized goons up in area 518, I absitively I bare to complete a little something about it a little bit more rapidly.
(By the way, the cap in catechism is usually a adapted New Era 5950, the "authentic" hat awash in the Rogers Centre Bullpen Store, as well as the aforementioned look of hat that a whole lot of MLB teams abrasion on the area. Should you be affairs a sized Jays hat, you will be affairs one of these.)

Initially affair I did was to try to strategy within the foreground panel, which sat up absolute prime on my head. Nicely, annihilation happened -- the console is advised to be annealed but versatile, and no quantity how abundant I scrunched it or channelled it, the console just jumped aback on the aforementioned look it started at. I'll accept I was a little bit affronted by this. So I angry to that incredible athenaeum of all information, The world wide web. Hey, in the event the World wide web can accord me guidelines on how to entire body the Millennium Falcon out of Lego it could acquaint me anything at all!

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Enlightened Beings ~ How to Transcend Feeling Lost in your Life



Enlightened Beings ~ How to Transcend Feeling Lost in your Life

by Jafree Ozwald | May 13 2012

“Care about each and every thing; Don’t make a distinction between the great and the small. Cleaning the floor, do it with deep care, as if it is the body of the beloved. Each indifferent act becomes a slow suicide, a slow death. Be overflowing, don’t be a miser.” ~Osho

Life is so short. Only 70-80 years for most of us and this life is gone. Have you ever wondered, “what’s the point of it all?” At some point in this infinite journey around the Sun, each and every one of us will experience a deep sensation of being completely lost. Yes, this is inevitable. We must all go through the experience of not having a clue which is the best direction for us to be going. Whether it be your job, relationship, health, family or spiritual path, you are guaranteed to experience a time before you die where you will not have any confidence or certainty in where you’re going or what you’re doing.


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Latest Earthquakes Report - May 13, 2012


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Inside Chemical Drug Corporations: Former Sales Rep Says The Truth: Pharma Doesn't Want to Cure You


Comment: I'd like to remind that withdrawal symptoms can completely disappear as soon as you're centered and feel complete. Withdrawal have to do with believe systems as well as eyerything else. If you believe you'll suffer hell... you will. If you simply follow the flow, you'll surf out of it. Thus, never do it if you don't feel safe inside of yourself. It's not a battle, it's a letting go. 





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Strange New UFO Found on Google Sky



Strange New UFO Found on Google Sky

An intrepid UFO hunter, with his eyes peeled on Google Sky, has spotted a strange, gigantic, disc-shaped object which defies conventional explanation. What is it? 

The object, spotted by YouTuber planetkrejci, is circular and a mottled greenish-hue. Looking more like something out of a Hollywood movie than any known spacecraft, this and other anomalies found on the popular software app have yet to be explained convincingly.


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CME/New Sunspots-5-13-2012


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Plasma Transit - Sun | May 14, 2012


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Join us for this two week meditation for Ascending the Earth to the 5th - 9th Dimensions and the Universe through the 13th and Higher Dimensions. Join our Ground Crew Sananda's Eagles family by contacting janisel(at)sanandaseagles.com

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Lord Ashtar
To Begin Monday May 14, 2010
And continue through May 27, 2012

Greetings, Ashtar here. As most of you are aware, there is a lot of activity happening with your sun, and before next we speak there will be a 12th dimensional portal opening concurrent with the solar eclipse on May 20th, which will continue until your next month of June. We understand that this sun activity can be disruptive to your physical body, however, the accompanying solar winds are a stream of consciousness which is a blessing to you in your awakening process, so we hope all of you will see it as such and give thanks for the blessings provided. Because of the powerful energies being released at this time, we are asking the Eagles to spend the next TWO weeks engaged in the following meditation, which should provide some stabilization to your electromagnetic grids.


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~As Each day Passes, we Are Moving Closer and Closer to The Destiny of This Planet, which is the Return to Full Consciousness, Your True Nature as Divine Royal Angels.


We know Many of you find it difficult to Grasp that Indeed you and all Of Humanity are Royal Angels, and that You Have Wings!! This Truth was kept far from You for A very Long time, and even though for Years, Kryon has Mentioned this Truth, many of you did not quite Understand the Magnitude of Who You Truly are. Reaching Full Consciousness, you Will Remember This Truth of Being a “Royal Angel”.


Royal Angels are of the Highest Kind, and were the Only Angels That received Souls. Each Being on this Planet Has a Soul, therefore You Are All Angels, All Masters, and You Are Our Children in Creation. We were the Ones that Gave You Souls, so that You Could Experience, Life Here on Planet Earth=Heart. When We say You Have Souls, this Also Means You Are God. We are God and So Are You Equally So!



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‪ Daily Blue Star UFOs Report~ YES! ARE WE REALLY HERE~ 05-14-12



‪ Daily Blue Star UFOs  Report~ YES! ARE WE REALLY HERE~





Thank you for sharing and informing everyone you can... it’s IMPORTANT! The more we get out at people, the less will they be afraid.





 ‪Monitoring of unidentified objects (UFO) near the Sun for May 13, 2012.




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Jeleila Starr ~ Niburian Council ~ Update On Nibiru And Our Global Future ~ 14 May 2012


Jeleila Starr ~ Niburian Council ~ Update On Nibiru And Our Global Future ~ 14 May 2012

Been getting numerous emails requesting an update on Nibiru’s passing along with any global changes in store. Years ago, at the beginning of my mission, I was informed that Nibiru would be a catalyst for change. I was told that when a bright yellow/orange star appeared in the sky, it would be the time of humanity’s return to full consciousness. I think we are seeing that happening now.


Nibiru is still inbound and will complete her circuit in our sector by the end of 2013. Because of her size and magnetism, Nibiru is putting pressure on sun causing massive solar flares. These flares will continue to increase until she is outbound.



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The Eclipse of May 20th 2012 Breaking the Dam Open


The Eclipse of May 20th 2012


A series of four eclipses leads us to the Winter Solstice of 21st December 2012. Here are the dates and details:
Solar Eclipse    20.5.12   at  23.47 hrs at Vedic  6 Taurus  (western 0 deg Gemini)

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My ears are working overtime.  This morning at barely 7 AM they pick up cars, trucks and bikes in the street, a radio broadcast, an airplane and a host of bird calls.  I marvel at the rich tapestry of sound we are surrounded in.  Just one portion of our sensation filled moments and I could write a page on it.  We have created a beautiful, stimulating world, distraction is available at every turn. The diagnosis of ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) is a misnomer. It should be called AOE (Attention On Everything!).  Those labeled as such have come here unable to develop the habit of blocking out life and desensitizing themselves to this marvelous, busy, loud, colorful world.  They are the ones who are the first to notice a change or injustice.  They ignore nothing.


We need to adopt the same attitude.  The cabal has worked diligently for 300 years to convince us to ignore a great deal of our lives.  We hear of atrocities in other countries and cities and shake our heads.  We see the blatant display of wealth as well as starvation and we get angry or sad yet it stops there.  So overwhelmed with our personal rat race, we remain quiet, keep our head down and try to just get by without being noticed.


It will take collective action to change our world, and it is in this year that we are being shown what is really going on.  We’ve entered the age where “getting by” will not work.  We are not alone.  We are One.  It is not just our family in crisis, it is our world.  It is time to do something, to speak up, to pay attention, to join the global conversation.  This is vital to our future.  It won’t change until and if we speak up.



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~Space Weather Update~ CME Targets Earth to Hit Today~


CME TARGETS EARTH, MARS: A coronal mass ejection could deliver a glancing blow to Earth's magnetic field today, May 14th. The cloud is passing by en route to Mars. NOAA forecasters estimate a 15% to 25% chance of minor geomagnetic storms during the next 24 hours. Magnetic storm alerts: text, phone.


CHINESE SPACE STATION TRANSITS THE SUN: Solar photographers have grown accustomed to winged spaceships flying in front of the sun. For years, silhouettes of space shuttles and the International Space Station have flitted across the solar disk, producing photo-ops of rare beauty. Now China's space station, the Tiangong-1 ("Heavenly Palace 1"), is joining the show. On May 11th, perhaps for the first time, Thierry Legault of Paris, France, caught the newcomer transiting the sun:




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The manuscript of survival – part 136



The manuscript of survival – part 136

 •May 14, 2012 •

Let us start todays missive with a few pointers as to how this process will continue to evolve. Already, some of you have had the opportunity to delve into memories that have survived the transition between the different states you currently occupy, or in other words, you have been able to recall some of the things you witnessed or maybe even participated in whilst being in a state far removed from the so called ”normal” one you currently spend most of your time in. 


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oracle Report ~ Monday May 14 2012



Monday, May 14, 2012


Third Quarter Moon Phase

The keyword for today is appearances.  How things "look" or appear takes on more importance than usual.  With this, we are also seeing what is underneath the surface or what is behind people's motives.  We have the power of x-ray vision.  Everyone is on display, so step outside of yourself and consider how your actions may look before you take action with something.  There is also a dynamic in play today where we crave room to move but at the same time want a sense of order.  Big tasks will most likely require more help from others.  This could cause a certain amount of conflict if anyone is being too fussy.  Control freaks will have a field day today.


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The Eyes of God / Creation Await Our Arrival!




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