Submitted by Lia on Sat, 05/14/2011 - 08:29





~HUMANITY HAS NOW chosen to know that are truly connected to Mother and Father God.~


I am Jesus of Nazareth. It is a great honor for me today to come and speak with you my beloved.

I am here today to speak to you of the great honor, respect, and love that we on the Other Side and those energies from all of the other dimensions have for you who are incarnate in the physical dimension you call Earth. The whole universe is in great awe of you who are incarnate in the physical body on the planet of Free Choice. Your choices are what have led you to this very point in time, what we call the “Now” moment. You have made such wonderful choices that have led you to this “Now” moment. You have chosen to believe that you are not separate from Mother and Father God or the All That Is. You have chosen to believe that you are truly connected to Mother and Father God. This choice is the first step that will lead you down the path of compassion. Compassion for your self and compassion for others is your true nature. It always has been and it always will be.

It is through your forgiveness and compassion that you become the love that you truly are. Please remember that forgiveness for your self is so very important. This is what will lead you to be able to forgive others. Compassion for your self is very important also for this is what will lead you to have compassion for others. This is being the love that you are. Through being the love that you are, you will learn to love your self and to love others. The one thing that I asked of you, when I was incarnate in the physical dimension on earth, was to love God, and love your neighbors as you love yourself. This is such a simple request and yet it has such a great importance. The great importance of this one request is that it will help you to reawaken to your Soul, to remember who you truly are, and to allow you to create what you refer to as heaven on earth.

There is such a great energy of love on the Other Side. This is truly the Divine Energy, the energy of Mother and Father God, the energy of the All That Is. This is the energy that you are feeling more and more of today. This energy reminds you of being Home, of being the great Spirit that you truly are. As you reawaken or remember this energy you will all begin to see the great beauty that is within you and outside of you. You will remember why you came here and the true purpose during this lifetime. As you serve yourself and serve others, you also serve Mother and Father God. As you reawaken or remember who you truly are you, will find that your will and the will of Mother and Father God are one and the same.

There are so many things that are going on right now in the physical dimension you call Earth. Many changes are coming into fruition. This is happening because this is what you have asked for. You now realize that you are connected to Mother and Father God and to the All That Is. You now realize that this connection has always been there for you and it always will be there for you. It is through this connection that you will bring into manifestation your true wishes and desires. It is through this connection that you will accomplish your purpose during this lifetime. These changes that are coming about are within you. It is through these changes that are happening within you that you will see how to create your true wishes and desires. You are all creators and you all have the great ability to create whatever you wish to create.

As you move forward on your path from this “Now” moment you will more clearly see your own intentions and the intentions of others. You will clearly see the intention of Mother and Father God and you will be able to align yourself with that same intention. You are creating peace, joy, happiness, prosperity, and abundance for yourself and through this you will be able to show others how to do the same. What you have created on earth to this point in time has become what you call normal. From this “Now” moment forward your perception of normal, which is very, very limited, will expand greatly. Spirit is becoming more and more active in your daily lives and Spirit is giving you many signs to help you more clearly see the truth. Your narrow and limited perception of truth that you have created up until now will expand tremendously. What you see as miracles today will become normal from this “Now” moment on. You see, you believe that miracles or what you call miracles come about from the supernatural. Your perception of the supernatural is what you would call beyond belief. This is not true, for it is your belief that has created what you call miracles.

The changes that are coming about on earth today will greatly change these old perceptions. It is time now to release these old perceptions that you have had of yourself and others and to expand these perceptions and to know that all things are possible. Your potential to create is truly unlimited and this is simply because you are part of the great creation. You are part of Mother and Father and Mother and Father God are part of you. You are the created and you are the creator and it is that simple. It does not get any more difficult than that.

I am here today to tell you of these great changes that are coming about. Once again, these changes that are coming about are exactly what you have asked for. Look forward to these changes that are coming about and take ownership and responsibility for these changes. It is truly you that have created these changes. Forgiveness, compassion, and love are your true qualities. Love is the essence of your being and it is who you truly are. Do not fear the changes that are coming about for fear will lead you down the wrong path. It will keep you on the path of illusion. All change is good and change is part of the All That Is because the All That Is, is constantly changing. The All That Is, is constantly growing and expanding. As you grow or expand in your consciousness so does the All That Is.

I have always told you that Faith and Consciousness is the will of Mother and Father God. It is through this Faith and Consciousness that you grow. You grow as the Love/Light that you are or the great energy that you are and your growth is measured through your consciousness. The days of limiting the love that you are, are coming to an end. It is time now for you to reawaken to the one simple fact that you cannot limit love. Love is limitless and never ending. It always has been and always will be. Since love is limitless and infinite then your abilities to create are also limitless and infinite. Do not put limitations on your love for this is truly what stunts your growth. Know that your love has no limitations, know that you have no limitations because you are love. Create the world around you that you wish to live in. Create this world as the love that you are. Remember love is unconditional and you cannot put conditions on love. There is no greater energy in the universe than the energy of love. This is the energy of Mother and Father God, the Divine Energy, the energy of the All That Is, and your energy.

I ask you today to reawaken to your Soul, to know who you truly are, and to move forward on the path of creating your true wishes and desires. I ask you today to have forgiveness, compassion, and love for yourself and for others. My request today is the same request that I had for you when I was incarnate in the physical dimension. This request is very simple, love God and love your neighbors as you love yourself. This is the message that I had for you then and this is the same message that I have for you now.

It is through being the love that you are that you will clearly see that all things are possible. It is through being the love that you are that you will create your true wishes and desires. It is through being the love that you are that you will clearly see your own will and the will of Mother and Father God. So I say to you today, simply be the love that you are. This knowledge and wisdom is within each and every one of you. This knowledge and wisdom is in the greater Intelligence of your heart. This knowledge and wisdom has never been hidden from you and it never will be hidden from you.

Change is coming about and this change is for the good. This change is for the betterment of yourself and for the betterment of all. Allow the energy of love to flow within you, to flow through you, and to flow outside of you. Accept who you are and allow yourself to be who you are. Accept the love that I have for you my beloved. This is the request that I have for you today and this is the request that I will always have for you. It is with the greatest honor, respect, and love that I come to today with this message my beloved. I am Jesus of Nazareth.




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