~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 05-24-2012 – Upgrade ongoing~

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Thu, 05/24/2012 - 12:13


~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 05-24-2012 – Upgrade ongoing~





Greetings Loved Beings,

After we had an increase in solar winde yesterday (over 700km/s) for reason that scientist still can’t get (well, at least not those still in the box!) the wind today is till over 500!

No flairs, no coronal holes... so, what’s causing it? What is causing this amazing income of Energy we just so much need to upgrade Earth and Us? I have a clue... it starts with L and ends with E, and it comes directly from the Central Sun.

Enjoy the Sun, go out, sungaze, walk barefoot if you can, absorb these energies there here for All. Enjoy your upgrades, Feel them, Love them as you are Loved.

And See the changes going on as nothing different from the changes going on inside.

All are Here for Mother Earth=Heart! We’re only passengers that have the Honor to have this amazing experience!


Thank You for BEingLove.




In less than 24 hours, Lake Cachet II in Chile's southern Patagonia vanished

Agence France-Presse

Thu, 24 May 2012 08:45 CDT

© AFP/File, Str

The lake's water comes from ice melting from the Colonia Glacier, located in the Northern Patagonian ice field

In less than 24 hours Lake Cachet II in Chile's southern Patagonia vanished, leaving behind just some large puddles and chunks of ice in the vast lake bed.

The lake's water comes from ice melting from the Colonia Glacier, located in the Northern Patagonian ice field, some 2,000 kilometers (1,250 miles) south of the capital, Santiago.

The glacier normally acts as a dam containing the water, but rising temperatures have weakened its wall. Twice this year, on January 27 and March 31, water from the lake bore a tunnel between the rocks and the glacier wall.

The result: Lake Cachet II's 200 million cubic liters of water gushed out into the Baker river, tripling its volume in a matter of hours, and emptying the five square kilometer (two square miles) lake bed.



Huge sinkhole opens in Montreal after student protest


Wed, 23 May 2012 16:00 CDT

© Via @DemetriPro, Twitter

Pothole on Sherbrooke Street, Montreal

A four-metre square sinkhole opened up in a major downtown Montreal street just hours after a massive student protest had marched over it.

The protest, which attracted tens of thousands of people, had already passed and gone down another street when the four-metre-deep sinkhole opened up late Tuesday afternoon.

Denis Roy, an operations chief with the Montreal fire department, said there were no injuries to any passersby.

Public works officials are attempting to determine the cause of the collapse.


Edgewood Road Sinkhole 5/21/2012 1/3



GEOLOGICAL UPHEAVAL: Mysteriously Huge Sinkhole Appears in Newcastle Street, England?




Typhoon Sanvu is the first typhoon this year


Typhoon Sanvu has become the year’s first typhoon. It is the first such storm since early October 2011. Sanvu is only the second named western north Pacific storm thus far in 2012. Fortunately, no major land masses are under threat from Sanvu, which will track near a few small remote islands later in the week.







Residents evacuated near Costa Rica’s Turrialba volcano after gas emission

Posted on May 24, 2012

May 24, 2012 – COSTA RICA – Emergency officials in Costa Rica say they have moved some residents away from a volcano outside the capital after it spewed toxic gas and ash, signs of a potentially imminent eruption. The Turrialba volcano located about 40 miles (65 kilometers) outside San Jose began a series of eruptions in 2007. Several nearby villages were evacuated and a surrounding national park closed in 2010. Costa Rica’s National Emergency Commission said its volcano warning level was at green on Wednesday, the lowest of three warning levels, but that it had alerted residents about the possibility of an evacuation and already moved some villagers away from the populated areas closest to the volcano so they would not be harmed by erupting gases. –The Hindu


Creeping quakes show that New Zealand’s earthquake-prone landscape is even more unstable than previously thought


esearchers recorded New Zealand’s deep tremors lasting up to 30 minutes on its biggest fault line - the Alpine Fault, which runs the length of the South Island. The quakes, which caused no surface damage, occurred 20-45 kilometres (12-28 miles) beneath the Earth’s crust and continued for as long as half an hour, much longer than ordinary earthquakes. Scientists have been puzzled for decades by an apparent absence of earthquakes in the central section of the Alpine Fault, between Fox Glacier and Whataroa Valley 50km to the north. The Alpine Fault has ruptured four times in the past 1000 years.

Researchers from Wellington’s Victoria University had to place sensors in boreholes 100 metres deep to pick the quakes because the quakes could not be measured by regular seismic monitoring devices. An array of 11 stations, called the Southern Alps Microearthquake Borehole Array  – or SAMBA -  were installed in late 2009 and are still producing data. To date, SAMBA has recorded around 2,500 small earthquakes which are taking place in a 30 kilometre-wide area under the Southern Alps, rather than on the Alpine Fault. It’s only the second time that this type of seismic activity has been recorded on a strike-slip fault, which are those with walls that move sideways rather than up or down. The other is the San Andreas Fault in California. The research shows that between large earthquakes, the fault is still moving. It’s not yet clear what this means for future earthquakes – it could be that constant tremor builds up stress and may trigger a major fault movement or, alternatively, the activity may decrease the likelihood of a major quake by acting as a release valve for stress.



If you missed our last Energy Update:



All our Love, ANdReA

~And MotherFatherGod, The Galactic Free Press Staff, Earth Allies, GroundCrew Staff ans Earth’s Transitory Government~


~Thank You for Keeping the Press Going and Supporting Your Earth Allies~


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