We Will Be Blessed by an Amazing Event ~ The Pleiadian Eclipse!!

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Sun, 05/20/2012 - 12:01


We Will Be Blessed by an Amazing Event ~ The Pleiadian Eclipse!!



This Sunday, May 20, at 4:24 PM, PDT, there will be a Solar Eclipse that happens only once every 25,920 years!!!  It will last just over two hours.  On the West Coast of the United States it will be from 4:24-6:42 PM, PDT and will be at its peak at 4:47 PM, PDT.

Your location will determine how much of the eclipse you will see.  The full eclipse will be visible from parts of China, on across much of the Pacific, to the West Coast of the United States and across the Southwest United States.  Then the sun will set and the eclipse will no longer be visible.     

Even if you can’t see the eclipse, the wonderful energy will still reach you wherever you may live!

If you want to see the eclipse, do not look directly at the sun during the eclipse without proper protection.  Sunglasses are not enough! The intense light can still quickly and permanently damage your vision.  Only use special solar glass filters or solar glasses designed for solar viewing or welders glass.

There is an easy and safe way to watch the sun as it moves through the eclipse.  You can simply stand under a tree and look at the pattern of the shadow of leaves on the ground as the light filters through them. Their shadow will be the shape of the eclipse of the sun.  Or you can spread your fingers apart and lay them on top of each other in a waffle pattern.  The light that goes through your fingers onto the ground will also be the shape of the eclipse and will change as the eclipse progresses.

This Solar Eclipse is created by an alignment of our Earth, Moon and our Sun.  However, the amazing energy of this very rare event is created by the simultaneous alignment of our Earth, Moon and Sun with the Central Sun of our Milky Way Galaxy located in the Pleiades.  This Central Sun is named Alcyone.       

This is the alignment that only happens every 25,920 years!!!

For the Earth to move into this alignment with our galactic Central Sun, we must pass into a powerful Photon Belt.  Our planet moves through this photon belt only once in our 26,000 year orbit around the Central Sun of our galaxy. The photons have a very powerful affect on our consciousness and all life on Earth and in our solar system!  They are essential to our life, health and functioning!   The huge influx of photons create and end of one age and the shift into the next.     


We are shifting now into The Golden Age!!!

Photons are very high frequencies of light, which also have the capacity to change to matter and then back to Light again!  Our bodies absorb the photons from our Sun when they touch our skin.   Einstein discovered the speed of the vibration of the photon as it moves around the nucleus of a cell reduces the effects of gravity.     


Photon speed is what produces levitation in very Light filled Beings!!   


Our solar system is moving into this photon belt right now!  The photons are filling our Earth, our bodies and our consciousness.  This huge influx of light is affecting our body, our mind and our emotions.  We are absorbing more and more Light which is increasing our vibration and changing our perspective about all of life! We are all in the process of transformation!!! 

The old ways are leaving, our body is being cleansed, our sleep patterns are shifting, our old emotional “baggage” is being cleared out, our mind is unable to function in its old ways, outdated beliefs and habits becomes glaringly obvious, our relationships are changing and our life is moving into the chaos of change and on into transformation.  


 Perhaps you have been experiencing some of these things!


With so much change going on inside of us right now, this is the perfect time to draw in and focus the full amplification offered by the photon energy.  We can use this energy to create a more graceful and comfortable passage through the changes and into Awakening!  


The Marriage of the Pineal and Pituitary blends the energy the Heavens which enter our Pineal Gland with the energies of the Pituitary governing our human functioning.  When they are joined in this Sacred Union, we can progress more quickly and smoothly through the chaos process of change and transformation and into our full Divinity.


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