~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 05-25-2012 – Message from the Children of the world~

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Fri, 05/25/2012 - 11:27


~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 05-25-2012 – Message from the Children of the world~





Greetings Loved Beings,

Something that could shake believes, bringing people in the know to ask “so why?”

94 children are reported to have died in Peru due to climate.

What for?

Why children?

Maybe for exactly this reason... to show us how Infinite Unconditional Love is, how deeply we need to See thought the veil of 3d perception. To understand that those Brave Souls came here to give Us All an Important Message: we came to show, open your eyes, you’re in the middle of an epic Change! Wake up. Let go your fears and stand up into the Light.

We came for You All. Do not feel sorrow for us, Honor Us with your Love for yourself and for the God WithIn you. Honor Us with your awakening. Honor Us by opening your eyes and Heart to the Truth of what you truly Are: Love Beings!

Honor Us and all those that came for a short while during these times to help in ways you did not consider before.

Death does not exist, and what you see as death is our Honor to come in Service for All and then go back Home, where We all come From and All Are as One Love.

There are many Souls that came to help, their task is often so misundertood... you cry for their death blaiming whatever comes in front of you instead of asking yourself “what’s the message they’re giving us?” As nothing happens by chance, chance is a limited way of seeing things. Creation works in a much smarter way than chance. And in these times nothing can happen anymore that has not been decided by those Souls. Even those that seem to have nothing to do with ascension. They Know. They all have a higher Self that Knows exactly what has to be done to accomplish the Service it came here for.

We’re All One.

And We’re All Home.

Separation, and death are only mind illusions.

The Truth is only Love Everywhere Present.

We Love You All,

All the Children that came and go.




Thank You for BEingLove.



Low temperatures in Peru killed 94 children since January this year


Nearly 100 children under the age of five died of pneumonia between January and April in Peru due to a cold wave that swept through the country’s Andean region, the Health Ministry said Wednesday. The ministry reported over 797,000 episodes of non-pneumonic acute respiratory infections in toddlers during the period, along with 9,286 cases of pneumonia. The total number of reported deaths from pneumonia stood at 94 from January 1 to April 28, health authorities said in a bulletin. Most of the deaths were in the southern and southeastern departments – the poorest in the country.

Temperatures there reached 10 degrees below zero Celsius (14 degrees Fahrenheit) in areas with elevations above 3,500 meters (11,480 feet). The World Health Organization says pneumonia is the leading cause of infant mortality worldwide, killing some 1.4 million children under five each year. (TerraDaily)




60,000 to 100,000 dead fish wash up eastern shores of U.S. near Chesapeake Bay

Posted on May 24, 2012

May 24, 2012 – MARYLAND – Something’s rotten on the Baltimore area waterfront. Fish are washing ashore by the thousands in a mass die-off that officials say appears to be caused by a weather-driven worsening of the pollution that chronically plagues the Chesapeake Bay. State investigators expanded their probe Wednesday into what they believe are algae-related fish kills in Marley, Furnace and Curtis creeks in Glen Burnie, raising the estimated death toll there tenfold, while finding a new batch of finny carcasses in a Dundalk creek. Jay Apperson, spokesman for the Maryland Department of the Environment, said the agency’s fish-kill investigators estimated anywhere from 60,000 to 100,000 fish of several species dead in the three creeks in northern Anne Arundel County.–Baltimore Sun


Hurricane Bud heading for area near Puerto Vallarta


Fri, 25 May 2012 09:37 CDT

Hurricane Bud lost some strength as it moved closer to Mexico's Pacific Coast and was forecast to hit land south of the popular tourist town of Puerto Vallarta Friday night, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said.

video: http://www.sott.net/signs/list_by_category/4-Earth-Changes


Tornado Confirmed on Ground near Wausau, Wisconsin


Fri, 25 May 2012 06:49 CDT

Weather officials have confirmed a tornado touched down about two miles south of Marathon City in Marathon County, and was on the ground intermittently for about five minutes.

There were no immediate reports of injuries or major structural damage.

Jeff Last is a meteorologist with the National Weather Service. He says that at about 7 p.m. Thursday, a Wisconsin State Patrol officer saw the tornado touch down. It was on the ground off and on for several miles as it moved northeast.

Last says the tornado lifted off the ground about two miles northwest of Rib Mountain State Park.

He says the storm was fast-moving.

Local authorities are surveying the area. So far, they have seen several downed trees.

Streamline winds also downed trees as storms moved across the state.

Source: The Associated Press



Late-season storm could bring summer snow to Sierra, California

Cathy Locke

Sacramento Bee

Fri, 25 May 2012 06:41 CDT

© Randy Pench

A skier walks toward the lift at Alpine Meadows where green grass contrasts with snow. While the valley bakes under an unrelenting sun, some head up the hill for a ski weekend on the Fourth of July. Sunday, July 3, 2011.

The advice this Memorial Day weekend, particularly for folks heading into the Sierra, is "Be prepared."

National Weather Service and state transportation officials say travelers can expect everything from snow showers and accumulations of up to 6 inches in the high country today and Saturday to temperatures in the 80s in the Sacramento Valley on Sunday and Monday.

"We have a cool-weather system dropping down from British Columbia and washing over Northern California," said Karl Swanberg, a forecaster with the National Weather Service in Sacramento.

A high of 69 degrees is forecast for the Sacramento area today, 15 degrees below the average high of 84 for this time of year. The drop in temperature will be accompanied by a 30 percent chance of rain and a slight chance of afternoon thunder-showers.




Dense dust storms blow over Middle east


A dust storm shrouded Iraq and Kuwait in late May 2012. On May 22, the Kuwait News Agency reported that thick dust had suspended operations in two ports, and business news site Zawya reported that dust storm activity forced the closure of the Baghdad airport.


Magnitude 5.2 earthquake struck 10 km off the coast of Christchurch, New Zealand

BY ADONAI – MAY 25, 2012

Strong and shallow earthquake with recorded magnitude of 5.2 struck 10 km off the coast of Christchurch, New Zealand according to GeoNet on May 25, 2012 at 02:44 UTC. Recorded depth by GeoNet was 11 km (6.8 miles). USGS recorded magnitude 4.7 at depth of 8.8 km (5.5 miles). Epicenter was located 10 km east of Christchurch (43.49°S, 172.80°E).

This is the largest earthquake that hit Christchurch in weeks.

Same area had 2 aftershocks in next couple of hours. At 04:02 UTC magnitude 3.1 and at 08:43 UTC magnitude 3.4. Both with depth of 11 km according to GeoNet.

There have been no immediate reports of damage in Christchurch, and no calls for assistance recorded by police and Fire Service.


[video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47YldupnwsY&feature=player_embedded]


Magnitude 6.2 earthquake in Greenland Sea



Magnitude 6.2 earthquake struck area of Norwegian sea on Thursday, May 24, 2012 at 22:47:46 UTC. The epicenter was located  601 km (373 miles) NW of Tromso, 676 km (420 miles) WNW of Hammerfest,  716 km (444 miles) NNW of Bodo, Norway and 1472 km (914 miles) NE of Reykjavik, Iceland (72.994°N, 5.651°E) The depth of epicenter was 8.8 km (5.5 miles) according to USGS. First reading was 6.5 magnitude. It was followed by magnitude 4.7 earthquake at almost the same location and depth.



5.6 earthquake which jolted Bulgaria was strongest since 1858, and the aftershocks continue

Posted on May 25, 2012

May 25, 2012 - BULGARIA – The earthquake that the Bulgarian capital Sofia experienced at 3 am on Tuesday has been the strongest in its history since 1858, i.e. in 154 years, historical records indicate. On Tuesday, Bulgaria’s territory saw over 60 weak aftershocks after the 5.8-5.9-magnitude it experienced early Tuesday morning, according to the Geophysics Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. All of the 60 aftershocks had magnitudes of over 1 on the Richter scale, and their epicenters were around the western Bulgarian city of Pernik, where the initial earthquake hit at about 2:58 am on Tuesday. Some of the major aftershocks had a magnitude of 4.2-4.7, and were felt in Pernik and Sofia. Four light tremors have been registered in Bulgaria in the first twelve hours on Friday since a massive 5.9-degree earthquake hit the western parts of the country in the wee hours on Tuesday. The first one struck thirty minutes before midnight and had a magnitude of 2 on the Richter scale. A second one followed at 1.50 am with a magnitude of 2.5. A 2.8 magnitude jolt was detected at around 10 am. The epicenter of the aftershocks was located some 20-25 southwest of Sofia, close to the epicentre of the shallow tremor that threw people into panic earlier this week. Meanwhile a 2-magnitude quake struck 250 south-east of Bulgaria’s capital Sofia shortly after 7.00am, near the town of Yambol. There were no reports of damages or material damages. Researchers from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences have explained that aftershocks may reach a magnitude of 4 on the Richter scale, which would not damage the infrastructure. However, objects may fall and injuries may occur. Tuesday’s initial earthquake had a magnitude of about 5.8-5.9 on the Richter scale and struck at 2:58 am. Its epicenter was about 6 km from Pernik and approximately 25 km from the capital Sofia. –Novinite



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