~Pleiadian Connections~ Together We are Victorius~

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 05/23/2012 - 19:08

16th May 2012


We make this connection this morning – we of like minds gather together as kith and kin, welcoming in a new direction, a new opening that is there for all of us. We are so happy, so excited; so joyful to be able to come among you . . . it gives us so much pleasure! We are beholden to you all here today and we watch you and follow you in your homes and abroad, pushing you along in the right direction; helping you to make those choices that are available to you, to make those connections that start off a chain reaction. And eventually across the whole globe these connections gather momentum, gather energy, impulsing the light, spreading the word. We are so lucky to have you to work with us side by side; we have prayed for such a happening. It brings us much joy to see you learning and growing, responding to the rhythms of nature. Like the ripples on a pond . . . the message goes out, loud and clear . . . we are here, we are here, we are here!  (Deep sigh).  (The voice became louder and firmer. 


Together we will build and grow a new world of ample proportions; a new world of love and joy, of frankness, openness, bringing together creatures and man, where no one is overlooked. All are as important as each other; there will be no pain or sorrow, no disease, they will have no truck in our world!  We beam you aboard in moments of stress and comfort you and uplift you.  We prepare you for a great journey, one that has been taken by the most esteemed and we give you a clap on the back to thank you! Through trials and tribulations you have kept to that straight true path and we are most honoured to be travelling with you at this time.  We open up the connections and point you in the right direction; what we are saying is true, for have you not come together as was planned?  You were all drawn here for a purpose, a greater purpose, and you are here, now, ready to do our bidding and we say, not ‘our’ bidding but the bidding of the Great Divine – the Great One! 


Fulfil your destinies, open up your hearts and your minds to partake of that information that is coming through, even as we speak, filtering into your minds, drawn from the very core of your being. You do not have to believe this person or that person or necessarily what you read, but little snippets here, little snippets there, will come together and make sense, and you will know if it is right. You will know in your heart that you may have stumbled across the information – the missing piece that you were looking for.  It is all so easy - if you listen. Weed out what is not needed - put to one side, perhaps in time that information will make sense! It will happen when you are ready, when it is right for you and I know we can be gullible at times; take heart, gather your strength for there is much to do, much to learn and we are with you – always!  Together we can build a mountain and a mountain stream and the trees, the rocks, the boulders – the glory of the world we live in can be ‘glorious’ once again. We let it settle in your hands and in your heart for it to make a difference, a difference to you and a difference to the whole collective. We thank you for listening.


21st May 2012. It was a lovely sunny day and I sat in my sanctuary with the door open listening to the birdsong.  Cars were travelling up and down the hill and so I closed the door for peace and quiet. 


We hear the wider world on its journey and sit in the peace within this sanctuary.  Do not be despondent my child we are on the right course.  We partake of this peace and energy with you, shuttling back and forth across the great divide.  We instigate the final measures needed to demonstrate our allegiance to the cause and we propel you forward to do your duty.  There has been much commotion in the heavens and we strategically place you in a place most suited to our cause. This has been of paramount importance, we shelter you form harm and acquiesce to certain developments.  There has been a championing of the cause, powerful and strong across the globe.  (I’m feeling two powerful waves of purple light).  We have registered your true intent!  Be strong, be brave, let us take your hand.  We will not lead you astray we have only your best interest at heart. Subliminal messages release the strain, sanctioning a reprisal of energies, guarding against intrusion of any kind.  We are impressed with the remedies that have been taken in the past and we allow now a softening of the energies, bathing you in sweet success.  Salvation shall be yours, and yours, and yours! 


We have responded to the rhythms of your heart and instil in you a genteel approach.  (I can feel the cool energy around me).  Respectfully, we extend you the courtesy of coming aboard and we make preparations enhancing our study of the human race. We rely on people such as you to help us do justice.  Our words of wisdom reach far beyond the universe you are in far, far beyond your widest scope of vision and we delve deeper and deeper.  There shall be no discovery unless we broaden our shoulders to accept the impossible!  It has been known now for centuries past of this dismissal, this uncovering of facts and figures spoken of by many on your planet.  We come to avoid disturbances on a vast scale, and it goes without saying that we have prepared and studied the human race in minute detail, focusing on a requisitioning of services that have, at times, undermined the most necessary ballot.  We have prepared the chemistry necessary to make this work.  Understand our methods of opening up and we shall supply greater input.  We welcome in a greater flow of energy, spearheading our way across the universe into your mind.  We are Andromeda (I struggled with this word as I wasn’t sure if it was correct). Rest assured we are here to help mankind at your invitation, not to cause hindrance; we are not here to cause hindrance in any way, shape or form! 

Are you from the Pleiades can you confirm please? 


We are associated with the Pleiades connection; we are star gazers, we are intrepid volunteers, journeying into space.  We magnify our essence upon the earth plane and propel you safely to a point in time where we can make this connection; we have spin lined our thought streams and propel them thus far, enabling manifestation in your mind.  We have relegated all forms of mistrust and innuendo for we come of the highest intent.  We are just a thought away and we connect to you when we hearken to your call from beyond, cajoling you to accept our frequency.  We render ourselves completely inert to make this work and we satisfy that inner longing, that inner call to reach out and connect.  Our hearts blend as one. (Long pause in loving energy)  We reach out and connect with you on a lighter frequency, bearing glad tidings; opening up the portals of light, welcoming you home.  It can be exactly as you desire.  (The sound of drilling next door brought me out of meditation).

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