Your Ascension Angel By Archangel Michael

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 05/14/2012 - 19:59

Your Ascension Angel By Archangel Michael

 through Natalie Glasson- 14-05-12

With the deepest of love I extend my energy to you now, I am Archangel Michael and I come
forward with an important message that will assist and aid your Ascension process, allowing
for certain preparations to take place.

You have a community of guides who walk with you as you exist on the Earth, remaining
continuously connected to your energy and consciousness. Within your community of guides
you have a number of Angelic beings guiding and supporting you. Each Angelic being holds
qualities from the Creator’s soul which they wish and have been guided to share with you, so
that you may adopt and activate from within you the same energy. It is often a wonderful
process to understand the quality that each Angel connected to you in this lifetime holds, as it
offers you a focus to your spiritual growth. You can devote yourself to learning about these
qualities and embodying the qualities as your Angel does. It is often that your community of
guides travel with you through your many lifetimes on the Earth, although some may step
forward at certain times while others withdraw slightly. Essentially your community of guides
remains the same even though you may perceive that as you evolve so your guides change.
They always remain with you; it is just that sometimes they take less of a role in your reality
and spiritual path.

It is important at this time of tremendous transition and growth that you draw your community
of guides close to you, gathering their energies around you and within you. This will mean that
you will be constantly connected to your community of guides, being able to access their
reassurance, confirmation and advice. If you build their energy around you as a tight circle
and begin to understand, connect with and resonate with your guides you will find that you
experience a greater sense of security and the transitions in your Ascension process will flow
with greater ease.

If you connect with your community of guides with greater depth then you will begin to
understand that one of your Angelic guides has been appointed by your soul to oversee all
transitions of Ascension at this time. This Angel is trusted most by your soul and has most
likely assisted you with each stage of your Ascension in past lifetimes and also on the inner
planes. The knowledge and understanding that this Angel holds about you is the equivalent of
your soul’s understanding. You could say that this Angel is your soul’s best Ascension friend. I
wish to make you aware of your Ascension Angel because when you work together you are
able to accelerate your Ascension and will always achieve what is needed. Your Ascension
Angel holds the divine plan of the Creator for the Earth, the divine plan for your country and
the divine plan for your soul group, the divine plan for your soul, the divine plan for your
interaction with your family and friends, the divine plan for your individual reality on the Earth
as well as understanding your purpose. Your Ascension Angel is able to weave these all
together to ensure that everything is in divine perfection in according to each will as well as
ensuring that you receive all that you need in your reality and spiritual growth. If you imagine a
plant and someone caring lovingly for the plant, offering it all that it needs, you are the plant
and your Angel is the carer.

Your Ascension Angel first wishes to encourage you to maintain a high vibration over the
coming months so that you understand your own energy and vibration, feeling a greater sense
of clarity and comfort in your vibrations. You can ask your Ascension Angel to share the
appropriate volumes of Angelic light especially from their soul with your being as you allow
yourself to accept and bathe in their light. Not only will your Ascension Angel be giving you
valuable energy like minerals and vitamins for your light body and soul but you will also be able
to recognise yourself and soul within your Ascension Angel because this Angel understands
you and your entire spiritual path with great detail. So your Ascension Angel will be able to
help you understand more about your past and how you have come to exist in your current
reality, recognising the purpose of everything that you are and do.

By maintaining your energy at a high vibration your Angel is assisting you and your soul to
remain balanced at these times of transition. With balance you are able to remain alert, clear
and aware of what is occurring with each stage of your spiritual transition. With a strong
balance and comfort in your own energy you will then be ready to accept new energies and
prepared for activation of light wisdom within your being. Your Angel will be able to support
you tremendously as new vibrations of light anchor and your entire being is magnified. There
is a need for each person to have this support available to them as it will dissolve any
confusion and fear that may arise in the coming transitions.

Your Ascension Angel already knows what will occur to you, the energies that will be
anchored, activated and experienced and the wisdom that will evolve. You have practices and
experienced the transitions, however small, already on the inner planes during your sleep state
so that on some level you and your Angel are always aware of the transitions of growth that
you are experiencing even when on a physical level you may have no understanding. There
will be many transitions and small processes of transformation from now until the magnification
process in December 2012 but this will continue and intensify even beyond this time. On the
inner planes you have already experienced the magnification of December 2012, you
understand it at a soul level and energetic level probably more than you may ever understand it
on the Earth, but this is fine as it makes the transition experienced physically seem very small
because all the preparation has been achieved on an energetic level. I hope that this assists
you in understanding how important your Ascension Angel is to you at this time. Remember
also that your Ascension Angel may be an Angelic guide that you have been long aware of, it
doesn’t necessarily have to be a new Angel for you to become aware of.

Your Ascension Angel has the ability of opening up your energies, giving to you special codes
and energetic patterns, reactivating ancient connections, inviting essential guides to step
forward and support you as well as generally overseeing your wellbeing and assisting you in
playing your divine role. All you need to do is ask for the assistance, guidance and divine
intervention of your Ascension Angel at sacred times and every appropriate moment of your

Let yourself make a connection with your Ascension Angel, discover the energy, the name,
the qualities, the sound vibration and your feeling of your Ascension Angel. As if you are
discovering a new friend enjoy this process of connection and friendship, it is as if you are
building a partnership to support your transformation on the Earth.

Of course, you can call upon my energies to be of assistance to you at any time, I also wish to
share with you an invocation that will support your connection with your Ascension Angel.

‘I open my energies to the process of accepting and acknowledging my Ascension Angel. I
ask my soul to step forward and to integrate into my entire being to support my acceptance of
and connection with my Ascension Angel. With the energy of my soul flowing from my heart
chakra I ask that my soul’s energy creates a sacred space around me and for me to exist

I allow and ask my soul to clear my mind of all doubts, fears or disbelief in my abilities,
encouraging my mind to be open and receptive to the energy of my Ascension Angel.

I now call forward my Ascension Angel to stand before me and to send energy from their
essence into my being; I open my heart in loving receptiveness. Allow us to connect our
energy and to exchange energy.’
(Allow time to experience this for as long as you wish)
‘Please energetically share with me your name, the colours of light that you exude and the
qualities that you hold that I need to adopt. Energetically share this information with me now so
that I may sense or feel the information and understand it when I am ready.

It is a great occasion of celebration as we connect our energies as one. I am aware now of
the work that we have already achieved together on the inner planes and ask that this
information flows into my being with divine timing. I love you unconditionally and ask that you
assist me in my Ascension process on the Earth in all ways that are possible and guided by
the divine will of the Creator.

Thank you’
I hope you will find this connection of great assistance in your reality, I also wish to add that
some of you may have two Ascension Angels.

With Angelic Unconditional Love,
Archangel Michael


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