~Riding the Wave's Into A Reboot~

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 05/19/2012 - 10:50

Beauty & Light Amplified: the Venus Transit- Message from Naeshira, Ashira, The Pleiadians




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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~18~12 Prepare for the Global Energy Event ~


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~18~12


Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~ Prepare for the Global Energy Event ~



A Picture of the Current Filament going around the Sun

Dragon Energy


Greetings Love Beings, The Firey Energies of The Dragon, have now Kicked Up and are making themselves Known in Our Year of the Dragon. You can see The Red Dragon Energy in the Above Picture from the Sun. In the coming Weeks towards the Venus Transit, things are really going to Heat Up. This Fiery Energy will Assist in Many Transformations on Many Levels.



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SaLuSa 18-May-2012




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New John Kettler post: ranges all over the place, with seemingly testable predictions


Let’s watch to see what, if anything, is confirmed. The content of this post is thick with technical and seemingly deep intel detail — ranges way beyond the title, and implicates a number of nations’ nuclear and other arsenals, capabilities, and clandestine sales of such to other nations.

Especially this paragraph about the U.S. stuck out for me, as it may relate to the near-legendary, and longed for “mass arrests” predicted by Fulford, Wilcock, Wood/Brockbrader and Drake; it also mentions enfeebled chem trails and “big plans” for drones.

“The protective grid over the U.S., built of blood sacrifice black magick and sacred geometry, continues to decline in strength, and when it falls, large scale anti NWO (New World Order) operations here will begin in earnest. Meanwhile, there are raids pending at several black project facilities, chemtrails are markedly down or brief and sickly (some areas still getting hit hard, though), with multiple shootdowns observed, and such desperation on the part of the chemtrailers that skywriting aircraft and cropdusters have been pressed into service, according to sensitive sources. The U.S. program of beyond Orwellian domestic surveillance using drones appears to be in high gear, but is in grave disfavor with the ETs/EDs, who have big plans for the drones–sculptures, fly-ins and more!” ~John Kettler~


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Can you hear the cries? Can you hear the screams? As someone mourns of a death? Or as someone ruins theyre family using meth? Can you visualize a better world, where noone is in control? Can you visualize everyone with a very loveable peaceful soul? I can, and you should too. Trust me when i say we can make it through. We must join together, for we are one. And if we do, Peace will start and negativity will be done. Dear love beings, Love one another. Even if someone killed your Mother or Father. Dont let it ruin your life... Just know that there are families in higher dimensions, and belive it or not, the people you hate, you should love for they are your relations. Yes people who even ruin your lives are apart of your family. (Help them to be better, Love them, for this is our nature)For Just understand this, and stop the negativity. Enlighten the World and spread the love. And let the crow of evil fly away and bring in the dove. =From your Love Being=- Dan

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Ascension starts now. It is time. Reboot the Grid.


It is time. Reboot the Grid. 


We are the ones we are waiting for.




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Reboot The Grid - May 20/21


Trying this again, the post from earlier didn't work.


Let's do this!


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May 19, Daily Horoscope




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To the Mount


I woke in the morning 2 weeks ago with a  strong sense of calling. I have never been to Mt. Shasta and Living in Los Angeles for 28 years I am slightly embarrassed to say, I was not even sure where it was ? But it was certain I was going soon. I asked my middle son Christian you want to take a road trip? He was in.. I asked my youngest Asher, You want to see Mt.Shasta ? Yes ! This is a mission ..through several nights of dream instruction that I struggle to remember..we are leaving tomorrow at noon. We nee to be there,

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Thank You to Earth Ally Yojman Chase From [1] One of Lord Buddha’s Eight-fold Path.


  Thank You to Earth Ally Yojman Chase From [1] One of Lord Buddha’s Eight-fold Path.




350 × 350 - The laughing Buddah



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~ A message from the Pleiades ~


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~ Incoming Codes~ Only Time Will Tell ~




Love The Earth Allies


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Obama Theme for the Week 5/18/12 "Reach High and Hope Deeply"


~Look Deeply with Love Eyes and You Will See~


Love The Earth Allies


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Greece dissolves one-day parliament to make way for new elections


Greece dissolves one-day parliament to make way for new elections PressTV.ir


File photo shows the Greek parliament

File photo shows the Greek parliament PressTV


Greece’s symbolic one-day old parliament has been dissolved in order to make way for the country’s repeat elections, which are scheduled to be held next month.

On Thursday, in a symbolic move, the 300 lawmakers elected in May 6th elections, were sworn in for only one day.

Inauguration of the one-day parliament was followed by appointment of a caretaker government, led by a senior judge.

The caretaker government has no power to make binding decisions and is only meant to lead the debt-laden south European country through the upcoming elections, planned to be held on June 17th. Read more



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~Freedom Project~John Ward ~ Exclusive : Euro Banknotes Update : Berlin Printing New Euronotes (X) En Masse, ECB Withdrawing Greek Notes (Y)


John Ward ~ Exclusive : Euro Banknotes Update : Berlin Printing New Euronotes (X) En Masse, ECB Withdrawing Greek Notes (Y) ~ 18 May 2012

ImageSlog’s Brussels mole clears up the riddle

“must mean Greek euroexit now seen as near-certainty”

Following this morning’s Slogpost about the dearth of Greek-origin euronotes (Y) and the torrent of new German versions (X) across the EU at the moment, I have been in contact with my regular Brussels informant. Since appearing, the piece that went up this morning has evoked a mass of emails to my Slog address, all of which have enabled further quantification of the fact that German notes are dominating supplies at the minute, while Greek versions are disappearing fast.


The Commission mole has ‘confirmed’ that the process is designed to ensure minimal numbers of ‘Y’ designated Greek notes are in circulation, in order to reduce refusal to accept them outside Greece to a bare minimum “as and when the Greeks exit the eurozone”.


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ What is truly Important


Be open to the gifts within

Ask yourself, "What is truly important for me to spend time and energy on.?" Your Angel guidance is to look at your relationships, work, home, family, and the world that is around you. We want to help you understand and heal any imbalances that are occurring in your life. As you heal and release any feelings and thoughts, the more rapidly you manifest your desires.



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Tila Tequila: Now is the time to WAKE UP ~ I Can Finally Breathe Again


Tila Tequila: Now is the time to WAKE UP ~ I Can Finally Breathe Again

Commentary from Wes Annac: The celebrity may be considered by some as controversial, but the awakening is very clear by her posts.

We’ve been told that many celebrities have been a subject to the Illuminati’s dark rituals, and that many are now and have been awakening. I think it is safe to say that Tila is beginning to become a testament to that. 

Spread this Far and Wide!! 





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Eclipse Grid Transmissions ~ May 20, 2012!



Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation  


The Planetary Grid Transmissions 


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Laura Tyco ~ TAUK with God ~ 18 May 2012 ~ In Order to Enlighten Others you Must Truly be Enlightened Yourself


Laura Tyco ~ TAUK with God ~ 18 May 2012 ~ In Order to Enlighten Others you Must Truly be Enlightened Yourself


Today I wished to speak on expectations. Expectations and hope are two different things, dear friends in light. On your planet, many confuse these two terms, so I ask you, please not to have any expectations in the coming days and months.


Many among you live in hope for a better material life, yet they refuse to see their own part to play in the game at this early stage. Many of you are giving up your responsibilities towards your loved ones, in order to indulge in what you expect is the right thing for you to do at this time. Often many of you are being mislead regarding your role here at this time, so do not forget your responsibilities and your life contract here at this time. Please question what you have held as true so far in permanence, everything changes, everything is in constant movement.



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Who else is feeling the energies around the Venus Transit coming up on June 6th, 2012?


Who else is feeling the energies around the Venus Transit coming up on June 6th, 2012?

Here is an amazing write up by Govinda:

Venus passed between the Earth and our Sun on June 8th, 2004, and initiated an eight-year cycle known as the “Venus Transits”. The Venus Transits cycle is a rare celestial event that occurs every 113 – 130 years, when Venus eclipses the Sun two times – at the beginning and at the end of an eight-year period. The second Venus eclipse will occur on June 6th, 2012. Astrologically, Venus represents our relationships with others. Communication is a major factor in all of our relationships. Whenever Venus eclipsed the Sun in past recorded history, there was a major breakthrough in communications. For example, at the time of the last Venus eclipse in 1874, the Transatlantic Telegraph Cable was completed that created the first intercontinental communications by wire between the East and the West. In 1761, another year of a Venus eclipse, there was a collaboration of astronomers at 77 observation points from all over the world to determine the distance from Earth to the Sun.


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Freedom Projet - The Times Of India – Obama Choose Camp David For Intimate Meetings With G-8 Leaders



The Times Of India – Obama Choose Camp David For Intimate Meetings With G-8 Leaders – 18 May 2012

WASHINGTON: The gathering of G-8 leaders is the biggest gathering of foreign leaders at Camp David, the scenic presidential retreat in the picturesque Catoctin Mountains of Maryland, which has been witness to several historic moments in the past.

Of course, what was the process followed to allot the cabins to the visiting dignitaries would be a classified one, said the US National Security Advisor Tom Donilon, but he did not expected that G-8 Summit would be the biggest gathering of foreign leaders at Camp David.


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G8 Summit: President Obama Speaks on Supporting Agriculture to Fight Hunger


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New Message from the Elohim on Earth Changes



Blessings Dear Ones, we are coming to you now with an important message regarding your universe and the upcoming frequency changes.


It is important to stay grounded during this upcoming Solar Eclipse happening on May 20th that will affect your solar system.


Many of you have old emotional issues as well that might arise as the moon enters a volatile time in relation to your sun. Be prepared to release and let you go and anything that no longer serves you knowing that it is the right thing to do.



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G8 Summit President Obama's Bilateral Meeting with President Francois Hollande of France


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Freedom Projet - John Ward – Euroblown : New Research Shows Youth Hold Key To Irish Fiscal Treaty Referendum



John Ward – Euroblown : New Research Shows Youth Hold Key To Irish Fiscal Treaty Referendum – 18 May 2012

Similar syndrome seen to that in Greece

I don’t know if you have the same impression as me, but over the last fortnight I seem to have seen surveys in Ireland showing that Merkel’s Fiscal Treaty will be roundly rejected and overwhelmingly endorsed. A closer look, however, reveals a situation remarkably parallel to that in Greece three weeks ago: a huge proportions of the voters can’t make their minds up. They’re in two minds. So perhaps they need two votes. The old Irish saying, “Vote early and often” may apply.


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The Dolphin Collective ~~Love and her essence~~ 17/05/2012 by Méline Lafont



The Dolphin Collective ~~Love and her essence~~ 17/05/2012 by GLR Méline Lafont



Hello my Lovely One,
We are the Dolphin Collective and we wish to share with you a message about Love. As Love is the most important element in your evolution, you are presently being overwhelmed with messages of Love and it cannot be missing for you are beings of Love, Love is All and everything comes from Love. Just like a flower in her process of blooming, the Love blooms in each of you and never stops until you become beautiful flowers.


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and a new earth


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Heavenletter #4194 Call It Love


Heavenletter #4194 Call It Love, May 19, 2012 

God said: 


So many thoughts you have. How they race around. Come, settle down. Let your mind rest a while. Your mind does not have to be so busy, so occupied with one thought after another. Your mind can recline in a hammock, put its feet up, have a little recess from thoughts racing back and forth and up and down like a scale in music.

You have been resting your heart and speeding up your mind. This is askew. Let the mind rest and your heart surge. Your heart is ready to go.


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5/19/2012 -- Severe weather -- Be Aware = CO, WY, NE, SD, ND, MN, WI, IA, MO, KS, OK


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The manuscript of survival – part 140



The manuscript of survival – part 140



 •May 19, 2012 • 


Let us just begin this missive by saying that these next few days will be important indeed, not only for you personally, but also for the rest of the world. We think we can say that the changes that will be brought about now, will be regarded as amongst the most important ever created on your little planet. Let us explain. Up until now, you have all painstakingly been building up yourselves from the shattered persona you once was. In other words, you have taken upon yourselves to rectify the wrong being done not just to you, but to the rest of humanity by obscuring yourselves from the very truth of your being.


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Freedom Project: Occupying Farmland for Organic Food and Fairness Exposes University Elitism



Occupying Farmland for Organic Food and Fairness Exposes University Elitism

The arena of struggle revealed by Occupy the Farm is not just organic farming, food justice, and food sovereignty–it’s also about an increasingly privatized university.

May 17, 2012
by Diana Pei Wu

Photo Credit: Race, Poverty & the Environment


“Farmland is for farming.”

—Gopal Dayaneni

“As a mother, I was nervous about
taking my daughters into a land
occupation. But I also feel an
enormous responsibility to stand up
against a global economic system
that puts profit over people.”
—Michelle Mascarenhas-Swan

On Earth Day—April 22, 2012—about 200 people, accompanied by children in strollers, dogs, rabbits, chickens, and carrying hundreds of pounds of compost and at least 10,000 seedlings entered a 14-acre piece of land containing the last Class I agricultural soil in the East Bay. Located on the Albany-Berkeley border in the Bay Area, the plot is owned by the University of California Berkeley. By the end of the day, they had weeded, tilled, and successfully cultivated about an acre of the land. By May 14, when 100 University of California riot police surrounded the tract and began arresting the farmers, Occupy the Farm had cultivated around five acres of the plot known as the Gill Tract.


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Creator by Jennifer Farley May 19, 2012




Creator by Jennifer Farley May 19, 2012


You are not required to be anything for anyone, not even for yourself. Surprised? I knew you would be!


The only thing The Universe asks of you is to love. Once you have that down, figuring out who you CHOOSE to be is effortless! ~ Creator



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Natural Remedies: Sweet Flag


(editor's note: Sweet Flag [also known as calamus] is an antispasmotic used to treat gas, bloating, toothaches and joint pain. While there are four different species, only the americanus variety is safe to use.

As more people awaken to the illusion of "modern" medicine they are moving away from pharmaceuticals and treatments that are in dis-harmony with our higher vibrations.
Through this "Natural Remedies" segment I hope to introduce you to methods of healing you may not have tried, as well as building your knowledge base so you can help others.
I have now archived my articles on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NaturalRemediesCollection?skip_nax_wizard=true#

~Be well, all my Love, Boo)



Sweet Flag (Acorus calamus var. americanus)


Looking like an iris, the sweet flag is actually related to the calla lily. With a smell like cinnamon and a taste like nutmeg, it was even produced commercially as a fragrance at one time. It is an aquatic plant found in wild meadows and marshes.



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The Passion of the New Life is Orgasmic – Are You Ready!!




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Recordings from Over the Rainbow



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Imagine absolute forgiveness...



You can create the world you want to live in.
It starts with imagination, dreaming, or visualizing what you want to see. 
You are an AMAZING creator!


Imagine absolute forgiveness...



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Geoffrey West – Cosmic Vision News – InLight Radio Blogtalkradio – 19 May 2012




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Maureen Moss: May and June Energy Upgrades



Maureen Moss: May and June Energy Upgrades

2012 MAY 19
Posted by GLR BZ Riger

Maureen Moss: May and June Energy Upgrades

World Puja.org, May 18, 2012


As always, I pray you are well during the most potent energetic time to date in our lifetime.

During this month of May and June humanity is being given ascension frequency patterns and new encodements, in preparation for the 12-12-12 and 12-21-12 in the form of powerful energy impulses from the Moon, the Sun, the Planets and more.


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Monolith On Mars | Breaking News on May 19, 2012 - Sunsflare


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May 17 to July 4, 2012 ♥ A Mighty Window of Divine Intervention in our lives :The 7 Sacred Weeks


http://www.Akashaonline.com/ Radiant Rose Academy Inc.

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5/19/2012 -- Large daytime eruption at Sakurajima volcano in south Japan


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Some Encouranging Words From The Pleiadias Alignment – 19 May 2012


Thank you Lucas2012


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Freedom Project: Benjamin Fulford – Reader Update – 19 may 2012



Freedom Project: Benjamin Fulford – Reader Update – 19 may 2012

Response to a question about gold.

First of all, I need to tell you I am not a market oracle. The price of gold may recover and go higher or it may fall, I simply do not know.I know that historically gold has held its value. You needed the same amount of gold to get a tailor made outfit in ancient Rome and 19th century England as present day Toronto. However, you cannot eat gold. The most important thing is to make sure you have a roof over your head, food on the table and friends and loved ones in your life. Make that your first priority and worry about the rest of the world after that.


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Freedom Project: John Ward – Euroblown : More Brass Neck From Merkel – 19 May 2012



Freedom Project: John Ward – Euroblown : More Brass Neck From Merkel – 19 May 2012

ImageThe day after she retires from politics (next Friday would be good) Angela Merkel will be able to earn a fortune from explaining to a small niche market how to get up the nose of everyone you perceive to be in your way.

As speculation about Greece’s future in the eurozone threatened to become a self-fulfilling prophecy, the German Chancellor Angela Merkel yesterday suggested to President Karolos Papoulias that the Greeks should hold a referendum at the same time as the general election (June 17th) in order to quantify exactly how many Greeks want to remain in the single currency bloc.


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Gave Our Acturian Galactic Family A Message? – 19 May 2012


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Order Of Melchizedek – Sweet Influences Of The Pleiades – Part 2 – 19 May 2012



Order Of Melchizedek – Sweet Influences Of The Pleiades – Part 2 – 19 May 2012

“I will open my mouth… I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world.” Matthew 13:35

Today, May 17, the Pleiades are rising facing the Temple – Pyramid Teotihuacan, outside of Mexico City. Teotihuacan means, the place where men were transformed into gods. This subtle heavenly message and meaning of an ancient Temple is inviting us and even challenging us as humans, to rise to a higher level of God-consciousness. We are being challenged to be transformed by renewing our mind and realizing that, we are more than just mere helpless humans, finding our way on the planet. We are the saviors that we seek. “Saviors shall come upon Mt Zion.”


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As the planets are aligning, as the ascension takes place, you will experience a wave of joy, Plenty of Orbs and Crafts, in the air, and many Light Beings. People will realize that they are one. They will love, and care for others. A great amount of people will. Everything will be cherished on earth. Nature will look very Magnificant. As you wake up in the morning you will feel this great feeling of Love out of nowhere, Walk outside and you will see that the sky 100 times more beautiful, and the sky is more brighter full of light, and the clouds appear to be more noticeable. Everyone will experience a change in their conciousness, and realize what Earth=Heart really looks like. And at night, the stars will twinkle even more and the Eclipse... O' the Eclipse... It will awaken you and realize how beautiful each being on Earth=Heart is. And just like the Moon and the Sun, it will make us realize that we are all together as one. = From your Love being=- Dan

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2012 TRANSIT OF VENUS: It won't happen again until December 2117: On June 5th, 2012, Venus will transit the face of the sun. The best places to watch are in the mid-Pacific, but travel is not required. The event is widely visible around the world, including at sunset from the USA. [full story] [video]


SOLAR ECLIPSE THIS WEEKEND: On Sunday, May 20th, the Moon will pass in front of the Sun, producing an annular solar eclipse visible across the Pacific side of Earth. The path of annularity, where the sun will appear to be a "ring of fire," stretches from China and Japan to the middle of North America:


Image credits (left to right): Hans Coeckelberghs, Fred Espenak, Dennis Mammana



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Sweetness Of The Earth Anugama


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‪ Daily Blue Star UFOs Report~ YES! ARE WE REALLY HERE~ 05-19-12



Daily Blue Star UFOs  Report~ YES! ARE WE REALLY HERE~




Greetings Love Beings,

Thank you for sharing and informing everyone you can... it’s IMPORTANT! The more we get out at people, the less will they be afraid.

Spread Love as Love you are.




OVNI UFO LUZ BRILLANTE humanoide 18 05 2012 Bright Light Mexico Tijuana



Monitoring of unidentified objects (UFO) near the Sun for May 18, 2012.






Giant UFO Sighting over Moscow Russia May 17 2012



UFOs the best evidence



Newsflash 101 - Amazing Video !! - UFO Display Over Cyprus 2012 !



UFO New Zealand



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In the Presence of Now


  In the presence of now we begin to know the difference of Life's chosen choises


 Remembering what of the past has created todays' conversions

 Seeking to understand the elements of living in the now helps all to know the difference


 Never in awaken eye did one feel the difference of ascensions that opened the heartfelt reasons to be happier in a world filled with joy and laughter


 We assumed as gathering the stale matter of gravity holding us to close to the ground and not allowing to experience the difference of positive and negativity

 We experienced the darkness of unfolding matter and tis was the darker side of the moons


 Now has come the energy of movement as Oceans  fill our shores with tides of positive emotions ~ we have encountered the most as knowing what we know to be in truth


 Stand as high as reaching the skies onto the Galaxies beyond the Stargates of heavens

 Be in the Now and allow the creative forces to be what you so gracefully have designed for oneself.


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~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 05-19-2012 – 72 hours of time collapse~



~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 05-19-2012 – 72 hours of time collapse~




Greetings Loved Beings,

time’s collapsing into One~

The energies of tomorrow’s allignment are already incoming and merging as One for the next 3 days, creating a window on 72 hours of Love and Light inflow.

This energy merge is collapsing time to bring All in the Present Moment of Now.

You’re not forgetting to do something, you’re actully Living Now, and all that’s not Now is simply not.


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5/19/2012 -- East coast tropical storm?! = SC, GA, FL -- offshore heading WSW


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Going Within


(artwork by Patrick Desmet)



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☀ Archangel Raphael. “Jump For Joy And Be Wildly Happy!” By, AuroRa Le



☀ Archangel Raphael. “Jump For Joy And Be Wildly Happy!” By, AuroRa Le. May 19, 2012.


POSTED ON MAY 19, 2012 BY 

Rejoice, Dear Ones, and be happy, bright and full of joy.  As you arise each morning, greet the day with arms wide open and be ready to embrace the next adventure.   A new day is a fresh beginning, an opportunity for review, improvement and regeneration.  It is another chance to share the best of everything you are, and all the things you know you are becoming.


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The true import of this time is not external to yourselves. – Michael by GLR Ron Head




We speak today on the subject of the lifting of the veil.  It is time now, by your wish, established long ago, for the veil between your consciousness and ours to be removed.  This process has been in progress for some time now, but the time has arrived for those who have chosen to ascend to begin to see much more clearly.


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