~ Higher Energies Continue to Come IN~

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 05/26/2012 - 10:46

Cosmic Vision News by InLight Radio in Spirituality ~ by Geoffrey West




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Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library: Part 4 (why animal extinction now, sacred plants, and more)


why there are mass extinctions of animals
the role of animals in human existence
the life of plants
altering your consciousness through sacred plants
the frequency of love
how earth life affects the pleiades
other intelligences want to meet us
how to communicate with the plants and animals; your intention



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~Share Your Artwork and Photo's With The Galactic Free Press~




Blessings and welcome to our new project, The Galactic Art Co-op!



This is a place for Beings to share their Loving Art, be it paintings, music, photography, digital art or anything else. If you have something you'd like to share with us, you can send it to us here, or you can also browse our collection of art here.


This is the first phase of the project and the site is still under construction. We will be building up and promoting the site as well as building up a collection of art and a network of artists. After that, we plan on creating ways for people to sell and purchase the art here, and also make it easy to share the art here on other sites.



We Love You!! Love The Earth Allies



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David Icke - We Are Here To Change The World!


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~You are Not Alone~


You are Not Alone from Mother Mary
Michele Denman



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~ A Message from The Earth Allies~ Heaven Is Within~


Heaven an awakened dream manifesting before our eyes...Just a Fantasy most believed by the old controllers of the game... Now is Real and is coming in....


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Ashtar: Celebrating the Empowerment of the Solar Eclipse


Ashtar: Celebrating the Empowerment of the Solar Eclipse
Ashtar on the Road Teleconference May 22, 2012
"Well Good Evening, Everyone! We have a lot to celebrate. When you hear the news that seems to be, humm, contrary, shall we say, to that which you are looking for, which is the highest levels of Love Light and Healing, and Peace on Earth for all, just remember as the Masters have just stated, there's a bit of cleaning up still to do.
"And you can be assured, every one of you, that we are right in the thick of it, because you, Beloved Ones, you, our Beloved Ashtar Family, and the Light Workers of Planet Earth, and the Awakened Ones, and the Old Souls, who have come back in the current bodies of Humans, and all of the Kingdoms of Mother Gaia, have joined together in the most beautiful and uplifted Oneness ever seen on this Planet since it began, since before the veil came into place.


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His prison is no more...

Bill is out of this imprisonment that most of us still live in... This prison of deceptions and lies that we were born in to it... This prison of conformity to everything what governments, religions and societies put in front of US... This prison of not opening our mouth when we see injustice, when we do harm to others hiding behind the uniform or the orders...


Yet, Beloved Bill found enough courage and clarity to face these oppressive actions with pure honor to stand tall and in his own choice to be truly FREE...


Bill is Free to give US all the perfect example how the system of lies and deceptions is crumbling down... simply by standing tall, and being not afraid, and having total faith that all He is doing is for pure benefits of others, for true care for every single soul who still feel that they are trapped in this military and fear controlling system...



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5/25/2012 -- Severe weather outlook -- Midwest, South, North, East, and West coast


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Victory Is Only For Those Who Resist


Victory Is Only For Those Who Resist



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~Cosmic Vision News On Now~ With Geoffrey West

Listen to internet radio with InLight Radio on Blog Talk Radio


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FREEDOM PROJECT: Punished for supporting OWS? Police captain Ray Lewis talks to RT...


The Occupy Wall Street movement was created to combat corporate power but has since evolved. Police brutality took center stage when New York City police officers pepper-sprayed peaceful protesters, and since then a retired Philadelphia police captain has come forth to bridge the gap between protesters and law enforcement. Ray Lewis is in the process of potentially being stripped of his union benefits for protesting in his uniform, and he joins us with more on why he feels that it is necessary for him to speak out.

Subscribe to RT! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=RussiaToday

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FREEDOM PROJECT: Inside Job, Narrated by Matt Damon (Full Length HD)...



'Inside Job' provides a comprehensive analysis of the global financial crisis of 2008, which at a cost over $20 trillion, caused millions of people to lose their jobs and homes in the worst recession since the Great Depression, and nearly resulted in a global financial collapse. Through exhaustive research and extensive interviews with key financial insiders, politicians, journalists, and academics, the film traces the rise of a rogue industry which has corrupted politics, regulation, and academia. It was made on location in the United States, Iceland, England, France, Singapore, and China.

For up to date information for preparing for a financial collapse go to preppernews.net/


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Awakening Update: Ascension Symptoms after the Eclipse


My comments are in a separate paragraph below each number in the list below:

Are you experiencing any of these ascension symptoms? Do you feel something has fundamentally changed in your life? Do you feel the 'SHIFT' ?


Ascension Symptoms


1. Feeling as though you are in a pressure cooker or in intense energy; feeling stress. Remember, you are adjusting to a higher vibration and you will eventually adjust. Old patterns, behaviors and beliefs are also being pushed to the surface. There is a lot going on inside of you.


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Healing Unseen Negative Forces~ Eceti News by James Gilliland


Healing Unseen Negative Forces~

Eceti News by James Gilliland


Many have asked for this healing technique during these amazing shifts of energy where the veils between worlds get thinner and thinner. Practice and do them until you feel clear. If you dont like what you are feeling, do a healing.


Healing is a must for all those who desire to op

erate in other realms of consciousness. You must have self – authority and maintain control.If you are experiencing negative vibrations, they are either thought forms, limiting mental concepts,psychic bonds or discarnate entities(lost souls) in need of healing. They are bound to the earth vibration due to lower vibrational attitudes and emotions. Some are coercive and desire to manipulate or control.Love heals. Casting out only sends them to another place, another personal . IN all healings, remember that god is love. It is the power of love that heals and lifts., We will give you the following steps to clear the energy.


1. Close your aura by visualizing a white or gold light around you.



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FREEDOM PROJECT: RT: Assange sports Anonymous mask in extradition ruling run-up...




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~ Maureen Ross



Dearest Hearts,

As always, I pray you are well during the most potent energetic time to date in our lifetime.


During this month of May and June humanity is being given ascension frequency patterns and new encodements, in preparation for the 12-12-12 and 12-21-12 in the form of powerful energy impulses from the Moon, the Sun, the Planets and more.


For each that have taken a conscious and loving stewardship over their body, mind, heart and spirit, and strongly connected to the God of their being, these potent energy impulses will not only have you noticing an infusion of Unity Consciousness, a stronger personal Life force and a less convoluted sense of self, there is also the internal awareness of a newfound freedom you have long awaited from the distorted and manipulated Human Template.



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Veronica ~ Achieving A Soul Relationship



Veronica ~ Achieving A Soul Relationship

April Crawford | Inner Whispers | May 25  2012

It is important to acknowledge the supreme value of your soul. The physical life you lead is being conducted by that very energy. The sense of self often labeled the ego fights for control of events. In most cases, the ego wins out, but forever seeks the reconnection to the soul.


In your cultures the ego, missing that energetic relationship, creates a search for their “other half”. Some define it as a soulmate that is needed to compete the lack that the ego feels. In reality, it is the desire to reconnect soulfully to the wholeness felt when not embodied.


Perhaps it is time to realize that another energy does not complete you. The soulful connection is within you and does not need completion through outside participation. Souls who are more acquainted with the non-linear often find the physical linear a void of isolation. The only remedy being a reconnection to one’s own energy.



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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 5~25~12 The Mystery of the Bermudian~Atlantean Hotel


Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 5~25~12





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FREEDOM PROJECT: Maple Spring: 'Canada vs totalitarian govt crackdown'...




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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 5/25/12





The Mystery of the Bermudian/Atlantean Hotel


Our mystery begins deep below the coral bedrock of the area of your world known as the Bermuda Triangle, beneath the crystal clear waves where a deep underground, sprawling hotel has been created by those of your world who have taken their money that they spend on such luxuries from your pockets. This hotel that has been a secret up until now is 50 stories in height and it is 30 stories in breadth. It is massive as far as hotels are concerned in your world. It was designed and it was built by those of your world with great minds and quite expanded vision. This hotel, a playground for the rich, the famous and the successful was built from taxpayer money and secret black projects that have embedded great amounts of wealth within the pockets of those who today garner the title of world controllers and operators.


They do not have an open door policy or a welcome mat in front of their sunken entrance way. Instead, only those whom they consider ‘A list’ clients are permitted to grace this spectacular hotel’s hallways, dining areas, tennis courts, beautiful gardens and luxurious staterooms. All other trespassers are taken into custody and their silence is promised through intimidation, incarceration, and even through the last resort of death.



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FREEDOM PROJECT: Keiser Report: Stripped To Teeth (E292)...


In this episode, Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, discuss self-reporting financial crimes and private equity ripping teeth out of four year olds for profit. In the second half of the show Max talks to Teri Buhl about JP Morgan's Wells Notice and what bad news that could mean to the troubled bank's fortunes.

Follow Max Keiser on Twitter: http://twitter.com/maxkeiser

Watch all Keiser Report shows here:

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UFO Sightings in San Antonio, TX - May 2012


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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~25~12 The Energies are Intense and will Be Increasing



The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~25~12



Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~ The Energies are Intense and will Be Increasing



You Are the One By Earth Ally Will Harader


Greetings Love Beings,


The Energies are Intense and will be increasing Every Moment NOW. You will feel these like electric currents running through your body hologram, with Joy and Laughter filling your Hearts, and AHA Moments.These incoming Energies for those connected in, will Bring Waves of Joy for some. For those not connected in yet, may experience Sudden outbursts and extreme tiredness. Focusing On Love is the Key NOW and Being Completely Present in the Moment. These are Your Tools which will Assist you in these coming Weeks.



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FREEDOM PROJECT: Sen. Rand Paul Introduces Amendment to Rein in FDA Abuse - 05/23/12


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We are the Pleiadians and we have a message for you



We are the Pleiadians and we have a message for you.



The Solar Eclipse on May 20th (May 21st) was immensely powerful and

energetic. Many among you have undergone a Ascension proces and

transformations and are still now receiving uploads of our Pleiadian

energies. Those are necessary for the next shift in consciousness that

will come to pass through the Venus Transit. The energies intensify

with each shift and your physical bodies become more sensitive as a

result. Many have now acquired a crystalline body and they feel

lighter and more whole. But shifts can also cause some discomforts

which can be caused by the continuous life in the 3rd Dimensional



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The Morning Blessing ~ Affecting our World 26 May 2012 LotusLight



The Morning Blessing ~ Affecting our World

  26 May 2012  LotusLight




Dear One,


We affect our world with two complimentary actions:

Direct and Meditative


Direct action throws water on a threatening fire, pulls a child out of harm's way,

writes letters to the editor, and participates in the electoral process.


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Ann Albers – Message From Ann And The Angels – 26 May 2012



Ann Albers – Message From Ann And The Angels – 26 May 2012

Message from the Angels

My dear friends, we love you so very much.

Take a breath dear ones for everything is in right order. There is a grand dance being orchestrated in the universe by nothing less than the loving Divine Presence that animates all of creation. If you can imagine, the universe is like a giant body, with every element, every being, every little piece of creation designed to act and respond in cooperation with one another. The energy and love that flows between you and all creation is like a giant nervous system. If you cut your finger, the entire body responds immediately and begins immediately to heal the cut. In a healthy body, as cancer cells do not find a hospitable environment in which to grow.


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~Laura Tyco~Listen to Higher Guidance Several Times Throughout Your Day


Message from God and Sfhs ~ 26 May 2012 ~


Listen to Higher Guidance Several Times Throughout Your Day and a Question from Laura



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Suzanne Lie – Mytria/Mytre : Mytria Continues – The Cave – 26 May 2012



Suzanne Lie – Mytria/Mytre : Mytria Continues – The Cave – 26 May 2012


I am embarrassed to say that I vividly remembered the feeling of the merging with the male etheric form to the tiniest detail, but I could not remember my personal message from The Arcturian. Was I that desperate for love that I would disrespect the message that was given me directly from an Arcturian? Fortunately, I did not ponder that question when I first awoke. I was too weak. My etheric form had stayed out of my body for too long, and my body was going into shock.


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Visionkeeper – Stepping Stones – 26 May 2012



Visionkeeper – Stepping Stones – 26 May 2012

(picture by www.favim.com)

I think a great many people see life through the eyes of a victim, they view life as if  ‘it’ determines what they will do and be and not the other way around. They are at the mercy of their circumstances, they play no part in how their lives turn out. What a sad way to live ones life. This of course is not the reality of our existence. 


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BREAKING: Sphere Deflects Solar Eruption! May 25, 2012


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News from Earth Allies: New World Order NWO - Peter Vereecke, Belgium



Uploaded 26 May2012 by 


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~Incoming Codes~ Songs of Freedom~


~ Join The Internet Love Party tomorrow at 1:30Pm Pacific.. We are Going to Light the Planet UP~ IN a Big Way~ Love The Earth Allies




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I always imagine God singing this song to me...

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~Incoming Codes~ Miracles will be Unfolding~


~We are On the Way Home!~

Together as One Family of Love



~ Love The Earth Allies~


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Alkmaar one of the wounded


Songjiang club youth training has been officially launched. Layers of screening, more than 20 primary and middle school students come to the fore, for t Replica tag heuer hese players to get the right guidance, the Songjiang deputy general manager of Hanjin Ming himself as a tier coach. The team's average age around 12 years old, a week will be conducted four trainin Cheap prom dresses g, mainly in the afternoon and evening. Until recently, the primary scho copy rolex watch ol in Beijing to defeat Russian teenager has become the focus of a major national media coverage. Hao Haidong was said that a primary school team not the outcome too seriously, no children to play is th Replica breitling e most terrible thing.


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Greetings to All of you, Children of The Light.




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Heavenletter #4201 God Is Speaking to You


Heavenletter #4201 God Is Speaking to You , May 26, 2012 

God said: 


The thing with Heavenletters is that there are millions of them. They are endless. At any moment everyone in the world could pick up one for themselves. No matter the language, Heavenletters (by whatever name they are called) are lined up waiting to be heard.

We can put it another way. I am vibrating at every moment, and the hum of My vibration is accessible to you. Of course, it is. Why would that be surprising? I want you to hear Me. That you come to know that We are One in your experience is My deep longing. It has ever been so.


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Higher Energies where darkness cannot exist





Hello Son,

Higher Energies where Evil[darkness] cannot exist


For a decade the message to raise your own vibrations has been a common theme and to promote goodwill and love amongst each other. Seldom do we take stock of the true meaning of this.


The lower vibrations were the symptoms of tension, worry, hate, greed, fear, competition, selfishness and  callousness; spirituality and personal development does not exist as the energy frequencies are too low. But in this lower frequency evil thrives and continues as long as the person does not raise his own vibrations.


However, in the higher vibrations evil suffocates; negativity disappears and is replaced with positivity. When this happens we are able to think clearly and inspiration comes naturally to us.

Learning and acquiring knowledge becomes easier and pace of learning also increases. Our own outlook changes and confidence within ourself also increases.


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FREEDOM PROJECT:2012-05-25 Cosmic Vision News...


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~Space Weather Update~ Hopping with Activity~


LIMB SHOTS: The sun's southeastern limb is hopping with activity. New sunspot AR1492, which just rotated onto the Earthside of the sun, is crackling with C-class solar flares and hurling plumes of plasma off the stellar surface. Click on the image to set the scene in motion:


NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the movie during the late hours of May 25th. According to the 3D Sun app, another active region is approaching just behind this one and could boost solar activity even more when it emerges in the days ahead. Stay tuned.

more images: from Cai-Uso Wohler of Bispingen, Germany


Galactic Free Press Daily Update 5~24~12 Light is Getting Ready to Explode Upon Humanity


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Lisa Gawla s: The Time is NOW! In “NOW” Your Silo of Harvest Is Ready and Available!!




We have talked for so long about this “new” energy that we shall be living in.  I suppose for most of us (myself especially) I expected results of this “new” like what has been experienced over the last year in readings.  For me, readings are the best gauge of how the energy is changing because I can feel it and it affects the readings… my ability to read efficiently, tremendously.

This past year there had been sooooo many shifts in the energy, but it was never completely different.  Just as if there was more and it was more condensed.  Yesterday however, so completely different than ever before.  Everything vibrates quite differently in this new energy.


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Be your own angels. – Michael by Ron Head



  Press for Spanish.

Press for Portuguese.


We are pleased this morning to discuss with you the topic of kindness.  Every soul who has been drawn to these messages is quite familiar with and capable of kindness.  It has taken you many lifetimes to learn this thing.  You have lived through experiences of great pain at the hands of others.  You have yourselves had to learn by hard experience the consequence of disregarding the feelings of others.


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Oracle Report ~ Saturday and Sunday May 26/7, 2012



Saturday, May 26 - Monday, May 28, 2012


Crescent Moon Phase

This weekend brings air to situations.  The theme of air has been dominant the last few days, and when air energy is in force, dramatic events take place.  This is what has been happening over the past few days and will continue through Monday.  Remember "Wind" days from the Mayan Sacred Calendar, Tzolkin? (Tzolkin is another name for the Sun but is also the name of this particular calendar - same thing really.)  Wind days blow in strong and hard and substantially change things.


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Love Update: Use your gift of Love




People, its happening. The Transformations, the Unity, the Love. The energy is here for us all. Experience it, go outside, its Wonderful. Look at the blue skies and the white clouds. At night go outside. Look at the moon shining so bright, and the stars, that lets you know that your family of light is looking back down on you, so it can remind you that you have a great family up there. Call your friends. Tell them about it as well. Let them join and look at the stars with you/ People, spread love. go to work and tell your boss you love him. Go to a resteraunt and share a meal with a stranger, look at his expression. The love will show on his face. This is how you spread love. Go up to someone and hug them if they are feeling down, and tell them that you are there for them. If you spread love, more energy will spread on others and they will spread it too. Its a ENDLESS CYCLE. =Dan=


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The manuscript of survival – part 144



The manuscript of survival – part 144



 •May 26, 2012 • 


As we have discussed earlier, now the time for acceleration has come. Many of you have already felt this very strongly in your physical body, and we can agree with those of you attesting to the fact that this can not in any way be likened to anything you have experienced before. And rightly so, as this quickening of the pulse is something that will have many manifestations, not only in your physical body, but also in everything you have around you. And we refer both to the seen and the unseen realms here, as this magnificent new tune as it were, is playing out in all the harmonics, and therefore it touches to the core of everything. At first, not much will be apparent of all of this, but after a while, everything will become attuned, or rather entrained, and as such, much will start to work, or sing, together. 


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Where Things Stand...Again | Extraordinary Year May 16, 2012


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