Tick Tock...Time's Up...Activation...

Submitted by lawrence lu on Sun, 05/27/2012 - 14:24


Tick Tock...Time's Up...Activation...

Posted By: Valiant
Date: Sunday, 27-May-2012 13:31:40

So now here it is…May is nearly over, and June is almost here…And what happened to all those promised changes? Up in smoke I guess?

The crystals, the lines and light, the artwork…I must have really struck a nerve with that talk about deprogramming the planet…Some just don’t want to loose their grip on things, on material things…It’s always about that money.

Well, The Winds of Change are coming like it or not…After all, there is no turning back now. You did ask for help, remember?

The riots, the violence, the craziness will only grow worse the more you try to prevent the people from breaking free from your system…Haven’t you seen it happen already? From children to adults, its appearing everywhere…almost as if people are losing their minds…That’s because they sense the problems out there, the things they can’t explain…And are being held back from the healing changes that need to come…

Time to Activate…To Raise Human Consciousness…There are ways to make that happen see, but more appropriately its about clearing out the junk so to speak first. It doesn’t happen necessarily overnight, and it won’t affect all the same way…but it will spread and it will happen. It’s Destiny.

And yes, I know how to help this happen…But I’m going to need help…I can show you how to start to it…And by you, I mean anyone who wants to get involved and help…to sew the seeds and bring the winds of change…in a bright new direction.

Now of course some oppose this from happening. And yes, I know exactly who they are. They are the ‘inheritors’ of the old powers…See, the ‘older gentlemen’ have stepped down from their thrones and passed on their titles to the next generation…And the new generation, now that they have this new power don’t want to give it up so easily…After all, if you suddenly got all the power over the banks, the oil companies, the drug cartels, the casinos…after all those years of waiting, can you see why?
They are the ones who control the governments…and in some sense, the alien visitors too. Or excuse me, our secret citizens I should say. I keep forgetting to make that correction.

Some of the aliens who have come to assist are afraid to step in due to the insidious nature of some of these powers of our planet…They can play very dirty…Using magic, assassins…all sorts of things. They just want to keep things the way they are…

But I plea that our alien friends, the good guys…such as the Seven Sisters, not be afraid any longer to intervene…It’s time to get involved now, before things get really ugly. The summer could be a real mess…Whether they like it or not, those who want to keep it the same, it’s not going to stay that way at all…And believe me their predecessors aren’t escaping clean and easy either…Those HIGHER FORCES up there have been watching, remember…

The system will change…The process starts in June…

Oh wait, did I forget to mention that it ALREADY STARTED? It’s just that it will move along much faster in June. Silly me, I forgot…When I started posting…the process, began. Did you figure that out yet? Hello…

The HIGHER FORCES always knew about the stubbornness, the reluctance to change…especially considering the powers in control of this planet…I mean, they are higher powers after all…At least 100 steps ahead of anything you can imagine…Did these people honestly think they were outwitted?

Of course, the obstinance was expected…But they still had to be offered a friendly chance to change. That’s only fair, right?

Sorry about being so sneaky and starting it right under your nose…TOO LATE…Although, you can try to look back and try to see where it started…that might help…or speed it up, I can’t remember exactly the difference now…Oh well. You’ll have fun, won’t you?

When the time comes I will start asking for assistance…from anyone who wants to get involved, be they human or alien…to assemble more of the process. How does that sound?

Dear Mr. Spacemen…Last chance now…Time to jump in and lend a helping hand…or you might just want to watch out.

And To Our Friendly World Powers…Don’t play dirty anymore now…that really isn’t nice…OR NECESSARRY….And it was expected anyway, remember? So how pointless would it be? Pretty stupid I would say. So can we all just cooperate now?

To Everyone…I’m attaching another one of my paintings…It just might be another clue…another step…or have some special magic to figure out. It’s called, The Winds of Change…Appropriately timed, right? I hope that you enjoy it.

That’s all for now.

I know those up above dont even joke about interfering and I wish more input on that subject.


Without basic(and I do mean basic) support it will be very hard down here.

I know some of you arent angels yet, and some a ways off from being there.



There are actions necessary to break the system down to where those here can change it.

To me, this means disrupting Ft.Meade /NSA HQ  for what it is:


Amongst anything else that goes on over there, this is the MAIN reason Ft.Meade exists.


A massive EMP on the ROOF SATLLITE reciever or GOLF COURSE would do wonders here.


Think of my thoughts on the action as you will. You are up there, not down here being monitored 24/7 on every email, tweet, IM, and message posted on the net.(and sometimes on the AIR).


Personally, I think a hit on the Pentagon with same EMP would do some good. AGAIN. My opinion. I said EMP not Phase cannon. Im not stupid. I know the implications.


As much as Id love to level those places, THAT would not be the right thing to do.


So pardon our arrogance, please, our s[ace-bound bretheren. We are trapped in a a broken system that refuses to right itself. We have limited options here.


Crazy people think they can just have thier way with us. Those in jails get out and commit mass crimes over and over and over again just because they can get away with it.


Does that make defenders of the innocent just as guilty?


I would think those that know me back home would say no.

There are things which SHOULD not be done, lines which SHOULD NOT be crossed. I dont believe protecting the innocent is one of them.


Excuse me if I carry. Its to protect us both.

I dont believe in sitting around waiting to be attacked.

Maybe that's why the ALLIANCE puts so much trust in me.

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