~Stay Centered is Key Right NOW~

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 05/16/2012 - 09:58

Past Life Reclamation... For those who doubt the Masters live among us:




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All to be said, has already has been said...

  • Whe only have to hear it in the moment of Now...

All to be done, has already been imagined...

  • Whe only have to remember IT and it will manifest...

All to be Forgiven, has already been done...

  • Whe only have to Give forward our self and our joy...


Words are short, while I am feeling your smile dear Brother Buddha...



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Cobra's Very First Interview


Cobra's Very First Interview


We Are Honored Cobra Has Chosen the Galactic Free Press for his very first interview


 Below are the List of questions asked By the Galactic Free Press Staff Members.


Thank you Cobra We Love You, Love The Earth Allies

1) what are your thoughts about justice?
  Justice is an instrument of divine intervention to bring back balance to planet Earth and its inhabitants


2) how do see the new freedom?
  New freedom will be in full consciousness, with conscious use of free will infused with love, with advanced technologies in harmony with nature

3) what is your timeline?
Things are already happening with two peaks of culmination of events, one in May/June , the second peak is October to December 2012.

Q: What is your opinion on Obama and his great changeless & struggles in the office of the Cabal?...
All intel about Obama is classified information



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FREEDOM PROJECT: FBI launches JPMorgan probe, shareholders back Dimon ...




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EDIT: Using INDECT at the Olympic Games in London might not be legit. Some sources say they do, but official sources deny it.

Dear activists for the protection of privacy, dear people from all over the European Union, dear mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, sons and daughters.
Since 2009, the EU has been subsidizing the INDECT project with millions of Euros.
Even though several media outlets have already reported about this networked surveillance technology, only few EU citizens know what it is supposed to be.
The application of INDECT aims to analyze conspicuous behavior to prevent crimes, in virtual life as well as in real life, before they actually happen. Not only does this sound crazy, it is cutting deeply into our basic right to privacy, because those cameras will be able to replicate scanned personal biometrical features with existing digital files about persons in databases such as social networks. Hence, every person could be retraced and supervised, anybody who says or does anything "abnormal" or anything which the system considers to be "threatening" both on the internet and in real life, is potentially suspicious.
We have been accepting the claims of disclosure of our private data for too long in order to prevent acts of terrorism. People started to accept being treated as potential terrorists or criminals, being more and more deprived of their basic rights, and allowing the surveillance society to gain increased control over them.
Basic rights weren't given to us as a matter of course, but many generations kept fighting for them. Don't let those rights be taken away from us now!
These days, we see the situation in Spain where calls for protests are criminalized by the government. Though the right to protest is an essential part of free speech, we should not tolerate the increasingly upcoming undemocratic features in the EU which mostly hide under the cloak of suppression of terrorism.

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FREEDOM PROJECT: Greece to hold new elections ...




Greek politicians have failed to form a government and will now head towards holding a new election.

Polls show the vote could favour the country's leftists who want to renege on the terms of bailout agreed on by the government earlier in the year.

This will see the country push closer towards an exit from the eurozone, a situation which IMF chief Christine Lagarde says could get "quite messy".

Al Jazeera's Paul Brennan reports from Athens.


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FREEDOM PROJCT: 15-M is raising consciousness in Spain: Spanish activist


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~Sheldan Nidle Update~ The momentum toward financial and personal freedom cannot be stopped




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David Wilcock~DIVINE INTERVENTION: ETs Defeating Old World Order


Commentary from Qharmony:

The following article by David Wilcock contains information from his higher self, scientific and historical info, and his personal perception on all of it. It is an excellent summary of ascension, ET involvment (both current and past), and David's own story of how he came to be where he is today. It also ties in well with Lisa Renee's most recent article, her May update.

ETs are performing blatantly physical interventions to stop the "Powers that Were" from throwing Earth into war and chaos. Every aspect of the war machine is being systematically blocked -- with a minimum of casualties.

[PLEASE NOTE: This investigation is undergoing dynamic updates, including new sections that will be uploaded as time permits. For this reason, please LINK to it and pull excerpts, but do not COPY and REPOST it, as it will be constantly changing. Thanks!]


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~We are all going somewhere amazing~


Published on May 10, 2012 by ~ this is an interview i did to Sananda a canadian traveller n visionary that i met in a solstice ceremony at palenque, he has a very particular mesage, that might not be understood by most of the people that hear it, but will be true for some. just take what u need of it.


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May 2012 Astrology Report - Tom Lescher




Jewels interviews Tom Lescher about May 2012 and beyond. Great Show!



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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~15~12 There is alot going on behind the scene's ~


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~15~12



~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~ There is alot going on behind the scene's ~


We Captured this Amazing Breathtaking Event Last Night, which appeared right over our house.. Magical~Magnetic Energies Ignited! We are Bringing Humanity Right Over the Rainbow into Love Everywhere Present. Yeehaw~

Photo By Earth Ally Will Harader


Greetings Love Beings, Right Now all the Energies are aligning for our Next Event for the Eclipse, New Moon and Pleiadian Alignment. There is alot going on behind the scene's, as Preparations are being made for our upcoming events. The Masters Have Returned and will be revealed to Humanity shortly.





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Everything you do must be out of love. Everyone you talk to must be approached with love. Every ounce of earths air must be inhaled with love. Every drink of water you take must be taken with love. Everything you teach must be taught with love. Everything you touch must be touched with love.



Every step you take must be towards love. This shall occur litteraly. For you are spreading it by doing so. You should do this because we are made of love and so is earth. They say you cant see love...well you can. It is the dolphins and every other creature in the sea. It is the Water, Fire, Energy and the air. It is the ground, Plants, and small bugs that roam through it. It is the light that radiates the Earth=Heart.


People who say that you cant see love are people of illusion. You dont also have to see it though, you can feel it. You can spread it and pour it on others who need it. Like water... You need it to survive. Also like water, It will always be there for you if you need it. And like water, It is all around you, you just have to find the source. :) Love and Light.



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Beloved Arcturians: The Clarion Call




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Annunaki and the Anchara Alliance (Sheldon Nidle) Peace Treaty with Gal Fed





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FREEDOM PROJECT: Congress Debates Ending the Federal Reserve? ...




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FREEDOM PROJECT: BLOMBERG NEWS & SKY NEWS ~ Ex-News Corp CEO Charged for Perverting Course of Justice ...



Ex-News Corp CEO Charged for Perverting Course of Justice

2012 May 15
Posted by Stephen Cook

Ex-News Corp CEO Charged for Perverting Course of Justice

Stephen: Although we have seen much coverage of Rupert and James Murdoch’s appearances at recent British media inquiries, as well as news of several earlier arrests of key News staffers, this is the first round of legal charges to be officially laid against any of Murdoch’s senior executives following the ongoing phone hacking scandal.


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Using Yourself as a Pendulum Intuitive Guidance from Within



Using Yourself as a Pendulum
Intuitive Guidance from Within
by Madisyn Taylor



Using your body as a pendulum is another tool you can use to access your higher wisdom.


Learning to trust our intuition is something that can connect us with our higher selves. Sometimes it might not seem easy to do this. Our thoughts and minds often get in the way. But by accessing our innermost self, we will find that the information we receive is usually what we truly need at that moment. One of the techniques that allows us to really get in touch with our deepest font of wisdom is using our body as a pendulum. The simple act of letting our physical being lead us in a certain direction can offer us extremely deep insights and help us find the answers we seek.



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Venus stations to go retrograde today, and ~ blush ~ I dream of Zen Gardner!


Venus stations to go retrograde today, and ~ blush ~ I dream of Zen Gardner!

Venus stationed today, at 10:33 am, to go retrograde, for 43 days. Venus moves in retrograde motion (appears, from Earth’s point of view, to travel backwards through the sky) every 18 months. So it’s not that rare. On the other hand, all things Venusian need to be reeled in for a 43-day look-see.

What’s going on in your life romantically and fiscally? These two areas especially. What do you value? Are you sure? Is your thinking in alignment with your heart? I ask the last question because Venus turns to go retrograde at 24°  of cerebral Gemini, within three degrees of an exact opposition to that famous Galactic Center at 27° Sagittarius that figures so strongly in tales of the Mayan Calendar and Winter Solstice, 2012.



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Saint Germain ~~Your souls twinkle like the stars in the sky~by Méline Lafont


Saint Germain ~~Your souls twinkle like the stars in the sky~~ channeled by Méline Lafont

Dear Ones,

Presently we started the last stretch of the way to Ascension at a speed where everything seems to become blurry. The progression you have made is obvious and visible and something utterly beautiful awaits you all. All remnants of chaos and disorder around you seem to quietly disappear in the depth of the ocean, sinking to the bottom so as to dissolve there. We know all too well what is in store for you and you have so much to look forward to. Let’s all get the show on the road and let’s work together like we”ve never done before. Together we make a strong unit; together we will achieve the best results ever.


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New Video from Bill Brockbrader and Lisa Harrison on Obama and the Cabal’s Fall


New Video from Bill Brockbrader and Lisa Harrison on Obama and the Cabal’s Fall


2012 May 14
Commentary by Steve Beckow

Lisa Harrison has released a new video May 14, 2012, of an interview held with Bill Brockbrader and Eva Moore on May 9.  One focus of the video is whether President Obama serves the light or the dark. Lisa takes account of three points of view.


“There are people out there who are convinced that Obama is simply a shape-shifting part of the cabal and you’re not going to change their mind. There are people who’ve been on the fence about him for some time. And there are people who’ve been following channeled information for a long time who’ve been saying from the very beginning that he’s some kind of lightworker in the pit and he’s doing the work that’s necessary.”


Yep. That’d be about it.



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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Divine Timing


Trust that your dreams are coming true



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~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 05-15-2012 – We're all Living it together~



~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 05-15-2012 – We're all Living it together~




Greetings Loved Beings,

Be it snow or wind, hail or increased temperatures... we thank for each and every change that is happening as we send Gaia All Our Purest Love and Blessings for Her/Our ascension.

We know that these changes are to happen for the Best Good of All, so we’re not concerned, also knowing that all those that will transition from this reality are already safely Home and following their personal contract.


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Take off your fake identity and dress with Love



Take off your fake identity and dress with Love



So many seem to be afraid of loosing something by getting into oneness? What is it?

Your identity? It would be like believing that if you take your clothes off you no longer exist!

Is that the case? Or are you simply changing something that, in truth, means nothing? Finally, you were not born with clothes on, were you?

Same with your identity...

You were created as One with and in God, as Love and from Love. What you're experiencing here is just a dress, and if for some reason you find yourself reading these words right now, you might as well agree that this dress has been worn out a while ago. So why being so attached to it. 

It's a habit. Yes.


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Beloved Sentinels: They do it with mirrors



May 15, 2012


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5/15/2012 -- Severe Weather -- TX LA MS FL GA SC NC VA -- Next storm over Pacific


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Galactic Free Press Update~5~14~12 We Entered an Energetic Period of Power Shifting~


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Invitation to the Galactic Federation to Help Us


Invitation to the Galactic Federation to Help Us ~Repost~



Invitation to the Galactic Federation to Help Us

by Kees de Graaff, Galactic Channelings, May 7, 2012




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James Tyberonn ~ Hold On & Get Ready! Two Powerful Eclipses & Mega-Solstice


Fasten Your Seat Belts … The Intensity & Magnificence of the Coming Quantum Frequencial Gateways – Ring of Fire Eclipse & Summer Solstice

AAMetatron ~”The remaining Equinoxes, Solstices & Eclipses that lie ahead in the countdown to the Ascension are ‘Frequencial Gateways’ . The auspicious vectors are not constrained by linear time nor by the dimensional access limitations within your current space-time paradigm. And while we have told you many areas in your planet are already in 5th dimension, during the Equinoxes of the precedent 3 years to the Ascension the threshold to greater dimensionality is opened much wider.

As such we tell you that a unique portal from the 12th dimension is enabled thru the Cosmic Trigger Crystalline awakening of that 12th Wave that will manifest on May 20, 2012 and reach its apexial completion on the OM Wave of the June Solstice of 2012. The energies will be powerful and intense….yet offer amazing upshifting codes.

Indeed it is a mandatory prerequisite rigor of the New Earth. Both humanity and indeed the physical earth require and petition this crystalline upshift reformation in order to transcend the duality dimensional paradigm that would otherwise entomb them in the cyclic duplicity of descending polarity juxtaposition.

The twelfth dimensional opening of the Solar Eclipse of May 2012 will be the most prolific synthesis of 12th dimensional energy to eventuate on earth since the Golden Age of Atlantis, some 35,000 years ago as measured in your present linear- time paradigm.”



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An NDE with a vision of 2012


An NDE with a vision of 2012


Martha St. Claire

While doing some research on near-death-experiences and 2012, I came across this story from somebody called Cassandra Musgrave. She tells about an NDE that she had almost 40 years ago now, in 1974. I thought it was interesting, because it confirms many things that we also hear about in the channelings. Like the divine plan for Mother Earth, the significance of the year 2012, and what the shift will be like.

As often happens, these predictions haven't turned out be exactly correct. Because, as channeled sources explain to us, there are many timelines and nobody can say what will be the definite one. That depends on our own actions and those of others. Especially with a Galactic Federation lessening the effects of Earth changes, things like a pole shift haven't come to pass, and are unlikely to do so in the near future. But in general, this story gives a pretty accurate confirmation of the things we hear from the channeled beings.

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Last Night I Had A Conversation with My God Self




Last night during my meditation I've felt a very heavy energy on my body...


I knew my body is reacting to the new energies and best thing for me to is meditate instead of going after my ego's temptations.


After the super full moon last saturday, I started to feel very strange vibrations thourough my body. I started to examine and all the time I was always calling my angels, guides and ascended masters...this last night meditation was very different...I've realized that I was all one with them. And I heard my heart voice in clear saying...hey Denize, I am God...and you are me...I am you..”... This was definetely my heart voice telling me that all the angels and guides are already around me and this time he/she was me...whole me...I recognized the feeling of being home..


This was a very different meditation for me because this time that was no fear to deal nor mind's chattering to be more quite...I was there and one with it...I was the GOD...


And We started having a very intimate conversation...i wanted to laugh all the time because all conversation was about jokes and funny visualizations...I was just laughing...still thinking being God is a very funny to be and looking at Life, Creation, Universe is just a funny thing for me figure out...I've got the sense of feeling ironic in a way...me being a God and trying to figure out my own creation? :-)



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John Smallman ~ Saul ~ When You Awaken,Your Bodies Will Be ‘Plugged Into The Mains” At All Times ~ 16 May 2012


John Smallman ~ Saul ~ When You Awaken,Your Bodies Will Be ‘Plugged Into The Mains” At All Times ~ 16 May 2012

The excitement is rising among lightworkers all across the planet because they can feel the spiritual energies intensifying as the moment for your awakening gets ever closer.  It truly is a very exciting time as the sequence of events leading up to this great moment continues to bring about the vast changes that were planned long ago.


Humanity is most definitely stirring in its sleep as its awakening approaches steadily and inevitably.  Sleep is a time during which your bodies are re-energized while the real you attends to other matters of great importance outside of time. Matters that you cannot access in your human waking state, which is really a kind of dream state, unreal, non-existent, but into which you pour enormous amounts of energy that drain your bodies and that then need to be replaced while your bodies sleep.


When you awaken, your bodies will effectively be “plugged into the mains” at all times so that sleep as you now experience it will no longer be necessary. Tiredness and fatigue will no longer affect you because “your batteries” will always be fully charged by the system which is impervious to breakdown or interruption – the divine energy field, God’s constant and unchanging Love for His creation.


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Let us Pray


Hello , Love and light to all of you at GFP ! I  I love your group meditations FatherMothergod, I will be making one soon ! I have been noticing lately that out in our world of awakened lightworkers that there seems to be two distinct schools of thought or perhaps awareness. There are those who seem to be predominately focused on the raising of our love quotient / Higher vibrational focus and the other group that are more aware and focused on the process of mass arrests, fall of the cabal and liberation. I value and appreciate the work being done on all fronts! I have spent a lifetime straddled quite nicely between the two worlds. I was able to function in the 3d world and still see into and exist in the other realms. In November of 2011 my contact with the other dimensions went wild and tok center stage. The "rational " me decided to start researching the messages that were being shared with me, mostly when by body was in sleep mode. The journey has been exciting and amazing to say the least. I have been involved now in many missions and teachings on how to function at higher vibrational rates, spending time on various lightships and other dimensions. In this 3d world I front as a Chiropractor and use this to share my light with those who think they are just getting adjusted...ha ha ! I have been doing out of body healing sessions since age twelve. After studying medicine from age 9 to 11 ( my mom bought me the books ) she enrolled me in classes being taught by the Silva method group to do remote healing.

 My research on the new information being shared by my guides lead me down many exciting paths one of the best was finding GFP. and realizing how many people there are on this planet just like me.


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~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 05-16-2012 – Quite calm so far~



~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 05-16-2012 – Quite calm so far~




Greetings Loved Beings,

Not too much movement today on Our Beloved Planet, Sun is still calm with some sunspots soon earth facing still growing and a prominence in the eastern limb.

We had quite an interesting landslide here in Switzerland and in the Philippines with no major damage and again some interesting out of season weather in Great Britain.


Thank You for Seeing only Love.



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Healing Earth News: Science FINALLY Beginning To Study Gaia As A Living Organism!


(editor's note: What??? Science actually beginning to consider that Gaia may be a living organism??

Let that big ol' smile cover your face and enjoy this
article from the University of Maryland.

I hope that you are now reading / listening to mainstream media with a more discerning eye; seeing the subtle truths and the possible implications for your future.

This week, I'll be phasing this segment out -making way for a new provocative focus which will be introduced after the 5.20.12 alignment.

There are people all over this beautiful jewel we call Gaia working every day to correct the damage we have done. They are doing the physical clean up
work, or putting the intellectual thought into solving these problems. Please join me in sending them all energies of love and support.

~All my Love, Boo)


Sulfur Finding May Hold Key to Gaia Theory of Earth as Living Organism



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Natural Remedies: Wild Strawberry


(editor's note: Wild Strawberries have long been used by Native Americans for the treatment of stomach and liver ailments. The Wild strawberry is actually a member of the rose family whose berries will begin developing in June. While most people think of the red fleshy part as being the berry, the actual fruits are the hard, tiny, yellow seeds on the outer skin!

As more people awaken to the illusion of "modern" medicine they are moving away from pharmaceuticals and treatments that are in dis-harmony with our higher vibrations.
Through this "Natural Remedies" segment I hope to introduce you to methods of healing you may not have tried, as well as building your knowledge base so you can help others.
I have now archived my articles on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NaturalRemediesCollection?skip_nax_wizard=true#

~Be well, all my Love, Boo)



Wild Strawberry (Fragaria vesca)



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EARTH ALLIES 15.3.12... Stil Not Much is Happening in our Golden Rose Galaxy, exept ego is Gone...


By Predrag Saint Germain




Indeed, what is really new in our Galaxy?... besides name and some frequency adjustments, our Solar Planetary system location, our awareness, our conciseness, our financial system, government system, our environment, our seas, our air, our land mass, our food, our knowing about Galactics, our look, our centeredness......


Not Much... Indeed Not too much...


Yet, if you following regular inner observations, you feel something is disappearing... Something is Missing...


There is something missing... yet I cannot even pronounce it... What this emptiness is from?... How and with what I fill this in?...


You say: I feel loss?... and I say: I feel space for growth...


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Imagine a whole new world...


You can create the world you want to live in.
It starts with imagination, dreaming, or visualizing what you want to see. 
You are an AMAZING creator!


Imagine a whole new world...



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The Solar Eclipse ~ Money ~ Self Worth ~ The New Grid



There are three things rolling around my heart this morning and even tho they may appear to be very different things, there seems to be a thread of commonality to each subject.

The Solar Eclipse and humanities participation within it!

There are sooooo many groups popping up for this eclipse with all kinds of intentions set to use the power of this eclipse for.  So I have to sit here and ponder the fact that I have not a single intention except to be present with others whose hearts desire is to also be “present.”  In the pondering, I have got to ask the universe… should I/we be intending something… focusing or harnessing this powerful energy for something?  Here is the instant reply I get back to my own query:


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Yet another supprise... or not... Saga of Freedom for Humanity continue to unfolds... More eyes on G8 Summit than ever...


G8 and NATO-athon, with a possible surprise guest

By Peter Bergen, CNN National Security Analyst
updated 5:40 AM EDT, Wed May 16, 2012
President Obama talks with Pakistan's Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani. NATO has invited Pakistan to attend the summit.
President Obama talks with Pakistan's Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani. NATO has invited Pakistan to attend the summit.



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What is Most Important NOW


What is Most Important NOW

by GLR Yojman


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Ron Van Dyke: Debt Forgivness Is Divine Justice


Debt is an illusion, albeit, one that is deeply ingrained in modern culture. We believe we have nothing, that we are poor. We are taught that; but it's a lie! We have unlimited wealth through the power of creation...We simply forgot. Bankers have been greatly responsible for this deception; and they have taken full advantage of it. Banks have nothing to lend; and they cannot lawfully loan that which they are holding in trust for their depositors. They have not only violated that trust; they have virtually imprisoned the entire world with the deception. It's time to wake up.




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Cosmic events that will take place and are taking place now


by GLR Yojman
Now, it was a great joy to open the way for many of the Ascended Ones to
come and speak to the American people in New York recently. (Weekend
Gathering, ‘America Welcomes the Seventh Golden Age: Living Now the New I AM
’ held May 4, 5 and 6, 2012 in Syracuse, New York.  
http://www.akashaonline.com/downloads-1/special-events )  

And due to some of
the things that were shared I just wish to reiterate, there are those things
that will come to pass. Whether they are prophecy, whether they are
certainty, the extremity of those things or how mild they can be is not yet
known, nor is the hour known.

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Meredith Murphy – Message From Archangel Michael – Victory Embodied : Claim Your Life As Light



Meredith Murphy – Message From Archangel Michael – Victory Embodied : Claim Your Life As Light – 16 May 2012

Beloved Beings of Light,

You are approaching the entry to the pivotal alignments of 2012.

The Venus Transit in June is the key to balancing the inner energies of humanity and will initiate vast transformation in planetary life.

I am well aware of the difficulty you are experiencing lately as the energies intensify and the feeling of wanting to express yourself authentically is met by the sluggishness of an evolving physical body.  As you transition to living foods in larger proportion in your diet, you will discover a balance that suits you and your aliveness now, and be able to energize yourself appropriately in harmony with the incoming energies.


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Wes Annac – Mariara The Pleiadian: We Act In Accordance With The Expanding Of Your Chakras – 16 May 2012




Wes Annac – Mariara The Pleiadian: We Act In Accordance With The Expanding Of Your Chakras – 16 May 2012





by GLR Wes Annac-

The energies of myself and so many other ascended beings are coming to humanity at this time, and while we have indeed been visiting your cultures and societies for so very long, we have not been able to visit you in as direct of a way as we would like to be able to and this is why we have utilized channels and dear souls on Earth who have become open to the abilities in themselves to bring us through.


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Reboot the Grid 5.20.2012


On May 20th there will be an annular solar eclipse, when the Moon will eclipse the Sun in front of the Pleiades. A powerful beam of Light will emanate from the Galactic Central Sun, descend directly through the Pleiades towards the Earth and will be grounded along the path of totality. This beam of Light will burn through all obstacles on etheric and astral planes and will strengthen our connection with the Source. It will burn through all fear programming of negative non-physical entitites and will reboot the energy grid around the planet at the exact moment when the shadow of the Moon will touch the mountaintop of Mount Shasta. After the reboot, we will be able to co-create our spiritual destiny with Light.

We will all be doing this visualization at the same time, the moment of the eclipse reboot, which comes this May 20th /21st. Exact times for different time zones are:

3:30 pm HAST May 20th (Hawaii)
5:30 pm AKDT May 20th (Alaska)
6:30 pm PDT May 20th (Los Angeles)
7:30 pm MDT May 20th (Denver)
8:30 pm CDT May 20th (Houston)
9.30 pm EDT May 20th (New York)
10:30 pm BRT May 20th (Rio de Janeiro)
2:30 am BST May 21st (London)
3:30 am CEST May 21st (Paris)
3:30 am SAST May 21st (South Africa)

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Denise Le Fay – Transitions -The New High Heart Consciousness Is Rising



Denise Le Fay – Transitions -The New High Heart Consciousness Is Rising – 16 May 2012

5D High Heart Rising by Denise Le FayFor the past couple of months I’ve been seeing a very beautiful vision. The above drawing my sister Yasmeen Harper recently did for me is very close to what I’ve been clairvoyantly seeing. This exciting image represents the start of the rising (ascending) of 5D High Heart Consciousness within humanity. To me this is comparable to humanity literally crawling out of dank, dark cave and into the Light and sanity!


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Heavenletter #4191 A Great Magnanimous Event


Heavenletter #4191 A Great Magnanimous Event , May 16, 2012 

God said: 


Let go of the idea of fault, that it is your fault or someone else's fault. There is no fault, unless you call the state of being a human being as a fault. You have, haven't you? You have thought it is a great mark against you, haven't you? You have thought being human is a failing.

You are not to fault your being a human. It is a great gift to be a human being. A baby may be born every day, yet coming into the world as a human being is a great magnanimous event.


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Spread Your Wings Come Fly with Me


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Let Us Pray



DrDougCole's picture

By DrDougCole - Posted on 16 May 2012

Hello , Love and light to all of you at GFP ! I  I love your group meditations FatherMothergod, I will be making one soon ! I have been noticing lately that out in our world of awakened lightworkers that there seems to be two distinct schools of thought or perhaps awareness. There are those who seem to be predominately focused on the raising of our love quotient / Higher vibrational focus and the other group that are more aware and focused on the process of mass arrests, fall of the cabal and liberation.


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Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 16 May 2012



Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 16 May 2012

As more of you are awakening to the truth about your reality, so the levels of consciousness are rising never to return to the lower levels that you existed in. Since you are One each of you affects each other on the conscious level, and as you lift up others they are lifted with you. Having reached your present level, it becomes easier to comprehend the greater truths about you and your existence. As you realise how powerful you are, that knowledge can be put to use to continue your journey to Ascension.


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*Moving down a notch on the chakras from the 7th last week to the 6th, the 3rd eye centre for intuition this week. We haven't had this card before...amazing but true...Enjoy! and listen to your intuitive hunches!

Venus 6: 6th Chakra (3rd eye)
Venus Keyword: 'Love'
Colour: Indigo
Chakra Keywords: Intuition, Wisdom

INTERPRETATION; Your dreams send you intuitive messages from the depths of your subconscious. They may guide you make better choices in your life and to reach your goals in ways you never imagined. Do you rem
ember your dream/s last night? What images are the most vivid? There are hidden messages for your life path. Follow your dreams and intuitive hunches today.

ACTION: Start a dream journal and write down your dreams first thing in the morning while they are still fresh in your mind. Consult a dream interpretation book and try to see what your dreams mean to you. Take note of recurrent themes.


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"Am I gonna get a poke?"


It feels sort of like taking your child to the doctor.  You are saying a bunch of calm words, painting lots of pretty pictures about the ice cream cone that’s coming after the office visit, yet you know there is a part that’s painful.  You hate that part.


My children wised up to the idea and ask before we get there, “Am I gonna get a poke?”  That’s what I want to know now.


“Are we gonna get a poke?”  We’ve been living in a controlled, tightly limiting world and are told every day of the wonders that await us.  Yet, beneath it all is buried a nagging sense that there is something we need to shore up for.  My kids put their game faces on.  They know it’s quick, necessary and there is a treat at the end.  Although they didn’t like it, they have lived through it and emerged more powerful and sure of themselves.


We will too.  Ascension, this Shift and the Golden Age is waiting for us.  As eternal beings of immense power and unlimited love, we would create nothing less.  The controls are completely in our hands. We know how to use them now.


It is my very human part that wants to know, “Am I gonna get a poke?”  Some days I don’t care, and they happen with more frequency.  What’s on the other side of the poke, if it comes, is more than amazing.  I know this.  I have seen some of it already.


We can do anything we set our hearts on.  This is truth.  We are an unstoppable force; the force of One.  I have seen miracles.  The greatest one is reading these words right now.


We are the ones we are waiting for.




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Gillian MacBeth-Louthan – The Pleiadian Council Of Light – Floating Between Matter And Anti-Matter



Gillian MacBeth-Louthan – The Pleiadian Council Of Light – Floating Between Matter And Anti-Matter – 16 May 2012

Welcome dear ones, we are the Pleiadian Council of Light, we come forth and wrap our arms of light around you. Yes, dear ones we know we have left you by the wayside, yes dear ones we hear the cries in your heart.  We stand back as we watch our dear children of the stars battle what is thick, dark, and chaotic.  We stand along side the battlefields of your life as great generals of light that seek to know they have taught their soldiers well.  The generals themselves do not walk onto the battlefield but stand aloft ready to lead and  instruct.  We are above in the crescents of light and you are down in the valley of the shadow of life.


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Reboot The Grid


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~ The OM Crystal of Shasta & Completion of OM




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Oracle Report ~ Wednesday May 16 2012



Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Balsamic Moon Phase

Today other peoples' opinion of us can take on too much meaning if we let it.  Don't underestimate yourself or limit what you think you are capable of based on others' beliefs.  Today is about connecting with our inner core and strengthening self-sufficiency.  It is about at-ONE-ment and living in the moment we create, not what others want us to create or what others want to create for us.  It would be easy to continually try to adjust ourselves to outside forces today, but this will only scatter our energy.  Stay grounded like a sturdy tree.  As I discussed yesterday for the Venus retrograde, we are going to go deeper into ourselves to bring forth the capabilities for a richer experience of life.  There is a plan in place here, so trust the process.


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You are showing yourselves to be master surfers. – Michael by Ron Head



This morning we shall speak about the energies which are being ramped up once again during this new moon.  Already you are feeling the effects as this moment approaches.  Your ability to utilize these frequencies is, and will be, increasing, both for your consciousness and your physical well-being.


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The manuscript of survival – part 138



The manuscript of survival – part 138



 •May 16, 2012 • 


As of today, many of you will be assigned new levels of interaction. Let us explain. For a very long time now, you have been followed very closely by a whole host of benevolent  beings, all set up to make this journey of yours as little complicated as possible. That may sound like an overstatement, as ”uncomplicated” is mayhaps not the first word that comes to mind regarding this process. However, let us just say that this labyrinth would have been an even more complicated maze to navigate did you not have the assistance of this ground crew, or rather, esoteric crew, to keep you going ahead despite all of the hardships you have had to endure this far.


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FREEDOM PROJECT: U.S. ‘Fiscal Cliff’ Looms: Will Lawmakers Heed Bernanke’s Warnings?...




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FREEDOM PROJECT: Ron Paul Not Suspending Campaign, It is a Media Hoax..




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