Maureen Moss – A Miracle Is – 17 May 2012

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Thu, 05/17/2012 - 09:39

Maureen Moss – A Miracle Is – 17 May 2012

Dearest Hearts,

As always I pray you are well. You may have noticed in the past few months I have not been writing new articles, and many have asked me why.

First, let me say thank you for extending your loving Emails, and I hope you are enjoying the many FREE MP3 Downloads that are offered each month on my personal website, including today, and the mind and heart expanding transformative shows every day on The World Puja Network, in the meantime.

Briefly, I have been spending a great deal of time in gentle silence. Life for us all has decomposed in so many ways while simultaneously resurrecting. I have chosen to give my full attention and presence to each, releasing and blessing, clarifying and embracing. In each, I am deepening my authentic relationship to myself, in each moment that I Am. Bless Ram Dass who said it best in three words: “Be Here Now.” I Am, finally.

Though deeply helpful guidance is given by many (myself included,) as to how best to embrace and move with the tidal wave of transfiguration into the New World, another’s words and methods are often valuable guiding lights, though not all inclusive for our unique Soul’s path as to how we, as complex individuated Beings of Light, would best be served to move our multi-dimensional Divine Self towards new shores without looking back to the curvature of the shores left behind. It’s personal and requires more than stolen moments of silence.

Further still, I have been on a focused quest to utilize every ways and means available to open my heart in ways I had not done before. In my silence I came to realize I had been going about that in ways that were still tangled up with old consciousness. Though I realize truly opening one’s heart is a never-ending process (as it is the nature of evolution), at this particular time I required unique on the ground help.

I got it, in the form of a tiny being of Love and Light.

His name is Ateya, my five-week-old grandson.

Words can barely describe the miracle and opportunity one is presented with when they witness and participate in the pregnancy and birthing of a brand new being of God’s Creation onto Planet Earth, by our God Parents.

My daughter, Ateya’s earth mother, shared with me long ago that this child would change me. Months prior to his birth, she insisted I be the first to hold him and welcome him into this world, even before she or her husband. Perhaps an odd request, she is a wise one.

Watching Ateya being born was a surreal experience. I sensed I was in many places at once. I was watching and being watched. I heard Divine voices talking to me, but not those who were on the ground.

There were many Angels in attendance while those in human form, seemed to fade before my eyes. I haven’t a full conception as to what really occurred in those moments of his entry, other than it was profoundly Divine in its nature, spanned many dimensions, and clarified without a doubt more than I had anticipated.

Within a blink of an eye in an eternal setting, I was holding Ateya in my arms, moments after he was born. In him I saw me. I was him and he was me. I held both of us in my arms, and I knew it. That was the plan. Tears gushed as I spoke deeply heartfelt words of love and welcome and promise to this precious being of Light.

I sobbed deeply and my heart let go completely. In my deepest heart I knew I was welcoming and loving both of us into this world and pledging words of Divine promise. This was something I had never experienced when I arrived on this Planet; no different than many.

Later, in stillness, I heard the Divine say, “all of humanity can begin again, if they will simply welcome and love themselves right now, where they are, and then nurture their own growing up as a Divine New Human.”

I know what a miracle fashioned by God truly is. It is each one of us.

Please take a breath and let that Truth in. Please let that mean something new to you.

I know there can be no doubt that we are born worthy, for look to that which gave us Life. I know life is a gift, fashioned in such unique packages, even though infinite numbers of times it doesn’t feel so.

I know we are loved and held always, by a loving Presence that I call God, regardless of what our earth parents may have instilled in us or what our veiled beliefs have convinced us of. Our eternal parents are God.

To know God is to know who we truly are. To know who we truly are is to know Love. To know Love is to know there is only One of us expressing as many. We all have the same parents.

I now know the responsibility of being the most authentic and impeccable being of God’s Light and Love that I can be. I owe that to the One who gave me Life, I owe it to the Divine Mother Earth who holds me every day, to humanity, who is my family and to which I am deeply grateful to serve, and to myself. That is my commitment, above all else.

I honor each of you for being born and saying yes to this profound journey. Welcome precious Beings of Love and Light. God Bless you.

Know you are loved.

Maureen Moss



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