The Dolphin Collective ~~Love and her essence~~ 17/05/2012 by Méline Lafont

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Fri, 05/18/2012 - 13:06


The Dolphin Collective ~~Love and her essence~~ 17/05/2012 by GLR Méline Lafont



Hello my Lovely One,
We are the Dolphin Collective and we wish to share with you a message about Love. As Love is the most important element in your evolution, you are presently being overwhelmed with messages of Love and it cannot be missing for you are beings of Love, Love is All and everything comes from Love. Just like a flower in her process of blooming, the Love blooms in each of you and never stops until you become beautiful flowers.
 This is a most beautiful process called Awakening and we get to see this from our dimensions and it motivates us and satisfies us to continue to provide assistance to you all. We are almost there, the whole process is nearly done and so close that you can touch it. Love is All There Is and you evolve back to your original source of Love from which you were all split off. You evolve remarkably well my lovely ones and we feel that you are most ready for it.
The coming date of May 20th (May 21st depending on where you live on Earth) is very important and not to be missed as a worldwide event. On that particular date the Earth will position herself in line with the Pleiades and with the Moon and these energies are of the utmost importance so welcome these energies with open arms for they will uplift and enlighten you. These Pleiadian energies arrive at your shores only once in 13.000 years and they will arrive on May 20th (May 21st) and in this regard we can say that it will be a remarkable event. Even more Love will sprout from these energies than are already present and the contacts with the Pleiadians will be very strong. They are the ones who are closest to you and they are in direct contact with many among you.
We are of the opinion that we too of the Dolphin Collective are very close to you and we will do everything in our power to keep protecting your portals. We all work together; the whales, the dolphins, the Pleiadians, the Arcturians, the Sirians as well as the Ascended Masters and Lady Masters, the Archangels and many other civilizations. All this to help you, our family, ascend. You will be amazed at the sheer number of civilizations and lightbeings we work with and you can rest assured that you are all protected and cared for, for we number in the trillions. Doesn’t  this statement uplift your thoughts and your hopes for the future? Know and trust! An enormous amount of Love is sent in your direction so as to guarantee complete success!
You all have come a long way and when we consider how far you have descended and the depth from which you come we say to you :” Thank you and a big applause!” You really are a very strong race which is now awakening from hundreds of thousands of years allegedly disconnected from the Source. You can all be proud of yourselves as we too are of what you have accomplished. Your planet Mother Earth is presently undergoing tremendous transformations and most recently She began to emit lots of Light and Love. Her grid is gathering lots of Light and Love and it  now sparkles brilliantly as seen from our viewpoint and that of our Galactic Brothers and Masters. Love is all you need to complete this process and to continue evolving. Think of Love and Be Love; with Love you can achieve everything and become all that you are. Love is unconditionally beautiful in its essence, the true image of each and every one of you. We thank you for sharing this message, we are the Dolphin Collective and we love you.

Copyright © 2012 by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.



Funny...I thought these beings were coming thru today..Nice to see they have.


AS I believe I was describing to one of those Sirian Dolphins minutes ago, I believe there is a submersion program similar to a cartoon series in Japan that is very popular. I distintcy remember utilizing something close to that setup before. I forget the name of the series. You would know it if you heard it.   Something ANGEL. If you hear the Japanese words TENSHU NO UMI when listening to the disc menu...its the right series.


The setup basically does this:

I slows your heart rate to an almost sleepy alert Theta and Alpha state

You breathe underwater(sounds too good to be true,eh?) thru this viscostic liquid mimicing an IV serum.It is OXYGENATED to compensate for normal surface levels so you dont suffocate.


This allows you to channel and communicae telepathically as if you were a dolphin.It is a much much deeper encounter than many have experienced. Neural enhancers can take this a step further.


The machine around you circulates and purifies the surrounding buffered fluid you are immersed in.This fluid really helps to filter out energies and noise and other things that would distract you from true thought and true communication. It buffers everything.


There's only a few major issues:

1) You cant be claoustrophic at all(you ARE breathing under water here)

2) You cant freak out, despite the lennghty process of submesion and retrieval and the havoc it wreaks on your lungs filling and unfilling with fluid.(You have help with this...but still..)

3) If for any reason the system shuts down you have a certain amount of time to live and/or get out of the stasis tube for rescue. Emergency systems are minimal as the life support system is extensive and takes a lot to keep going.


I think we can do something similar on land without all of the potentially lethal side effects with some medical staff standing by. They have medical submerse tanks that you can block out outside noises and light with.I forget what they are called. They would not have to be completely filled with fluid for this to work, however, the effect would be slightly diminished from what I just described due to such. As I said, you breathe HYPER-OXYGENATED serum, not H2O.


Dr.House on TV uses one of the devices on occasion to sort out his mental anguish.


Anyways....onto the subject.


I believe that some of you are channelling these dolphins, and now that I pay attention, i can almost hear the watery inflection in thier voices.This is a wonderful experience, and i wish could be repeated by most of you here, not only in physical realm but also in the higher mental states of 5D. Those with connections to animals or that have precognitive abilities are at an advantage here.


I love this feeling it is always wonderful to connect with these entitys, let alone those from space. It is true, the animal kingdom has a lot of love for us.


There is a project that I am looking into that uses a sort of AI here, on Earth, to communicate with dolphins.I know there is sound hardware that can register as hearing thru our skin as well. The hardware is a few hundred $$, though.


No, I have not had this oppourtunity, though I hear there is a Dolphin channeler in Bimini that does tours if any of you are interested.


My 2c on the issue.



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