Ashtar: Celebrating the Empowerment of the Solar Eclipse

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 05/25/2012 - 16:13
Ashtar: Celebrating the Empowerment of the Solar Eclipse
Ashtar on the Road Teleconference May 22, 2012
"Well Good Evening, Everyone! We have a lot to celebrate. When you hear the news that seems to be, humm, contrary, shall we say, to that which you are looking for, which is the highest levels of Love Light and Healing, and Peace on Earth for all, just remember as the Masters have just stated, there's a bit of cleaning up still to do.
"And you can be assured, every one of you, that we are right in the thick of it, because you, Beloved Ones, you, our Beloved Ashtar Family, and the Light Workers of Planet Earth, and the Awakened Ones, and the Old Souls, who have come back in the current bodies of Humans, and all of the Kingdoms of Mother Gaia, have joined together in the most beautiful and uplifted Oneness ever seen on this Planet since it began, since before the veil came into place. And it is this Oneness in consciousness in commitment, in purposeful mission, that has enabled us to come in, and partner with you, to the degree that we are partnering.
"And so we want to start off by saying, 'YES, SIGN THAT PETITION! * Let's get rid of ALL NUKES!' You know that we've already disabled all the ones that are classified as weapons, but the biggest weapons for mass destruction remain operational in many places in the World, and there are many, many, of them in the United States of America for instance, and that, shall we say, the control of the nuclear plants is not really with Obama, not even with the Congress, which could outlaw them.
"You may say, 'Well, why don't they just outlaw nuclear power?' Well, it's not that simple. You've been hearing a lot about people behind the scenes, and they are still, some of them, still present, or shall we say the legacy they've left of programming is still present and running, and it is for the people to speak up, and say, 'TURN THEM OFF, SHUT THEM DOWN!' We can help greatly in the process, not of shutting the plants down - that's an easy thing to do. You tell the computers to shut down, and they shut down. And if there is a need for it when the time comes - if the time comes where they are not shut down, and we're talking about a date, as you measure time - yes, we can shut them down. We can turn off their computers, but it really needs to come from the people, because along with the outcry of the people to close them down, it has to come with the conscious realization that there are better ways to gain power, or shall we say create power, or derive power for Planet Earth and all of its different countries and citizens, including the Animal Kingdoms, and the Plant Kingdoms, and the Crystal Kingdoms, and they have the wisdom to know that nuclear power is not clean.
"Now we have the ability to transmute it, into what you would call, harmless material. It's a technology that we have evolved, and it exists in Higher Dimensionality, like so many of the wondrous things that are about to be unveiled. (No pun intended, but I do like puns - get it?) We'll lift the veil on it, because it's already there, already here, if you want to look at it that way. But in the meantime, we are very serious about the people raising their voices. And we understand that those who have different agendas than Obama and the white hats, the white knights, may have made it a bit difficult to sign that petition.
"Well, call on us! Just say: 'Ashtar and Company clear the way, so I can get on my computer, and get to this site, and get my voice heard by signing this petition!' And if you still have some problems, you can call on Fabulous Fran, she knows how to do it! And we encourage you to send it to friends, anybody, because everybody needs to be made aware that THERE IS A MAJOR, MAJOR, MAJOR, PROBLEM WITH NUCLEAR POWER, and that the lies that have been told by the corporations, by certain ones in your government, even though they are about to end - it is still to help people wake up to the facts, not only that nuclear power needs to stop, but that there are better ways. Because if people are saying, 'Well, but my electricity comes from nuclear power,' you can talk about some of the other things that are already in place.
"If you live in a place of sunshine, there is solar. There is wind, there are the magnificent oceans, largely not called upon, and the Joy of that is that nobody has to be harmed, not one member of any of the precious Kingdoms of Mother Gaia, in order to harness the power of the oceans. It's already in place in some places in your World. Look it up! It's magnificent. It is to be in harmony with Mother Gaia, not to be in opposition to her, not to be doing things that will only wreak harm, and catastrophic damage, if they are allowed to continue.
"Now we want to talk about something that might seem to be a little bit off topic. We really should have come in with this. I, Ashtar, thought I might sing a chorus of 'Happy Anniversary to Us', but The Voice assured me that her voice is a little scratchy today, so I shall refrain, although I have not told Sekhmet that we're not going to do that, so she might do that during that portion of our program.
Now we're talking about the anniversary of Ashtar on the Road, our first actual -public appearance. Well some people planned it; I, Ashtar planned it; I was in on the planning committee; The Voice was not. That's OK, we surprised her. What could she do except bring forth the Love, and yes the beginnings that I, Ashtar, had come to bring. So it was almost eight years ago, as you measure time, that this historic event occurred. And so we simply want to say to you, Beloved Ones, because you see, you're the reason that Ashtar on the Road is in mission, and you're the reason it has been in mission all of these years, and so we just want to take a moment to say Thank You!
"And when we say 'Happy Anniversary to Us,' we are talking about all of you here present on this call, all of you who will read these words, or hear them later, and all of you who have been a part of the history/herstory of Ashtar on the Road. It is from our hearts to yours that we say to you, 'Thank you, Beloved Ones, for being with us, for being the empowering Lights that you are, for traveling with us on this journey, and we assure you that your pathways have only Joy for you, if you simply will claim it!
"Now that's what we're going to be talking about some more here, but we want to digress for just a moment still. When I say digress, we are going to go back a wee bit in time, as you measure it. We want to take you back to just oh, whatever, a few days or so before the Eclipse of Sol. Most auspicious - what we saw on the time lines, and we have shared this with you to some extent - is the appreciation, the anticipation, the exhilaration, with which you all awaited the Eclipse itself. And what is so important about that is that you welcomed it, just like you welcome I, Ashtar, into your Hearts when we gather - and when we don't gather. It's getting to be a habit, yes?
"So are these energies that are coming in, Beloved Ones, they're not stopping at all, but the Eclipse was a moment, or a couple of hours, or whatever you measure it in your time. We see it all at once, but for everyone upon Planet Earth who was aware, and for those who were, in a word we shall say, in the awakened state prior to it, they were sending out messages all over the Planet and beyond, 'Oh it's coming, it's going to be so great. We are so thankful, we are so grateful, and we're going to join together to access the empowerment that this event is bringing!!!' And you did; and you welcomed it, and you said, 'THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THAT THIS IS OCCURRING!'
"What happened was that as each of you joined together in the Oneness of celebration of this magnificent event, each one of you empowered yourselves. Now we're going to tell a little tale here. We like to talk about The Voice, because she finds out about it later, and she's always fine with it, but we'll talk about her, but this is, only, only, one story, and you all experienced it - everybody who said, 'Welcome,' or 'Thank You', or joined in any kind of a meditation to honor and celebrate the Eclipse which happened.
"And of course you all know that there was an astrological line-up there that was super, super, special. We don't need to go into that, just suffice it to say, the powers that came in were incredible. Things happened to everyone in everyone's energy fields!!! The Voice herself is feeling a lot more perky than she was. She had some great help from the Arcturians, and their helpers, their honored ones. But she invited it in her own way. She didn't know exactly who she was inviting, but she invited it, because she said, 'OK, it's time to welcome this energy, and I'm going to bring it into all of my fields, and into my Heart, and I AM going to empower myself to be even in more service. I call for rejuvenation, I call for healing, and I call for energy!'
"And she's been what you might like to call - she used to say this about her sons, particularly about her older son - she's been 'bouncing off the walls' the last couple of days, and this is not her usual state of being, or it has not been her usual state for quite some time. That's just a manifestation of what has gone on, that we have been in observation of, and we are ecstatic, not just for her of course, but for each and every one of you! Things are starting to go better in your World. And it is for you to understand how empowered you are right now, because you all received this wonderful High Dimensional energy!!!
"Now if you haven't tested it out, we suggest that you do so. Get within yourself, go into your Heart, or however you choose to do it. We'll be doing a group Exercise with Mother Sekhmet, but this is our advice to you when you are outside of this gathering. Just put yourself right into the moment when the Eclipse occurred at maximum power wherever you are in the World. Say, 'Thank you! Thank you!' Express thanks and Gratitude that this empowerment has come to you, and then take it out for a test drive, you know, whatever it is you choose to do.
"You know, you do you want to do a meditation, and come up on the ship? Well get out your boarding pass, and come on aboard and let's have a conversation.
Do you want to sit in meditation with your Guides, and find out what is the right way to go, to the right or left, or maybe right up the middle with some project, or mission, or dilemma, that you might have? Go for it! You want to call upon your Beloved Self, to experience a complete turnaround, whether it be in your mental focus, your feelings of Joy, your physical self, whatever it is? Use this, and keep on using it, because it's not going to stop coming! Yes the event of the eclipse might be over - and don't worry about how many thousands of years before it happens again, and so on and so on - you'll be observing it from the same perspective that we are as time goes by on Planet Earth, but just bless it, thank it, welcome it, and celebrate, because it's a gift! It's a gift that was created for you, Beloved Ones, and for all of the wondrous beings upon Planet Earth.
"The Animals accepted it, and said, 'Thank You,' in their own way, each in their own way. Another little story we can tell, is that the ants have not been so prolific on the kitchen counters here on Maui. We have been in observation of this, because The Voice happened to suggest that they might find a better place to hang out, and we are happy to say that the ant count has diminished to almost zero, not quite, but it's getting there.
"There is no limit to you Beloved Ones, and that means there is no limit to what you can accomplish, what you can manifest, what you can bring forth!!! Get excited! We are! There is no need for you to be down in the dumpies for any reason. Use your empowerment. Call it forth from the Divine God/Goddess of your being. And just simply say, 'Thank you for all of the lessons, and the experiences. I AM moving ahead, and by that I mean I'm moving up!' And so it shall be. And guess why that is, Beloved Ones? It's because so it already is!!! It's just that simple. Now, we know, we sound like a cheering team, but we have so much to cheer about, and so much to celebrate.
"No matter where you are, no matter what your life situation is; no matter what it is that you think you're not able to do - STOP! And get those energies circulating throughout your energy fields. We promise you, because we already see it. See, we have an advantage. Some of you might even say, 'Well that's cheating isn't it?' No, it's the way of High Dimensionality! We tell you because we see it on your timelines. Now of course you can change them, if you really like being down in the dumpies, and if it's the only place you really feel like you belong, you can change it. But we're here to tell you, Beloved Ones, we see on your timelines the opposite of that, because you're here to be Love, you're here to express Love, and you are here to empower yourselves and others with this great wondrous energy!
"Which, after all, what is the highest energy in the Universe anyway, but Love? So just as that little girl used to sing - remember the little girl, 'Open up your Hearts, and let the Sun shine in!' Well, I am a little off key, but that's all right. Remember that song? Forget the rest of it, just do that. Put that little girl's smiley face right in front of you, or put the faces of your Guides. Go look in the mirror, and open your Hearts, and let this beautiful, wondrous, powerful Love, shine right into you, and then you know what you do with it, of course - you shine it out. You are one big shiny bubble of Love!!!
"Think of yourselves as being in the center of the Sun, and the Sun is in bursting mode. You are surrounded by beams of radiant sunbursts, going everywhere. And of course you can be specific if you wish, and send it to certain ones. You know this kind of sending of messages is even more powerful than emails, yes, or anything that you might put into writing. Do you know why? Because you're up in a Higher Dimensionality, and you are sending your greeting from there, and you are inviting the recipients to join you in Higher Dimensionality. That's why it's more powerful than emails. Oh emails, yes, and all of that, that came from higher sources, and you know, stop and look at what it is now. And send Sunbursts telepathically from your Heart, you know, Heart to Heart communication, now that's powerful!!
"And while you're at it, if there's anybody, anybody at all that you need to do some kind of resolution with, send it on these Sunbeams. You know ho'oponopono, that does it very well, but send it out from the great Sun, that great Light, that great shining being of Sun Light you are! Well that'll get through, and that'll be fabulous indeed for everyone. Go ahead, go through your address books, and send it out to everybody in that. How does that feel? Yes, you might take a few minutes of your time to do that, but that feels wondrous indeed!
"There is always opportunity for specific messaging, and for the total burst which gets it to everyone. And you can do it all. You can start with yourself, and go from there. And whatever visions, whatever meditations, however you do it, just get yourself up into the higher vibrations. We are here with you because you have allowed us, because you have opened your Hearts, and because you have said, 'Yes, come on Brothers and Sisters of the Stars and beyond, come and join with us, come through to us so close from wherever your consciousness has been, whatever Dimension, or Dimensions, your consciousness has been focused in. Come and focus it with us.' So, here we are!!!
"We will tell you that it used to be a lot more difficult to get attention, to get the people tuned into our wave lengths, to listen, and to really take into their Hearts what we have been telling them. But it's quite easy when it's not just words, when it's LoveBeams. So there you have it, personalize your messages with your own LoveBeams, and let yourself shine forth, because that's what you're here to do. So again, Thank You! Thank You! Thank You for all that you have done to personally engage in, and take part in this momentous event called the Eclipse, the Solar Eclipse, and of course the line-up, and everything else.
"Now we have a lot more coming. We have Love coming even more. Imagine, infinite Love is coming in this moment, and even more in the next. Now for those of you who enjoy that kind of philosophical puzzle, or riddle, go for it. We're just telling you it's a quantum thing, and you don't really have to understand it, just know it. It is increasing exponentially, Beloved Ones, but we'll give you the reason why.
"We don't very often leave riddles out there, although that was a dandy one from our Beloved Brother,** yes indeed. What it is, it's that it's increasing exponentially, because more and more are engaging on these high levels of sharing Love, sharing the empowerment of it, sharing the celebration, and the Joy of it, coming in and flooding the Planet. Boy, that's one kind of flood that's really welcome, you know, and it's going to increase, and increase, and increase. Because what this Love does is not only make the changes that are going on around you. Oh yes, we know there's a little chaos. Just beam it, beam whatever situation that comes up in front of you to help with. But what it does is, it clears the way for all of the good stuff that you've all been waiting for to happen. It's already in place. Some of it is already incognito, as Mother Sekhmet says, in 3D, some level of 3D. Some of that is just a little higher in the fourth dimension, but it's ready to come, what you call critical mass, and the critical mass is, you know, the dates on your calendars, which are no dates as far as we're concerned. There is no such thing as a definite date, however it's real soon, because it's all done.
"You see you've called forth, all of this good stuff, and it's done. So while you're beaming, and while you're bursting, think about sending a line out to it, perhaps a golden cord, a golden ray that will encompass, or enclose whatever it is that you are most anxious to see among all the many wondrous things that are ready to be unveiled, to drop through the veil, as the case might be and pull it forth into your World. You don't have to wait, because you have the power to do it in your now moment.
"That's all manifestation is anyway, it's taking something that's out there for you anyway, and just bringing it into your now moment. We know there are books that are written, and wondrous speakers upon the stage, and all kinds of youtubies, how to get what you really want in life, you know, and all of these kinds of inspirational help. But what it is, is for you to visualize it, bring it in the now!
"Not that we like to over-simplify. We honor all of those who have made a study of this, and written how-to-do-it books, because just to say the words to somebody who doesn't quite get what's going on in the World, that would seem as though it would not be a truthful statement. But we deal only in Truth, so we can tell you, we can assure you it's just that simple to do, if you want it to be simple. And then you can embellish it, decorate it, adorn it, as much as you want!
"The choices are all yours, Beloved Ones, but we are so thankful you have chosen to be with us in this Ashtar Family, and we are so thankful that you have chosen to wake up, and know who you really are, and to understand that we're all here in mission and service. And so let the Sunshine in, always, more, and more. Welcome it, and understand the empowerment, the great gift, that it brings to each and every one of you, and to us, and continue to celebrate, and stay in high vibration!!!
"Because that, Beloved Ones is the 'High Road,' to Ascension, which is ultimately what you all came to do. Thank you, Beloved Ones, for being with us. We have a delightful offering for you of the musical kind,*** and if you wish, just close your eyes and picture the power coming to you, the beautiful golden rays, and then see you powerful Gods and Goddesses beaming it out! It's a lovely Exercise. We'll go into more detail with Sekhmet, but we thought we'd give you that picture!
"Thank you so much, Beloved Ones, for being with us in this Gathering, and for welcoming us into your Hearts. And so it is! Salut!"
Also see the box below
** Referring to the riddle given by one of our Family members: "What does the reversal of colors in the double rainbow signify?"

*** Ashtar's message was followed by Here Comes the Sun, sung by the Beatles.

Transcription by Arnold Neal Troeh
Given through Susan Leland, May 22, 2012. © Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2012. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.


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