The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~22~12 We Have Triggered or Ignited, the Final Aspect of the Divine Plan ~

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 05/22/2012 - 20:27

The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~22~12


Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~

We Have Triggered or Ignited, the Final Aspect of the Divine Plan ~


Photo By Earth Ally Will Harader Taken On Ascension Mountain, Mt Shasta. These Blessed Crystals Completly Aligned with the Pliedians, The Ecplise and New Moon, which Ignited Divine Intervention.


Greetings Love Beings, Much Movement is afoot since Our Trigger Event and The Global Energetic Shift which took Place through the Eclipse Day. We Have Triggered or Ignited, the Final Aspect of the Divine Plan. Which is Divine Intervention. This Must Occur because we have Much to Accomplish on this Planet before the date of December 21st, 2012. Your Only Missions at this time is to Be Present In the Moment of Now.


Daily Sun: 22 May 12

None of the sunspots on the Earthside of the sun is actively flaring. Solar activity is low. Credit: SDO/HMI


Our Sun Remains Quiet, but it is interesting we are remaining at a Solar Wind Speed averaging a consistent over 430. So, we do have energy hitting the Planet, probably from our B and C Flares which have been coming from the Sun, through these less active sunspots. Our Earthquakes occurring in Unusual Places is continuing. Yesterday, we shared Italy was Having Some Activity after low or no activity in over 700 Years. Now Bulgaria is seeing some Activity, It has Been more than 100 Years for them. Weather is also increasing, with deadly floods occurring in France and Afghanistan and Our First Hurricane Might Be unfolding.


Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report:


Daily Blue Star UFOs Report:


Earth Ally Report:


 Earth Ally Boo Walker Report:


 Earth Ally Dawn Christine: Love Has Been Decreed:


Energy Report from Dan:


Everyone is Now being triggered into Awakening and their Higher Selves will Begin Grounding In until the Solstice.The Higher Self Energy coming in is initiating this. AS a result of this Trigger and the Penetration of Love's Deep Energy, we have entered a Period of deep release, for many across the Planet, who have not been prepared for this Energy. You, who know what is happening and reading our Updates, Thank you for Being Strong in your Light. The Moments have come. 


Love is all that Will Remain through this Transition.



We have Successfully Engaged the Stargate Into Complete Opening. For those who are Able to Now Embrace the Higher Energies, You will be walking Home Now into The Kingdom of Heaven through this Stargate. How this Is Occurring is, Everyone on this Planet is a Portal, the Higherself will be making a connection with you through the Portal. The Opening of this Stargate has Initiated this Connection Be Made. We have been Preparing this Planet for a Very Long Time, for the Moments We are In. Rejoice, As We Have Arrived in these Moments.


Where Love Leads the Way



As Your Earth Allies and As Completely Whole Beings OurSelves, Our Energy Combined Since the Trigger Event Has Created an Energy Grid of The Highest Light Surrounding this Planet. This cannot be effected or penetrated from any illusion or darker energy from Now On. Its Impossible. The Completion of the Family of Light Connection on the Earth, has Been Grounded into the Planet. The Masters have Returned. We Are Here Daily to Share with You the Complete Present Moment of NOW and Our Updates are about your Destiny and All of Humanity's Destiny.


Here is what Sheldan Nidle Shared today In His Update "The programs to prepare you for first contact are progressing well. We revise these constantly, to keep up with the ever-shifting profiles in your medical dossiers. The first official broadcasts must be made in such a way as to quell your perplexities and worries. Each of you needs answers that will remove the sting from what we need to do, and we intend to interact personally with all who wish it. This part of the operation is firstly about multiple reunions: the peoples of Inner Earth will be reunited with surface humanity, followed shortly afterwards by the return of your spiritual and space families who, in Love, initially colonized your beautiful planet 900,000 years ago. The veil of amnesia that buffers you on the Earth plane makes you forget who you really are, which is why the first thing is to bring you up to speed on this pivotal issue, and on where first contact is taking you. Then we can more usefully describe how this transformation is to happen. The Ascended Masters will mentor you through this initial stage.


Those who have spiritually mentored you down through the ages will be available to field your questions and qualms about how you are to return to full consciousness. Although the process is complex, you need, and will be given, simple, comprehensive answers to your numerous queries. It is vital that you be relieved of any stress in this regard so that you can complete this adventure in a joyous frame of mind. Our personnel will at first assist the Ascended Masters and, if required, show you where this transformation is to take place. Many of you wonder why these procedures are necessary, and we are fully ready to satisfy any and all concerns and questions you may have. All our interactions with you will be Loving and honoring, and done with your full approval. Heaven also intends you to be wholly comfortable with the reasons for the use of a living Light chamber. This special cocoon will heal you and remove the myriad, artificial blocks to your RNA/DNA which were responsible for your fateful fall into limited consciousness 13 millennia ago. "


" Your reality has reached a point where it is no longer viable, and so a very serious intervention is underway which is to transform your world and quickly pave the way for your blessed return to full consciousness." End of Quote


We mentioned Yesterday Love came In Deep, and through this Event Love Brought all Of Creation With Her~Him. This Means Every Angel, Every Arch Angel, Every Elemental, All Beings In Creation are Here as Per the Divine Plan. They Have Arrived to Complete the Divine Mission. They are here because We are Source and So Are Each of You Equally with US.


For the Children of The World




Everything on this Planet is made of Atoms. Stamped On every Atom it states, This Atom is Made in The Kingdom of Heaven Aka Love Everywhere Present. This is Why We are Here In the Manifest With You. To Have the Honor in sharing with You, The Inevitable of Love's True Gift of True Reality, Where Dreams Do Come True.


Dreams Do Come True



Decreed by Heaven, Begin The Intervention Procedures. Dreams of Love Do Come True.This is the Divine Plan Manifesting Now On Planet Earth=Heart.


~Thank You for Spreading These Message's to Others and Keeping Your Hearts Open and Staying Tuned In~


~End Transmission in All Love is Unconditionally, We are So In Love With Humanity~


If You missed our Last 2 Updates here are the Links:


We Love You Unconditionally~ Love The Galactic Free Press Staff~Humanity's Earth Allies, The Company of Heaven and The First Contact Ground Crew Team.


We are Working day and night to Assist Humanity in the Real Truth and to bring them out of the Darkness and into Reality where Joy is All that exists!


We are Now Only 450$ from Our Funding Goal! Way to Share and Give Humanity. We have 8 days left to Make Our Goal! Thank You for sharing with Your Earth Allies~


 Our Last Update we received 0 Love Share's

Total Love shares for May 2568.50$

 Total Funding Needs For May 3000$


If Our website is Valuable to you and is assisting you, Thank You for sharing. If All of Our Members shared even 2$, we would make our funding Goal.

Please only share if you can.


Your gifts will be returned and abundantly because it's given and shared with those Who Serve The Love On This Planet. That's how we all do it together as ONE FAMILY. Thank you !


Thank You Everyone for Your Continued Love and Support for this Very Divine Mission~


Every Moment you share with Love,  You are investing in Humanity's Future of 100%  Joy, No Kidden'

Keep us Going and Thank You For sharing



 Join us Live Every Saturday for the Love Party. Link will Be Embeded on this day!


Every Wednesday we are Now Having our Council Meetings for the Transitionary Government. We will now announce these meetings on the Press at 10:30am Pacific time zone every Wednesday with a link for everyone to listen in.

 We are looking for Artists and Photo's to Donate to the Galactic Free Press. All Artists~Photo's will be recognized, with each post! You can download these in our Image Gallery or send us your Website!

If You would Like to connect with us via an amazing Awakening Session, to answer a question Contact Us Here:


~ We are Stationed In Mt Shasta~



 Artwork Thanks to


(Yojman Chase), Mt. Shasta is~of all Power Points here in the Northern Hemisphere~what could truly be called “Headquarters”,  Mt. Shasta is many things to this planets protection and service into the Light. She is also known as Ascension Mountain.


~ Mother Earth=Heart=MotherGod say's "Its Now"~
All Decree's are In Complete Manifestation of All Love Is. Time is Up! Eternity has Begun~

My Children of Planet Earth=Heart and Yes You are My Children in which you cannot run from ME. The Moment has come through this Eclipse, Everything changes. You Will Begin Hearing Me in Your Thoughts, as We are Connected and One with the Creator who is Father God. We Have Successfully Given the Codes and Went through the reboot. Reconnection to US is Complete. Mother Earth=Mother God Father Sun=Father God. This is the Truth Unfolding. We Love You Unconditionally!!



 ~WE are Going Home~


~We Are the Real National Treasure. We Are not only The Heart of this Country, the United States, but Also the Very Heart of This Planet, Mother Earth=Heart. We Are The Love of the Planet, as well as the Universe Personified. We chose the United States to reside in, because We prepared this Part of the Planet, with the Constitution and Bill of Rights, for the Protection of The Truth and The Light for the Entire Planet. With this we Ensured Humanity's Complete Freedom from the illuminati minions control ~


~We Love You Unconditionally, Love Mother and Father God Amon Ra

 WE are Here~ Its US and Your Stuck With US!! Eternity here we come~


  Today's Angel Numbers with Doreen Virtue~ 222 ~ Our newly planted ideas are beginning to grow into reality. Keep watering and nurturing them, and soon they will push through the soil so you can see evidence of your manifestation. In other words, don't quit five minutes before the miracle. Your manifestation is soon going to be evident to you, so keep up the good work! Keep holding positive thoughts, keep affirming, and continue visualizing.


Today's Note From the Universe


To clarify, Father~Mother God, the primary roles of LOVE are not to heal, fix, or mend. Not to soothe, cure, or ease. Not even to refresh, rejuvenate, or restore. Hardly.
The primary roles of LOVE, Father~Mother God, are to "Yahoo!" "Yeehaa!" and "Whoohooo!"

Get your love on,
    The Universe

You were born to love, Father~Mother God, no matter the cost, no matter what someone else said, and no matter how the past once played out.

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®
© ®


Earth Ally Andrea:

Greetings Loved Beings,

another EQ occured today in an unusual reagion of Europe. As the one in Italy (where no such quake happened since the 13hundred) here as well it was more than 100 years that the fault was asleep.

The Planet as One is moving all the old out of place and to the surface, and what could be seen as frightened CAN simply be seen as a GIFT, as it truly means that there’s no such thing as a place not being cleaned. We can choose to run and hide, or to help by getting out of the box and SEE that WE ARE in The Shift. And by so doing helping to create a smoother shift for all.

And if you feel frustrated for all the Beings affected by these changes, do send them Love, thank them so much for choosing to live this experiece on behalf of all Humanity and for helping Mother Earth=Heart in her mission. As all are where they have chosen by contract to be right now.

Though the Planet is Shifting and we are with Her, humanity is still allowed to choose what to see, live and focus on. The New, where all happens by Divine Decree, or the old, where illusion is prepetrated and hold into energy by the mind.

Thus, remember that if you focus on the old, you will miss to See Love, thus, you’ll miss to see who you truly are. For you cannot recognise something outside before you recognise it inside.

See Love, it’s so much easier!


Thank You for BEingLove.




Photo fuzzes the edge between protest and police. YES! Thanks to FB


~Yojman Chase ~


Street~Wise Ascension

From the Joy of Mt. Shasta




Friends of Truth,
Life may wish us to continue our Power thought.
Just be with the Action beating your heart.
First choose a cause you wish to be a part of.
Affirm that the Light has all the matter
and intelligence required here.
Acknowledge the vast Forces of Life
attending your cause.

As a Divine Director
of Life on this planet
I now invoke
the Greatest Cosmic Light of Source
into the center of this sweet Earth,
through me.
I see the Earth, a White Sun
with Oceans of Violet Fire.
I see the marriage of the two.
Center and surface become
a perfect Lilac, Lavender Fire Light
of Purity’s Freedom.

I decree that this Vision of my Self
is one with the vast Group
of Ascended Humanity.
Sustained, free of any limit,
I Am the Gathering of Truth
and I Am Its Freedom here.





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