In the dreaming of it, you are creating it. – Michael by Glr Ron Head

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Thu, 05/31/2012 - 08:24


Spanish        Portuguese

This morning we shall talk about your similarities and differences.  It would seem absurd to say that you are all exactly the same while no two of you are at all alike.  Yet that is a true statement.

No two persons, nor indeed creations in any form, have experienced exactly the same things during their journeys through existence.  And every experience has led you to draw conclusions about what you have perceived. 

 No two persons perceiving an event or thing experience it the same.  Every experience they have had in this lifetime, or any lifetime, colors what they see.  Every conclusion they have ever drawn about similar things comes to bear.  Every fear, every love, every pain, every comfort that has been experienced and related to similar circumstances will be compared instantly, consciously, or more likely unconsciously, to the situation, and instant conclusions will produce additional emotions and feelings.

As more and more of your being becomes conscious and aware, you may have more and more control of these things.  They do, nevertheless continue to happen.  We would say to you that this would describe a function and purpose of your existence.  You are Creation experiencing itself.

So it becomes east to see that no two of you are alike.  Now let us discuss your nature as a living being.  Everything which is common to you will probably reveal more of your true nature.  Humans love their families and protect them from harm.  Humans all have dreams and desires.  Humans all want safety and comfort.  We can make the list as long as you like.  And we are sure that each of you, if so inclined, could produce examples which do not fit the mold.

Now, if you will, take a moment to imagine what our human would be like if all doubt, fear, and lack were removed from the perceived future.  Imagine that this is you.  How would your life change?  How would you change?  If you knew beyond doubt that you would never face hunger, nor lack for anything again, how would you react?  If you knew that your sons and daughters were assured of the same, what would life be like?  If we even told you that your life is soon to be exactly like that, would it change anything?

We have done it again, have we not?  We have caused you to dream of a world you could never have imagined before now.  That is one of our functions.  For in the dreaming of it, you are creating it.  As more and more of you dream of it in more detail and for longer periods of time, it becomes more possible, more believable, more real.

And now we have touched upon the nature of the sameness of all humans.  You are creators.  You are creating a new world and you are learning that you are doing so.  We are in awe at how quickly you are progressing.  It seems to you to be slow and painful.  It is not so.  It is the blink of an eye that has been foretold.

Once again we ask you to hold peace in your hearts and we will speak again tomorrow.

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