Sekhmet ~ Celebrating the Light ~ Crystal Room Exercise Ashtar on the Road Teleconference ~ May 22, 2012

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 05/28/2012 - 11:26

Sekhmet ~ Celebrating the Light ~ Crystal Room Exercise

Ashtar on the Road Teleconference ~ May 22, 2012

"Well Good Evening, Everyone. It is I, Sekhmet! And that is hard to top, is it not?* The Joy, did you all feel those wondrous golden beams, Light and Love, coming, streaming in? Yes, we were dancing, holding paws and just having a wondrous time because, that, Beloved Ones, is what we’re here to do ­– this is celebration time! Even if you haven’t had that feeling of upliftment yet, even if it hasn’t quite hit home within your Hearts in a good way – no violence!


"But even if it hasn’t dawned on you that you are so powerful, celebrate anyway, because You Are. It’s only up to you to put yourselves into that high, high, high vibration and get moving along your paths. Now, we have a mission tonight, yes, and it is a beautiful mission. And it is for each and every one of you to observe and participate in your own individual ways as well as a member of this powerful, powerful Family. And there is no more fitting occasion than upon this anniversary date!


"Now, we are going to just give you a little bit of a bulletin. This Ashtar on the Road Family is going to see many, many changes. They’re going to be seeming to come like, what you call, greased lightning – what an expression – not sure how you would grease a lightning bolt, but whatever, you humans have all kinds of fun with your expressions, and we are here to have fun!

"Many, many, many changes are coming. Every change is an opportunity for you to shine your Love Beams out to empower the changes more – yes, and also to empower, most especially the humans, to understand that the changes are coming from Love - not from fear. We’ve been there before you know, in discussions, and we all know what fear feels like, we can feel it in you, and it’s not happy, it’s not joyful, it’s just the opposite of Love and all that Love is.


"So we want to take this moment to remind you that not all of the world is in celebration at this moment. Now, you heard the Master News Team** mention that there is a lot of fear that these ones are feeling, so it stands to reason that they are broadcasting fear, yes? So we’ll be addressing that in a rather unique and unusual way because our mission here is to take all of this power, these powerful waves, these beams of Love Light, and utilize them. It’s not just, 'Oh, isn’t that nice, yes they look lovely' – it’s about using them, it’s about bringing them in and making them a part of you, Beloved Ones, this is a gift!


"You don’t even have to open it because it’s all open for you, all you have to do is just say, 'Oh goodie!' Bring it right into your Hearts and let it circulate out through your fields and then burst it out. And so we’re going to do another Exercise of the crystalline variety. Why? Remember the crystals are great transmitters. How about that? So we’re going to empower our messages, we’re going to go on up to the crystal room, and I’m here with you so we’re going to go on up together because that is a great place to do this Exercise. You may recall that I have a crystal room on my ship, yes.


"We are going to just move on up. Now, we are holding hands still, or I like to say paws, because, you know, that’s what I look like. But you can hold out your paws or your hands and let’s just all go together. This means that we are in a circle, you can see the circle if you wish, sometimes it’s a little easier if you close your eyes. Now what we’re going to do is we’re going to travel up into the crystal room, and that’s in a Higher Dimension than 3D, but that’s real important because there are none of the limitations and restrictions of 3D where we’re headed.


"So, we’re going to blast off together, and if you're not sure how to do that, just look around a little bit in your mind’s eye. We set our intentions that we are literally going to beam ourselves up to the crystal room, and it’s huge, you know, and it’s circular, and you’ve all been here before at some time or other. So, as we approach you can hear a lot of cheering and some kind of music that you especially like – it could be a band playing a welcome tune for you, it could be some other kind of music, it makes no difference, it is yours. This is your special greeting and 'Welcome aboard'!


"What we’re going to do is, we’re still going to hold our hands but we’re going to go up through the bottom of the ship into the crystal elevator, how about that? Just come on in, there’s plenty of room. The elevator is so magical it just expands, so everybody come on it. Now, stop and catch your breath, you know, the zooming up was a bit fast, so just breathe and take a moment to pause and look and see who all is here, and give greetings and hugs and all of that, as the elevator moves us up to the deck, the top of the ship where the crystalline room is.


"As it comes to a stop you are all not hearing your individual music anymore. What you are hearing is the welcoming sounds, the frequencies of the crystals themselves. They have frequencies and they do emit sounds but they are not normally heard by human ears, but remember, we are in Higher Dimensionality where we can create and where we have senses, beyond those of 3D. So listen, and go to that part of the room, the circular crystalline room, where you hear your frequency being played to you.


"It’s all right, take your time, there is no time here, just move around and, yes, you may have to not be holding paws while you do this, we understand, of course. Thank you for thinking of that! We certainly didn’t come here to get all tangled up, did we? So let’s move around the room, find your place in the circle. When you are in place go ahead and hold paws again with whoever you find next to you. Now, we want you to feel upon your shoulders a beautiful energy, go ahead, just relax into it, breathe it in if you wish.


"These are your guides, your angels. These are the ones you call the Masters, the ascended ones, these are the wise ancestors, these are your brothers and sisters from the stars, these are all of the beings that you already know, your soul families even, that have come to this celebration! Just relax and allow them to shower you with their Love and their Joy at your presence here. Breathe it in. Feel the Joy!


"Now we invite you to look down at your feet and notice, if you will, that you do have a single beam that goes downward, right through the floor of the crystal room. If you will see in your mind’s eye for a moment, you will see that you are very connected to Planet Earth with this beam that goes from your feet, that goes down to the planet. This is important, otherwise you might be tempted to take off and fly with the Beloved Ones who have come from the Higher Dimensionality to be here to greet you at this time in our crystalline room. And some of them are, yes, very focused in this Dimension that we are in.


"So you are still connected, but yet, here you are in this crystalline room on my ship. As you breathe in this wondrous Love Light you can feel yourselves expanding with it and getting lighter. Feel that Light coming into the entirety of your being, this is your Ascension body that you are starting to connect and feel, yes! Now, while all of this is going on, direct your eyes, your wisdom eyes, or you can open them if you wish, direct them upward toward what you would call the ceiling of the crystal room, and notice there’s an opening there. You hadn’t seen it before, and wonder of wonders you’re not getting sucked out of that opening and nothing is happening that is at all strange, as the opening gets wider, much like the opening of a lens, let’s say – and there are all the stars, planets and moons.


"Now, look toward the Great Central Sun and see beautiful beams of Light coming right to the ship, but you recognize the Light – it’s Love and the empowerment of Love. And so you can stand there and look up and smile in the totality of your being as this Light comes to you. Receive it, let it come in and literally fill the crystal room in every atom of its space. Feel it bathing you. Now, you are even more in the high frequencies of Love. Now, this energy, this great beaming Love Light is filling every part of your being, all your bodies, all your aspects, and you Are One with your Divinity and within your being. Good thing you’ve still got that beam connecting you to Mother Gaia or you’d all want to float up and fly right out of that opening! But yet, here we all are.


"Notice how the crystals are singing even more to you and how beautiful the colors are that they are radiating as this Light fills this entire space. And the crystals have a message and it is that they are here to help you even more, to amplify these beams of Love, these powerful, exponentially powerful, beams. So just breathe it all in, be in Joy, in other words, enjoy the feelings that you feel, and all of this wondrous Love Light, these empowering beams of energy that are coming to you and to all of us in this High Dimensional place that you are in with so much Love, so much welcome, for you.


"And now, let us fill with it and literally let it burst forth from us, all of us together. We are One grand, glorious Family of Love! Let it just burst forth in all of its power, in all of its splendor. And as it does so, and as the room is positively glowing, direct, if you will, right down to planet Earth – you’ve got this beam of connection - send it right on down. Glorious bursts, unending; it keeps on coming in, it keeps on filling up the room and all of us here, we become One and we send it out as one great, glorious burst of Love!!!


"Now we’re going to get somewhat directional with it as it heads toward Planet Earth. The first direction we want to give it is to go wherever there is any fear, and go with Love, and go with thanks and gratitude. We don’t need to look at the fear and we certainly don’t need to start feeling the feelings of fear - that’s not our mission. Our mission is to stay up here in the crystal room in Higher Dimensionality, and send this great energy forth all over Planet Earth - Now! Let it burst and spread all over the Planet. And let it be as though it were magnetized to anywhere, to any being anywhere, any member of the kingdoms, any groups, any programs, which are in anyway broadcasting any fear.


"If you want you can have a little fun and you can see fear as a dark cloud and you can see a burst of this brilliant Light totally transform that cloud into light. And you can see the Light surrounding all living beings on the Planet! And to those who have already welcomed this Light, they’ll say 'Thank you!' for sending more and for creating infinite and ongoing rays from this grand event of the Solar Eclipse, and for continuing bursts from the Great Central Sun.


"You can see the changes and you can feel the upliftment, the Joy, absolute Joy that so many are going to feel, because this empowers them to be free from whatever it has been for eons of time, or for this lifetime, or any time as it’s measured in between – whatever has been fearful to them. They can be free. Your message is, 'You don’t have to be in fear anymore. Just take the Love and let it transmute all fear into the bright, golden Light of Love, and yes, the white Light of Christ Consciousness, golden white, beautiful Love, totally, totally surrounding and permeating every living being on Planet Earth, every kingdom member of Mother Gaia, and yes, the humans!!!'


It is Love in its purest and most powerful form, and is itself - remember the crystals broadcasting, and the crystals are broadcasting in these beams! And the beams themselves carry the messages – you are God/Goddess, you are Divine, you are a powerful creator, all you need is YOU! That’s a new one isn’t it? All you need is YOU when you express the Love You Are. Oh yes, many will flock to your kingdom and, oh yes, your Guides and Beloved Ones from the Higher Dimensions are there, but you, Beloved Ones, are empowered to go forth into what remains of 3D on Planet Earth and literally transmute all that is fearful, all that is needing healing, and all this is to be accomplished in the way of Ascension preparation!


"You are powerful and empowered, Beloved Ones. All you need to do is to let this wondrous Light, this energy, continue to empower you, to energize you and to burst forth from you in beautiful, beautiful loving rays, so that the World around you can rise with you, up and out of 3D! This is a grand moment indeed, and this, above all else, is why we are here. This is what we have to celebrate, celebrate with each other. You are all beautiful Suns, you are all beautiful Love. Just let it keep on shining, literally bursting forth because it’s that powerful!!!


In accepting the gift you have, at the same time, you're given the gift more. And so it is that you will continue to receive, and receive, and receive because your Hearts are so beautiful and so full of Love. And so it is that we rejoice with you, and we dance and sing with you, and we thank you for being here with us!


"So it is for each of you in this grand Company of One, to hug and to stay in this Love fest, this festival of Love, this crystal room, for as long as you choose. We shall have a momentary last breathing in of this Love, of this Oneness.Continue to breathe in the Love Beams and just let it float into your beings peacefully, and yet powerfully. And we say to you, 'Congratulations!' because you have lifted yourselves up even higher, you have empowered yourselves even more, and in so doing, of course, you have empowered the One We All Are to be together in loving service, and mission accomplished!!!


"Just breathe, and we shall be celebrating in expression of music, and dance if you so desire. I personally have selected this rollicking tune, but it is high vibe! So thank you so much, Beloved One,s for being here with us, for joining in. We can tell you we have made a huge difference and we have literally lit up the World -exponentially!!! And so it is! Namaste!"

* Sekhmet's message was preceded by The Beatles' Here Comes the Sun .
**Tara and Rama
Sekhmet's message was followed by Celebration, performed by Kool & The Gang
Transcription by Brian Coe.
Given through Susan Leland, May 22, 2012. © Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2012.All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted. 

Is THOTH with you? Rumors say he hid under GIZA plateau awaiting a few individuals. Maybe the mystery of the hidden Sphinx room? EH?


Ah, In due time Im sure.


Did he leave something on Alpha Centauri? Ive come across something in my travels across lands..something ancient in the data stores. Very difficult to retrieve the information when not physically present, but alas, I had not been there due to an incident at Dreamland several years ago.


I have not been able to go back since.


Namaste. Take care.

If I embody Isis & other light beings, why is my newest body not being shown yet, I've waited so long to show myself. is it being part human the part that cares?  As a light-worker is it wrong to want that? After accepting it so many years ago, now i want to take center stage, the id coming out?  I wanted it so long, but feared what others would think, now past caring, is it just dormant? I've learned so much choosing to stay here in 3D a bit longer.. am I wrong to want to show to others my true embodiments? it a pride thing? unsure.. it would be more humble to pass quietly this way.. but i dream..impatiently..

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