~ Here We Go, INTENSE ENERGY Coming IN~

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 05/23/2012 - 10:07

MAY 2012 IS A VERY POWERFUL MONTH by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles




MAY 2012 IS A VERY POWERFUL MONTH by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles




by GLR Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

May 2012 is an exceptionally powerful month, and with all of the challenges going on in people’s lives, it is a real opportunity for us to make a positive difference for people everywhere. Individually and collectively we can utilize this amazing influx of Light for the benefit of ourselves, our families, and all Humanity. At this time Humanity is receiving the maximum assistance from On High that Cosmic Law will allow. That means that you and I now have the ability to increase the Light we are adding to the world in unprecedented ways.


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Yeshua ~ You Are Love ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~



Plant your feet on the floor



Plant your feet on the floor




It is all about agape.  What happens when you are unconditionally self loving is that the world looks very different.  The world transforms.  It becomes a garden; at every turn, a new delight, a plaything, seen through eyes of love.

Ascension Road Takes us there.  We are your mirrors.  When you love yourself, you will look everywhere and see only love reflected.  That’s it, the answer, the keys to the kingdom.


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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 5/22/12




With our help and our assistance so much can be possible for your world and for your people. There is no longer any need for anyone on your planet to suffer at the hands of lack and scarcity. We have the means and the technology to allow each soul incarnate in your world today to thrive beyond anything that has been imagined by many of you throughout all of your incarnations into the physical. There is nothing that cannot be accomplished once we set out to reach a new goal and assist a world reach a new height for their civilization.


Today here in your world there is a plan unfolding. This plan has been carefully laid out by many minds of the higher realms for many eons of time. This plan is not a loose fitting of different pieces and proposals from different peoples and different sectors of the overall operation. Instead, this plan is a tightly knit fusion of ideas and concepts of many great minds from many highly established civilizations that exist and that thrive throughout this universe. There has been no stone left unturned, and there has not been one area of this operation that has not been meticulously studied and carefully planned to bring about extraordinary change for your people and your planet.


We come with many valuable gifts for you that will alter the means to which you currently survive and how you currently entertain yourselves in the forms of recreation, including your avenues of musical and artistic expression. As part of these many changes, you will experience upgrades in your transportation systems, your waste disposal systems, your library systems, and your oceanic systems which will entail the rerouting of certain water arteries that can cause future problems for your world.



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Venus Transit~Return of the Divine Feminine ~Selacia


Return of the Divine Feminine

Rare Venus Transit a Catalyst for Humanity 

There are numerous significant dates in 2012, but the time of the historic Venus transit holds a pivotal energy that can help humanity shift into the higher vibrations of love.



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~Dr Stephan Greer Blog: Invasion of the MOTUs! (Or the 0.0000001%)


Thanks to Arleen B. – Laura

Invasion of the MOTUs! (Or the 0.0000001%)


Hollywood and the pop culture is enthralled with the idea of ” Alien Invasion” . But why would they bother?


There are billions of planets with life, water and minerals in the cosmos- why invade one that has billions of people warring over ideologies and armed with thousands of thermonuclear weapons?!


The truth is ET civilizations are concerned with our hostility and potential threat to the cosmos- not the other way around.



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Daily Energy Report: PEACE Is Being Peace In Action



What does peace sound like? Does it sound like the silence when theres nothing completely going on? NO. People think that its just being calm. Peace isnt calm, its happily energetic. Peacefulness isnt Silence, Its the voices of everyone being cheerful and shouting with joy and telling people you love them. Peace is active. Instead of enjoying to blow things up or beating people up, blow up the air filled with love so that it could spread from person to person. Beat Up someones heart who has been solid and still as a cold stone. Allow that stone heart to turn into a boulder so it could roll on a new journey of peace instead of staying in the same situations. Peace isnt hard to acheive.


What you should do is, if you go to work and you see a worker feeling sad, angry or depressed, say that you love them, and say that you are part of their family stranger or not. Or if someone, ANYONE, who is sitting at a table by thereselves go talk to them. Have you ever seen someone at a returaunt sitting by theyreselves, and something is just telling you that they are very lonely and you should talk to them? Im sure this has happened to everyone. You know why this has happened to you? Your Pleaidian Guide is telling you to be generous and caring to teach you how to be a Loving being, Plus the higher being is telling you that you should be aware and notice that this is in your nature that the reptilians have been hiding from you.



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The 5th Dimension ~ The Heaven of NOW


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~ Sheldan Nidle Update~ A very serious intervention is underway~


1 Pax, 10 Lamat, 8 Manik



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Greetings from Galactic Heart....


Greetings from Galactic Heart....

Thank You to Sheldan And Colleen


Time lapsed video of Annular Solar Eclipse.


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Another WakeUpCall FED caught stealing 500,000,000,000


Sometimes I wonder how we can teach bankers (&Co.) to let go, to forgive themselves and get rid of that dirturbing feeling in their stomac when caught with their hands in the cake...

Well, I guess it will be their choice, though we're all here, ready to embrace all that choose to give up and come Home. All that choose to give it a try in stepping out of the box.

The walls keep crumbling and truth keeps coming to the surface. 


Thank you for focusing on Love.



Thank you to Rishi for sending this to us. 


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No price for love


This is something I have recieved before but I think is timely.You probably have too ,as sometimes I need reminding I believe others do too or these kinds of messages would not be so commonplace.



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What does "Process" Really Mean? part 1


Let's review first, what is meant by process....

Processing is a very sophisticated integrated system of interaction with the goal for a student to release each old pattern that has caged love. There are "techniques" that the instructor has learned from 3 levels over a lengthly period of experiential study of one's self.  I know many instructors personally and we all started out as very angry, resistant, competitive, manipulative  students.  Then after success as a student, one offers usually years supporting  an experienced instructor, followed by participating in instructor training for at least another year... and at that point, perhaps may choose to create life changing miracles in service to humanity. To step up to the plate of great service with their own personality, strengths, creativity, and ways of teaching.... knowing (s)he couldn't be anything other than love... willing to accept any  and all behaviors of the students (students agree to the rule that they cannot physically harm themselves, other students or the instructor)... confident in the great wisdoms of life, that the universe will support their great love .... and do "whatever it takes" to be there in assistance for one's freedom.


It is not a seminar format where people sit in their chairs, listen and take notes and at the end the notes are forgotten and nothing has changed.  Sometimes a student mentally understands the information and can regurgitate it ad nausium, but the core essence of the person has not changed. 



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FREEDOM PROJECT: Ireland Vote NO for Us on 31 May!!!! ~ Nee! No! Nej! Non! Nein! Oxi!...




Ireland Vote NO for Us on 31 May!!!!

Posted on May 22, 2012 

Nee! No! Nej! Non! Nein! Oxi!

May 2012


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FREEDOM PROJECT: Kucinich: NATO is a cost-sharing organization that finances aggressive military action. We should dismantle it...




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“One morning we will wake up, and find we are in a very different world.”


“One morning we will wake up, and find we are in a very different world.”

Daily Blue Star UFOs Report~ YES! ARE WE REALLY HERE~ 05-22-12



Daily Blue Star UFOs  Report~ YES! ARE WE REALLY HERE~




Greetings Love Beings,

I was just wondering how come noone took a video of the eclipse AND some UFOs...

Ask and you shall get!

Here we are!

Thank you for sharing and informing everyone you can... it’s IMPORTANT! The more we get out at people, the less will they be afraid.

Spread Love as Love’s what you Are



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I Pledge Allegiance...



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FREEDOM PROJECT: Keiser Report: Scatological Finance (E291)...




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Cropcirlce MELATONIN - C13H16N2O2





Cropcirlce MELATONIN - C13H16N2O2





Melatonin is a hormone secreted by the pineal gland in the brain. It helps regulate other hormones and maintains the body's circadian rhythm. The circadian rhythm is an internal 24-hour clock that plays a role in when we fall asleep and when we wake up. When it is dark, your body produces more melatonin, especially during dreamtime; when it is light, the production of melatonin drops.

The more you're exposed to Light during the day, the more Melatonin you produce during the night.


Researchers also believe that melatonin levels may be related to aging. For example, young children have the highest levels of nighttime melatonin.


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FREEDOM PROJECT: JP Morgan 'faces £4bn loss' from trading blunders in one of Square Mile's worst catastrophes... [READ:£4bn loss = $6.3BN LOSS...]



JP Morgan 'faces £4bn loss' from trading blunders in one of Square Mile's worst catastrophes






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FREEDOM PROJECT: Barack Obama on JP Morgan loss...



Barack Obama on JP Morgan loss


15 May 2012


video here: 



JPMorgan Chase, the biggest US bank, has revealed a surprise trading loss of at least $2bn (£1.2bn) on complex investments made by its traders.

In an interview with the ABC talk show The View, US President Barack Obama made his case for why JP Morgan's loss meant financial reform must move forward.

"This is one of the best managed banks," Mr Obama said. "You could have a bank that isn't as strong, isn't as profitable, making those same bets and we might have had to step in."


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~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 05-19-2012 – Choose to see Love~



~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 05-19-2012 – Choose to see Love~




Greetings Loved Beings,

another EQ occured today in an unusual reagion of Europe. As the one in Italy (where no such quake happened since the 13hundred) here as well it was more than 100 years that the fault was asleep.

The Planet as One is moving all the old out of place and to the surface, and what could be seen as frightened CAN simply be seen as a GIFT, as it truly means that there’s no such thing as a place not being cleaned. We can choose to run and hide, or to help by getting out of the box and SEE that WE ARE in The Shift. And by so doing helping to create a smoother shift for all.

And if you feel frustrated for all the Beings affected by these changes, do send them Love, thank them so much for choosing to live this experiece on behalf of all Humanity and for helping Mother Earth=Heart in her mission. As all are where they have chosen by contract to be right now.

Though the Planet is Shifting and we are with Her, humanity is still allowed to choose what to see, live and focus on. The New, where all happens by Divine Decree, or the old, where illusion is prepetrated and hold into energy by the mind.

Thus, remember that if you focus on the old, you will miss to See Love, thus, you’ll miss to see who you truly are. For you cannot recognise something outside before you recognise it inside.

See Love, it’s so much easier!


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Fran Zepeda ~ Yeshua ~ You Are Love ~ May 22, 2012






Greetings, Souls of the Earth, my beloved Lightworkers, and all of Creation!


There is much said about Love. Love is the highest vibration. It makes up everything, it is in everything, it is of everything.


You know this, but have you stopped to observe it in action in your World around you? It is in the beautiful song of the birds in your garden, and in the forest or woods where you walk and enjoy the beautiful offerings of Mother Earth. It is in the delicate petals of the fragrant flowers you so love to enjoy. It is in the beautiful sunsets all around your World.


Most of all, it is in you and it is of you and it is You. Love is You. It has never left, dear beloveds. It is being uncovered and discovered everywhere inside and around you. You know this, but do you take the time to feel it in your hearts constantly? Do you breathe it and stoke it like embers in a fire, and do you see how much the warmth can color your whole reality? Take the time now to breathe it and stoke it and spread it throughout your heart like a furnace ignited with all the good that is in you.


My dear friends, you have made so many changes in your World already. You feel it in your hearts, and in your bones and it is in the air around you, that magnificent yet sometimes subtle fragrance of change that some do not yet embrace with as much Grace as we see many of you doing. What a wonderful spectacle it is to see from our perspective!



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Expected Cosmic Events in 2012 by Pane Andov


This is worth every minute of time spent watching and listening to Pane Andov's presentation of the 12-21-12 event coming up this year...Enjoy..Much Peace, Joy, Light and Love to ALL! NOW! :) <3


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Galactic Free Press Update~5~21~12 The Eclipse, Reboot and Alignment Complete Success


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Awakening The Human Angels: The Holy Grails


Comment: remember that All Human Beings are Royal Angels. Royal Angels are those that have a soul. The Soul is God. There's no Human being that is not a Royal Angel and there's no Human Being that has not a Higher Self. This is simply impossible. Without a Soul, you cannot incarnate, and if you have a Soul you're a Royal Angel.


Enjoy your awakening.


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PC Health Advisor -- Greatest Idea Since Sliced Bread


PC Health Advisor -- Greatest Idea Since Sliced Bread

Obtaining correct PC Health Advisor for just about any company could be complicated as well as complicated. It is extremely essential for any kind of company to understand that factors to become regarded as as well as that not really whilst buying PC Health Advisor. Buying client romantic relationship administration (PC Health Advisor) software program could be complicated as well as complicated. Through identifying the important thing stakeholders, main company motorists, bottlenecks as well as crucial achievement elements in addition to long term programs make a difference your own PC Health Advisor buy choice that you could the majority of obviously realize as well as determine the needs you have.

The less expensive PC Health Advisor isn't usually much better and also the priciest types might not possess all of the functions according to your own necessity. It is required to locate a PC Health Advisor supplier that fits your own necessity and obtain the most from your buy.

Carrying out an extensive evaluation: PC Health Advisor incorporate a comprehensive assortment of performance. It is crucial in order to improve interdepartmental conversation, adhere to the shoppers through preliminary guide via finish associated with purchase as well as determining the chance of the organization it offers as well as tackle individuals company problems the majority of successfully. It is appealing to increase the actual concentrate however doing this might engulf brand new customers and could danger consumer ownership.

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~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 05-23-2012 – intense day~



~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 05-23-2012 – intense day~





Greetings Loved Beings,

Purple ska, solar wind, Eqs, floods, death fishes... indeed an intense day for Mother Earth=Heart and for those living all this with her.

For Her and for everyOne: Deep LOVE to You!

Thank You for BEingLove.




Updated 5/23/2012 @ 13:20 UTC


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Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library - Part 2


In this video installment, the Pleiadians remind us that we "are doing very powerful work."

~All my Love, Boo


Topics covered include:
*how earth lost her soveriegnty
*the purpose of earth
*the role of the Pleiadians in our history
*why the ancient civilizations left clues for us
*game masters
*dismantling our blueprint of reality
*humans = transducer of energy
*the keys and the tricks
*listen to the stories of everyone (not just us)
*the keepers of time




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The Oracle Report Wednesday, May 23, 2012


The Oracle Report


Wednesday, May 23, 2012


New Moon Phase

Today we need to get back to basics and simple joys.  Things have become much too complicated lately.  The energy favors celebrations and gatherings with others, but radiating a spirit of joy is what is most important.  Connect with your inner sense of joy and this will naturally translate outward.  We can do this by celebrating the simple things in life - beloved pets, the beautiful expressions of nature, and acts of kindness.  My cat Max makes a return appearance on the picture today to remind us to keep it simple.  The energy is about connecting with others, so separating yourself out works the energy in the opposite direction and will create emotional issues.  The theme of forward vision continues also, combining the need to be thoughtful and cautious when planning the future, especially if you are involved with a something/someone that is shady, untrustworthy, or uncommitted.  Don't be impulsive with this today.  Be strategic.


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Unconditional Love training for what's to come. Can you hold your focus?


Unconditional Love training for what's to come. Can you hold your focus?



So many times we've said "hold your Focus on Love" as times will come when your ability to do so will be challenged. And times are coming when the truth starts coming to the surface and it won't be nice, and it is challenging, and even if many already know that some that were supposed to be "the good ones" in fact may not truly be "the good ones", probably not many have a real insight of how deep the rabbit hole goes. And if those at the forefront are not able to keep their focus on Forgivness and Unconditional Love... the urest will be quite challenging for all during the transition.


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Love Report by Dan: PEACE


Love Report by GLR Dan: PEACE



What does peace sound like?

Does it sound like the silence when theres nothing completely going on?


People think that its just being calm.

Peace isnt calm, its happily energetic.

Peacefulness isnt Silence, Its the voices of everyone being cheerful and shouting with joy and telling people you love them. Peace is active. 


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~ Saul~Emotions sweep through you, over which it seems you have no control at all


Emotions sweep through you, over which it seems you have no control at all

As the moment for humanity’s awakening moves ever closer, you are all finding yourselves dealing with “stuff” or “issues” that have been buried in your subconscious for a long time.  It can be quite a shock when something arises that you thought you had dealt with years ago.  Do not be alarmed; the ego is a master of disguise and deception, and to protect itself it hides from you fears and doubts that if adequately addressed by you would loosen its hold on you.  It wants to remain in control and have you react emotionally when your buttons are pushed, and so it attempts to convince you that you have dealt with something which if you did deal with it would weaken its hold on you, and so it buries it deep in the unawareness of your subconscious mind where it will fester until it demands your attention, encouraging you to find and release it.



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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~22~12 We Have Triggered or Ignited, the Final Aspect of the Divine Plan ~


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~22~12


Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~

We Have Triggered or Ignited, the Final Aspect of the Divine Plan ~


Photo By Earth Ally Will Harader Taken On Ascension Mountain, Mt Shasta. These Blessed Crystals Completly Aligned with the Pliedians, The Ecplise and New Moon, which Ignited Divine Intervention.


Greetings Love Beings, Much Movement is afoot since Our Trigger Event and The Global Energetic Shift which took Place through the Eclipse Day. We Have Triggered or Ignited, the Final Aspect of the Divine Plan. Which is Divine Intervention. This Must Occur because we have Much to Accomplish on this Planet before the date of December 21st, 2012. Your Only Missions at this time is to Be Present In the Moment of Now.


Daily Sun: 22 May 12


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Heavenletter #4198 Sing Life's Songs


Heavenletter #4198 Sing Life's Songs , May 23, 2012 

God said: 


You seek joy. Of course, you do. You seek joy, and you seek importance. You seek meaning. You want to be fun-loving and meaningful, and you want your life to be fun and meaningful. And, yet, so often, too often, the joy and meaning you want elude you.

You run after joy and don't find so much of it. You chase meaning, and often are disappointed.


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Suzanne Lie – Mytria/Mytre : The Beginning Of Our Ascension



Suzanne Lie – Mytria/Mytre : The Beginning Of Our Ascension – 23 May 2012

Dear Mytria and Mytre,

We speak with you now about the beginnings of our ascension.
Once we arrived at our new home in the Pleiades, we were finally free of war and fighting. With this freedom from fear, we could hope for a better life. We Pleiadians are so involved with our Earth Family because we totally understand the state of mind of many of you. We know how it feels to be offered hope of a new life and not be totally sure that we could trust this possibility. How could we take the risk that life could be filled with peace and calm when there had been so much war and disruption?


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Post with Commentary from Kauilapele's Blog



Sheldan Nidle 5-22-12…”A Great Confrontation Between The Dark And The Light Is Coming to a Head”

The one piece here that hit me was the one about “Heavenly circumstances beyond their control have thrown this goal off course, placing the cabal at the mercy of their own diabolical trickery.” Exactly. The cabal, and all of the members who refuse to align with the Light that is incoming stronger and stronger, are basically setting traps… for themselves.


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Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 23 May 2012




Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 23 May 2012

Ascension has been ongoing for many years, so as not to overpower you. It has gently been increased, and now you are recognizing the difference it is making to you. It is in many ways a delicate process of raising your vibrations, so that you can gradually absorb more, and more. Too much energy too soon could have been detrimental to your progress, upsetting those who are slow to respond. It affects all souls in one way or another, which is why some get symptoms that might otherwise be attributed to malfunctioning bodily systems.


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June 4th 2012 eclipse The Truth


The eclipses involving sun moon and venus will help you in discovering your true value. Watch the venus rule energies: money, ease, beauty, sensuality.


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5/23/2012 -- Japan 6.1 magnitude earthquake = swarm developing in N. Japan


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Nancy Tate ~ Wake Up Call ~ Hatonn ~ 23 May 2012


Nancy Tate ~ Wake Up Call ~ Hatonn ~ 23 May 2012

I am here today to bring you some information from out in the universe. I am Hatonn and I come with the news of the planet that is coming from around the sun. It is a planet that many of you know as Nibiru, and it has made many trips around the sun in the existence of the universe.
This planet was created for the specific purpose of being a catalyst for the evolvement of humanity. It is a matter of being in the right place at the right time, as is said so often on earth. With this planet’s revolutions through the solar system it brings energies of awakening to the people of earth and of the other planets that are in close enough proximity to the orbit of Nibiru.
As the revolutions take their path they bring about a continuation of the evolutionary process of the system.
Beings who live on Nibiru volunteered to go there from Lyra and all over the universe. Lyra was designed for the preparation of the evolution of earth. It is said that there are no more people who are going to come to earth in this particular lifetime who have never been here.


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The Merging of Our Harvest and the Osmosis of New Energy! by Lisa




There is no doubt we are building a whole new story!  How we think, how we feel and act in life matters more now than ever before!

Everything about the field yesterday felt different, looked different and is very much in a stage of (re) creation.  My first reading of the day appeared in a really big amniotic sac.  The sac or bubble was very clear and reflected the light of the field on its surface.  She stood there and looked very much like a fetus growing.    I instantly heard the field say, this is no ordinary growing process, it is in a state of rapid acceleration.


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~Space Weather Update~ We have Entered a High Powered Wind Stream~


QUIET SUN: With no sunspots actively flaring, the sun's x-ray output has flatlined. Solar activity is low, and likely to remain so for the next 24 hours.


DRAGON SIGHTINGS: NASA officials are calling it a turning point in space exploration. Yesterday, a commercial rocket, SpaceX's Falcon 9, blasted off from Cape Canaveral on a mission to re-supply the International Space Station. As the Falcon 9 roared into the sky, Brent of Orlando, Florida, photographed its fiery exhaust through his backyard telescope:



"What a neat launch!" he says. "I was able to see it from 60 miles away."


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All I Ever Have To Be

All I Ever Have To Be http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohkdMXx_JlQ&feature=youtube_gdata_player If you feel the strain of life The grief of loneliness Go to the place you call your own your never alone there. ஜ~As-Salamu Alaykumஜ~Peace be upon you~ஜ

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President Obama's Air Force Academy Graduation Address: Listen Live Here


President Obama will be delivering the Commencement address to the graduates of the Air Force Academy any moment now.

You can listen to his speech via live stream news here:



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Fall In Love



Fall In Love with yourself-
with your spouse, with your friends

Fall in love with the absence of conflict-
with the process of understanding another point of view

Fall in love with this very moment-
with the lessons it contains, the experiences

Fall in love with the energies swirling around you-
with the tingly effervescent sensations, the excitement

Fall in love-
Fall deeply and hopelessly in love

As I have with you~

All my Love, Boo



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Post-May 20th Eclipse Event: What Was It Like for You? Here’s My Experience!



Post-May 20th Eclipse Event: What Was It Like for You? Here’s My Experience!

2012 MAY 23
Posted by GLR Dave 










May 22, 2012

For a couple of weeks, we’ve been reading all the postings on the 2012 Scenario blog site for the buildup to May 20th and the eclipse.

On the outside, there’ve been beautiful displays and pictures we’ve seen posted on various web sites. Those were great experiences. They talked about the potential of experiencing a new bliss, a new sense of outpouring love.

Some also talked about the new love energy bringing up all of our old shadows and fears that we don’t like to face, producing a somewhat painful, but beneficial, healing process.  Some said the experience could start a few days before and last few days after the 20th.


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We offer you a new vocation now. – Michael by GLR Ron Head



  Press here for  Spanish  or Portuguese.


We will speak this morning on the subject of vocation.  To your conscious minds, vocation means the way in which you earn the coin which pays for your daily subsistence.  We speak today of your vocation as the manners which you have chosen to make your way on you spiritual journey.


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