Blossom Goodchild – 28 May 2012

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Mon, 05/28/2012 - 03:26


Blossom Goodchild – 28 May 2012

Good morning and indeed a beautiful one here in Australia. Got time for a natter??

To engage in conversation with you when conditions allow is always a pleasure.

So what’s news with you?

The ever increasing energies that are unfolding are a good place to begin this day. For we are aware that many still FEEL they are wasting time … just twiddling their thumbs and FEELING the need to be DOING so much more . Yet not realising that it is in what they are DOING NOW that is part of interweaving with that which is to come. It is all part of the same tapestry. You FEEL you are waiting … for what?

I have no idea. We have spoken of this. Something tangible etc … and you explained. So best not repeat ourselves as I am sure there is so much more of value to be learned … with all respect.

Yet although this has been catered for … many are STILL waiting and have not heeded our words that we offer on the matter.

Yet some have I assume. Each of us on our own particular place on the path. If some haven’t heeded and still wait … that shouldn’t hinder those who have listened and understood.

And this is how it is and this is how it will always be. Different stages … depending on the choice of the soul to stay static … or to move onwards, or in some cases … retreat further back. However much ones eagerness to serve is in the forefront of the wanting … it is not always considered appropriate to ‘act’ at a time that one may deem suitable. For there is so much to be considered before one can ‘simply’ make the move … no matter how strong the desire to do so .

You of /in your world and time frame expect ‘things to happen’ any day now is this not so?

Yes … because this is what we have been told.

By whom?

You … other channellers … insiders … etc.

And what exactly is it you are waiting for?

‘Change’… I guess … and yet I know things ARE changing.

Our point entirely. To change a world and its ways cannot be an overnight transition. How could this be? To change a habit of a life time … yes, this can be done overnight … by a ‘flick of a switch’ so to speak … in a mind set. Yet to change a ‘regime’ is by no means an easy task. It must be understood that until EVERYTHING is in its correct place the ‘green light’ cannot be given. For if it were to be put in place too early … before final preparations were completed, it could set things back for much longer than one could imagine.

News SHALL arrive. News you have been waiting for. Yet it shall be at a time when it is completely acceptable to do so.

Here the link was lost for some unknown reason … resuming the next day.

Not sure what happened yesterday but we lost contact … Are you ok to get going again today?

We are indeed. We would also care to resume the topic in which we were speaking of. We speak to you of your patience … for many of you believe it to have run out. This continual waiting, for some, has drained you of your hope and yet we wish to reiterate that it is NOT US that you are waiting for … although many still think this is so.

We will present ourselves to you when all is in correct alignment and indeed it shall set things ‘tumbling’ … yet that which is to take place before our arrival will have prepared many within their souls.

Do you mean regarding the announcements that you actually exist?

We mean this and many other things. As many are aware … much has been hidden from view and once the cat is out of the bag then the ball shall be rolling and increasing in size as it turns. There shall be so much for people to take in on such a grand scale and barely will they have absorbed one sentence then the next ‘bombshell’ shall arrive!

Take this into account and then add our arrival … Truly … how do you think anyone who had previously been deeply asleep will be likely to react?

And it shall be YOUR assistance that shall lead them through this very traumatic time. Many of you have assumed earthquakes and floods and waters rising etc … yet … the turmoil that we speak of will be more so on the human level than the Earth’s one .

Preparation has been given to you in our words over time … and it fills us with great joy that many many of you have taken on board that which we have chosen to express. For your Lights have expanded beyond expectation.

As individuals YOU can FEEL the change within you. En masse WE can SEE the change that has taken place.

Understand that each moment that you give a thought you are creating your next moment. Each one of you has choice to bring about this New World and this is why we stress that it is not about ‘waiting for us’ … it is about creating your New World NOW .

The quicker you create through understanding of yourselves and how you desire your lives to be … the ‘sooner’ you will have moved into a vibration that allows us to visit.

Over the years that we have been connecting with you Blossom … different tactics have been assumed in order to cater for the changes upon your planet. In a sense … by our thought … we are also creating ‘how it is to be’ … for creation can only come into reality through thought.

How vigilant are you being regarding your feelings? Are you managing to ‘stay on top’? Again we suggest that perhaps you may care to read over that which we have already expressed during the past years. We designed these words to uplift and to encourage … not to leave one dangling mid air … always waiting. This was not our intent.

It is now dearest ones that the fine tuning must come into play. It is NOW that you must be resolute within your desires and walk that extra mile to accomplish self disciplines that have a soul/sole purpose to serve. Be not complacent in your waiting. Our arrival shall take place … of this we guarantee.


So we ask you not to become despondent … for despondency serves only to lower the vibration. It is of great importance that you keep the vibration High …. No matter what lies ahead.

Do you realise that you are coming into the half way mark of this year of 2012?

We do … and that is why I think many are becoming a little despondent, because they were expecting more to have presented itself by now.

And this is why we address this topic. What is to come … will surely come. It will change your world and the way that one thinks about it … forever. It will be the beginning of a new way of thinking. That which you have been made aware of has been your preparatory classes. That which you are ‘soon’ to be made aware of will be university equivalence!

Absorb the energies that are flooding in. Breathe them in to your soul. Ask to be prepared. Ask to become Peace and remain in that Peace in each moment of your day. Solidify understandings of that which you are able to grasp and then allow acceptance to calmly reside within. Remain in this state. The winds of change are whispering your name.

Dearest souls in whom we have such faith  … ‘soon’ in your world you will find that which once was shall be abolished and a new agenda replacing the old. This new agenda will Lighten your spirits. There shall be renewed hope. There shall be a sense of hope for the future. Enthusiasm shall once again fill ones Being and give encouragement to open up a new understanding of what is.

As all this filters through to your core Being it shall become easier to recognise the Truth. And with this Truth comes the understanding of self. For they go hand in hand.

Many things that are considered myths shall become part of your reality. That which has been deemed as untruth shall be turned around and shown to be that of Truth. Many many things that were once considered sacred have been switched to make one think that they are the opposite and yet at the core of all things … TRUTH still remains.

Truth can be hidden … but it cannot be removed.

How joyous are to be your days ahead. When happiness comes naturally … to everyone. And it shall be You  … dearest souls … you that shall be able to stand tall and KNOW that you brought this about. Through your creation of desires.

When you ask for blessings upon another … or upon a situation … do not focus on the way that person or situation IS NOW … ask for blessings on the way you desire that person/situation to become … ask for blessings on/for the best possible outcome. Focus your blessing on the thanks giving of that outcome … not on the ‘pity’ of how it is. There is a great difference in doing so.

Although this may read without a hitch … I can’t say this has been the most easiest or most flowing of communications. And also I feel we are going over old ground.

Only to ensure that the foundations are solidly set.

Yes … I do get that. It’s me I think. Always waiting for some great revelation … and yet is this not which you have addressed today? I feel we shall leave it here. Nothing more seems to be coming through … unless you would like to carry on … in which case I’d be happy to …

We consider it wise also to terminate today’s conversation. Do not be down cast Blossom. This may be old ground to you … yet it may be a new playground for many.

Thank you . And I do accept that all is as should be … even if it’s not exactly how I think it should be.
Many thanks all the same. I so treasure our friendship. In Love and thanks. link to original article


Hello and thank you for this beautiful article,the part that touch me the most,i always ask GOD to bless someone,for his handicapp or difficulties so he could help them,and now you talk about it,and teach us the right way,so cooooool,namaste have a great day.


Mon, 05/28/2012 - 07:49

If we are sitting around waiting for what we think is to happen, how are we spreading our light?

When we are out living the life we think we need to wait for, A life of peace, joy, and unconditional love we set an example for others to see. This spreads the light very fast.

Some are called to channel some are called to witness but most are here to just BE!

Being the example and showing the way to the light.


with much LOVE


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