~Love Energy Continues to Pour IN~

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 05/28/2012 - 11:14

~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 05-27-2012 – Tornados stroke in two Nations and A huge Coronal Hole soon Earth update Blast~



~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 05-27-2012 – Tornados stroke in two Nations and A huge Coronal Hole soon Earth update Blast~





Greetings Loved Beings,

my update for today can be found here:


Thank You for BEingLove.



Huge coronal hole rotating to the Earth side – Solar Watch May 27, 2012


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5-26-12 Bill Ballard ~ May 20 Eclipse ~ 5th Dimensional Energies ARE HERE NOW


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FREEDOM PROJECT: François Hollande Repeats Troop Pullout Pledge on Surprise Visit to Afghanistan...



yet another supprised visit to Afganistan this time from French president... Obama did it last month and now we have next biggest contigent of nato troups from Europe to openly state its withtdraw from this fabricated war...

with Love and Freedom for all, PSG


François Hollande Repeats Troop Pullout Pledge on Surprise Visit to Afghanistan

Poofness 5~27~2012 Unconditional love


Steve Winwood Higher Love lyrics Songwriters: JENNINGS, WILL / WINWOOD, STEVE



Think about it, there must be higher love

Down in the heart or hidden in the stars above

Without it, life is wasted time

Look inside your heart,

I’ll look inside mine

Things look so bad everywhere

In this whole world, what is fair?

We walk blind and we try to see

Falling behind in what could be


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Love Update: MAIDEN HAIR


A person named Maiden Hair on this site might have cancer. He will be getting a Cat Scan to make sure he really does or not. Spread your Love to him and Heal him the best way you can, Anyway you can, because he is family and we should love everyone. Even if he does have cancer, or passes away to another dimension from it, we will always remember him as part of our family. And the ones across and all around the world, to other world, all lifeforms around the galaxies, as well. Love & Light =Dan=


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the Divine Feminine


the Divine Feminine


This helps me open, accept & surrender.


(record if you wish & change Kwan Yin to a concept nearer to you).


Envision Kwan Yin, Mother of Compassion, everywhere present in countless names & forms, approaching you.  (pause).  She calls upon you because She heard you.  (pause).  Welcome Her in your own way.  Thank Her for Her pity.  (pause).

She asks you to awken from your dream.  She floats above you & opens a royal blue vial.  (pause).  She pours the Sacred Medicine above your head & it drips down your aura, penetrating your chakras.  (pause).  She slowly starts to dance around you, gracefully gathering speed.  (Long pause).  She raises Her Hands making waves of the Medicine all around you, moving ever faster & faster.  (long pause).


Overwhelmed, you are completely in Her Power.  (pause).  The moment you realize this the waves subside.  (paue).  She looks like a milky vision to you.  Ask to see Her with your heart.  (long pause).  "Remember how I have touched you, She says.  "Because you surrendered to Me, you are healed by trust, rejuvenated in spirit & blessed from now on."

Her image vanishes but this truthful awakening is eternal.




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5/27/2012 -- Severe weather develops across USA -- NE, SE, Midwest, SW, NW, and North


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Sananda ~ Your New-Found Freedom ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ 5.27.12



Greetings, fellow travelers into the 5th Dimension and beyond! All is well. Your progress has been outstanding, and astounding to some, we know.

Behold the changes. Be with them, cherish them, allow yourselves to adjust to them, and revel in them! A new dawn is approaching and you have begun an unprecedented time, dear ones.

Your loving Gaia thanks you for your assistance so far and she enfolds you in the Love you so freely are giving Her. Be prepared for even more changes as you settle into the present upliftment.

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Fran Zepeda ~ Sananda ~ Your New-Found Freedom ~ May 27, 2012


Sananda ~ Your New-Found Freedom ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ 5.27.12



Greetings, fellow travelers into the 5th Dimension and beyond! All is well. Your progress has been outstanding, and astounding to some, we know.


Behold the changes. Be with them, cherish them, allow yourselves to adjust to them, and revel in them! A new dawn is approaching and you have begun an unprecedented time, dear ones.


Your loving Gaia thanks you for your assistance so far and she enfolds you in the Love you so freely are giving Her. Be prepared for even more changes as you settle into the present upliftment.


This is a time of many new concepts and meanings that are entering your consciousness now. Take some time to decipher and grasp the many changes to your understanding of the World as you once saw it and comprehended it. Expand your mind now to encompass fragile and subtle precepts that are now entering your consciousness with ever-increasing clarity and understanding.


You are remembering, you are assimilating, and you are forging new pathways to greater awareness, dear ones. Please take time to discern and assimilate and solidify these memories of your new existence.


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This story has much more implications on US all than simple military tactics to scare and intimidate some of not so free humans here on Earth... Bill's story is more than unique, almost perfect for what he chose to be an example off...



He chose to be example of truly free human, who consciously choose to go to prison again, even if he was already court marshaled once in 1998 and freed, yet now as his truth and freedom could not be contained any longer within, and when he felt that he want to share this freedom with all of US...


He end up with another choice: to stay in hiding and being intimidated, or to face the jail and expose them [here read: militant-financial complex...] in full, by simply standing tall in the court...



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~The Galactic Free Press~ Daily Update~ Video Format~ We Have Landed~



Earth Ally~ Dawn Christine~Come forth into this great light oh wonderous TRUTH !








~WE Love You! Enjoy The Incoming Energies of JOY!


Love is Unstoppable


We Are Here



The Earth Allies






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Pleiadian Message from Peter: Shut them down.




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After the great success of World Liberation Day and even greater success of Reboot of the Grid, our efforts for planetary liberation continue. This time, we will meet in groups large and small, as individuals and couples, at the exact time of the Venus transit on June 5th. Masses will gather and visualize the arrival of the Goddess energy so that for the first time in 5000 years we will have the chance to co-create our own spiritual destiny in harmony and replace the outdated society of war and conflict with a more advanced one of spiritual understanding. We need to have 144,000 people doing this visualization with focus to achieve the desired effect.


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Kauilapele's Blog: 5~27~12 Meditation to Protect and Assist All Whistleblowers


5~27~12 Meditation to Protect and Assist All Whistleblowers

Thanks to Tom D. for informing me of this. I know Bill Brockbrader is currently under some duress, and facing difficult times. I was not going to post anything about all this yet, but as this is a meditation for ALL whislteblowers, I felt it was appropriate to pass this along. Here’s a link to the article.




Here’s a snip of the message from that link.


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Blossom Goodchild: You Learn to Be Love


Blossom Goodchild: You Learn to Be Love

2012 May 27
 by Steve Beckow

Blossom looks back at her life as a channel, first of White Cloud and later of the Galactic Federation of Light, with Graham Dewyea interviewing. She describes how it feels to channel what she calls “the overseers of the overseers, top management.”  She discusses how Oct. 14, 2008 was for her and what its rerun, the Neptune trip, aroused in her.  A look behind the scenes of one of the more prominent and most candid lightworkers of this era.


Our Galactic Family, with Blossom Goodchild, May 20, 2012

Graham Dewyea: Hello, and welcome to Our Galactic Family. I’m Graham Dewyea.



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Thanks to Indian In the Machine  


We Love You The Earth Allies


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An environment filled with blissful encounters and excitements awaits your awakening


An environment filled with blissful encounters and excitements awaits your awakening

May 27, 2012 by John Smallman


All is on schedule for your grand awakening, and ever larger numbers of you are beginning to get a sense of the great changes that will shortly be put into effect. The assistance that you are receiving from the spiritual realms continues to intensify to match your strengthening intent to awaken. And to awaken has become totally inevitable, as has been divinely promised and guaranteed.


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~Illuminating the Power of One~ Now On Planet Earth=Heart~


JKM, 5-24-12 (Judith in Chimayo) 5:00 am

Illuminating the Power of One



J: I open to the Source of Infinite Wisdom of Creation to the Masters and the Guides, my heart open to the light, the vessel of love that.

(long pause)


Children of Light, you have come upon this Earth time and time again building, always building the geometries of light seeking the way of the Great Wisdom and the pathway of peace. Now is the time of times, the Illumination that you have long waited for. Open to the passageway of the Great Solar Source to the Venusian Temples of light, illuminant, the source of radiance on Earth.



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Call on us and we can help and with pleasure ~ Lady Maria



Call on us and we can help and with pleasure ~ Lady Maria through Isabel Henn May 27, 2012

My beloved children, with joy I’ve seen that many of our Light Workers ascended into the 5th Dimension and higher. The largest portion is returned to Earth in order to continue to assist in Ascension of mankind. Gaia is also ascended, her place was taken by Lady Pan. She serves as home to the people that do not want to ascend or not yet ready for it.


The energies that are brought to Earth now are to help people during waking. It is pure love, which is sent to Earth, unconditional love from our Originator, All-That-Is.


We Angels and Ascended Masters help you in this Ascensionprocess if you do then ask. We love you infinitely, and are always ready to answer your call. But we must take care of your free will and therefore we may only intervene in case of emergency, as long as your life contract allows. Call on us and we can help and with pleasure.

You are my beloved children. I am Lady Maria.


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May 28-June 3, 2012, Doreen's Weekly Oracle Card Reading


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Montague Keen ~ 27 May 2012 The Pieces of the Puzzle falling into Place NOW!~


Montague Keen ~ 27 May 2012 The Pieces of the Puzzle falling into Place NOW!~

As the light of truth becomes ever brighter it reveals all that was hidden. There is much excitement as all the pieces of the puzzle fall into place. Many have had a hand in this, as it had to come from several places in your world, each contributing to the whole. There is nothing that anyone can do to prevent the planet from releasing the shackles of control. It is hard for some to believe that they are existing on a prison planet, as they are totally oblivious to the bars that imprison them. The decline of liberty and free speech, the infliction of laws that bind you – civil, as well as religious – were all designed to limit your freedom and prevent you ever finding out who you are.



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Tick Tock...Time's Up...Activation...




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We R All One ~ The Kids Speak FINAL


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News from Earth Allies: The Secret of Secrets? Revealed! ~again~



The Secret of Secrets? Revealed! ~again~




I’ve seen a meditation has been organised for Bill Wood, and that made me think... Nothing, and I repeat that cearly, N O T H I N G against sending Bill Wood all our Love and support, though... people of the Planet!

We’re facing the biggest changes in history right Now, and yes, this thanks to Bill and many others like him as well. Many have given their earth life for this, many might give it, many live on donations to be able to give themselves completely to the Truth for All, many move from one country to the other for the same reason, many are shouting and not been listened to, and ALL of this is happening for One and One reason only: let All Humanity Re-member The God Within. That they are all sovreign Beings and Free. That Humanity is made of LOVE and LOVE only, and all that is not LOVE is not true. That for millennia there has been a slavery program going on to make sure no one would wake up and remember.


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Tropical Storm Beryl/Sunday Update!!! 100 People Already Pulled from the Rip Currents!


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How to Start an Economic Collapse


This is both my first blog entry and a response to the request for not paying credit cards for the month of June. I love this, want to kick it up a notch? We all have a good idea who the globalist ecomonic parasites are, but a definitive and verifiable list of the corporations in league with "Dark Powers that Were"(DPW), would help the instigation of a en masee stock sell off by all done with the system of parasitism. Sell the stocks of all the affiliated companies supporting both the D.P.W. or any of thir many underlings and their companies collapse, and, well what do you know a economic crash that I think might well outpace the idea above(although a great idea, you all know me I like to go right for the throat.) Try walking or bicycing every where to get the point across to the Oil cartels. Refuse any unethical buisness practice. Think globaly, act locally, impact globaly. There are a million ways to make the impact. Here is another good one, stop buying bottled water. Stop buying goods that are made in countries with no regard for environmental protection. Stop buying anything Monsanto(GMO) which ultimatelly means stop supporting the global factory farm system. Pass on the Student Loans paymanets. Or the ultimate banker collapse. Take YOUR  money out of your 401K if there is any left and withdraw all YOUR money from any of your bank accounts and start paying in cash. Don't just withdraw it, then don't spwnd it on ANYTHING you don't absolutelly need for minimum survival. Stop supporting Walmart(right in there with DPW as well))  If you do spend money spend it in your local economy at Mom and Pop stores WallyWord hasn't eaten up  and removed yet. Stop doing Meth and Herion, cuz they are there for same reasons, your suffering. Stop buying video games. Stop, just stop. If it doesn't resonate with the New we are creating, don't fiscally support it. Pretty simple. Two weeks'ish  of thisness and the Economy will end as we know it.

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The Glorious Time Ahead By CM and Candace




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FREEDOM PROJECT: NOW LIVE: Tony Blair at the Leveson inquiry - live...




Tony Blair at the Leveson inquiry - live

• 'Didn't drop cross-media ownership review to please Murdoch'
• Confirms he sent Brooks message after her resignation
• Social media 'tsunami' can sweep away governments
• Would never have asked Brooks to attack rivals in papers
• Murdoch is 'key decision-maker', not Rebekah Brooks
• Hayman island trip 'very deliberate' bid to win over Murdoch
• 'Nothing odd' about calls to Murdoch days before Iraq war
• News International gave him 'fair shot' when under attack
• Blair: Daily Mail attacked me and my family
• Stopped meeting Mail editor in 2001
• Way the media operates, not cross-media ownership, the issue
• Blair: I decided not to confront the media


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FREEDOM PROJECT: Protester at Leveson accuses Tony Blair of war crimes (28May12) ...


Tony Blair Called 'War Criminal' By Protester Interrupting Leveson Inquiry (VIDEO)

By RAPHAEL SATTER 05/28/12 08:16 AM ET AP

LONDON — Former Prime Minister Tony Blair testified Monday he never challenged the influential British press because doing so would have plunged his administration in a drawn-out and politically damaging fight.

Blair led Britain from 1997 to 2007, and his Labour Party government has been criticized by many – including some of Blair's former colleagues – as having been too close to the country's powerful newspapers.

Blair, speaking under oath at an inquiry into media ethics, said the issue wasn't that he and Britain's journalistic elite were too cozy, but that he had to manage them carefully.


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Within You Not Without You


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                                         WINDS GENTLE KISS OF LOVE  

                                                   By Doreen Smith



Shield yourself from me , if you must

But, I have something to say you can trust


I want to touch your loving heart

I have been here from the very start

Day or Night, I AM always there

to let you know, I truly care


I am the wind of change

I am blowing all around

Through you, for you, with you

Feel my love abound


Across the mighty expanse of every ocean blue

True Love I bring to you

Over every lake, stream and brook

You'll find me everywhere you look


I flow through the evergreens

Every forest, every tree


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Visionkeeper – Improving The World Starts With Us – 28 May 2012



Visionkeeper – Improving The World Starts With Us – 28 May 2012

(picture by www.favim.com)

I was driving the back roads yesterday headed for our summer veggie and flower outside market, and as I drove along I kept seeing things that disturbed me somewhere within. I was saddened by the poverty that I saw, not that people had less money, but because of a lack of money there seemed to be a lack of self worth as well.


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Love your world, love yourselves, and love your neighbors. – Mchael by GLR Ron Head



   Spanish   Portuguese


Our topic today will be the willingness of your societies to sacrifice the lives of your young ones to accomplish the goals of the elites.  Long years ago, young men were forced to serve in armies to keep themselves and their families safe and fed.


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Magatha ~~ An introduction to the Agarthans and Magatha from Inner Earth ~~27/05/2012 by GLR Méline Lafont



Magatha ~~ An introduction to the Agarthans and Magatha from Inner Earth ~~27/05/2012  by GLR Méline Lafont



We are the Agarthans and we represent a civilization living in the Inner Earth. We would like to share a message with you through Méline Lafont as she has expressed the desire to function as a channel for us. We have acquiesced to honor her request and will be sharing messages once in a while. We are aware that lots of people are really interested in us and we are glad that this is so.


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new to the light!


Hi you guys out there. I'm new to social networking {or whatever you call it}, I'm old and semi-technaphobic...but I'm getting there. I retired from the corporate whore six years ago, to educate myself to what is going on in this mad world of ours, and fuck me, have my eyes been opened.

I'm not sure if this is the correct forum for me to go rambling, but I'm simply trying to reach others who, like me, are waiting for that inevitable first contact.


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FREEDOM PROJECT: The trial of Century in Croatia: Sanader 'EX PM' and the HDZ correspond to Fimi media



there is no way to hide, there is no way to run...

Ex Prime Minister of Croatia Ivo Sanader and his party HDZ,  standing on the trial on corruption  and many shady jobs done not in benefit of Croatian People, but only in their own personal interest... 
 Please forgive for what they have done to Citizens of Croatia, yet do not forget their crimes.. They will take full responsibility for actions they have done harming Croatian citizens and country as a whole by admitting and returning all the funds and assets stolen from People of Croatia and appologiesing for unhumaine actions against Citizens of Croatia...

Please Celebrate as this new kind of Freedom of Speech, freedom of Truth, freedom of media will make major difference in our growth as Community of the World, where deference in color, nation, religion will not be obstacle any more...


Freedom is Here dear Brothers and Sisters of the Free World...


With Love and Joy, Predrag Saint Germain





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John Ward – Euroblown : Greece Stops Dead As Government Introduces Payment Freeze, And Importers Demand Cash Up Front



John Ward – Euroblown : Greece Stops Dead As Government Introduces Payment Freeze, And Importers Demand Cash Up Front – 28 May 2012


Facing the threat of a delay in the disbursement of bailout instalments from the Troika, Greece’s caretaker government has suspended rebates and payments to suppliers of the public sector. All loans by banks to any business, regardless of viability, have been stopped. In the absence of safe ways to sell, 74% of Greek companies are focused on debt reduction. And foreign companies importing to Greece are demanding money up front.


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Heavenletter #4203 Where Is Love?


Heavenletter #4203 Where Is Love? , May 28, 2012 

God said: 


Sometimes you are happy. Sometimes your heart is overflowing with love, seemingly for no reason at all. Of course, love does not need a reason, for love is a State of Being. There is no virtue in looking for reasons for love, for then love becomes a convenience or an enterprise.

You love because you are a Being of Love.

Why do you breathe? You don't need facts and figures in order to breathe. You inhale and exhale without even thinking about it. If you thought about every breath you take, you would become a breathing machine, but you are not mechanical.


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Jennifer Hoffman – Energy Download And Energetic Response



Jennifer Hoffman – Energy Download And Energetic Response – 28 May 2012

For the past few years we have experienced relentless energy downloads that we respond to with physical symptoms which range from extreme fatigue to nausea to physical illness. These downloads occur with increasing frequency and intensity and we wonder why, with such high energy, we can feel so bad. There are a couple of misconceptions about energy that cause us to underestimate its effects and overestimate its potential. No matter how high the frequency of these downloads, we are limited in our ability to integrate them until we clear our energetic body of its density. The downloads will continue to increase in vibration and frequency, so our energetic response will too, until we are clear enough to connect with them more seamlessly.


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Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 28 May 2012


Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 28 May 2012

For some souls who have only just awakened, their reality has been shattered and for a while they will cling to what they believed to be the truth. It is important that they realize that the coming changes are not to be feared. Also that it is not too late to alter their pattern of thinking to allow their consciousness levels to be lifted, and place themselves on the path to Ascension. It is not necessarily a matter of how much you know, as your understanding that progress will be made by living from the heart and not through the ego. Be humble and see yourself in every other soul, and treat them as you would yourself be treated. One of the main frailties that humans have is being judgmental and if you can work towards being non-judgmental, you will have travelled a long way towards lifting yourself up.


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Blossom Goodchild – 28 May 2012




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Cliff Baard /Gillian Grannum – Evolution – 28 May 2012



Cliff Baard /Gillian Grannum – Evolution – 28 May 2012

We approach zero point of the omega. This precession of the equinoxes is the length of time required for our solar system to make one complete revolution around the Pleiades, our greater parent sun, which calculates to a period of + – 25,900 years.

Earth began to fall tens of millions of years ago. What is in progress is Earth’s restoration to one of twelve that are among the highest in All That Is!


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5/28/2012 -- 6.4 magnitude earthquake in Central Argentina = global unrest


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transmuting fear!


Watchers overhead Love & Light house now . . .



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Mytria and Mytre: Recognition




Mytria and Mytre: Recognition

2012 MAY 28
Posted by Andrew Eardley

Mytria and Mytre: Recognition

 by GLR Dr Suzan Caroll

May 27, 2012



“Where have your been?” I spoke gruffly, perhaps to cover up the intensity of emotion that I felt at her very touch. “Your friends are concerned for you and sent me to find you.” I said in a softer voice.

“How do you know that I am the one you seek?” she replied with a resonance in her voice that instantly calmed my demeanor.

“I am sorry I was so gruff with you. It is just that I have been searching for you such a very long time. How did you get lost way out here?”

“I am not lost. I live close by.”

“Live?” I said trying to control my intense emotions. “There is nowhere to live out here.”


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transmuting fear !!


Watchers Overhead Love & Light house now...


We can choose to see you in images of darkness


perpetrating fear


supporting myths of shadow archetypes


or we can choose to see the beauty of your light


the beauty of your shadows and outlines


and since fear is no long permitted


to control or direct our lives



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Hilarion: These Times Require Complete Self Honesty



Hilarion: These Times Require Complete Self Honesty

2012 MAY 28
Posted by BZ Riger

Hilarion: These Times Require Complete Self Honesty

 by GLR Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana
May 27, 2012


Beloved Ones,

This is a time for deep inner contemplation and the discerning of that which still exists within yourselves that no longer serves the Path you have chosen.

These times require complete self honesty and the making of further choices that will set free that which has not been resolved to this time.

Many times it is in One’s perspective that the change has to take place and when clarity comes, it is usually when One has let go of the need to know the definitive answer and just allow what was and is, in One’s current situation with acceptance.


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MAY 25-2012

They're calling this "EVIL"...To me, it's DIVINE!!!

Much Peace, Joy, Light and Love to ALL! NOW! :) <3


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Angela Peregoff: Appreciate the Benefits



Angela Peregoff: Appreciate the Benefits

2012 MAY 28
Posted by Vina

Appreciate the Benefits

By Angela Peregoff

May 28, 2012


When the game of Earth began it was to be a paradise of choice, will, and freedom. From the very beginning of Earth spirits took the opportunity to live in this dynamic plane of existence for it was a unique and thrilling adventure. Of course, in those early days souls inhabited the Earth as ethereal beings without the physical dense bodies that we have now.


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TUESDAY, MAY 29, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, copyright ©2012

Dearest ones, 
we are the Arcturians!

It is now high time to prepare, to prepare for the multi-layered process of shifting on all levels of  your reality. Yes, all shifts always start on the level of thought, a thought that has being dreamed in the Heart of God. From there all truly Divineprojects of creation are being initiated, and then all the other chain reactions are following, down to the level where the initial thought has been aiming towards.


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Revisit: July 9th, 2011


Original post written on the night of 070911.

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Perfection is highly overrated


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The manuscript of survival – part 145 by Aisha North



The manuscript of survival – part 145



 •May 28, 2012 • 


Since the dawn of mankind, the quest for something bigger and better has been on everyone’s mind, and rightly so, as you have all been imbued with a longing for striving forwards. Let us explain. As we have already touched upon on so many occasions, this planet has been designated as a starting point, a place where a soul can go back to the very beginning of evolution and start that long road towards perfection, or rather an all-encompassing presence, as ”perfection” is a very biased word for you humans. You see, you tend to look upon perfection as something that is utterly flawless, and therefore an unattainable state for most, while we look upon perfection as a description of anyone getting to know the very core of themselves. 


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