~Pleiadian Memories: A Discussion Between Earthly Plieadians~

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 05/14/2011 - 07:23


~Pleiadian Memories: A Discussion Between Earthly Plieadians~



COMMENTARY FROM Ann: As Ellie has been sharing her story and memories with Steve, she has also shared with Janis, another Pleiadian here on Earth. As one might expect in a conversation with long lost friend or relative, what one person shares triggers new memories in the other person. Ellie & Janis have given permission to share their dialogue here.

Janis/Wayfarer: I don’t remember us having physical bodies as we know them here in 3-D But we did have bodies, per se, that we presented to those viewing us or we them. They were changeable depending on our feelings and what we wanted to present at the time (I believe we would now call that shape-shifting). But the soul essence was always the same and is what showed through to others and “color” showed the emotion behind the message.

Ellie: You helped me to understand how Planinitar (Plen) can appear in so many different way – long platinum blond hair, short blond hair – showed it to be floor length blond once when I mentioned I liked his hair long when he appeared with it short. When I said “Not THAT long!” he began winding it up as if on a reel. LOL! He has appeared in my “dreams” in a shorter form to be more compatible with my own body – he is 7 ft. 6 in. usually. Your Atlan sounds very much like what Plen looks like! Gorgeous blue eyes! Plen has a golden tint to his skin that makes the blue really shine and I love the first time he appeared with platinum blond hair. Recently he showed himself to me in an “elevator” setting with a white suit, pink shirt with platinum blond hair that was so beautifully styled! He said “Don’t I look spiffy?” And whatever scent he was wearing was unearthly! I walked around him saying, “You smell SO GOOD!” Then I said “Almost good enough to eat!” He looked startled at that comment until I said “Just kidding!” HA!

Janis/Wayfarer: It’s hard to explain. Communication was mind to mind and could be one on one or include a whole retinue of others. There was no vocalization as we have today. Vocalization began during the Atlantean period much later and was begun as an experiment in thought limitation (meaning verbalization was limited to a localized person or group of persons only. I, personally, never thought it would catch on, but it did. It became a way of hiding one’s true feelings when communicating. A fairly early sign of negative changes to come.

Ellie: Excellent explanation of telepathic communication!

Janis/Wayfarer: We came [to Earth-Atlantis], several thousand strong, in large craft capable of rapid travel through space, powered by magnetics, anti-matter, and mind/thought which was used to access direction and guidance by crystals that collected and dispersed energy.

Ellie: Confirms my memory of travel by use of crystals and thought. Thanks!

Janis/Wayfarer: Our leader was Atl, a Sirian and very intelligent. He was rather short in stature, being barely 5 feet tall, bearded, brown hair, but every inch the leader so that you did not notice his short stature.. His consort, Empiera, an Andromedan, was slightly taller than Atl, but more slender with darker skin, hazel eyes, and curly dark brown hair. Their “son”, Atlan, was Pleiadian, tall, perhaps around 7’8″, slender with shoulder length blond hair and deep blue eyes. I, Atlan’s consort, was also tall and slender, slightly over 7 feet, with long reddish hair and blue-green eyes. The name I had chosen for this excursion was Selene. The priests, priestesses, and medical personal were of all races while many of the engineers and builders were Andromedan. There were also many of the Andromedans in the medical contingent. All were equal and all major decisions were made by a consensus of all.

Ellie: I, too, was/will be 7 ft. tall with black hair and blue eyes. “All were equal and all major decisions were made by a consensus of all.” That fits what I remember of where I came from – there is a very tall, large crystal building where meetings are held in a large conference room. I used to walk past it, looking inside at my father and the members when they were in conference.

Janice/Wayfarer: Marriage (something rarely practice), or unions between the sexes were not necessarily permanent and were generally at the discretion of the parties involved. Therefore, I feel the word, “consort” is aptly used here. There was no animosity between the couples and joinings or dissolutions were generally amiable and both parties remained on friendly terms.

Ellie: Exactly as I remember! After all, we live to be a thousand years old, more or less, and that is a VERY long time to commit to one person!!!

Janis/Wayfarer: Sex the way we know it was non-existent. But the height of ecstasy was a blending of the auras of two souls and the release of emotions one to the other. Just the physical presence of two people together could be, and often did, bring on the ecstasy of sexual union.

Ellie: Yes!!! Rather like the scene in Cocoon when the “alien” female’s essence entered Steve Guttenberg’s body. One of my favorite scenes of any alien movie.


Janis/Wayfarer: We were still in our etheric bodies, but knew as we stepped off our craft our physical bodies would immediately begin to manifest. –snip– One of the things we had overlooked was the force of gravity on this planet which stopped us from disembarking before our scientists could find a way to combat it. Can you imagine how your body would react to suddenly finding itself in a field of gravity where it had previously only known the sense of weightlessness? Well! the body would land with a thump on the ground and be unable to lift itself up without assistance. It was comical in a way, but our scientists quickly overcame the problem and slowly we left our temporary home and began to explore our new surroundings.

Janis/Wayfarer: As our civilization grew, and pushed further towards the end of the land, a small settlement of Lemurians, along with a small contingent of a yellow race of people, was found living at the opposite end of the land. Evidently they had been living there for many years, but were relatively secluded and not inclined to expand their territory to any great extent. The yellow race was dying out and the Lemurians could not go back to their homeland as it was breaking up due to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. This was a peace-loving group of souls and we attempted to incorporate them into our society.

Ellie: My first incarnation on this planet was in Lemuria – then I became involved with the Atlanteans.

Janis/Wayfarer: The demise of most of the Lemurian civilization left people feeling unsettled.

Ellie: That is probably when I joined the Atlanteans – after that, I migrated to Egypt when Atlantis broke up.




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