
Submitted by hilarionra on Sun, 05/27/2012 - 22:04


when you are empowered by love to be the love that you are. youre
integrated expression of what it means to truly be empowered is shared
equally with the all and in this the all is empowered by you and you
are empowered by the all simultaneously. this expressing of being
empowered to be the love that we are is what gives us strength to
continue being the love that we are. through true strength of being
empowered by love to be the love that we are we become continously
deeper in being rooted in the love that we are and through this
continual rooting of understanding the love we are we and what it is
like to experience ourselves being the love we are we discover how
fearless we truly are. non of this is possible without first having
identified with the conditioned of the egomind itself. the spark
of inquiring into what we are going through on a consistent basis
which is to seek the truth of the experience is what enables us
not only to be set free by knowing what the truth of the love we are
is but also enables us to root in more awareness continuously of
what it means to experience being the fearless beings that we are.

this entire experience is enabled due to the fact that this planet is
giving us the contract to be present within the love we are.
there are varying degrees of conscious awareness on this planet at
this time.the less aware you are means that your experience of being
the love you are is one of a misunderstood experience. this
innocent misunderstanding of the love you are is due to the fact that
the great work that the illuminati chose to act upon was not widely
sharing the information that humanity has been conditioned from
generation to generation willfully and that those who unconsciously
and willfully indoctrinated their children into the ways of the
new world order agenda without even knowing it.

a part of this agenda for america was titled the american dream.
white picket fence, few kids, a pet or two, top notch education,
perhaps serve in the military industrial complex and be awarded
a medal of honor for your bravery to fight other nations who
are willfully nurtured into warring with other nations over the
unconsciously indoctrinated religious fanatic fanaticism over
whos religious god is the one true god and whos specific "savior"
per each religion is the one true "savior" of all humanity.
we also have the willfull use of propaganda through all the outlets
that have been setup on the planet throughout the ages.each ruler
of each governed nation was governed by a group of beings known as
the cabal, the dark ones or the illuminati.

through continual use of in depth knowledge of consciousness alongside
the use of fear tactics to keep beings in line so that if they are to
step out of line of the imposed status quo of society that they are to
be removed as promptly as possible, however, the removal of you
from societies eyes is not a gaurentee'd threat. specific beings are
chosen by the planet, to act out the game plan or new world order
agenda or the great work of removing certain publicly known beings
from their ability to reach out to beings in society and to share
this ancient knowledge that is shared in the lodges of freemasonry.
now some of these beings were placed in cells either publicly funded
or governmentally privately funded, so as to keep them hush hush knowing
that if theyre placed in a specific area the likelyhood of others
actually listening to what they have to say about all of this that is
taking place in the here now is near 0.

they know how to do this because theyre telepathically aware of where
to place beings who stand out in society and share the truth widely.
this by definition means that its a planetary conspiracy. you vs them
vs you vs them vs you = all vs each other in a war of consciousness
understanding wherein the beings who are more aware than you are
are nurtured to actively challenge you in what you experience to be
the truth as it is. they will by any means do what it takes to get you
to take a stand in the love you are and continuously do so at all costs.
even if it means placing you inside a facility where you face other
criminals. they also have specifically apointed judges in the judicial
system whom at any point in time can easily overrule any law if they
so deem it necessary to continue the game that is taking place in the
here now. you can get a lawyer if you want but even in that case, the
lawyer themself can easily be compromised since theyre see through to
the freemasons whom are strategically placed in areas all throughout
the planet. so youre still taking a great risk to share the truth
with the only gaurentee is that you will experience peace on earth
but theres no known variable as i see right now as to what may or may
not happen to anyone until then. even if you are destined to make it
doesnt gaurentee that you're safe in your place of residence, even
if youre traveling on the road, they can easily track you down
telepathically and have you escorted without reading you your rights
at all, and indight you of breaking the laws.

which by definition is corrupt seeing as how there are plenty of beings
on this planet whom are willing to sacrifice you to the alter so that
they can feel safe and secure within their own complacency since theyve
been unconsciously trained to be a civilian police force. the uplifting
aspect of all this is that again its empowering and that if you are
brave enough to stand up against the beings who play the role of
the tyrant, youre essentially willing to be crucified by the all for
what the truth of the experience really is. its fascinating how
some beings who are brave enough to stand alongside other brave beings
arent the chosen ones to go into the jail or prison system and be tried
for it. if theyre not chosen to go there and theyre not chosen to be
killed then theyre just ridiculed and receive threats of all kinds by
officals who know how to keep a being from speaking out in regards to
the great work. now im not solely placing blame here on anyone, im just
pointing out my observations in the here now, knowing that the planet
is the being who is calling the shots on who gets what kind of treatment
and so on. i myself face the daily threat of being commited for speaking
out in this manner. what i see is the fact that those who know whats up
play the game with all that they are, and play their specific parts
in the game due to their location and theyre living situation. which
is completely tied in to their contract before birth.

so the question remains , who will you betray to secure your dreams?
a lot of the beings on this planet thus far have been compromised.
and from that compromisation of speaking directly out in detail as
precisely as they possibly can about this, they end up sounding
like a fool , even though the words they speak are encoded, this is
used as just an excuse for their behavior, which is seen again as
childish , and ill informed. theyre essentially scared to speak directly
about the truth at hand. they stay in line because they are in fact
terrified of what may happen to them because of what it is that
they know. this is due to the fact that theyre psychologically attached
to their experience of being alive within the body hologram and all
that theyve attained thus far. and they dont want to lose any of it,
out of fear of death, or being tortured, or just losing it all and being
left to "fend for themselves" in society due to the abilities of knowing
how to work witht he public psychologically through mass use of
propaganda world wide since they saught to get the attention of the public
to inform them, to co create a domain of knowledge with those who are
feeling feelings of whats going on but are unsure and so theyre seeking
confirmation and these being pickup on it, and so do the beings who are
behind the know how of how to shut down specific sites , cellphone
towers, you name it, so they do what they can to weave the best web of
knowledge that they can without feeling like theyre risking absolute
death over it.

now some beings on this planet have no been compromised and some have as
ive just stated. now again the planet is behind all the motivating forces
of all beings whom are participating in the manner that they are, and
this is by divine decree, gods laws or gods will. certain experiences
are inevitbly going to happen, and some beings are terrified of what
may come , and some welcome it with open arms. those whom welcome
whatever may come to them for putting their necks on the line whole
heartedly, i commend you, for i am with you obviously since i am also
putting my neck on the guillotine rack as well. i am truthfully unashamed
of what the government knows about me,and i know damn well they themselves
are also unashamed of what i know about them. but that doesnt mean that
they will not challenge me continuously, and that means the same vice versa.
ive been in similiar circumstances throughout a majority of my past lives
so they know my track record well. they know me like they know everyone
elses track records as well. and those who know this, are able to know
their tracks records as well, so long as the planet decree's them the
ability to know their track records. those who know what theyre capable of
know what the illuminati are capable of also, and simutlaneously
both knowing parties, or seeing parties for that matter, know that the
planet is ultimately calling the inevitability shots of who gets what
treatment and when they get it, and for how long and what happens after
and so forth. right now its a wait and see game. and those of us who are
conscious of who we are at the soul level, are actively riding the razors
edge, now even beings who know whats going on right now, dont know
specifically what other beings know, and its also vice versa as well.
everyones got their own piece of the puzzle, and together its one
big puzzle game of putting all the pieces together so that by the time
all the pieces are put together, the appropriate actions will then
begin being made manifest in the physical manifest realm.
i got my soul sequence coding, which means i have yours too.

I AM Hilarion melchizidek ra.
and i am here to assist in establishing true peace on planet earth
= heart, through the dismantling and rebuilding of consciousness
and the government and all societies standards.

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