~The Diamond Light Codes~

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 05/14/2011 - 08:03

~The Diamond Light Codes~




"The Diamond Light Codes" are symbols representing Geometric structures of light. They awaken dormant aspects within your DNA, helping to align you with the frequencies of energy streaming on to our planet. They hold and transmit vibrational frequencies that help to bring change to your world.....as within, so without.....

The Jewel in the Heart pictured here was the first light code produced and functions to :

- assist you in recognising the beauty of your true self
- stimulate creativity
- balance polarities
- soothe emotions
- engage the True Heart and your Divine Spark
- initiate healing
- foster love and compassion for all of life

Please feel free to print off the image, share it with others, use it in meditation, to charge food or water etc.



Joy: A Special Diamond Light Grid Transmission


I am one of Julie’s subscribers -- and when I received this transmission I wrote her and told her that if  she ever made it available for free that I would immediately post it on the ezine.  It came to me at a time that I was having some difficulties staying in a positive emotional state and it really really helped.

Julie wrote me a few days later with the youtube link -- as well as the following which she asked me to share.  Please note that we do not receive any financial compensation from Julie…..

When I released my 11-4-11 integration meditation last month, it was with specifically oriented to supporting us with with accessing the vibration of JOY. No matter what may be going on around us or in the world at large, if we can access and embody this emotion in our own life we automatically transcend and transmuste negative feelings. My passion is in using energetic tools to enable others to do this by shifting their vibrational state quickly and gracefully.

So, when I published the meditation (which is for subscribers only), I included this lovely little Light encoded transmission to go along with it as additional support. With feedback from a number of people saying how much it helped them to lift their energy and literally feel happier, I thought it would be a great idea to release it for free for non-subscribers as we so need this energy in the world!

Diamond Light World therefore offers you the gift of a special diamond encoded transmission to align you with the inherent joy of your soul. Using the vibrations of sacred geometry, solar encodements, vibrant colour and the ultimate power of the diamond, this energy experience will lift your spirits no matter what may be going on around you. It will support you in aligning with your true essence!

I have also made a special Diamond Light Code Transmission to align you with the flow of Prosperity and abundance (which we can all benefit from!). In the spirit of providing as much help as possible to people during these challenging times, this has been made available to you at the low price of just £9.99 (approx. $16), which is a real gift!! You can purchase this for immediate download at http://www.diamondlightworld.com/promo.html. Watch or use it each day to help anchor in the vibrational frequencies of prosperity and watch what happens.

The Diamond Light Grid and the Diamond Light Codes are our bridge to anchoring and aligning with the new consciousness. Through the diamond we come into deeper alignment with our soul and enable the expression of this to flow out into the world and to enrich our lives. Find out more at http://www.diamondlightworld.com where there is a wealth of resources to support you through this incredible Shift of the Ages.

I am also going to be leading some life-enhancing Diamond Light workshops in the US in August this year (in Atlanta, Georgia), where we will be working with the Diamond Light Grid, the Diamond Light Codes as well as introducing multi-generational healing through the diamond. Details are currently being finalised and will be sent out in the next week or so.

Please register your interest by emailing workshops@diamondlightworld.com so  we can keep you informed!!

With love and blessings always!

Julie x




Take a look at the Gallery Page for more Light Codes

The graphics and images of the Diamond Light Codes have been lovingly translated and created by Heather Garrett. It is with the deepest gratitude to Heather that I have been able to see the original line drawings of the light codes come to life with the beauty, love and light that she brings into her work. We have both experienced the awesome transformative power of the codes as each one has been birthed. I extend my heartfelt appreciation to Heather for her patience, understanding and the huge amount of energy and time she has invested in bringing the light codes into being.


Read what others have experienced with the Light Codes

1. A wonderful experience and message from Dianne Pegler,


This is what happened on the day you gave me the Diamond Grid Freedom Code, Julie.
That night during my meditation, I walked into the Great Healing Dome carrying the Freedom Code aloft. I don't know why I did it but I just found myself doing it.

As I did, the Freedom Code caught the light of the huge beautiful crystal and the Freedom Code was replicated and magnified a million times over within its facets. Can you just imagine that?

As I stood there breathlessly taking in all of this Freedom, I wondered why I had been given such a gift. Then it came to me, finally! Of course, today was Mary Magdalene's Feast Day. She had given me this beautiful gift.

The atmosphere in the Great White Healing Dome on the night I received the Freedom Code was completely different to what I usually experience. It was still, tranquil, peaceful but nevertheless joyous and triumphant and all of a sudden, she was there – Mary Magdalene!

She stood completely still, I couldn't see her face clearly although the impression I got was that she was quite dark skinned, far more so than Yeshua. Again, the thing that I noticed the most was her tranquillity (as opposed to Yeshua's exuberance) and her eyes which were like pools of midnight blue starlight. Her eyes were filled with such Love and Compassion, they bore into my very Soul. She knew the very essence Heart and Soul of me, as she knows us all. She knows each and everyone of us and she loves us.

She stood there with these magnificent lucid eyes and yes, there was humour too and then we walked towards the huge quartz crystal. She showed me the Freedom Code mirrored a million times over in the crystal.

'This is my gift to humanity. The Freedom Code is my gift to humanity on the day that I am celebrated by those who know and love me.'

Mary said that she knows, because she has walked it, what difficulties we face on Earth however we have the choice to raise our vibrations to a Higher and Lighter Ray and The Freedom Code is our portal.

The Freedom Code is our Star Gate.

How beautiful!

2. After 5 minutes of lying within the Freedom Code, I literally felt as if I had been turned round 180 degrees and was facingthe opposite direction. Since then I have re-set the priorities in my life. I can feel the energy coming off the codes just by holding them.
Christine, Newcastle

3. I gave the Jewel in the Heart to my 12 year old grandson who was struggling emotionally with some bullying at school. He came back to me after a couple of days to say that he was feeling so much calmer and able to cope with whatever happened and that he kept the code with him all the time. He also said he felt protected with it.
Ann, Northallerton

4. The Freedom Code took me through doorways into a deep, dark space that felt womblike, safe and protected. I am less afraid of the darkness and more able to face the deeper parts of myself.

5. When you projected the Sacred Relationship code onto us, it was like being embraced by the most beautiful, loving, gentle energy. We didn't want you to switch it off !
Group of students - DLG Level 2 workshop

6. I can hear the codes singing!
Morag, Cumbria



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