~Day 3 ~ Entering the Universal Underworld Invocation by Anrita Melchizedek

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 05/18/2011 - 20:12

~Day 3 ~ Entering the Universal Underworld~

~Invocation by Anrita Melchizedek~

Mp3 download www.pleiadianlight.net/dl.htm

From May 19th to June 5th, we enter into Day 3 of the Universal Underworld, guided into this Mayan new day through the amplification of the auspicious Wesak Full Moon and the Overlighting of Lord Buddha, the Christed One, the Ascended Masters and the Brotherhood of the Light. This focus is further actualized through the Ninth Ray of Highest Potentials, and the Crystalline Temple of Light above Delphi in Greece, one of the Crystalline Cities of Light embodying the essence of the Divine Feminine. As we align into our original Divine eight-cell blueprint, the blueprint reflecting our sacred contracts, through the merging of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine archetypes of Light, we move into a deeper sense of service in Love through joy and passion and unity consciousness.

As these first wave Souls in human embodiment of the I Am Avatar Blueprint and through the increased Light within the cellular structure of the body spiraling forth from the super-electron, we accelerate our frequency into Divine Love by finding the passion and joy within our Selves as well as stepping into a greater level of world service. Additionally, through the energy of the Delphi Crystalline Temple of Light and the Ninth Ray of Highest Potentials, we step out of power struggles, resistances and stresses, into an alignment of Light amplified through our I Am Presence and the ability to bring joy into all areas of our lives. We are further invited to actualize this essence of joy in waves of vibrating Light through the super-electron and a beautiful blue-green flame of Light, by connecting to the Unity Grid and heart chakra of Mother Earth. In so doing, we lift the veils of disillusionment and disheartenment, so that all Life may have the opportunity to experience themselves wrapped in garments of Light as co-creators and Master Beings in this merging of Love, joy, Unity Consciousness and Highest Potentials.

Invocation to Day 3 ~ Entering the Universal Underworld

I call upon Mother~Father God and my Mighty I Am Presence to merge with me,

as I align with all the Beings of Light from On High that I personally acknowledge,

the Ascended Masters, Lord Buddha, the Christed One, the Brotherhood of the Light,

Lord Metatron, Lord Melchizedek, Lord Michael,

the Chohans to the rays, the Angels and Archangels, Christed ET's, Mighty Elohim,

my own Guides and Guardian Angel, Nature Intelligence, Mother Earth and all other Beings of Light that wish to join me now in this sacred space.

I now request to be taken into the Crystalline City of Light above Delphi, Greece as an initiate of Light,

so I may take on a deeper level of my service work through joy and passion, Love and Unity Consciousness as I align into my original I Am Avatar Blueprint of Light through merging with the Divine Feminine and Masculine Archetypes of Light,

I now find myself at the gates to this Crystalline Temple of Light above Delphi.

I am recognized as an initiate of Light and as the doors are opened by three gatekeepers,

I now find myself being guided into a beautiful blue-green flame of Light, representing the Ninth Ray of Highest Potentials.

I now call forth to Lord Buddha, the Christed One, Mother Mary, and the Ascended Masters,

to assist me so I may embrace the role of being of being of Service in Love and joy,

Master and teacher, a student and adapt to all Life,

so I may serve in reverence, and humility, justice, joy, Love and compassion,

letting go of power struggles, resistance and stresses.

I now merge with my I Am Presence, the Highest Light of Who I Am within the Kingdom of Mother/Father God,

And now, I merge with the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine archetypes of Light,

recalibrating the hypothalamus, pituitary and pineal glands,

as I align into my original Divine eight-cell blueprint, and my I Am Avatar Blueprint of Light,

through the sacred geometry of the star tetrahedron,

and the pulsating Light waves of the super-electron,

I lift the veils of illusion,

understanding my puzzle piece and sacred contract,

as I activate the key codes of Light that will assist in my service work through joy and passion, and create the perfect balance of the Divine Masculine and Feminine within myself through Unity Consciousness and Love.

I call forth to Lord Buddha, the Christed One, Mother Mary, and the Ascended Masters, to assist me in my creative endeavors,

in bringing about the Highest Potential of all Life,

in Illumination, wisdom and joy,

and the Divine Unfolding Light of Mother/Father God.

I now take this sacred blue-green flame of Light and the essence of joy and service in Love through the unity grid and the heart chakra of Mother Earth,

in waves of Light amplified through the super-electron,

surrounding this earth plane and all Life in this sacred Divine Flame of Highest Potentials,

assisting all Life to let go of disillusionment and disheartenment,

and to experience Love and joy, purpose, passion and One Unity Consciousness.

And now, I find myself back in my sacred space, connected into the crystal heart of Mother Earth.

I Am joy,

I Am Wisdom,

I Am splendor,

I Am Divine Guidance,

I Am All That I Am.


The ELDERS on the Universal Underworld - Day 3

Mp3 download www.pleiadianlight.net/dl.htm

Welcome this is Anrita Melchizedek and I am going to connect now to the Elders, ancient celestial beings and high council members to bring through further information about Day 3, Entering the Universal Underworld and working with this Ninth Ray of Highest Potentials.

Welcome sweet ones, it gives us great pleasure to be with you in this now and to see the acceleration of Light that is being experienced on this earth plane. In entering Day 3 of the Universal Underworld you have an opportunity to truly take on the I Am Avatar Blueprint of Light. For as these first wave souls in human embodiment holding these key codes of light, you are able to not only to affect and create change through your cellular structure as it is lifted into this crystalline state of light, but in this Now, in knowing what your sacred contract is, you have the ability to move into a deeper level of service through joy in particular. The essence of this ray lifts you into a deeper level of Divine Love, letting go of stresses and resistances as you trust and surrender into the experience of yourself, into the experience of aligning with your I AM Presence of Light, the Highest Light of Who You Are and Have Forever Been and through this, to be able to take your service work out into a deeper level, or expand those through the appropriate networks of light. In Night 2 of the Universal Underworld, from May the 1st through May the 18th , what you experienced too was a sense of transmutation, of still letting go of old ties and structures that did not support you, and now what you will find in the next eighteen days, from May the 19th to June the 5th is a deeper sense of equilibrium, of finding your creativity, that which brings you joy. This joy is not an outward journey, sweet ones, it is about finding the passion within yourselves, about finding that level of creativity that inspires you whether through music or art or dance or writing, or through simply expressing yourself in the energetic key codes that you hold in this essence of divine love. It is about what makes your heart sing and dancing to the heart beat of that.

This Day 3 has been compounded through the amplification of the recent Wesak full moon energies Overlighted by Lord Buddha, the Ascended Masters and Christed One working from Shamballa which is also the essence of the vibration of these rays, primarily the first twelve rays as they spiral forth dimensionally and find their way into the second ray ashram of Love/Wisdom, from here, spiraling into the appropriate ray ashrams and through the Seventh Ray of Ceremonial Magic, the Violet Flame of St. Germain, which is why this Divine Flame is used most on this earth plane at this time of moving in to these higher frequencies of light. For the seventh ray holds the perfect balance of the first ray of Will and Power, the Second Ray of Love/Wisdom and the Third Ray of Divine Intelligence respectively, while bringing into alignment the letting go of old structures and stresses, old forms of energy, while protecting, activating and lifting you into a higher frequency of light. And it is the essence of this threefold flame that imbues all the rays in this energy system we work with, all twelve rays and the six cosmic rays.

Now in addition to the energy of these rays, you align into the original Divine eight-cell blueprint, into the perfect blueprint you came through with, as have been working from two blueprints due to your freewill, you are merging more now into this blueprint through a deeper level of trusting and surrendering to the Divine and can further activate this energy at a cellular level through the super electron. This Divine Dispensation has been given to all light workers and starseeded ones, to cloak themselves in the energy of the super-electron as it spirals forth primarily from the seventh dimension, down to the sixth, the fifth, the fourth onto this earth plane and lower worlds, bringing through this information highway, through these portals of light that hold this information that will create the change that you are looking for, through spinning the atoms and molecules within the body in increased frequencies of light. This energy is imbued within the rays too and in expressedly working from Service in Love, you work through the energy of the super-electron, which is down stepped for the majority on this earth plane to that of the sub-electron. But through these spirals of the super-electron as it comes through the stargates into the Unity Grid of Light in these pulsating waves of light; torsion waves as well as the spiral known as the infinity symbol of light. These key codes that are activated on the Unity Grid of Light, planetary key codes of light, are available for all light workers and all life. And as these light workers and starseeded ones, you take on first these key codes, and from here it is available for all life but it is with your assistance in working with the Unity Grid of Light that these key codes are activated and amplified. And in particular through this Day 3 of the Universal Underworld, there is a focus of lifting the veils of illusion, of stepping out of disheartenment and disillusionment into finding purpose, finding passion, and above all finding joy.

Now through the Overlighting of the Wesak Full Moon, emboding the Divine Masculine energy of Light, this has been merged into the energy of the Divine Feminine, of compassion and loving kindness, which is the energy focus of 2011, amplified through the Eleventh Ray of Illumined Truth in this beautiful pink-orange flame of light. In merging into the union of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine Archetypes of Light, represented in the essence of these Beings of Light holding this balance between the Divine Feminine, the Divine Love, the Flame of Love, the Divine Masculine and Unity Consciousness, you experience a merging within your body that activates the kundalini through the chakras in this beautiful spiral of light. Through this, you activate the key codes in these spiraling infinity symbols of light, and through the heart chakra in particular, which is activated through the Ninth Ray of Highest Potentials in Day 3, the chakra center to which it is amplified through, this is activated through the heart chakra of Mother Earth. You bring in these beautiful spirals of infinity symbols, activated through the ninth ray, activated through the super-electron and further in this instance to, through the Crystalline Temple of Light above Delphi in Greece. This Crystalline Temple of Light, this Crystal City of Light holds primarily the Divine Feminine key codes of light. Moving from ancient Egypt, into ancient Greece, you experienced a re-emergence of the goddess in particular. This was expressed not only in ceremony but also in music, in art, in creativity, and above all in joy. The essence of this Crystalline City of light moves you into joy, but also says to you that finding that balance within yourself creates a sense of wholeness, creates a sense of purpose, of being inspired in this Now moment. And over the next eighteen days in particular, as you work with Day 3 of the Mayan Underworld, see how you can bring a deeper level of joy into your life, follow the essence of your heart in finding the Divine Feminine through this gift of unconditional Love. For you are all Keepers of the Flame of Divine Love and in finding this Love within yourself in appreciation, in self nurturing, in self love, you are able to extend this outwards to all life and to those around you.

Sweet ones, in these accelerated times and these amplified frequencies of light, certainly there are shadow aspects to be integrated and for some they are still coming rapidly and creating emotional oscillations but now as we move through the energy of the rays, each ray progressively bringing a higher frequency of light dimensionally, you will experience this less, if you find the balance now within yourself in merging with your I Am Presence into the recognition of yourselves as these Beings of Love and Light. For this is Who You Are and Who You Have Forever Been. As you take on the I Am Avatar Blueprint of Light, as the chakras merge in this unified column of light, as the crystalline structure is created at a cellular level and the dormant DNA activated, you truly will experience deeper levels of your Self.

In this Day 3 of the Mayan Underworld, we focus too briefly on the sacred geometry of the star tetrahedron. The star tetrahedron is the sacred geometry existing within the original Divine eight-cell blueprint and further to this, within each cell of the body. This original Divine eight-cell blueprint does not change as the cells within the body replicate, it stays exactly as it always has been, as you come through as this child within this sacred earth. This original Divine eight-cell blueprint is found within the perineum center and while you have been working with two blueprints, your freewill blueprint and your original Divine eight-cell blueprint, you are aligning much more now into this original Divine eight-cell blueprint, as we have mentioned. And with this too, the ability to build your multidimensional bodies of Light as well as activate your Light Body/ Merkaba, which uses the shape of the star tetrahedron, using this to create this Light Body/ Merkaba field of light 54 ft in diameter around you. To create the sense of experiencing and sensing this star tetrahedron, visualize this initially within your third eye, see this six sided Star of David, Star of Melchizedek in three dimensional form or visualize yourself connecting two three sided pyramids together forming the six sided star. Let it briefly spin in a clockwise and counterclockwise direction now, in this beautiful blue-green flame of light. And now visualize this shape within each one of the chakras, spinning in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction now, focusing on joy, divine love, unity consciousness, passion, wisdom and creativity. And now visualize this shape around your body within a sphere of light that comes in 7.2 ft in diameter around you. Do not worry too much about the positioning at this stage of the star tetrahedron as it is positioned differently over men and women, rather know that 90% of this work is intentional based and by giving your conscious permission you will start to visualize and sense the star tetrahedron shape. Use this shape in this beautiful blue-green color and wrap yourself in a beautiful silver-gold bubble of light. This shape further takes you in to the third level of Christ Consciousness which is a level of Christ Consciousness holding an almost perfect phi-ratio and forty six chromosomes plus two etheric immortal chromosomes waiting to be physically actualized. So you have the possibility through this shape too, to come in the remembrance of the veils lifting into the experience of immortality, knowing that you have the ability to youth and rejuvenate the physical body, to regenerate to a degree of experiencing yourself in this same physical body or working with the organs or body parts that need healing and light much the same way as you work with your shadows and light.

This is a beautiful time on planet earth, on this sacred jewel on which you exist. You are working more on the inner planes, working in the Ashrams of Light, through the rays, through the Galactic Federation, through the Melchizedek Brotherhood of the Light, through the Left and the Right Eye of Horus, depending on the levels of consciousness awareness, your desires, your requests and the information that is unfolding for you at a cellular level to take your service work to another level. Further to this you are all assisting in this planetary ascension process and connecting into the Unity Grid of Light. This Unity Grid of Light is primarily accessed through the twelfth ray of One Unity Consciousness and is the energy in which all life will be traveling through the year 2012. And we foresee too, that all life chooses to move into this energy of light, embraced in Unity Consciousness and this golden Flame of Light when the earth and all her life ascends into the next level of Light in the year 2012, in December 2012. It is a time of moving out of separation, a time of moving into Divine Love, of experiencing yourself in this essence of Light through the sacred union of yourself within the Divine Feminine and Masculine aspects of yourself; within the essence of knowing that you are this Keeper of the Flame of Divine Love, that you are this Wisdom Keeper of Light to Mother Earth and all her life. Twin flame reunions will be coming through too, many on the inner planes, and it is appropriate to connect in Light to the inner plane frequencies and make this connection to your Divine Counterpart. But we let you know too that without this physical presence you find wholeness and Love within yourself and this too is a path of many light workers on this earth plane. And for those of you that are experiencing families and Divine reunions on an earthly level, this experience of Love is amplified so that others too may experience these pathways of Love particular. In this ray we further talk about primarily the recalibration of your Divine Feminine and Masculine through the pituitary, pineal and hypothalamus glands and with this, the left and right hemispheres of the brain, which is further Overlighted by Mother Mary, Chohan to this ray.

We honor you all as these sacred precious Master Beings and regardless of what outer circumstances present, regardless of current realities, past experiences or moments in this Now of deep challenges, know that you are always loved and know too that you are the Flame of Love. If you step into this knowing and embracing yourself as this Keeper of Light holding this Flame of Divine Love for all life so you shall become it. We bless you as these initiates of Light and as these Masters Beings of Love and Light. And with this, we bid you a most magical day.


The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network www.pleiadianlight.net

Mp3 background music by Mike Hammer www.michaelhammer.com

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