~The Heat is On for Change~

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 05/30/2012 - 10:17

5/29/2012 -- Italy earthquakes = FRACKING! Two DOZEN people dead in two weeks !!


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The Prophesy-Darkness Uncovered By Source thru Hazel




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5/29/2012 -- Italy earthquakes = FRACKING! Two DOZEN people dead in two weeks !!


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By Shannon - Posted on 29 May 2012

Once peace is in place...., then and only then will you be able to allow the free flow of love to move throught YOU! LOVE on Earth is an Achievement of Faith! Your faith in something that you do not yet understand. That something..., is LOVE IT SELF! For LOVE is a living consciousness. It is a Unifying force of INTELLIGENT and CREATIVE potential underlying all action, intent, and being! LOVE is a BEING of it's own reality and manifests through humans who allow it to come through them! To KNOW LOVE is to know that you are simply partner's with something greater than YOURSELF! When LOVE is truly flowing and manifesting through you...., YOU are NOT in the picture at all, but have moved out of the way completely. The formula to work with LOVE is 49 percent and 51 percent partnership! The 49 percent is YOU agreeing to work with the intelligent force that LOVE ALWAYS IS, and inviting it to move through you! 


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Once peace is in place...., then and only then will you be able to allow the free flow of love to move throught YOU! LOVE on Earth is an Achievement of Faith! Your faith in something that you do not yet understand. That something..., is LOVE IT SELF! For LOVE is a living consciousness. It is a Unifying force of INTELLIGENT and CREATIVE potential underlying all action, intent, and being! LOVE is a BEING of it's own reality and manifests through humans who allow it to come through them! To KNOW LOVE is to know that you are simply partner's with something greater than YOURSELF! When LOVE is truly flowing and manifesting through you...., YOU are NOT in the picture at all, but have moved out of the way completely. The formula to work with LOVE is 49 percent and 51 percent partnership! The 49 percent is YOU agreeing to work with the intelligent force that LOVE ALWAYS IS, and inviting it to move through you! The 51 percent is LOVE doing what it does through your body/vehicle. If at any time YOU believe that it is YOU doing the LOVE, then it auto-matically stops the flow of the intelligent force because it is NOT YOU! You have suddenly done the 49 percent and now want credit for the 51 percent as well! This is EGO, and I stress once again that LOVE is it's OWN INTELLIGENCE. You agree to work with it, then GET OUT OF THE WAY, and let it flow through you doing what it wishes to do. BLESSED ARE THOSE WHO THINK ON THESE THINGS AND "KNOW" SHANNON


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PJ(Phoenix Journal) # 50 " THROUGH DARKNESS INTO LIGHT ."



"'In the beginning' is only an actual 'Once Upon a Time' .... But you MUST come to realize, and very quickly now, that you didn't just go 'big bang' and neither did you "swim ashore". You were created as Man and brought unto this placement by your elder species. Also and "further more" you did not assemble from the asteroid belt of the 'big bang'. But you did have a very large happening occur and now you are making it back around to the place in the cycles wherein you can expect an-other and even more powerful 'Bang-Bang', time warp, time shift and energy shift--into a time of experience of LIGHT.

"We have efforted to bring comfort to you with our presence and purpose but you as a species and civilization are 'right up against it'. This is going to get more and more tumultuous as 'time' passes and events unfold. May you be given to under-stand and recognize that which IS TRUTH from the LIES of the adversary for therein lies your direction and passage."

Hatonn writes about various subjects such as: The Importance Of Atlantis And Lemuria In Our History—The Philippine Islands And Their Key Part In Ancient History And Immediate Future—The Truth About The Birthing Of Planet Earth & Our Moon, Plus History Of The Outer Planets In Ancient Sumarian Texts—History Of The Photon Belt, Its Cycle And Significance—Walter Stickney, United States Dictator-In-Waiting (FEMA)—Masonic Symbols In The Washington, D.C. Street Layout. Foreign tanks and blue helmeted foreign troops being dispersed throughout OUR country - Also, Hatonn keeps abreast on everyday world happenings.(Index Included)






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I Won't Give UP


A beautiful song of resolution to keep going "case we're worth it"...






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My soul brother Guiding Spirit told me in my dream:


Dont doubt of your ability to channel or the power of the energy. Doubt will reduce the effectiveness. Power will reduce.


This msg can be helpfull to all new energy chanellers such as me. I beleive numbers grow.






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~John Smallman~ Love will be the guiding power and authority NOW


Love will be the guiding power and authority 05~30~2012 by GLR~ John Smallman


When changes of such magnitude and significance as are starting to occur all across the world become known and are made public, it is to be expected that a certain amount of confusion and anxiety will arise.  Do not be concerned, but continue to hold your Light on high as you offer solace and compassion to those who are anxious or unnerved by what they see happening.  Help them to understand the significance of what is occurring, and explain that clarity of purpose and intent in all relationships (personal, governmental, international), as well as peace, harmony, and abundance are to replace dishonesty, conflict, and scarcity that have plagued you for so long.



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Earthrise is here on May 29th 2012.



May 29th, 2012 We are going through a major energy change right now. Follow your heart. Your heart holds truth. Truth? What is truth? Truth is something that someone has seen and/or an opinion proven. That's what you were taught truth is.Think about it. Compare what society says what truth is then ask yourself, what is truth? After that, then ask your heart what truth is? You will then get the real meaning of what truth is.


  Many dates are given out for when the mass arrests will happen, when the new financial system will go in place. When will they happen? Why did nothing happen on this date? Why did nothing happen in that date? Why this, why that? The dates given out are linear on our timeline. Remember, time is manmade. We are in the NOW! Things happen when they happen.  We the people are waiting for the events to unfold in front of us. You need to save yourselfs! You can't wait for others to save you!  Do something now! Do what you do best now! Do something new you have not done yet! There is one piece of the puzzle missing. We have to fill it!  In the name of the LORD and we the people, Earth will be liberated of everything negative.  Earthrise is here.




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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~29~12 The Release of the Golden Energy


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~29~12


Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~ The Release of the Golden Energy



A Tree in Inverewe Gardens by Andrew McMillan Tree of Gold


Greetings Love Beings,


WOW... The Energies have been intense and will continue as we Prepare for Our Upcoming Eclipse, Full Moon In Sagittarius, and after this the Venus Transit.This Incoming Energy is All about the Feminine Energy of Pure Unconditional Love and True Compassion.


Feild of Gold



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7 steps to Creative Living by Ree


7 steps to Creative Living



By GLR Ree 

FOLLOW YOUR HEART: The heart is the new brain. Its function now is to “feel” your way through choices. The thought function is quickly becoming obsolete. It is no longer possible on a conscious level to “think” your way through choices. When presented with a choice use your heart to “feel” the choice that is aligned with your highest path. With intent and focus it will become second nature to navigate your path using only your heart.

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Tomorrow: Breath Of Terra < Radio Show < Topic : Twin Flames




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Archangel Michael on Bill Brockbrader and Disagreement Among Lightworkers


Archangel Michael on Bill Brockbrader and Disagreement Among Lightworkers

2012 May 29
Posted by Steve Beckow

Archangel Michael returns this week to discuss Bill Brockbrader’s case and the current disagreements among lightworkers. He looks at the contributions of lightworkers who rely on channeled information, versus lightworkers who rely on insider and whistleblower testimony, and reviews what channeled sources say will be happening in the near future.  Jesus joins us briefly to discuss the importance of forgiveness as we head into the mass arrests.


An Hour with an Angel, May 28, 2012, with Archangel Michael




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News from Earth Allies: An Important Message/ Update from the Post Master General & TRUSTEE of North America



An Important Message/ Update from the Post Master General & TRUSTEE of North America

Posted By: Mr.Ed
Date: Tuesday, 29-May-2012

An Important Message/ Update from the Post Master General & TRUSTEE of North America



Greetings, I have been silent for some time, but far from idle. I can tell you there are huge changes manifesting right now as a result of your efforts in this matter. I cannot spill the beans yet, for various reasons, but I can tell you in the very near future we will have some major, major announcements for you.


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A Clarion Call From Suzan Caroll On 29th May 2012



A Clarion Call From Suzan Caroll On 29th May 2012......


Dear Ascending Ones,
We are the Arcturians wish to speak with you today about your Mission. We will not directly tell you what your Mission is for it is through the process of finding, remembering and fine-tuning your Mission that you will find the Wisdom, Power and Love to live it. Your Mission is not a job that you go to and leave at the end of the day. Your Mission is the reason why you chose to take embodiment during this auspicious era of Personal and Planetary Ascension.


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Selacia ~ Council Of 12 Message ~ Prepare For The Next Wave Of Energy ~ 29 May 2012


Selacia ~ Council Of 12 Message ~ Prepare For The Next Wave Of Energy ~ 29 May 2012

The times you have long prepared for have arrived. Do you know what this means?


Right now you are in one of the calmer transitions, preparing for the next big wave of energy. It’s like you have a few moments to catch your breath and reflect. As you do, it’s quickly apparent how much is changing all around you. Your own changes are at warp speed, too.
The part of you that’s conditioned by limited thinking may be feeling nervous, not seeing the other multidimensional parts of reality now on the drawing board. Just because you can’t see them, of course, doesn’t mean they aren’t there!


Divine Changemakers and Multidimensional Reality

Adding to your uncertainty, without your knowing it, is an inner conflict between the linear conventional life approach you learned and the multidimensional approach that comes naturally to you on an inner level.


As a divine changemaker, you are learning to apply the multidimensional approach more and more of the time.


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Nancy Tate ~ Wake Up Call ~ Sananda ~ 29 May 2012


Nancy Tate ~ Wake Up Call ~ Sananda ~ 29 May 2012

Good day my dear ones. I am here today to share with you what is taking place in a level that is above the ones who seek to harm earth and all who live within and on the surface. I am going to be completely honest here and tell you about how there are ways for all of you to wend your journey through the myriad of confusion that is being lent to the societal activities.
It is a matter of taking a stand in your lives that comes from the inner guidance that is prevalent in your lives. When you feel strongly about something and know that if someone tries to dissuade you of it, you will remain in that knowing, then stand by it. If there is something that feels right to you and you follow through with it only to find that it does not work, it most likely is because something changed in the meantime and brought a whole different outcome from what it would have been.
This is what living in the moment is about, dear ones. This is what I found was the outlying reason for so much of what I knew on an inner level was the truth in my time on earth as Jesus. I came to many conclusions in that lifetime that were supported by my inner knowing.


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Walking The Path of Love in 2012


Walking The Path of Love in 2012



Peter – 16th January, 2012


Dear God I Am of Holy Incorruptible Matter, of Infinite Speed, from my Heart and in the deepest gratitude for the Divine Love and Light in my life, I wish to call upon my Christed Over Self of the Light to share with me some guidance or inspiration for the coming year of 2012 so that it may offer me and those who may read and feel it, some insight to its importance to Walk upon the Path of Love.


As the Peace gathers around you, Know that We Are Here. And so We begin this communiqué with the message of Peace, for this Dear One and All shall be your greatest ally as you transit and traverse through this most auspicious year of change. For many, this year shall bring great challenges that will ignite memories of the past and this alone shall require due diligent consideration and attention on each individual’s part. 2012 shall be a year of many crossroads that nearly all who walk here will be asked to face and choose what path to continue upon, if any?



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I am the Light in the mountain


This post is a first part of several parts and a tribute to Archeia Mary of the 5th Ray and beloved twin flame of Arc angel Rafael. Mary,who is most well known for her earthly incarnation as mother Mary. This same Mary  was also the incarnation of  Isis in Ancient Egypt. Mary is an Arc angel (archeia, feminine divine counterpart of Arc angel) of the green ray, she and AA Rafael have been with me throughout the whole month of May, helping my heart expand, clearing remnants of old self so that my Light body integrates fully the new DNA crystalline codes beeing downloaded.





I woke up yesterday to the presence of Archangel Michael whilst the song Ave Maria by Barbara Bonney played in the background of the spiritual realms.


I am Michael he said repeatedly

Good morning, Michael, I am Lumina I replied lovingly and jokingly.

He smiled and said what large wings you have grown, I smiled back and i knew the day would be overflowing and overglowing with angelic energies.



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Am i the only Teen here? i feel as if i am...., can all teens please comment below?

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Tomorrow: Breath Of Terra < Radio Show < Topic : Twin Flames




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A Declaration Of Freedom From The Tyranny Of The World Shadow Government



A Declaration Of Freedom From The Tyranny Of The World Shadow Government – 29 May 2012

A New Declaration Submitted to the US Federal Government

To: The President of the United States, U.S. Senate, U.S. House of Representatives and US Supreme Court

Submitted by: We, the People, of the USA and those oppressed by American Militarism

Date: May 28, 2012

There comes a time in the affairs of humankind when it becomes necessary to throw off the yoke of tyranny which has insidiously taken over the governments of the world. That moment has arrived, as this still new millennium has ineluctably placed demands on We, The People, to stand in our own truth and take back our power. Herein lies the demands that We, The People, speak to power with indomitable conviction and undeterrable resolve.


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EMERGING FROM DENIAL ~ Barbara Marciniak




Channeled by Barbara Marciniak , The Pleiadian Times

As the veil of denial is whisked away, all that has been formerly hidden will become more and more transparent.

Now, in direct opposition to the ever-increasing attempts to confound the public, the incoming cosmic energies serve to balance the situation by opening the flood gates of human awareness, deliberately stimulating you to pay closer attention to a new source of information stemming from deep inside.



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Umm.....Love Update

Sometimes you lose the ones you love....,, But what people should realize is that..... its not something you lose forever...... U_U You can always meet them again, or Our family of light could change a persons thought patterns and you meet the person whose thought pattern changed and the person could be the girl that reminded you of the previous one you loved that you lost and you two could connect together........ Love is Everlasting...... yea..... thats thevword i was looking for (thanks family of light) Love will always and should be oh and WILL BE (thanks again Pleiadians, almost left that one out) everlasting. (Oh that too) Family of Light just told me to say that, Love the ones you lost, even if they dont love you anymore, for if you do, a time could come where she could meet you once again, and you just go up to her with a BIG hug, and she'll know that you still Love her. (The Pleiadians just told me to write One More Thing) If they ignore your calls, or anything in particular, think about them (The Pleiadians just told me something else that almost made me Cry) For if you can still see them in your Imagination, They are still in your heart, for this is true. The Family of Light can somehow Talk to me now and they made me write the longest blog i could write ..... Love & Light :)

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You are becoming YOU. – Michael by Ron Head



The Circle of Life


We have come from so very far to arrive at this place of peace.  This is what I am internally experiencing just now – a sense of peace.  Our world is running a muck according to established mainstream news sources.  Some of that is seeping into the everyday, as our own bank may be implicated in scandal as well as our government.


Yet through all this there remains a sense of calm.  It is a beautiful day.  A nest full of baby birds cheep to be fed while their parents swoop in again and again to nourish them.  The sun shines, the breeze blows, gently pushing the newly planted flowers back and forth.  Life is abundant.  I am internally happy, with no discernible reason in practical, 3D terms.


This is the next dimension.  As you walk into your powers of intentional creation, you experience untold joy and personal fulfillment.  There is no one necessary to rank your progress or determine your success.  All of your life is self determined.  You are who you intend to be, have what you intend to enjoy and do what you plan to do. There are surprises, as your world is full of a wonderful mix of “others” – souls who have a part to play in this show will engage you and have an impact.  All of this by your own design.


Make no mistake; this Ascension process is yours alone - in concert with mine and everyone else’s. The unity that we are coming to understand and experience means we are made of the same stuff – like fingers on a hand – yet each with a unique perspective and part to play.



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FREEDOM PROJECT: RT: Dead on arrival? Dutch Parliament kills ACTA before EU vote...



GFP: Thank you dear Hollandaise...

even before it arrived at their Parliament, they completely made it invalid... To me this is total transmutation of threat, control deceptions from ACTA implementers in to full ACCEPTANCE OF SOVEREIGN country with SOVEREIGN beings...
thank you for this beautiful EXAMPLE DEAR HOLLANDERS...





RT: Dead on arrival? Dutch Parliament kills ACTA before EU vote

Published: 29 May, 2012, 20:41

Protesters wearing Anonymous Guy Fawkes masks take part in a demonstration against controversial Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) (AFP Photo/Jean-Philippe Ksiazek)



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FREEDOM PROJECT: RT: Lawyers against law: Montreal legal eagles parade against anti-rally bill (PHOTOS)...






RT: Lawyers against law: Montreal legal eagles parade against anti-rally bill (PHOTOS)

Published: 29 May, 2012, 19:02


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The Winds of Change are Blowing Into YOUR Heart-Land!




These days are really becoming unpredictable aren’t they?  It is like the winds of change blow from the East in the morning and before the day is done suddenly shift directions and blow back in your face as they blow from the West, only to head to the south and knock ya on your ass!!

There are so many people living this way right now, while others like me almost seem to be observing it thru the window of life.  Of course, my crazy winds blew the end of last year.  Now if feels like I am simply waiting for all else to settle down and take root.  Waiting for what?  I have no clue!

Even as I write this sharing I am repeatedly reminded of the lady I read for last week where her energy silo of harvest filled energy disembarked from the middle of the field (her life) and started zigzagging across her field and heading towards her future.  Her guidance was to simply follow the energy, even if it seems chaotic and most importantly, trust in its (seemingly erratic) flow.


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This live channelling was Given in Patagonia (bottom of South America)
January 26, 2012

To help the reader, this channelling has been revisited [by Lee and Kryon] to provide even clearer understanding. Often what happens live has implied energy within it, which carries a kind of communication that the printed page does not. So enjoy this enhanced message given in Patagonia on the Kryon Kundalini Cruise.


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Release



Let go of indecisive thoughts


When you feel confused or indecisive, it is a clue that you need more information in order to take your next step. Take some time to be alone, in nature if you can as this offers fresh air and oxygen to help clear your body and mind so we can help you to open your heart and see the circumstances in your life in a new light. Do some research, seek guidance and then make your next decision from a firm foundation. Give any guilt, anger, blame or heaviness to your angels and as you release, you make room for more to come your way.


When you are ready for action, you will know and that is the perfect time to dive right in and embrace your desires.  Take some time to have a little fun and enjoy yourself along the path as your life is transitioning.  Keep a loving and positive outlook and feel peace and tranquility in your heart as you move forward.


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The Oracle Report Wednesday, May 20, 2012



Wednesday, May 30, 2012


First Quarter Moon Phase

Today's energy guides us to go off the beaten track, breaking away from familiar ground and going into unknown territory.  Fear of change or fear of the unknown is the greatest obstacle to this, as is clinging to what's old or familiar when we know we need to move on.  Today is about growth and spontaneous, in-depth communications.  Ideas abound and are accessed through brainstorming with others or through following through on inspiration. As we approach the Venus transit, we want to make sure we are paying attention to details and authenticity.


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FREEDOM PROJECT: RT: Assange loses extraditon court battle, 14 days to appeal...


RT: Assange loses extraditon court battle, 14 days to appeal

Published: 30 May, 2012, 08:00
Edited: 30 May, 2012, 12:27

Assange to be extradited to Sweden, UK Supreme Court rules

Assange to be extradited to Sweden, UK Supreme Court rules

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has lost his marathon court battle in UK Supreme Court. He now has 14 days to appeal the decision.

As a result the whistleblower may be sent to Sweden where he has been accused of sexual assault and rape by two former WikiLeaks volunteers.

Assange says the allegations are baseless and are founded on political motivations after his website released thousands of diplomatic cables and documents sparking outcry from world governments.


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Sharing Beauty


The art history lesson goes, after 911, a group of artist's in NYC decided to create art that was intended to be acquired by the surprising discovery of that work by random strangers. For example, if you were a luck "collector" you would find a beautiful mini painting or photograph on the table next you at the cafe or park. You look at said left work and discover that the artist has left a digital scavenger hunt information card for you to learn about the artwork and artist. It is also stated that you are the new owner, should you choose to accept the work into your collection or personal care. For the artist there is a moment of truth where your work may never be discovered or claimed. But that is not the focus; the focus is intending to share beauty.

Share your beauty with the world.

* Send out home-made postcards. Can you remember what it feels like opening the mailbox and an unexpected correspondence, not from a bill collector, is resting in your hand as you try to read the post mark?

* Write your beautiful poetry and leave it on frilly napkins in restaurants.

* Make artful magnets for someone else's fridge, leave it on there during a party invite.

* Write inspirational uplifting posts on public bulletined boards.

* Make dazzling jewelry and drape it on tree branches for others to claim. 

* Paint small paintings to adorn a stranger’s living room. Landscapes are easy to paint, look up some old Bob Ross videos on Youtube.

* Print out some of the cool picts from  this site and make them into cards and just leave them to be discovered.

We are creative and our creativity brings beauty. Where I am standing, could stand to see a bit more beauty now and then. Just dig down and be joyfully creative and then share your world and your work with others.Share your beauty, we want to see you shine!

-Love and Light to ya'll-StarDancerKat



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Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 30 May 2012



Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 30 May 2012

The way matters are shaping up, it is likely that Disclosure will occur later than we would have liked. There could be a point reached when we will have to wait for the governmental changes to first take effect. Do not worry however, as we have always allowed for such possibilities. One thing you can be sure of is that all changes we have promised you that will take place before Ascension, will be duly completed. Clearly afterwards there is so much more to follow, to totally change your present way of life to on that is fitting of Galactic Beings.


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By Shannon - Posted on 29 May 2012


Once peace is in place...., then and only then will you be able to allow the free flow of love to move throught YOU! LOVE on Earth is an Achievement of Faith! Your faith in something that you do not yet understand. That something..., is LOVE IT SELF!

For LOVE is a living consciousness. It is a Unifying force of INTELLIGENT and CREATIVE potential underlying all action, intent, and being! LOVE is a BEING of it's own reality and manifests through humans who allow it to come through them!


To KNOW LOVE is to know that you are simply partner's with something greater than YOURSELF! When LOVE is truly flowing and manifesting through you...., YOU are NOT in the picture at all, but have moved out of the way completely.



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Unknown Artist Light


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EARTH ALLIES 30.5.2012... An Important Message/ Update from the Post Master General & TRUSTEE of North America...




An Important Message/ Update from the Post Master General & TRUSTEE of North America



An Important Message/ Update from the Post Master General & TRUSTEE of North America

Posted By: Mr.Ed
Date: Tuesday, 29-May-2012

An Important Message/ Update from the Post Master General & TRUSTEE of North America



Greetings, I have been silent for some time, but far from idle. I can tell you there are huge changes manifesting right now as a result of your efforts in this matter. I cannot spill the beans yet, for various reasons, but I can tell you in the very near future we will have some major, major announcements for you.


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I LIVE WHERE YOU LIVE... by Predrag Saint Germain





I Live where You Live... and

I Love where you Live...      and

I Live where you Love...           and

I Love where you Love...


Breath is never alone...

as breath is Me within you...

One breath is never enough...

as One is never alone...


Breath of One is felt over the lands...


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Wes Annac ~ The Pleiadian High Council ~ You Are Catapulting Toward Your Goals In Increased Accelaration ~


Wes Annac ~ The Pleiadian High Council ~ You Are Catapulting Toward Your Goals In Increased Accelaration ~ 29 May 2012

~Through Wes Annac~


The most potent of alignments has just been reached on the surface of your world (1), and suffice to say we had very much to do with the energy sent to your world and through your bodies from these alignments.


We participated along with innumerable amounts of ascended beings in this wonderful beaming of energy through your Sun and your moon, onto the surface of Earth where such energy is shaping and forming your new reality set to unfold in your very near future, with the help of course of your own thoughts and visualizations which are to bloom beautifully and gloriously into wonderful manifestations in your reality.


Can you feel your own heightened sense of awareness and overall participation in all things Lighted, since these events have occurred?


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Angela Peregroff - Appreciate The Benefits




Monday, 28 May, 2012  

"You will experience very deep psychic activity this spring, as new avenues of consciousness open between the inner and outer egos. The inner ego is working to fine-tune all of your senses so you are more comfortable with precognition and "knowing things" that the outer ego or rational mind has no way of discerning. When you maintain inner and outer balance, you emit greater vitality, with an electrifying force." - The Pleiadians through Barbara Marciniak.


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~Space Weather Update~ Quiet Sun~


ASTEROID SIGHTING: In an age of CCD cameras and high-speed digital recorders, University of Colorado Prof. Richard Keen has done something unusual. He observed an asteroid flyby with nothing but optics and the human eye. On May 29th, newly-discovered asteroid 2012 KT42 passed closer to Earth than a geosynchronous satellite. "Bent over the eyepiece of my 12-inch telescope, I tracked the little space rock for 42 minutes," says Keen. "Along the way it brightened from magnitude 11.5 to 10.5, about a whole magnitude brighter than predicted. Aside from some meteorites I've held in my hands and other meteors flashing though the upper atmosphere, this is the closest astronomical object I've ever seen. According to the NASA ephemeris, 2012 KT42 was just 19158 km from my house when I last saw it--about the same as a plane flight to Australia."


CANVAS FOR A TRANSIT: In only 6 days, Venus will pass in front of the sun, marking the solar disk like the tip of a black-dipped paint brush drawn slowly across the stellar surface. If the transit is indeed like a painting, here is the canvas:




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Suzanne Lie – Mytre/Mytria – Mytre Continues : Vision Quest – 30 May 2012



Suzanne Lie – Mytre/Mytria – Mytre Continues : Vision Quest – 30 May 2012


When Mytria turned away without even answering my question and walked into the cave I was enraged. Who did she think I was, some toy that she could play with and discard when I became boring? Without another thought I turn and walked away as fast as I could. In fact, walking was not fast enough, so I began to run. I had not realized what good condition I was in after my time on the land, but I ran until it was almost sunset before I became fatigued.


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Our Galactic Family Of Light: An Hour With An Angel


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Sacred Geometry Basics Explained In Two Videos! – 30 May 2012




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UPDATE EARTH MOVEMENT: Norway Quake Moves North Pole 1,000 Kilometers



Date: Tuesday, May 29, 2012, 8:15 AM


Norway Quake Moves North Pole 1,000 Kilometers


By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers


A new report by the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) circulating inthe Kremlin today on this past weeks violent shaking of the NorwegianSea floor after it was hit by a powerful 6.2 magnitude earthquake on24th May 2012 at the shallow depth of 8.8 km (5.5 miles) states thatthis event also caused an “unexpected and rapid” shifting of themagnetic North Pole by nearly 1,000 km (621 miles) these scientistsclaim can only be attributed to as an yet unidentified planet in oursolar system recently confirmed to exist by one of the world’s topastronomers from the National Observatory of Brazil in Rio de Janeiro.



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UPDATE EARTH MOVEMENT: Norway Quake Moves North Pole 1,000 Kilometers



Date: Tuesday, May 29, 2012, 8:15 AM


Norway Quake Moves North Pole 1,000 Kilometers


By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers


A new report by the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) circulating inthe Kremlin today on this past weeks violent shaking of the NorwegianSea floor after it was hit by a powerful 6.2 magnitude earthquake on24th May 2012 at the shallow depth of 8.8 km (5.5 miles) states thatthis event also caused an “unexpected and rapid” shifting of themagnetic North Pole by nearly 1,000 km (621 miles) these scientistsclaim can only be attributed to as an yet unidentified planet in oursolar system recently confirmed to exist by one of the world’s topastronomers from the National Observatory of Brazil in Rio de Janeiro.



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Visionkeeper – The Power Of Light – 30 May 2012



Visionkeeper – The Power Of Light – 30 May 2012

(picture by www.favim.com)

The power of the light is what the Dragonfly and Damselfly represent in many different cultures, each one slightly different. They represent both water and air, water being emotions and air being mental. If they show up in our lives repeatedly it may mean we need to see new perspectives in our lives or we should check in with our emotions. Are we being too emotional or perhaps not emotional enough? Dragon and Damsel flies inhabit the earth by day, basking in the sun light going through their transformations in the light. We should therefore be mindful of change within our lives and not resist. They use the light as a tool of survival and so should we. We must look through the illusions for the truth shining bright as daylight if we are awake and aware, and use that to advance our mission. We can all be Dragon flies and Damsel flies working with the light.


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The manuscript of survival – part 146



The manuscript of survival – part 146




•May 30, 2012 • 


Let us continue this saga about mankind’s quest for greatness, as this is indeed the underlying thread that connects all of these missives. And when we talk of greatness, we do so in every aspect of the word, as you are indeed such magnificent creatures in each and every way. But, as have oft been mentioned in these annals, you were made to forget this greatness when you came to these shores, as it was ordained that this place was to be a place to learn and to remember yet again. 


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