Are You Ready for the Change?

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 05/31/2012 - 10:02

Are You Ready for the Change?

2012 May 31 Thank You to 2012 Scenario
Posted by Dave Schmidt

When I first started reading the 2012 Scenario blog site, I was like so many of us going through a time of transition, a time of change.


Coming from a traditional church background, I must admit I was somewhat of a skeptic about all these messages coming from galactic and channeled sources.  I had for most of life avoided what some would call ‘whoo-whoo’ New-Age thinking.  I wanted something pragmatic; something I could talk about and share with others without looking like I was crazy and from some far-out place.

The blessings of the internet allowed me to read, discern, be open to myself, question and try all this new data coming into my life without going public.  Having spent 20 years in politics I was always cautious of what I’d say, making sure it wasn’t something I didn’t want to see in the newspaper the next day.


But, quietly, I began to see what was happening.  I saw and felt the message of love, care, and truth that was coming from many different postings on the site.  I also noticed the commonality of the messages, the themes of the moment that were being discussed and mentioned by many of the different sources.


I realized there was something to what was being said.  These ‘other world’ messengers were either right or it was some huge conspiracy that was going on.  Over time, I became a believer to one who now has totally come out of the closet and is very open with what I believe.


Are you noticing the recent theme of change?  I am!!!

This morning I was watching a short Youtube video of C.J. Carl and his channeling a message about change that is coming.

I’ve noticed the same theme from  SaLuSa, Greg Giles and the Galactic Federation, Celia Fenn in her  monthly report, Jennifer Hoffman, channeled messages of Saul, Matthew, Hatonn, Jesus, and many others.  Many of the professional astrologers are saying next month of June is bringing a great deal of change as well.  I’m sure there are others you could add to this list, but you get the idea.

Have you noticed they’re not talking about the specifics of the change, but that it will be monumental?  Most of them mention it’ll be somewhat chaotic for many.  But they also say there’s nothing to fear.


I’ve been wondering why it’s been taking so long for the world economy to collapse.  A basic understanding of economics 101 will tell you it can’t last under current conditions.

We’ve been told the current system must collapse before the new prosperity economy can be put in place.  We’ve also been told that Gaia must go through some changes herself as she moves into higher dimensions.


C.J. Carl said the change is the result of all the new energies coming onto our planet.  He said there’ll be three powerful energy streams.  He likened it to three streams of water at different temperatures all coming together in one place, right where we’re located.  These different energy streams are part of the transition and this type of mixture will create a temporary chaos.


But, as with all the others, the message came through loud and clear: Do not allow fear to take over.


Be strong, know who you are, stand in the power of your divinity and be a beacon of light to others.  As Steve Beckow has been writing as a result of his messages from Archangel Michael: this is a time of transition as we move in a higher frequency of energy, a higher vibration of light.


This is the time when we as lightworkers need to truly hold the light for our fellow humans, be the example of love, strength and stability during this time of change.


As the saying goes: “Change is the only certainty.” I’m ready; I’m looking forward to the new energy of love and ready to embrace whatever comes my way with strength, love and courage.  Let’s do this together!

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