Blossom Goodchild: You Learn to Be Love

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 05/27/2012 - 12:22

Blossom Goodchild: You Learn to Be Love

2012 May 27
 by Steve Beckow

Blossom looks back at her life as a channel, first of White Cloud and later of the Galactic Federation of Light, with Graham Dewyea interviewing. She describes how it feels to channel what she calls “the overseers of the overseers, top management.”  She discusses how Oct. 14, 2008 was for her and what its rerun, the Neptune trip, aroused in her.  A look behind the scenes of one of the more prominent and most candid lightworkers of this era.


Our Galactic Family, with Blossom Goodchild, May 20, 2012

Graham Dewyea: Hello, and welcome to Our Galactic Family. I’m Graham Dewyea.


My guest today is Blossom Goodchild. Blossom is a professional, direct-voice channeling medium working with spirit and cosmic energies. She has been channeling the Native American Indian spirit White Cloud for 13 years and the Federation of Light since 2005. Blossom has authored six books and her channelings are translated into over 13 different languages.


In addition to her spiritual work, Blossom is also a professional actress specializing in musical theatre. Welcome to the show!

Blossom Goodchild: Thank you very much. I’m really happy to be with you!


GD: Well, it’s great to have you. How did you get involved with channeling? How did that all start for you?


BG: It started really because I was — I developed an illness when I was about 17, which — well, we called them fits. Through having these fits for about 20 years, around that time, I got quite depressed and nobody could find out what it was. And I went to all sorts of top doctors and psychiatrists, et cetera, and I came across this very gifted clairvoyant who actually had — to cut it short — she saw White Cloud with me.


And I had done some healing over the years, as I got, you know — over 20 years I’d gotten more into spiritual awareness. And so when I was healing I was aware of this Indian standing behind me. And one day I asked, you know, “May I know your name?” And I heard “White Cloud.”


So, when this lady was with us — and I was sick at the time — she said that, you know, she’s got this Indian with her, and he’s opening and shutting his mouth and saying he’s frustrated because he can’t — he wants to speak to me, and would I get a pen and paper, and he would come through telepathically. And because I was into all that sort of stuff, I didn’t think, oh, you know, that’s a bit odd, I just, oh, well, I’ll give it a go.


And, I mean, I sat down and I literally started saying, “Well, I…” — you know, writing down — “…I don’t know what I’m supposed to put, but here I am.” And the connection was made. And we wrote — we just — he spoke telepathically to me for about three or four pages and said that we had agreed many moons ago to do this, and that he was going to speak through me and use my voice box, if I was still agreeable to do it. And I said yes. You know, I was. It just seemed the most natural thing to me.


So I arranged a meeting, and I had about 12 people there, and he literally, you know, I said a little blessing, and then he took over from there. I started breathing very peculiarly! [laughs] And I felt as if I wanted to say a word, and, yeah, I think it was “welcome” or something like this, and out of my mouth came this very, very, very deep, broken accent. And he spoke for about three-quarters of an hour.


And that … there was the beginning of our what I would call the most beautiful relationship, because he is the most compassionate being of light that I’ve, you know, that I’ve had the pleasure to experience!


GD: We were obviously zeroing in and talking about the Federation of Light, but I don’t want to skip over what is clearly a significant part of your work in working with White Cloud. What would you like to say about him and his message?


BG: Words are quite inadequate, probably, but when he actually comes through, he’s now — at first we weren’t able to — I wasn’t able to sort of move, really. My eyes were closed, and he spoke very, very slowly. And now, over the last 13 years, I mean, he’s actually been known to stand up and walk around, and he opens his eyes.


And I know that when people are listening to him, when he looks into their eyes, through my eyes, you know, I see because I’m in there on the left-hand side of my brain and he comes in on the right, and we sort of meet in the middle. So, I’m aware of everything that’s going on. So it’s quite a strange phenomenon. But I’m aware, as he’s looking into somebody’s eyes, I see their eyes just fill up with tears because of the love that he just emanates.


He’s — you know, in all the time, in everything he’s said, there’s just nothing of negative energy at all. He’s just so wise. At the end of the day, Graham, his message as for the Federation of Light is all about love. It is just that, you know, that is who we are, and we have to — it’s imperative that we get back to that love that we are, because we’re not being true to ourselves if we don’t.


He really … he changes … his wisdom helps you to change your life for the better, because if you put into action all his suggestions, as with — I say again, you know — the Federation of Light, your life does change, because you’re coming from a different place, and you’re letting go of the anger and the judgment, et cetera.

And you — it sounds funny to say – “you learn to be who you are and you learn to be love,” but I definitely would say, you know, whether “learn” is the right word, but I have — I — for me, I work on it. You know, over the years I’ve had to work on being who I am, because, you know, you can judge people so easily, and sometimes your behavior isn’t as it should be. So I do think it’s things that you need to work on.


GD: Well said. How did you become acquainted with the Federation of Light?


BG: Well, I didn’t really know of their existence, really. And I actually went to see a clairvoyant because I was a bit stuck with what was happening with White Cloud, and, you know, people think, “Oh, well, can’t you just ask White Cloud?” But it just doesn’t seem to work that way. I think many mediums will agree. So I just wanted a bit of advice.


And this lady said to me, “Upstairs is saying to you that you’re to write another book, but it’s not going to be with White Cloud. It’s going to be with somebody different, and they’ll let you know. And they’re just asking that you sit at your computer for half an hour every day, and they will come through.”


So, this is a very different way of connecting. And I literally — the next day was my birthday, and so I sat down at the computer, and at the time we had this computer in our old garage out the back, and I thought, “Well, here we go, new adventure” — and literally, the same thing, just the telepathy, thoughts came through.


And at first with [ ? ], this book was called The Bridge. It was definitely the “I Am” presence, the Divine Presence that seemed to be coming through. And somewhere along the line, and you can’t actually differentiate where, they became the Federation of Light. And it sort of … so, whether they merged and blended through the I Am energy to get to me…. And so, I literally, I sat there for half an hour every morning.


And then, one day … I kept thinking throughout the whole time, “Well, when are they going to get to the crux of the matter? You know, “When are we going to really get into it?” And then one day they came out with this thing of, “We’re nearly at the end of,” you know, “you writing this book.” And I remember, it was quite unlike me, but I got quite angry, because I was like, “What are you talking about? You haven’t said anything yet.”

And when I actually … when I actually sat down, because I’d just got to read what’s gone on, because when I went to start a channeling each day I didn’t read what I’d done before. I just tuned in and we carried on.


And I sat down outside, and I read most of, you know, that had been written. And I cried and cried and cried, because it — I got it. You know, I really got how it all flowed together and what they were actually trying to say. And I remember having a real strong moment of saying out loud, “I underst…” — and I was crying, but — “understanding that you want me to get this out to people.”

And it was a big thing for me because they were extraterrestrials! You know, and like, sort of — that was seven years ago. And it’s like, well, I, you know, I get the mickey taken out of me by channeling a Native American Indian, let alone have I got the courage to go out there and say, “Now, look, chaps…” you know, UFOs, all that kind of thing.


But I remember that day, at the end of that day, making the decision and saying, okay, okay, yeah, I get it. I’ll do it. And so therefore, you know, the book was published, and the rest is history, as they say.

GD: How do you feel when you channel them?

BG: Sometimes more than others, I just burst into tears, because the energy of love is on a vibration far higher than mine is, and my body just is overwhelmed by it, really. And I know that people have written in to me and the same happens to them sometimes, you know, men and women, when they read it, because of the energy that comes through of the love that they are. And that, I guess, you know, when I’ve had moments of doubt, you know, at the end of the day, that is what makes me know that I am in my truth with this all, because of that feeling, which is what they talk about all the time, it’s about the feeling.


GD: Right. So you started channeling them, and then after a time they introduced themselves as extraterrestrial beings, star brothers and sisters. What was that like for you?


BG: The ones I channel are the overseers of the overseers. They sort of feel as if, they sort of express as if they’re sort of top management, is the way I would like to put it. But I think, more to the point, when I first was doing a channeling with White Cloud and some extraterrestrial beings actually came through for the first time and spoke through me — and they, again, were here to tell us of love — it was after that that I really sort of had a huge awakening. And I was aware that there were UFOs and life on other planets, but to be honest, Graham, I’d never given it a thought, just never considered what that life might be.


And so to suddenly have one of them [laughs] from another planet speak through me blew my head off, quite honestly. You know, I was awake all night, going, my god, my god! Because it opened up my world! It completely opened up my world. And never did I think that they would be highly intellectual and higher intelligence, and of so much more a higher vibration. Those things had just never occurred to me. So, it did. That was, you know, that was the beginning of a very long journey on which I’m still traveling.


GD: So, when they present themselves to you, is it a group? Is it an individual? Do you have a relationship where you can identify different members of the group by name? How does that work?

BG: No, it doesn’t seem to be, at all, an individual. And yet, I can’t say I know it is a group either, really. But that’s what I believe it to be, a consciousness. Because I don’t, I really don’t feel as if it is one energy, but it’s probably one energy as a whole, if you see what I mean. It’s so difficult to describe, because I don’t hear a voice when I’m working with them. It purely is thought.


GD: And what can you tell us about them, if you were to describe them, aside from obviously higher evolved beings, overseers of the overseers, top management? You described their love, and I know we’ll get into the messages, but what else can you tell us about them, that they shared with you?


BG: Everything they’ve given, I’ve given out. And so who they are … is who they say they are. And I can offer no more than that, other than to me they just … they feel of such, such love. And so I would say that’s who they are. They are of love. You know. And when I’ve said to them, “So, is it going to be you guys that’s going to appear in our skies and everything?” it seems that no, it isn’t, because they are of too high a light to actually transform into a form that would we be able to comprehend, perhaps.


GD: What’s the difference between the Federation of Light and the Galactic Federation?


BG: I’ve asked them, and they’ve said nothing, because it is one huge organization. And so some people say there is a difference, and, you know, that’s what they’ve got through. But when I said, “Look, I want to know for sure,” you know, “what is the difference?” and they just said nothing. [or: and they just said, “Nothing.” ?]

GD: I see. Well, let’s go back to October 14, 2008. Your message from the Federation of Light was largely distributed, and that was that there would be a spacecraft appearance for about three days, I believe, and it didn’t happen. And take us back to that time, if you will, including the build-up to that day, and what you were experiencing after, and how you look back at that time today.

BG: Okey dokey. Are you sitting comfortably? As they used to say. [laughs] When I was writing the second book for the Federation, they said that they would like me to put out this message and to inform the, you know, governments of the world and everything that, you know, that they were going to appear in the skies, et cetera. And I remember — in our skies — and I remember at the time, as I’m writing it, my vibra — you know, I started almost shaking thinking, “You are joking!” You know, et cetera, et cetera. And at the time they said the date, October the 14th.


And my sister happened to pop round at the time, and I went, “Oh, you’ll never guess what they’ve just said!” You know. And I was making a laugh, a joke about it, saying, you know, can you imagine me, you know, phoning the President and saying, you know, “Hello, this is Blossom Goodchild…” And I made a whole joke about it, because, I said, what am I going to do? And I sort of, to be honest, Graham, I dismissed it, because I didn’t want to deal with it.


And as the time was getting nearer — I think it was around, you know, July — my friend Rick, who was helping me with all the White Cloud stuff, said, “What are you going to do? You need to do something, Blossom, about this.” And I said, “Oh, I don’t … I don’t know, I don’t know,” you know. “What if it doesn’t happen?” et cetera. And then I really became very serious about it, and thought, well, if I don’t put this message out or do something about it, I really am saying to myself that I don’t trust what I’m getting through, and so what would be the point of continuing my work?


So, you know, I thought, right, here we go. And I did say to the Federation, look, okay, I’m going to send it out on my newsletter, and at the time I had 125 people — at the time! — on my newsletter. And so, I asked the Federation if there was anything they wanted to particularly put, and they literally then channeled that whole message that went out, that I know, Graham, was of a very high vibration, because so many people, again, just burst into tears when they read it. And they also woke up. It awakened many people just through the energy of the message.


And I sent it out to my 125 people, thinking, good, I’ve done it, that’ll be the end of that! [laughter] Little did I know, you know, what was about to take place in my life! And within days, you know, it was everywhere. And so it began.


And, you know, it was very — I have to say it was very scary for me, because I did what I did out of living my truth, and found myself, you know, everywhere, all over the internet and on the radio. I was overwhelmed with it all, and I literally — I used to go outside at night and look up at the stars, and I used to say, “You’d better bloody show up or I’m in real trouble!” Because it was just so huge, you know. And as the time got on, I was the one to be honest, that had the doubt of what will — what, what’s going to happen if they don’t show? Whereas, you know, my son, my husband, my sister, my friends, you know, as we know, thousands and thousands of people had no doubt at all that it was going to happen.


GD: And other channelers were saying the same thing.

BG: Absolutely. And there were so … you know, so many things that I received to confirm that this was going to take place. Even like, I think the day before there was a whole thing on Google Earth about, you know, that these great big patches were being blocked out. And the Federation actually confirmed that, yes, it was because these ships were getting near, you know, these big ships.


And I remember seeing this shape on Google Earth, which was — it was like a triangle at the front, and then this long, long, long, long, long, long corridor, and then another triangle at the back, like a tail type thing, that spread over half the world! You know, I mean, it was huge, this thing. And I remember then thinking, “My god, this is, this is actually going to happen.”


And the night before I was doing a rehearsal for something, and I remember driving home thinking, “Well, this is it.” But in my heart, or my head, I don’t know which, I thought, it doesn’t — I don’t feel like it’s going to happen.


And I slept outside that night, and I did wake up at about 4 in the morning, and there was this — all I can say is it was like a grid, a mesh I saw in the atmosphere. And then of course the day continued, and the next day and the next day. And after the first day, it was like that was it for me, it was over. I was — I just thought, I can’t — it’s not going to happen, you know.


And by then, you know, there was stuff on the internet saying I’d been found dead in my house, and had I committed suicide or was it foul play? And the whole thing, you know, it just began. And I literally, for me, I just took myself to bed and didn’t want to pull the covers, you know, I didn’t want to show myself. It was just awful. I just did not know how I was going to see it through, you know, how I was going to get myself through this, really.


And then of course I think many people know I just had to do something, because, you know, my computer was going to blow up with all the emails. So I made this apology video because I just felt I had to. I didn’t know what had happened. But it also made me question, of course, everything that I was … believed as my truth. It made me question White Cloud, everything.


And then, about, I think it was about a week later, and — I really can’t remember — and it was about 2 in the morning, and I couldn’t, I just couldn’t sleep. And I just felt they wanted to communicate with me. And I … because I thought I’ll never communicate with them again. You know, it’s just … I’ve been conned, you know, the whole thing, or maybe it was my ego, and this, that and the other.


And, you know, they came through and they explained that they simply were not able to do it because the dark ones of this planet had literally threatened to annihilate most of the planet if they did! And I was, okay, well, there we go. You know what I mean. I really was so numb about the whole thing and didn’t know what to believe, really.


And then, I think many people have heard this story, so I’ll just be very brief with it. But even, you know, to a degree, Graham, that, you know, a particular country had … somebody had emailed me saying they were holding a ceremony to crucify my soul. You know, and things. So I was really getting all those energies sent to me. So it was quite hard a time.


But I, you know, I remember coming into my little healing room here and looking at my picture of White Cloud and saying, “I need a sign. I need something to let me know that I’m supposed to carry on channeling the Federation of Light.” And I closed my eyes, and I saw a little rose. And so I said, “Okay, fine, if I get a rose to me in the next three days, I’ll know it’s truth.” Even if I found one in the gutter! You know, that’s it, that’s it. I was just, you know, I’ll know.

And literally on the third day there was a knock at my door, and three dozen roses, with a huge ostrich feather at my door, from somebody I didn’t know, with a card that said, “Walk boldly as the light and the love. All is as should be. Kerry.”


Now, and that, suddenly, you know, the tingle of truth went through me, and I cried. And I was like, right, that’s it, thank you. That’s my confirmation that what I’m doing is right. And I continued forth. And I have had doubts now and then since! But in general that was such a sign for me that I needed, you know, so I continued on.

GD: So, looking back at that, what do you think it did? Obviously it brought a lot up for a lot of people. It caused a lot of buzz. It — I mean, you certainly went through a process. What do you think was the higher good of that experience?


BG: Many things. Many things, in retrospect. It awoke many people, many thousands of people. And that in itself was like, great! I feel that I agreed to do that before I came. I feel that in my heart, no matter the outcome of it. I agreed to do that, I just know that. Didn’t know it at the time, but I do now. And also it enabled people to be able to talk openly to each other at work and to their families about UFOs, because they’d say, “What do you think about this nutty woman,” you know, “saying a space ship’s going to arrive?”


So, it opened up, you know, people being able to talk about these things. And also it, as far as I’ve been made aware, Graham, it raised the vibration of the planet greatly. And I’ve sort of been told by different people that that, you know, that is what I came to do, that was the point of it as well. Because so many people were on such a high about it that it really caused a huge energy shift in the planet.

I have learnt so much in the years that have gone on since then. And, you know, when I look back, do I regret it? No, not at all. Not at all. I’m not that happy that, say, if my granddaughter googles my name, you know, that there’s “fraud” and “liar” and all that written across the internet about me. And I’m not happy — oh, it’s not that I’m not happy; I accept that, I have to accept that if I, say, booked a venue to do a channeling, and then they might google my name and they’d say that it was free and then they’ll phone me up and say, “Sorry, we’re fully booked.” [laugh] You know, like that. But I have to accept that kind of thing.


But all the time my mailing list is growing, all the time, without me doing anything. And so that shows that the Federation, their wisdom, to me, is of truth, because they are touching more and more people. So many people were just interested in the UFO thing to start with, and I think they managed it very well, the Federation, because from all that what then continued on was their wisdom about how to live on this planet and how to be love.


So, many people that weren’t into religion, God, or whatever you want to say — their own spirituality — have now become aware of who they are because of the words that they bring through. Although so many people were like, you know, put out the “hate vibe” towards me, the reason as well that made me carry on was because [of] the overwhelming amount, thousands and thousands of letters of love from people, and from people who did have experiences that day. You know, so, many thousands of people had amazing experiences and sent me photographs, you know, of things that they’d seen, et cetera, and it wasn’t as we thought it was going to be.


And we do … I find this quite interesting, that’s come out of late, which helped me understand a lot of things: because there are so many different scenarios being put out there about what’s going on from different channelers who are coming from their love and their light and their truth. And, you know, many get very, very confused, because they don’t know which channeling to trust — big word, “trust.” And yet it is up to us, down here, to bring about the outcome of this whole thing.


So, there, by our thoughts — this is how I look at it, anyway — and so there are many possible outcomes, perhaps, that could take place. And this is why there could be many different scenarios.

I also don’t fully understand it, but, you know, could it be that those who believe or know in themselves that they will be taken off in a ship or go underground whilst the transformation is taking place, will that happen to them because that is their creation? And those who believe that we’re just going to be here and see it through and give our love, will that happen to us because that’s our creation?

You know, those who think, “Oh, it’s the end of the world!” — are they going to fall over a cliff because that’s their creation? You know, I do fully feel, for me and my truth, that what the Federation say is that, you know, we create what is going to happen.

GD: Right.


BG: And that is why, to me, it is so important to really find out who we are, as one and as ourselves, as an individual. And it’s time for us to stop judging and getting angry at triviality, and, you know, wanting revenge on such and such, and all these things that do not come from our highest place. And I really feel, in all that is about to go down, and I have no proof as to whether it is or not, but I have a feel — I keep hearing in my head, “Are you ready, Blossom?” And I’m like, oh, dear, I hope so, I really hope so, for whatever I don’t know.

But I feel that that is perhaps a message, as I’m saying this to everybody: Are you ready? Because it is time. And if you’re not ready, then get ready. You know, because we have to, I think, with all that is going to take place — and we really do not know in what shape, form, size, energetically, everything — we are going to be thrown off balance. Because our world is going to, as the Federation say, it’s going to be tumultuous, it’s going to really be an awful lot of upheaval. And what we are being asked to do, and what we came here for, is to see this through by standing in our light. And that means, being “in light” means being joyous throughout whatever. And that’s not an easy thing to do, and so that …


GD: Well, you’re saying some really great things, and yes, there is so much information coming out which indicates that we’re going to see some things happen, big things happen, shifts happen, soon, and the message, in concert to what you’re saying, the invitation is, stay in your peace, stay grounded …

BG: Yeah.


GD: … be observers, don’t get caught up in the chaos or drama, and to your point, stay in the love, stay in the light, stay in the joy. And we are so powerful as individuals…. We haven’t been taught that, we haven’t been shown that. That’s been hidden from us. And again, to your point, we are powerful creators individually, and our collective consciousness just multiples that tremendously. So, I appreciate everything you’re saying.


BG: Yeah. And, you know, as you so correctly stated, we haven’t been taught that. We’ve been taught the opposite, really. And, you know, so that is why, as one, as you say, our strength is the utmost importance to know that the more there are of us putting out this light and putting out — you know, love conquers all. Love conquers all, and so no matter what we hear, what we see, we have to remain in a high vibration, in everyday life, before all this is about to takes place.


That isn’t always easy. But it’s to be aware the minute — you know, I’m aware the minute my vibration comes down. If I bang my head on a cupboard and swear, I’ve brought my vibration down. You know. And then I might trip over two minutes later, and I’m like, “What’s going on?” And I’m like, “Change it, Blossom. Change it.” So I start laughing at what’s just happened.

As ridiculous and minute as that sounds, that is what we are going to have to bring out of ourselves on a much bigger scale, when there is much more than banging your head on a cupboard going on, to remember to stay in your high vibration.


GD: Well said. There are two quotes that come to mind as you’re speaking. One is, I oftentimes hear a reference to, “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.”

BG: Yeah.


GD: So, our star brothers and sisters aren’t coming here to save us, to do it for us, they’re here to help us. But we are creating this. The other quote that comes to mind — and this is often attributed to Gandhi — is “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” And that seems really fitting with what you’re saying right now.


BG: Absolutely. And, you know, over the time, the Federation are very gentle with us. You know. And, because when they first were communicating in the whole October the 14th, [2008] as I say, it was all about, “Oh, we’re going to see a UFO in the sky,” et cetera, et cetera. But now, when they say, you know, “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for,” we wouldn’t really, I feel … most of us would not have understood that three years ago.


Now, because we’ve all — not all, but many, many of us have become so much more aware of who we are, we can accept that, and we’re excited about that, and we understand that, yes, we are the creators. And they have said that what we — this golden age that we are moving into, we created long long ago. And I find that beautiful, because we’ve created this new world, and here we are now, creating our creation.


And, and as long as we hold on to — they’ve just done a channeling yesterday that I sent out, and they said, you know, “We’re in the last chapter.” And at the end of the last chapter, it’s, “and they all lived happily ever after.” And we have to hang on to that, no matter what; that at the end of all this upheaval, we will be in the place that our souls belong.


GD: Right. And just for our audience, this is a pre-recorded interview, so the channeling you’re referring to is the one that you did on the 9th of May.




GD: Now, I wanted to get back to the experience in 2008 only to make a reference to what Linda Dillon, a fellow channeler, and Steve Beckow experienced very publicly with the Neptune expedition that came out at the end of January of this year. You may know that that was done on our sister show, An Hour with an Angel?

BG: Yeah.


GD: And that was introduced then. And there was a very similar experience — when I think about what you experienced and when I think about what was experienced with the whole Neptune trip — very, very similar. And looking back on it I do see that, yes, there was frustration that it didn’t come about, and it didn’t come about because — we heard the same thing, there were dark forces in place that would have caused some harm — it wasn’t the right time. So the message has been that it’s delayed.


But what it did is it did increase awareness; it did give people a tremendous amount of hope and excitement and enthusiasm. So the awareness increased, the vibrational level increased. So, with what you experienced and the world experienced, and the same with the Neptune trip, there were some really great things that came from that.


BG: Listen, I had my bag packed! [laughter] I left a note on the door, “Be back in five minutes” when I went out. You know, I was really excited, and yet, with all respect to Steve and Linda, because you know, please know that from my heart — I take many things very, in a light-hearted attitude. You know, so I was laughing about it and saying to my friends, “Look, I’ve got my bag packed. I’m not going to miss this should the opportunity, you know, come about.” And because … I wanted, I want — I wanted it to take place. You know, what a wonderful opportunity for so many people!


And when it didn’t happen, you know, there was, again, many letters to me saying, “Well, you know, what’s this all about?” where once again all of us who spoke to our family and friends were made to look like idiots, you know. “Why does all this always take place? Why does it happen?” And I did sort of get in contact with Steve because I felt like, you know, I had such empathy for his situation. And I, you know, just to let him know, “Believe me, mate, you’ll get through it and come out the other side, you know. You will.” Because he — what Steve was doing, all his intentions were out of love and truth. And, as you say, that excitement raised the vibration.


There are so many — I think it was Kryon, I believe, who, you know, I find a beautiful energy that’s channeled, through Lee Carroll, he said during October the 14th we were all expecting a spaceship, and the vibration was so high, and what it actually did was there was a shift going on in the planet, and what it — you know, they were expecting great mayhem through it, and there wasn’t even a cough [laugh], so to speak, because the level of vibration was so high and joyous that that stopped that from actually happening.


GD: Good point.


BG: So, I think the same thing with the Neptune. We don’t know what else that did on a scale that we have no idea about. And for whatever reason that it didn’t take place in the way that we had desired, it had a very positive, I believe, effect, as you say, in a way that we might not know about.


And so we have to always look at the positive, because the negative is just simply — to me, to concentrate on any negativity is just such a waste of energy. And it doesn’t do no good for nobody! [laugh]

GD: You have a really interesting journey and experience in working with the Federation, because then they started telling you, not so long ago, last year, they started telling you about the pillars of light. And…


BG: Yeah.


GD: If you would bear with me, I want to go through this process, because what you’ve gone through and what you’re experiencing now I think is really important for people to hear. So, the pillars of light. Tell us a little bit about that and what was expected around that.


BG: When they first mentioned to me about the pillars of light, we were doing the channeling, and then there didn’t seem to be another sentence. So I closed my eyes and I saw, in the sky, these vast pillars. That’s literally what I can say. It was just like, well, it was one vast sort of pillar of light in the sky. And so I put down, “Oh, you know, you’ve just shown me this image,” and they then continued on to say that these pillars would appear in our skies at the time, you know, “soon,” as everybody, you know, gets very frustrated with this word “soon” …


GD: Right.

BG: Our “soon” and their “soon” is a very different matter altogether.

GD: Very different.

BG: And eventually they said, I think in another channeling, that they would definitely appear before the end of the year — and that was 2011 — and that these pillars of light contained knowledge and energy, and that everybody would experience them, et cetera, et cetera.


So that, then, continued forth here and there throughout different channelings. And again, I remember saying to my husband, you know, “What’s going to happen if, by the end of 2011, there’s no pillars of light? What do I do then?” You know, because here we are again. And to me that just isn’t — it’s not all right to sort of give this time and then not to happen, because people, more and more people…. Even now, Graham, people will write and say, “I’ve just had it. I’ve had it. I can’t keep on any more thinking that something’s going to change, because it never does, and all these promises are never fulfilled.”


And to me, I thought, yeah, you know, I agree, theses promises — you can’t promise these things and then not have them happen. And as the time went on, I’m thinking, well, if they don’t, you know — come November, I was thinking, “Well, you’ve got a month, guys, you know, a month.”


And when it didn’t happen, I thought, well that’s it. I can’t…. How can I keep doing this, if you’re going to keep…? The way I looked at it, as a human being, is, you know, “You’re going to keep letting us down, and I’m not prepared to do this anymore. I’m not prepared to put myself on the line and do this anymore.”

So, you know, probably as you know, Graham, I was like, you know, I told them where to get off! [laughs]


GD: Yeah. Yeah. Right. Right.

BG: Really, I was like, you can’t…! And because, I thought, “I’m asking you now for a really decent answer, and if you’re not going to give me one, then cheer ho.” Because it just doesn’t feel right. And I was really, you know, doing that last channeling before I sort of stopped with them for a while, I was really upset. I really was upset, because ….


GD: This was in November? [ ? ] the 11th.

BG: That’s right. And that’s when they said no, because [they] had sent them out long ago to sort of experience them now, and our level of energy wasn’t high enough to manifest them. And I was like, “Well, thanks for letting us know now!” You know, it was — it just wasn’t — I just felt really annoyed, really, because I thought, “How can you say that now? Why didn’t you say that at the beginning?” And so many things I questioned. So again, you know, I stopped with them for a couple of months, I think it was.


And, you know, I thought now is a good time to read back over channelings, because I never do that, simply because I don’t have the time. You know, somebody’ll send me — people send out little clips to their groups of different channelings of people, and I might receive one, and go, oh, that’s lovely, and then I go, oh, Blossom Goodchild! It’s me! [laugh]


So, you know, I don’t have time to sort of go back and really look over it. So I spent some time, and, you know, it only took me three or four — one channeling to read to think, “Blossom, what are you doing? What are you doing? This is not the time to say cheer ho.” In my heart, I just thought, “This isn’t right, Blossom.” You know, and ma — it’s — I think I understood that it’s — I didn’t — I understood that I didn’t understand, I think is the thing. You know, this whole time thing that we have, they don’t have time. I know they can understand it to a certain point of view, but I don’t understand. Or have I misinterpreted? But at the end of the day, when I read their words over, you know, I just thought, “Who am I to stop this gift because I don’t understand?”


And also, I know that their words have helped so many people to become who they are. And I just thought, “Get over yourself, Blossom. Get over yourself and get back on the horse,” you know. And I just know in my heart, Graham, that I don’t understand, and maybe one day I will. And who’s to say that these pillars of light aren’t going to happen? You know, and…

GD: So you came back late January of this year, and…

BG: Yes. Yeah.


GD: … in part because of an interview you caught with Bill Wood. Tell us about that.


BG: I have to say that, for me, listening to Bill Wood’s interviews — and I’ve listened to quite a few now — for me, I find the information he has to give out to resonate with me. What he had to say, and still has to say, I found just hit a place for me, to do with, you know, that we are so cap — you know, it’s what we’ve talked about, really, already. We are so capable of so much more, and we shut down from it all.


And I have had, you know, dreams of flying, and I can control how I fly, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. And it’s just the most wonderful feeling, and…


GD: I’ve had those, too. It’s really great.

BG: Yeah, just amazing to think, you know, literally, you go, “Oh! I’m in a dream! Good, I can fly!” You know. So as soon as I recognize I’m in a dream, I think, “Great, I can fly!” and start taking off. Can be a bit bumpy here and there, to get going.


But what I believe is that, you know, we are capable, sort of, of all these things in our reality, because this isn’t our reality. I think we have to know we are so much more. And it’s hard to know we are so much more when we think, “Okay, I’m going to really concentrate and move that,” you know, “that candle or that crystal from there to over there; I’m just going to make that happen,” and it doesn’t happen. So your belief system goes down.

But we have to know on a much deeper level all that we are capable of.


GD: As you talk about our being much more than we are, you’re embodying that. You’re standing up, with courage and with integrity, as a leading light-worker to share a message. And it takes a lot of courage to do that. Tell me a little bit about courage.

BG: Well, obviously, you know, people say about October 14th, that I was so courageous to do that. But to me, I was like, well, I wasn’t really, I sent out my letter to 125 people, thinking they’d delete it or whatever. And I did what I, you know, had … I had no idea what was going to happen, but once it started happening, then obviously I had to follow my truth within it all.


And I think that is such a message for everybody, to follow your truth. And it might not be the same as your next door neighbor’s, or your best friend’s, or your mother’s. But if you don’t follow your truth and your heart — and it’s not about just following; well, it’s the same thing, I suppose, but — speaking out, speaking your truth, you cannot walk smoothly on your path, because you are denying yourself a hop, skip and a jump; because you are holding back and you’re being in fear of saying what you truly, truly feel in your heart.

And that to me is all. And it does take courage, but once you start, you can’t stop, because it doesn’t…


GD: Well, I suspect when you first started saying that you, when you first started channeling the Federation of Light, it was probably a little challenging to you — and you spoke to it a bit already — to come out and say, “Geez, guess what? I’m talking to ETs, light, star beings now.” So it was probably a little hard for you. But now it’s something that obviously you’re experiencing and sharing on a day-to-day basis.

BG: Yeah, and, you know, I know, Graham, I know that there are people who sort of, you know, around the town or whatever it might be, who aren’t sort of fully aware of these things. They do, they, you know, they say, “Oh, there’s that Blossom woman. She’s a bit odd.” You know.


And there are some people I speak to, and I know that sometimes it is quite — it can be a lonely journey for people. Because, you know, there are many people who can’t…. I get letters from people because they cannot tell anybody else what they can tell me, because people will not understand and they’ll think they’re mad. But the more people trust themselves and say, “Look, this is who I am. Doesn’t have to be your cup of tea, but it’s mine.” And you certainly don’t go knocking on the door saying, “Hello,” you know, “I’d like to,” sort of, “can I talk to you about ETs?” or anything like that.


It’s about … the main thing I feel is about being an example of light and love, by being joyous, happy, et cetera, et cetera. And the people are then attracted to you and your energy. And by being in your energy, they might then begin to find out by odd things you say — well, not odd things, but a few things you say —

GD: In casual conversation.


BG: — in casual conversation — how your way of living is, what your thoughts are, and just different things that plant the seed for them.

And that, I feel, [ ? ] in days ahead, when there’s going to be, as far as I’m aware and can feel, so many lost people looking for guidance, that is why all these aware people, awake souls, are needing to be in their full capacity now, because they are going to be sought out, they are going to be there for those lost people. And all the knowledge and love that they have, they are going to be talking to, you know, maybe three people on the street, maybe 500 people in a hall, depending on their situation, to help those people understand.

And that won’t be bravery or courage, that will be truth. Because there will be truth there for people… They can’t deny it anymore. They can’t say, “Oh, you’re nuts!” because it’s all going on, so…

GD: Well, let’s talk about what’s coming ahead. What are you connected to in terms of what’s around the corner?


BG: I feel, from information given out — you know, to do with the economical, the political, all those things — that, you know, there is going to be … well, the word coming to me is a “standstill,” for a time. And during all that, so much is going to happen, and, as far as I’m aware, the truth of all that has gone on is going to be told. And the Federation have just said, literally, it is so horrific that we…

GD: Yeah.


BG: … our hearts and our minds, even those who are aware of some, a minute bit, of it and we think that’s a lot — we’re not aware of it all, at all — that, you know, even though we think we’re prepared for what’s going to be said, we are not. So think how it’s going to be for those who are not prepared in any way.


GD: It will bring up a lot of emotion for a lot of people…

BG: Yeah.

GD: … including anger and upset.

BG: That’s right.


GD: In the spirit of staying in the light and love, what advice do you have, when we think about those that have been part of the dark agenda, that have oppressed, that have been supporting an agenda to take over the world and harm others, how do we look at them as that comes forth?


BG: Well, you know, it’s a huge task, a huge “ask”. And the Federation have asked us to come from our hearts to forgive them, in the sense we — if we are in our truth and our full, purest love, we should — should! — be able to forgive anyone and everything. But that isn’t going to be so easy for so many people to do.


And in yesterday’s channeling, they said, “Think about this. Are you able to forgive them? Will you?” And then said, “Ask yourself again, will you?” Because even though we might think we will, when we are aware of what they really have been doing, we — it is, I think, so important for us to really, and I express the word “try”, to come from our hearts and send them love.


If I could just give a quick example? You know, White Cloud used to speak about, you know, if a murderer has, you know, murdered a child, assaulted a child, and was put in jail, you know, people then go, “Oh,” you know, “hang him! Hang him and kill him!” and “He should be killed!” and all this kind of thing. And all the hate that is sent towards that person on the news, White Cloud said, “Do you think all that hate will assist him in becoming a better person?”

If you sit there and you send that being love, that is what will change him. Therefore, if we send these people who have caused all this outrageous hurt, if we can come from a place and send them love, then that is how we can make a difference to how the new world can come to us more easily and more quickly. But, they said, “If you can’t find it in your hearts to forgive them, then, at this stage” — depending on where you are at in your evolvement — “then send out love to the animals. Send out love to the planet. Send out love to something…”


GD: Send it out. Just send it out. Yeah.

BG: Just send it out, because that still will reach those in need. And, you know, a lot of people might find this very hard to accept, Graham, but these people that have caused these atrocities, they are also playing a role in the same way that I am, you are; everybody is playing a role. And again, you don’t know that, when we get to a much higher place within ourselves, as hard as this is going to sound, that we might look back and thank them.


Now, I know that sounds bizarre, but it has taken — they have taken us on a journey that we are now ending.

GD: Well, I would agree with you, and I would also offer that many of us that are assuming these roles as light-workers or light-holders most likely and probably assumed these dark roles at one point in time, too. And there’s the advantage of experiencing contrast. We know light when we can experience dark, and vice versa. And so, they definitely have served a role.

BG: Yeah.


GD: And now it’s time to end this illusion and get to a different place.


BG: That’s right. And I don’t know what that different place is going to be. Somewhere in me, on another level, I do know. But for me, the only way I can sort of express is that when I am in a really, really, really happy place, which I am a lot of the time, but sometimes more than others, and I’m feeling, you know, like I want to bounce around, and I’m laughing, et cetera, that, to me — and when you’re with sharing that laughter with other people and everybody’s just in a really good place — that, to me, is what the new world is going to be, where everything is all on that vibration, all the time.


And, you know, I don’t know a [pitch? pinch?] of what the actual world physically will be like. But if you can, just picture that, you know, waking up every morning and laughing, you know, throughout your day, and having moments of, actually, peace and joy and love in your heart, you know. That’s what they’re saying, to stay centered, stay calm and stay centered in your heart. And that means, Graham, I think, making sure, even if it’s only for 10 minutes a day, that you switch off and you meditate. Just for 10 minutes, get in contact with your much higher self. Because that … centering yourself in that way will bring through the power and the strength you need to literally carry on.


GD: Well, well said. And this has been delightful. I appreciate all your work and sharing your journey. What’s your website, if people want to get in touch with you?




GD: Thank you very much for coming on the show today.

BG: Graham, thank you so much for having me. It’s just an honor to serve and to be able to help get the wisdom out there in any way I can. I feel very blessed to do so. So thank you very, very much for inviting me.


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