~ Flucuating Continue's~ Release and Let Go, higher Energies Incoming

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 05/18/2012 - 10:34

FREEDOM PROJECT: Keiser Report: Debt-a-holic Zombies (E289) ...


In this episode, Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, discuss the Devil's Breath of too much debt and JP Morgan's black and blue dementia. In the second half of the show Max talks to Mike Maloney about gold, silver and Hollywood accounting.

Follow Max Keiser on Twitter: http://twitter.com/maxkeiser

Watch all Keiser Report shows here:

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Anonymous [X-SecT] Op Snooze Button (v2.0)


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Power Path ~ New Moon/Partial Solar Eclipse Update May 20, 2012



Dear Friends,

The New Moon and partial solar eclipse is Sunday May 20, at 5:48 PM Mountain Daylight Time. This is a very intense time that can bring breakage, conflict, change and potent fuel for your dreams and bids for power. Some of you may already be experiencing or witnessing increased accident activity, short tempers and things feeling a bit out of sync. This is highly charged solar energy and you can infuse your commitment with this solar energy, which represents the masculine. The quality is fiery and explosive and will be fueled by the winds of change. So use it well!


We recommend using this time wisely as anything that passes through your thoughts and feelings will be magnified. Watch what you think about, what you say and how you react. The magnetism of the eclipse will draw some big energy so be careful where you put your intentions. Stay away from known conflict and negative situations. We advise spending the time around the eclipse in positive thoughts and intentions and in a higher centered space filled with beauty, love and gratitude.


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FREEDOM PROJECT: UFO Top Secret_ The Bob Lazar Interview 1 TO 5 (GREEK SUBS)











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How to Live a Positive Life like Love Beings should.


How to Live a Positive Life like Love Beings should.

by GLR Dan

Everyone sad, mad, angry, depressed... CHEER UP !!! Love is what you must seek more than anything. Why avoid such a wonderful feeling? Clean yourself and put on the clothes of Love and take off the dirty clothes of negativity. WAKE UP!! WAKE UP!! Its time to get up and eat the breakfast of Kindness, And drink the drink of Joy, and after you eat Kindness and drink Joy, wash your hands to get the grudges that you hold off. Then open the door to Enlightnment. Now go to you vehicle of Oneness, open the garage of negativity, and get away from it. Now get on the road to Peace. When you come back from where you went, turn on the sprinkles of Love, And Spread it all over, so others can do the same. Next, Come Together and eat the dinner of Oneness. Then go to your room of Peace, close your eyes and sleep to Meditation. =From your Spiritual Love Being=- Dan


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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 5/17/12



Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 5/17/12


Have you noticed a certain air of truth in these messages? These messages are being sent to you from higher intelligences to assist you to better manage the transitions that you as individuals and as a people are experiencing and will continue to experience as the days and months pass by. There are many tools that can be of assistance to you at this time, and these messages are but one of them. Utilizing all the tools at your command is advisable as it is not one of these tools that will be the only tool that you will need to gain as much from what this experience offers you. We advise you to take stock of the tools that you possess and make a conscious note of them, as each are just important as the next to help you better facilitate these changes for you and your society as a whole.


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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~16~12 We are In the Magnetic Alignment


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FREEDOM PROJECT: Cameron slams Euro bosses as people pull the plug...


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Galactic Free Press ~ Council Meetings ~ Join Us this Sunday ~



Galactic Free Press ~ Council Meetings ~ Join Us this Sunday ~



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May 18, Daily Horoscope



Daily Horoscope
by Rick Levine, DailyHoroscope.com




Friday, May 18, 2012


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~ Archangel Gabriel: Commitment ~




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~ The Galactic Free Press Honor's Donna Summer~


~ She is Safe and Happy On The Starships.. She Has Released Alot of Love Joy for Humanity as Well~


We Love You Donna, Thank You for Being of Service to the Light On Planet Earth=Heart~ Love The Earth Allies




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How to Prepare Yourself to Receive Crystalline Energies


How to Prepare Yourself to Receive Crystalline Energies

by Sabrina Reber



Many of you are asking what you can do to better prepare your self to receive the wonderful crystalline energies that will be activated and dispersed during the powerful, light filled, open portal days of 2012. These days are significant in that they will carry an increased amount of codes and light frequencies that will usher in the transformational energies for personal and planetary ascension. The only thing we really need to do is be open to receive ~ that's it. Simply be open to receive, and so it is.


Here are a few other things you can do to connect more deeply with the energy:


I suggest spending about 30 minutes to an hour.....alone, in private time with your Soul and Spirit. Group meditations are also wonderful as they build group energy and can be very profound, however....make sure you spend some time alone communing with your soul and spirit, as well, so you can fully integrate the energies on a very personal level.


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~The Next Galactic Free Press Update~






Greetings Love Beings, We are In some Very Wild Energies. We feel All of Humanity right now is dealing with these Energies as We Prepare for this upcoming energy alignment. Our Next Update Will Be Friday May 18th, 2012.


~Love The Earth Allies~




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2 Updates on the Mysterious Object Over Denver Airport - May 17, 2012


~If You Look in the Background of this video, you can See Our Craft In the Clouds~ And they Have not a Clue~


Love The Earth Allies


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FREEDOM PROJECT: MELTDOWN UPDATE: The JP Morgan Derivatives Book is Blowing Up - Bix Weir ...


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Carol Ann Ciocco ~ Pleiadean Ring Of Fire Annular Eclipse ~ 17 May 2012


Carol Ann Ciocco ~ Pleiadean Ring Of Fire Annular Eclipse ~ 17 May 2012


Thank You to MN Hopkins
Slowly the Pleiades dropt like dew from bough to bough of the cinnamon trees. William Roscoe Thayer, Halid

Eclipses 2012 Gemini Pleiadean Eclipse

Hi everyone, as you may have heard, on May 20/21, 2012 we will experience an Annular Solar Eclipse at 4:47pm Pacific Daylight Time (11:47pm UT). This is a partial eclipse, not total. The Moon will glide in front of the Sun but will not cover it completely because the moon is too far away in its orbit around Earth to appear large enough in our sky to cover the sun.


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Visionkeeper ~ Simplicity ~ 17 May 2012


Visionkeeper ~ Simplicity ~ 17 May 2012

(picture by www.favim.com)


Nothing describes the essential beauty of life more accurately than the word simplicity. The more simple something is, the more beautiful it seems. It is what it is, no extra doodads to distract one from the very thing they are observing. No garish colors, no sharp corners, specific rules, no labels. Simplicity is perfection, what you see is what you get, like the incredible beauty in the picture of the bubbles. Nothing more than simple round, crystal clear orbs, yet in the sun they shift and become magnificent orbs of iridescent colors. Their smooth roundness is perfect and complete, their beingness sufficient with no explanations needed. They just are, simple clear bubbles of magnificent splendor. There is nothing that could be added to make them any more beautiful than they already are.



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FREEDOM PROJECT: JPMorgan’s Trading Loss Is Said to Rise at Least 50%... ARE WE NOW AT 3 BILLION'S?...




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Stephen Cook – Spanish Withdraw 1 Billion Euros! French Government Slashes Pay By 30%



Stephen Cook – Spanish Withdraw 1 Billion Euros! French Government Slashes Pay By 30% – 17 May 2012

Stephen: It’s all happening in Europe today. I mean, we have long been told things would happen in the blink of a eye…

Following the Greeks withdrawing over 800 million Euro from their banks yesterday, the Spanish have grabbed their withdrawal slips, headed for their banks and started removing their money, too. Over 1 Billion Euro out already today.


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AKASHA~The world is entering an epic hour of such change~



~The world is entering an epic hour of such change~


Mt Shasta Mountain


AKASHA: I wish to transmit to each of you a feeling, a feeling that even words can often not fully open the way to express how I feel, how the Ascended Host feel and how important it is for all of you to feel that you
have great successes inside your own being that you just cannot measure by anything outside of you – successes in your awakening, in your own ability
to maintain peace and harmony even when you do not yet know all things.

Akasha urges us to be careful about what you read and hear in the outer

The world is entering an epic hour of such change and transformation and due to such modern means of communication, such as the internet, it is very easy to get caught up in all sorts of things that become broadcast on the internet, including people whose attention is fascinated with conspiracy theories, peoples whose attention is so fascinated about what governments are doing behind the backs of the people and those are just examples. And I ask you, beloved hearts, in all the things that you see posted on the internet and the things you hear people out in the world talk about, you have something that the mass of the people do not know. You have in yourselves, in your efforts, in your spiritual family, you have a direct
connection now to God, the Infinite I AM Presence.


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Nancy Tate – Wake Up Call – Horus – 17 May 2012




Nancy Tate – Wake Up Call – Horus – 17 May 2012

I come to you this morning with some news on the homefront. Home is where the heart is and when the heart is involved it is so closely associated with home as to be one and the same.
I speak of this today because of the increasing amount of heart energy that is being broadcast throughout the universe. There is a tremendous vibratory essence that is being felt by many people on the planet. It is resounding throughout those on the surface as well as the beings within. It is bringing a great deal of love forward in resonance with the ones who live within the earth.


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Will Smith: My son asked Obama about ‘the aliens’


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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~16~12 We are In the Magnetic Alignment ~Revised


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~16~12



Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~ We are In the Magnetic Alignment ~


Photo By Earth Ally Will Harader Scout Ships Hanging Out



Greetings Love Beings, We come today with a Short Update as we allow the Energies to continue move into Alignment. This Morning the Grid was very unstable. We Held Our Ninth Council Meeting today and We Successfully stabilized the Magnetic Grid through our Focused Love Energy.




Daily Sun: 16 May 12


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Brothers and Sisters..., The time of choosing is upon us all! Will we finally awaken? OR..., will we choose to be alseep? A woman CANNOT be half pregnant. She is either pregnant or she is not..., there is no such thing as kind of pregnant! Likewise a person CANNOT be half alseep and half awake. Such a condition does not exist. One is either still sleeping OR has awakened. There is no such thing as being both. There is a short moment that exists while one is transitioning from sleep to awake, however..., ONE CAN NOT STAY THERE..., it only exists to distinguish sleeping from wakefulness. Lies, deception, falsehood, control, are dark DREAMS and as such are part of SLEEP. One CANNOT bring them into wakefulness. They are ILLUSIONS, and must be left behind. There are NO VICES which can be brought forth from sleep to awake. One cannot say..., I'll give up this and this and this..., but please let me just keep these few illuisons over here..., after I wake up. This is NOT POSSIBLE..., because as already said..., you can not be half awake..., just as you can not be half pregnant. Further more...., to choose ANY PART of ASLEEP is to choose ALL OF IT, (including the worst of it). This is all or nothing..., and the CHOICE IS YOURS! Whatever you know you need to let go of..., do so! What ever you know is holding you back..., get rid of! This is all or nothing..., and the CHOICE IS YOURS! Waking up means just that..., you are now awake and have left ALL bad (negative) dreams behind. All dreams of separation..., all dreams of superiority..., all dreams of taking advantage of others for profit. Being awake means accepting ONENESS and ALL THAT it encompasses for all time. THE CHOICE IS YOURS. The timelines are about to be changed for the good permanently...., choose wisely! All my LOVE Shannon

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The Transition is a Great Awakening and a Prelude to Ascension – Part 1



The Transition is a Great Awakening and a Prelude to Ascension – Part 1

2012 MAY 17
Posted by GLR Steve Beckow

Since April 25, 2012, Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon has been discussing what seems to be a very important event he calls “the Transition” (1) and what the Divine Mother called on May 7, 2012, “the Great Awakening.” (2) This event started on April 27, 2012, and will apparently occur over the month of May 2012.

Archangel Michael sees it as a very significant time and appears eager to get the information out. He said to me that it’s a time of recovering our interdimensional selves, which, if true, would be a very welcome development.


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Interview with Brian David Anderson and Mahala Gayle

Listen to internet radio with tazzandpaula on Blog Talk Radio


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How to Live a Positive Life like Love Beings should.


Everyone sad, mad, angry, depressed... CHEER UP !!! Love is what you must seek more than anything. Why avoid such a wonderful feeling? Clean yourself and put on the clothes of Love and take off the dirty clothes of negativity. WAKE UP!! WAKE UP!! Its time to get up and eat the breakfast of Kindness, And drink the drink of Joy, and after you eat Kindness and drink Joy, wash your hands to get the grudges that you hold off. Then open the door to Enlightnment. Now go to you vehicle of Oneness, open the garage of negativity, and get away from it. Now get on the road to Peace. When you come back from where you went, turn on the sprinkles of Love, And Spread it all over, so others can do the same. Next, Come Together and eat the dinner of Oneness. Then go to your room of Peace, close your eyes and sleep to Meditation. =From your Spiritual Love Being=- Dan


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I would call this phrase more like: "Taking Your Life in Your own Hands Exercise..."


Can you just imagine what does this means for present banking ponzy scheme/system... When only Greek citizens pulled 1 billion Euros in last 3 days [just to round the number...] from liquidity of banks, this is translated back in to total disappearance of loan and credit abilities from banks...


With this simple decision of Greeks to take their funds in their own hands, in my view banks are on the hook for more than 15 - 34 trillions dollars that were placed in toxic products like derivates or short sells that are circulated around the world...


Please, Look for a moment at these events from perspective of Trojan horse and its purpose...


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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 5/17/12



Have you noticed a certain air of truth in these messages? These messages are being sent to you from higher intelligences to assist you to better manage the transitions that you as individuals and as a people are experiencing and will continue to experience as the days and months pass by. There are many tools that can be of assistance to you at this time, and these messages are but one of them. Utilizing all the tools at your command is advisable as it is not one of these tools that will be the only tool that you will need to gain as much from what this experience offers you. We advise you to take stock of the tools that you possess and make a conscious note of them, as each are just important as the next to help you better facilitate these changes for you and your society as a whole.


Complications may arise due to the unpreparedness of many individuals of your world and we wish, through the dissemination of these messages and others like them, to help better prepare all that will read and will heed these words from us shared through our channels. This is the only way we can communicate with you at this time. Telepathy is a means to communicate commonly here within the higher realms of this universe. Many of you at this time are learning and experiencing telepathic communication for the first time, and many of you are experiencing a difficult time communicating in this manner. This is quite all right and has been expected, as telepathy is an art and a skill that must be practiced before any level of competence is achieved.



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My Brothers and Sisters..., The only dream that exists in REALITY is the one GOD wills. His dream is all inclusive and buillt around PURE LOVE and DIVINE HAPPINESS. This dream is not only acceptable in REALITY..., this dream IS REALITY! It is his reality and the ONLY ONE he allows in his highest level of LOVE. Dreams of kindness, dreams of compassion, dreams of helping others, dreams of laughter, dreams of hope and being everything he created you to be..., these dreams are HIS DREAMS. We are GOING TO MAKE IT THERE TOGETHER!! ALL MY LOVE, SHANNON


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Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~15~12 There is alot going on behind the scene's ~


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Eclipse Passage May 20 + Message from Archangel Michael



Eclipse Passage May 20 + Message from Archangel Michael


by GLR Meredith Murphy

Hello my dear ascension companions!

The New Moon and partial solar eclipse are this Sunday, May 20th at 4:47 pm pacific daylight time.  

I asked Archangel Michael about the energy of this opening and alignment and he shared with me this:

This eclipse will ripen aspects of your being that are longing for expression since the March Equinox.  There will be a tendency to feel strongly that you must express yourself and it's possible to encounter resistance or others who are also likewise feeling this way--and yet being out of sync with one another and all these changes move into a new arrangement of relationships and community


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Re-post ~Jesus: How You Feel is a Choice You Make in Every Moment~




~Jesus: How You Feel is a Choice You Make in Every Moment~


Galactic Love Reporter John Smallman

January 15, 2012




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~Space Weather Update~ Glancing Blow CME Arriving~


INCOMING CME? A coronal mass ejection (CME) that flew off the sun's western limb on May 17th might hit Earth after all. NOAA forecasters say a shock wave from the blast could deliver a glancing blow to Earth's magnetic field on May 18th or 19th. The CME, pictured below, was propelled by an M5-class solar flare from departing sunspot AR1476.



The speckles in the movie are caused by energetic protons hitting the observatory's detector. Those protons may have been accelerated in part by the shock wave en route to Earth.

According to NOAA, there is a 40% chance of minor geomagnetic storms and a 15% chance of strong storms when the shock arrives. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras. CME alerts: text, phone.


The Great Falling Away and the Consummation of New Life! by Lisa



Boy, my poor little “field” antenna is getting a work out these days.  We are raising our vibration so fast and so high, orientating myself in readings is really taking some work.  And yet, what is now coming thru… feels so sacred, so utterly exciting I am not even sure how to share it without drooling all over myself from the combined experiences!!

I suppose I am so programmed with linear time, one day following the next and an event on scheduled day is going to happen only on that scheduled day.  We can be sooooo human!


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The Oracle Report Friday, May 18, 2012



The Oracle Report Friday, May 18, 2012


Balsamic Moon Phase

The Moon returns to the sign of Taurus for the second time this lunar month, joining the Black Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, and the Sun.  Sunspot 1476, which has been so active for the past week, shot off an M-5 class solar flare yesterday.  The energy will make a direct hit on Earth today and tomorrow.  If you've been part of the corps of 3,000 wise old owls around the world reading the Oracle Report for any length of time, you know that when a solar flare of this magnitude is released, it has a significant impact on the electro-magnetic fields of the planet and on us.  Situations and events in our lives are "charged."  The energy gets even more intense than it already is on a daily basis at this time in life.


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I will never understand why some people do what they do. Sometimes it is so blatantly obvious that comments are necessary to sort things out. Today we got a BLAST of stupid posts on our beloved Galactic FREE PRESS that are nothing more than babble which contain coded messages. And WHY? WHY HERE? It's not like these parasites do not have other places to post their useless messages. But instead..., truth seekers must now wade through post after post of babble..., wondering if all "LIGHTWORKERS are simply insane because there are posts which MAKE NO SENSE on this site Well..., HERE"S A CLUE for those who are confused.... The SOCCER JERSEY POSTS are nothing more than babble most likely hiding coded messages. POSTERS: CHENG, XIAYOU, and BEALEH536 are simply using GALACTIC FREE PRESS as place to hide useless messages. I for one am going to stand up and tell them in no uncertain terms..., that THEY AND THEIR GAMES ARE NOT WANTED HERE!!! I hope you all will do the same! MUCH LOVE SHANNON

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The Transition is a Great Awakening and a Prelude to Ascension – Part 1



The Transition is a Great Awakening and a Prelude to Ascension – Part 2

2012 MAY 18 GLR Steve Beckow

Having described the Transition generally, Archangel Michael goes on to discuss how we may feel this month and the changes we may expect.

“What kind of changes might you experience? Well, there are physical things that people are experiencing. There are headaches, severe headaches I might add, and this is also because there are portions of your brain that are being ignited, activated, brought to the forefront, that the human beings have never used before. Now they were intended to be used but they haven’t been.


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The Crystal Dolphin Pod. Strandings, Beachings and Hunts. One Pod’s View Of The Issues Facing Cetaceans On Earth



♦ The Crystal Dolphin Pod. Strandings, Beachings and Hunts. One Pod’s View Of The Issues Facing Cetaceans On Earth. By, AuroRa Le May 18, 2012.

*  This is Part 2 of the same message I received at Hutchinson Island, FL, on May 12.  I chose to give this part it’s own separate post, due to the unusual subject matter.  A friend in one of my Facebook groups asked me to have the dolphins explain why so many are dying off right now.  They heard and they responded.  Please take note that I deliver the messages exactly as I receive them, and some portions of this may not sit well with everyone.   As for myself, having spent so much of my life as an animal-rights activist and possessing a huge empathetic connection with all members of the this kingdom, this was a difficult post for me to write.  I was really surprised by some of what the dolphins had to say.  But then again, from a purely spiritual perspective, I can understand what it was that they wanted to convey to us.  So hear them out and form your own opinion.  I welcome all of your comments on this issue.


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Visionkeeper – How Do You Look At Life? – 18 May 2012



Visionkeeper – How Do You Look At Life? – 18 May 2012

(picture by www.favim.com)

Are you one of the people who see the glass half empty or the glass half full? Life is challenging enough without seeing it through negative eyes. Having  a positive attitude helps so much to keep you flowing safely down stream rather than fighting your way upstream against the current. There are several things we can do to help us flow through life more easily. One way is to always look for the good to come out of bad situations. It is always there to be found if we open our eyes and pay attention. It may not show up right away but it will show up. Often times when something bad happens to us, in the end when all is said and done, we realize things turned out for the best or even better than before, making a positive difference in our lives. It can be hard to see in the heat of the moment but over time it will reveal itself.


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Ron Van Dyke:: Unity Consciousness - It's All Spiritual & Metaphysical


I was asked in a recent email: "Are there any videos of yours that deal specifically for letting depression out and making one's self happy when tough times happen?" Humanity has long been plagued by the divide and conquer mentality. We have been well trained to see some things as spiritual and other things as not. This lack of unity within ourselves causes us to be disempowered. We can be re-empowered by a slight shift in thinking. "Happy" is learing to see thing more holistically, to heal the wounds of our own internal battles.




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Brothers and Sisters, Because the CABAL is "messing" around..., and are still unwilling to give up, I am going to TELL YOU one of their most cherished secrets. HOW THEY CONTROL you using your own HD Televisions and color bursts that move into your subconscious. Think in terms of frequencies! The color blue is higher in frequency than the color red. Red goes from 430 to 480 THz (TerraHertz) while the color blue goes from 610 to 670 THz. When your flat panel TV shows you a very bright screen of BLUE..., then immediately goes to a screen of red..., what that is doing is "programming" your mind to DROP IN FREQUENCY down to a lower and more subconsious level. Many movies on DVD have those so called anti-piracy screens which tell you first that the FBI is warning you...(in bright blue), then immediately goes to bright red ( to tell you about interpol). These colored screens do far more than just tell you about their laws. (In fact they could care less.) These screens are literally decreasing your mental frequencies by immedaite color bombardment which takes your mental patterns from the higher frequencies and just like flipping a switch, forces a part of your mind to an immediate lower frequency...making you go into a subconsious state just before you watch the movie! This happens so that any and all sub-liminal messages and encoded messages inside the movie you are about to watch will more easily get through to your sub-conscious mind and you will more readily accept the programming that they've placed into the movie! This is happening more and more on daily TV as well!

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Some Ascension Concepts





by GLR Yojman
Humanity seeks comfort on all levels, the highest of which is the Comfort of Spiritual Freedom. Once achieved, all other ‘comforts' fall into the background and a Spiritual Peace and Solace abides within and through us, moment to moment ...and through Eternity. This is the Comfort of Cosmic Holy Spirit and is the result of letting go into Ascended and Free Consciousness. Whatever brings true comfort to our physical, etheric, mental and emotional vehicles is laudable, but in finding Comfort of the Soul this is the True Journey of Spiritual Freedom. It is not so much the end point of the journey but the Peace of knowing that one is finally truly on the Eternal Journey! And this is the Comfort point of the Spiritual journey Humanity enters in this Sacred Year of 2012.

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How do we break the habit of excessive thinking?


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David Icke - The Revolution of Perception - When Love calls a spade a spade


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These changes build upon each other. – Michael by GLR Ron Head



Our topic today will be your true selves.  You have allowed yourselves to forget who you truly are.  This is not a judgment of that, dear hearts.  It was necessary to do that if you were to truly experience this dimension.  To be here as your true selves for all these millennia would have resulted in quite a different collective experience, not different in most ways from the dimensions you came from.  But now it is time to return, to remember.


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Brain Wave Therapy ~ BrainSync ~ Delta Waves ~


Experience Deep Refreshing Sleep
Slip on your headphones, close your eyes and turn out the lights. Within minutes you'll feel like your brain
is being massaged. Soothing Delta frequencies, associated with deep restorative sleep, and subliminal
messages are masterfully woven into gentle music. As your brain cells resonate with Delta waves, you start
to slowly swirl and drift.

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Marlene Swetlishoff – Archangel Gabriel – 18 May 2012




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Terri Newlon – Dwjhal Khul – Solar Eclipse – 18 May 2012


Terri Newlon – Dwjhal Khul – Solar Eclipse – 18 May 2012


Djwhal Khul here. Tashi delek.

The Solar Eclipse is approaching: Sunday May 20, with a New Moon in Gemini. Then the Sun will move into Gemini. It is a very, very potent day and I know there are many spiritual ceremonies occurring during that time.

On the following day, May 21, we’ll do a Tele-Seminar called “Politics In The New World Order” because those are also affected by this.

Shortly following, really in the first week of June then, the Lunar Eclipse, a Venus transit, and then a few weeks later, a couple of weeks later, Summer Solstice and quite a lot of activity all spread out. It’s just kind of a bombardment really.


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We have some interesting days ahead of us…by Aisha North


We have some interesting days ahead of us…



by Aisha North

 •May 18, 2012 • 

I guess you have all felt the increase in energy these last few days, and I cannot shake the feeling that something big is coming our way. The energies have shifted so much, and there is a strong sense of urgency, almost impatience, in the air. My new “ground crew” is a good example of this. They are not a quiet and meek group, they have a way of making themselves heard, and they do not want to waste any time in getting it done. In other words, I think we are in for a lot of action in the days ahead. Many of you are probably aware that we have a solar eclipse coming up this weekend. It is called the“Ring of fire” eclipse because it covers that area, and there have been much talk about what this will do energetically.


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We are Welcoming the New Earth...With A Celebration... <3




Mother Earth=Heart is Here, Embracing All Human Beings in Unconditional Love



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Moody’s Downgrades 16 Spanish Bank Ratings – 18 May 2012




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Heavenletter #4193, To You Heart's Content May 18, 2012














Your heart is opening and opening. You are setting your heart free. Once upon a time, you had braked your heart. You went way less than the speed limit. You may have cut your heart, your beautiful heart, in two, packed half in reserve, the other half for view or perhaps show. Now you are pulling the restrained half of your heart out of storage and restoring wholeheartedness to its rightful place. You are beginning to make sense. How happy your heart is. And how happily your heart pulls the world forward.


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A Coronal Cavity Spirals Out Of Sun!


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Mag. 6.2 Coast of AISEN, CHILE earthquake


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Make Believe by SophiaLove



Make Believe 


Posted on 05/17/2012 by GLR SophiaLove


  Linear time is a “make believe” construct, a component of this reality we call the third dimension.  It’s doing one heck of a good job!  Nothing feels as immediate and fleeting as time.  There is just never enough, it is speeding up or I am running out of it.  Any way you look at it, it seems to be ruling my life right now.

Sleep is another 3D habit that is changing.  I am nodding off while in a crowd or wide awake at 2AM.  The other day I was taking a walk with my partner when suddenly we could barely move forward or lift our feet.  We were exhausted!  We went back and immediately passed out.  I set my alarm for one hour later.  We both woke up at the same time, completely refreshed.  It felt as if we’d been asleep for hours.  Only about ten minutes had passed in linear time.  Ten minutes! 


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Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 18 May 2012



Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 18 May 2012

We know that some of you wonder why it seems to have taken so long to get events started. Firstly we must tell you that the activities we are involved in are ongoing, and we have been fully occupied even if you are not aware of what we have carried out. Preparing for these end times is no mean task, and of course circumstances change which we have to adapt to. Plus the dark Ones have been more difficult to remove than we anticipated. However, now that we have been given the authority to take direct action against them, our presence is being felt and our results rewarding.


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Lucas – Turning Outside In And Inside Out – Understanding The Bigger Picture



Lucas – Turning Outside In And Inside Out – Understanding The Bigger Picture – 18 May 2012

In the talks about the current shifts and happenings I regularly have with Bill Ballard, he and I came to the same conclusion. I had not seen his video yet and posted it this morning. In this article I write about the understanding the bigger picture of what is happening.

It is maybe strange but people still can not see that the solution can not be found outside ourselves but in ourselves. The notion that all is a  reflection of us on a higher level or lower level.  Like we have chakra’s,  Earth has chakra’s the Universe  has chakra’s , etc., etc.  See it like the Russian Matroyshka Dolls.  Everything is the same build on different levels and fitting in each other. So our earth fits in  our galaxy Matroyshka  as a part of that doll.


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Oh OUR Heavens !



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The Incubation within the Merging of Past and Future Energy! by Lisa




Are these days getting intense in the emotional field or what?  It seems the emotional field is running the gamut, from intense highs in some people to crashing lows in others and everything in between.  It seems these days are equally as unpredictable as well, at least in reading the field!

I was so hoping for more juicy tidbits of what is to come yesterday, but instead what it feels like is the field is in the “locking and loading” position.


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Mechanics of Law of Belief - Earth Keeper Newsletter



Earth Keeper Newsletter | May 18 2012

Mechanics of Law of Belief

Greetings Masters !! I am Metatron Lord of Light, and I greet you in Unconditional Love.

In this gathering, we discuss a fine aspect of Conscious Creation, the Law and mechanics of manifestation. We speak of the Bio-Crystal Stargate computer: the Pineal.

The Pineal

Through the ages it has been known that the Pineal is the interface between the higher dimensions and the physical realm. It can be said then to be the gateway between the ego personality, brain and the Divine Mind. It has been termed by metaphysicians such as Descartes and Edgar Cayce as being the ‘Seat of the Soul’.


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Truth Wins Again In Second Occupy Wallstreet Trial


So far, two OWS protestors have gone to trial and both times the police's version of events has been found to be false. We are very pleased to see New York's courts protecting the rights of the people!

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Imagine abounding happiness...


You can create the world you want to live in.
It starts with imagination, dreaming, or visualizing what you want to see. 
You are an AMAZING creator!


Imagine abounding happiness...



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~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 05-18-2012 – Get your surf ready~



~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 05-18-2012 – Get your surf ready~



Greetings Loved Beings,

The Sun emitted a strong M5.1 Flair that is said will slightly miss our Planet... mmm... yes, the pictures show that thoug... we’re just in front of one of the most powerful alignment and... well you know... ok, if you want to believe that there’ll be no Magical Energy Income this time... you’re free ;-)

But I’d give it a second thought!

Just to be sure you know...

Just to be even more Focused...

It’s Wild Wild New Loveing Joy coming In All... much will be kicked out with no but or wait... You’ve been told, told again, and again, and told again, and again... now it’s Here. Leave it or keep it, choice is yours, thus don’t complain that the journey is not confortable anymore if you choose to hold.

Ever seen a tsunami?

That’s it.

You can try to hold on but it won’t work.

Thus if you simply let go... ahhhhh... what a Relief!

You’ll be given a golden Surf with deep Insight instructions on how to ride the Tide!

Go with it, or fight... guess who’ll win!?

Yep, the only answer that IS!~


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Natural Remedies: Psyllium


(editor's note: Psyllium belongs to a group of plants known as  "bulking agents" that stimulate intestinal activity and are used to treat constipation, diarrhea, colitis and irritable bowel syndrome. Surprisingly, it is also used externally to treat skin irritations.

As more people awaken to the illusion of "modern" medicine they are moving away from pharmaceuticals and treatments that are in dis-harmony with our higher vibrations.
Through this "Natural Remedies" segment I hope to introduce you to methods of healing you may not have tried, as well as building your knowledge base so you can help others.
I have now archived my articles on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NaturalRemediesCollection?skip_nax_wizard=true#

~Be well, all my Love, Boo)


Psyllium (Plantago spp.)

This member of the plantain family can grow 12-18 inches tall and has white flowers in cylindrical and spherical forms (much like the shape of our bowel and colon!)


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2nd & 3rd Chakra ~ MM by Caroline Myss


2nd and 3rd chakras


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1st Chakra ~ MM by Caroline Myss


A conscious upward meditation through the chakras.
1st is your connection the Mother Earth,your tribe,community.http://www.multidimensions.com/Unconscious/uncon_body_1chakra.html


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5/18/2012 -- Severe storms near Salt Lake City UT heading into western Wyoming


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